298 research outputs found

    Flow-gauging structures in South African rivers Part 2: Calibration

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    Accurate hydrological information is of paramount importance in a dry country such as South Africa. Flow measurements in rivers are complicated by the high variability of flows as well as by sediment loads and debris. It has been found necessary to modify and even substitute certain internationally accepted gauging station designs to overcome practical problems and to improve accuracies.Part 1 of this paper concentrated on the attributes of different types of gauging structures and provided guidance onthe design criteria applicable for selected structures. Part 2 of this paper in 2 parts contains information required to rate orcalibrate the gauging structures that are most likely to be selected in the foreseeable future:• Crump weirs• Sharp-crested weirs• Sluicing flumes.This paper and its linked predecessor reflect the lessons that have been learnt by DWAF and other South African organisationsand should be of value to others who have to perform flow measurements under similar conditions. The problems associatedwith the use of compound weir structures to gauge discharge and techniques that may be used to overcome some of theseproblems are also discussed

    Flow-gauging structures in South African rivers Part 1: An overview

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    Accurate hydrological information is of paramount importance in a dry country such as South Africa. Flow measurements in rivers are complicated by the high variability of flows as well as by sediment and debris loads. It has been found necessary to modify and even substitute certain internationally accepted gauging structure designs to overcome local practical problems and improve accuracies.This, Part 1 of a paper in 2 parts, concentrates on the attributes of different types of gauging structures and the informationprovided on the different structures will assist the reader with the selection of an appropriate structure. The historical development of the gauging structure network in South African rivers is briefly discussed. Gauging structures used in South African rivers and basic design criteria for the preferred structures at this stage, based on past experience, are discussed:• Crump weirs• Sharp-crested weirs• Sluicing flumes.This paper reflects the lessons that have been learnt by DWAF and other South African organisations and should be of value to others who have to perform flow measurements under similar climatic conditions. Factors that may adversely impact on gauging accuracy are also pointed out in the conclusion. Part 2 of the paper contains information on the calibration theory and techniques to rate the preferred gauging structures

    From ESG investing theory to practice - a status and opportunity in Portugal

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    From ESG investing theory to practice –A status and opportunity in Portugal aims to disclose the alignment of ESG theory with what is perceived by investors. A qualitative analysis considering Portuguese expert ́s opinion meets theory and conveys the need for further development of the criteria. The adoption of a global framework would enhance the integration of ESG in the decision-making process. Portugal should realize this is an opportunity to improve financial models and widen the capital market. It is stressed out that higher involvement by governments is missing, with the creation of more effective regulations and incentives

    Scour from the interstitial spaces in cobble-bed rivers

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    The periodic removal of sand from the interstitial spaces between cobbles is extremely important for ecosystem functioning in cobble-bed rivers. In order to flush fine sediments from the interstitial spaces between cobbles in river reaches downstream of dams, specific dam releases known as flushing flows or sediment maintenance flows are utilised. This paper describes the development and calibration of a mathematical model to predict the equilibrium depth of scour of fine sands from between cobbles in terms of applied stream power principles. The model was developed with the aid of physical model experiments and is founded on a stream power model which defines the condition of dynamic equilibrium in a deformed sand-bed river. Calibration was done in the laboratory under clear water conditions and with uniform cobble sizes. The scouring of fine sands in cobble-bed rivers is associated with an increase in absolute bed roughness and an associated decrease in the unit stream power applied along the bed as the cobbles become exposed. When scour ceases, the sand particles on the bed are at the movement threshold and critical conditions exist. In order to establish the relationship between equilibrium scour depth and bed particle characteristics, the power which is required to suspend sand particles under laminar boundary conditions is equated with the turbulent power being applied along the bed.Keywords: cobble-bed, interstitial spaces, flushing flows, stream power, scour depth, environmental flow requirement

    Autochromes in Nederland

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    Coordination of health preparedness between defense and health sectors in a total defense perspective

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    Erfaringsbasert master, 90 studiepoengMålet med denne avhandlingen har vært å beskrive hvordan Forsvaret og helsesektoren samarbeider om helseberedskap i totalforsvarsperspektivet. De store endringene i totalforsvaret siden murens fall i 1989, samt Sovjetunionens oppløsning i 1991 har endret totalforsvarets innretning. Fokuset har endret seg fra å være en kollektiv innsats i tilfelle krig, til å bruke samfunnets ressurser i” sivile” kriser og katastrofer. De store endringene i den sikkerhetspolitiske situasjonen de senere år, med Russlands inngripen i Georgia i 2008 og annekteringen av krim i 2014 har igjen fremmet behovet for å endre totalforsvaret. Frykten for hybridkrig og behovet for styrkning av den sivile infrastrukturen er nå blitt et hovedfokus. Min motivasjon for å skrive om dette temaet har vært en mistanke om at helseberedskap ikke har vært særlig koordinert de siste år og at Forsvaret og helsesektoren satt på hver sin tue og laget beredskapsplaner som ikke var samordnet. Denne mistanken førte til følgende problemstilling: Hvordan samordnes helseberedskap mellom Forsvaret og helsesektoren? Oppgaven er basert på en kvalitativ tilnærming med Helseberedskapsrådet som case. Datagrunnlaget er hentet fra omfattende dokumentstudier av primært stortingsmeldinger og utgivelser på departementsnivå. I tillegg er det foretatt semi-strukturerte intervju av medlemmer i Helseberedskapsrådet. De viktigste funn i min studie er at Forsvaret og helsesektoren hemmes av forskjellene i geografisk spesialisering, samt forskjellene i den formelle organiseringen av ansvar og myndighet. Samordning har dog skutt fart de senere år, dette skyldes ikke minst enkeltpersoner både i Forsvaret og helsesektoren som har sett behovet for samordning på tvers av sektorene.Engelsk sammendra (abstract) The aim of this thesis was to describe how the defence and health sectors work together on nhealth preparedness in total defence perspective. The big changes in total defence since the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989 and the devolvement of the former Soviet Union in 1991 has changed the total defence system. The focus has changed from being a collective effort in the event of war, to use society's resources in "civilian" crises and disasters. The major changes in the security situation in recent years, with Russia's intervention in Georgia in 2008 and annexation of the Crimean Peninsula in 2014 have again put forward the need to change the total defence. Fear of hybrid war and the need for strengthening of the civilian infrastructure has now become a main focus. My motivation for writing on this subject has been a suspicion that the health readiness has not been particularly coordinated in recent years and that the Armed Forces and healthcaresat on each mound and made contingency plans that were not coordinated. This suspicion led to the following research question: How coordinated is health readiness between the armed forces and the health care