1,277 research outputs found

    Dispute Resolution of Foreign Direct Investment in China

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    Praktek korupsi di zaman modern ini masih melukai upaya penyelesaian sengketa penanaman modal asing di Indonesia. Namun sebenarnya pada saat ini Indonesia sedang menjadi negara tujuan menarik bagi kegiatan penanaman modal asing, terutama bagi produsen barang-barang manufaktur, hal ini tidak lain disebabkan karena sumber daya alam Indonesia yang mendukung kegiatan perekonomian. Dalam tulisan ini ditujukan agar dapat memacu pengembangan sistem hukum di Indonesia terutama dalam hal penanaman modal asing dan untuk membahas mengenai bagaimana penyelesaian sengketa pada penanaman modal asing dalam kaitannya dengan Chinese Regime dan pengaruh akan budaya Cina pada metode negosiasi, mediasi, arbitrasi. Dalam penulisan ini juga dibahas mengenai upaya penyelesaian sengketa melalui litigasi, penegakan hukum dari putusan arbitrase asing serta penegakan hukum terhadap hasil keputusan pengadilan asing, dalam kaitannya dengan Chinese Regime.Corruption activity in this modern era keeps hurting the implementation of foreign investment in Indonesia, especially for the dispute settlement aspect. Unfortunately, today, Indonesia is one of the interesting place for foreign investment destination, especially for consumer goods manufacturers. This situation happened because of Indonesia's great resources which is totally supportive to business development activity. This article was intended to spur the development of Indonesia's legal system, especially about foreign investment, and also to explain how the dispute resolution on foreign investment in Chinese Regime perspective, including considerations of how Chinese culture and settlement in foreign investment, methods of negotiation, mediation, arbitration. It will also be discussed how the practice of the settlement of disputes through litigation also the enforcement of foreign arbitral awards and the enforcement of a foreign court related to Chinese Regime


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara dukungan sosial significant others dengan prestasi akademik mahasiswa. Populasi dalam penelitian berjumlah 138 orang. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah incidental sampling. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 50 orang mahasiswa anggota himpunan IKAMALA (Ikatan Kekeluargaan Mahasiswa Lampung), IKAMMI (Ikatan Mahasiswa Minang), IMSU (Ikatan Mahasiswa Sumatera Utara), dan IMJ (Ikatan Mahasiswa Jambi). Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa skala, yaitu skala dukungan sosial significant others (29 item, α = .929) dan IPK semester terakhir. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi linier sederhana. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan ada hubungan positif yang signifikan antara dukungan sosial significant others dengan prestasi akademik dengan rxy = .402 dan p = .002 (p < .05). Maka hipotesis dalam penelitian ini dapat diterima. Dukungan sosial significant others memberikan sumbangan efektif sebesar 16,1% terhadap prestasi akademik. Uji beda dengan analisis one way anova menyatakan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara dukungan sosial orangtua, dukungan sosial siblings, dan dukungan sosial teman dengan p= .022 (p < .05). Nilai mean dukungan sosial orangtua 164.11, dukungan sosial siblings dengan mean 160.27, dan dukungan sosial teman dengan mean 153.22. Kata kunci : dukungan sosial significant others, prestasi akademik, mahasiswa rantau


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    Serat Centhini or Suluk Tambangraras, is a complete encyclopedia of the world in Javanese society. Javanese women are women who were raised with Javanese values. Javanese women are also known as women who are smooth, calm, calm, and should not exceed men. Therefore, Javanese women must be able to accept everything that has become their nature. This study aims to examine the ethics of Javanese women in the household and examine the relevance of Serat Centhini to the ethics of Javanese women in the household. The method used is the Historical method, so the steps used in this study include heuristics, source criticism, interpretation and historiography. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the ethics of Javanese women in the household stated that the ethics of Javanese women could be divided into spirituality, sociality and personality. In the spiritual realm, Serat Centhini teaches women's relationship with God as a religious teaching. In the field of sociality, teaching women about relationships with the community. Finally, women must comply with ethical norms, such as ethics towards parents, family, and society. Along with the changing times, the ethical relevance of Javanese women then and now has undergone a significant change. The current woman, can be said to have been very advanced. This is due to the culturalization of culture, which resulted in many people abandoning the old teachings. The noble values ​​in Serat Centhini are now a mirror of life for the community. In addition to adding knowledge, it is also a lesson for Javanese women's behavior that deserves to be an example for women today.Serat Centhini atau Suluk Tambangraras, merupakan ensiklopedi mengenai dunia dalam masyarakat Jawa yang komplit. Wanita Jawa adalah wanita yang dibesarkan dengan nilai-nilai Jawa. Wanita Jawa juga dikenal sebagai wanita yang halus, tenang, kalem, dan tidak boleh melebihi laki-laki. Oleh sebab itu wanita Jawa harus dapat menerima segala sesuatu yang telah menjadi kodratnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji etika wanita Jawa dalam berumah tangga dan mengkaji tentang relevansi Serat Centhini terhadap etika wanita Jawa dalam berumah tangga. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode Historis, sehingga langkah-langkah yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi heuristik, kritik sumber, interpretasi dan historiografi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa etika wanita Jawa dalam berumah tangga menyatakan bahwa etika wanita Jawa dapat dibagi menjadi spiritualitas, sosialitas dan kepribadian. Di alam spiritual, Serat Centhini mengajarkan hubungan wanita dengan Tuhan sebagai ajaran agama. Di bidang sosialitas, mengajarkan wanita tentang hubungan dengan lingkungan masyarakat. Terakhir, wanita haruslah mematuhi norma etika, seperti etika terhadap orangtua, keluarga, dan masyarakat. Seiring perubahan zaman, relevansi etika wanita Jawa dulu dan sekarang telah mengalami perubahan yang cukup signifikan. Wanita saat ini, dapat dikatakan sudah sangat maju. Hal ini dikarenakan adanya kulturalisasi budaya, yang mengakibatkan banyak masyarakat yang meninggalkan ajaran-ajaran lama. Nilai-nilai luhur dalam Serat Centhini kini menjadi cermin kehidupan bagi masyarakat. Selain menambah ilmu pengetahuan juga menjadi pembelajaran untuk perilaku wanita Jawa yang pantas dijadikan contoh untuk wanita pada masa sekarang

    Analisis Dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Penjualan, Piutang Dan Penerimaan Kas (Studi Kasus pada UD.Praktis di Magetan)

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    AbstractThis study aimed to analyze the accounting records and then perform the design of information  systems  related  to  Sales,  Accounts  Receivable  and  Cash  Receipts  on UD.Praktis in Magetan, East Java. The research method used is descriptive analysis method and design that uses an object-oriented approach he designed the Accounting Information Systems Sales, Accounts Receivable and Cash Receipts are expected to be useful for the management of the company as the provision of information that is easier and more complete.Research results show that UD.Praktis a commercial enterprise engaged in the craft of skin that have some problems, namely: The information technology is not maximized as accounting records that are still manual, not the part that handles the collection of accounts receivable, still the geminating task in which part of the succession interfere in another part task. With dibangunya accounting information system that regulates Sales, Accounts Receivable and Cash Receipts company, it is expected to help the company to conduct operations and internal controls such as the roles and responsibilities of employees, generate accurate information and reports so that it can support in corporate decision.Keywords:  Accounting  Information  Systems,  Credit  Sales,  Accounts  Receivable,  Cash Receipt

    Komunikasi Word Of Mount Dan Keputusan Pembelian Batik Bangkalan

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    Komunikasi Word Of Mount Dan Keputusan Pembelian Batik merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif, kuantitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan eksplanatif, yakni penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menguji suatu teori/hipotesis hasil penelitian yang sudah ada. Pengumpulan data penelitian dilakukan angket yang dibagikan secara insidental. Analisis yang digunakan adalah regrensi linear berganda berdasarkan SPSS V21. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang paling berpengaruh dalam membeli keputusan Batik Bangkalan Batik adalah brand awareness (kemampuan calon pembeli atau konsumen untuk mengenali maupun mengingat sebuah merk, contoh : gambar/logo, slogan yag digunakan pelaku pasar untuk mempromosikan produknya) dan public reception, sedangkan komunikasi dari mulut ke mulut tidak berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian


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    Background : Stunting is not only a problem of physical growth disorders, but also causes children to become sick easily, brain and intelligence development also occurs. So, stunting is a big threat to the quality of human resources in Indonesia. The purpose of writing of this literature review is to collect determinants of Stunting in Semarang. Objective : This research uses a literature revies from Google Scholar library sources, which is presented descriptively according to the problem formulation. Result : &nbsp;Review from some of&nbsp; articles, found that maternal education level, maternal occupation, child order, birth length, child rearing patterns, exclusive breastfeeding status, family income, housing conditions, nutritional intake, and history of KEK are risk factors determining the incidence of Stunting in the Semarang. Conclusions : Stunting prevention programs must be improved, by screening and monitoring the growth and development of babies and toddlers to prevent Stunting from an early age. Public is also advised to be more diligent in carrying out examinations at health services to monitor children’s growth and development

    Combined therapy of laser puncture and surgical repositioning of rectal prolapse accompanied by rupture in goats

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    Prolaps rektum terjadi ketika rektum menonjol keluar dari anus. Artikel ini melaporkan kasus seekor kambing jantan bernama Jimmy yang dibawa ke Klinik Hewan Cimanggu dengan benjolan menonjol di anusnya. Pada pemeriksaan fisik didapatkan diare dan massa berupa prolaps rektal dengan tiga kali robekan pada dinding rektum disertai pembengkakan dan pendarahan. Jimmy didiagnosis menderita prolaps rektum yang pecah. Perawatan meliputi penjahitan ruptur dan penusukan laser pada lokasi penjahitan dan prolaps rektum pada titik Lian Hua, diikuti dengan reposisi. Penusukan laser tambahan dilakukan setelah reposisi pada titik akupunktur GV-1, GV-20, ST-36, dan Gang Tuo dengan menggunakan energi 0,5 Joule dan daya 50 mW. Metronidazol diberikan secara intravena dengan dosis 75 mg/kg berat badan selama 3 hari untuk mengatasi diare. Perbaikan terlihat pada hari ketiga pasca operasi, feses kambing berbentuk pelet dan kondisi sfingter ani membaik. Satu bulan setelah operasi, kambing tersebut keluar dengan feses berbentuk pelet, nafsu makan baik, kondisi anal dan sfingter kuat, serta tidak kambuhnya prolaps. Kasus ini menyoroti keberhasilan penanganan prolaps rektum pada kambing dengan menggunakan kombinasi intervensi bedah, tusukan laser, dan terapi antibiotik.Rectal prolapse occurs when the rectum protrudes from the anus. This article reports a case of a male goat named Jimmy, presented to the Cimanggu Animal Clinic with a mass protruding from his anus. Physical examination revealed diarrhea, and the mass was a rectal prolapse with three ruptures in the rectal wall accompanied by swelling and bleeding. Jimmy was diagnosed with rectal prolapse with ruptures. Treatment involved suturing the ruptures and performing laser puncture at the suture sites and prolapsed rectum at the Lian Hua point, followed by repositioning. Additional laser puncture was performed after repositioning at the GV-1, GV-20, ST-36, and Gang Tuo acupuncture points using 0.5 Joules of energy and 50 mW of power. Metronidazole was administered intravenously at 75 mg/kg body weight for 3 days to manage the diarrhea. Improvement was noted on the third day post-surgery, with the goat's feces forming pellets and the anal sphincter condition improved. One month after surgery, the goat was discharged with pellet-shaped feces, good appetite, strong anal and sphincter condition, and no recurrence of prolapse. This case highlights the successful management of rectal prolapse in goats by using a combination of surgical intervention, laser puncture, and antibiotic therapy

    Effect of Service Quality and Price on Customer Satisfaction at Kartika Candra in Jakarta

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    This study aims to determine the effect of service quality and price on customer satisfaction at Kartika Candra in Jakarta. The method used was explanatory research with a sample of 96 respondents. The analysis technique uses statistical analysis with regression testing, correlation, determination and hypothesis testing. The results of this study the quality of service significantly influence customer satisfaction by 40.6%, hypothesis testing obtained significance 0,000 <0.05. Price significantly influence customer satisfaction by 40.0%, the hypothesis test obtained significance of 0,000 <0.05. Service quality and price simultaneously have a significant effect on customer satisfaction by 50.3%, hypothesis testing obtained significance 0,000 <0.05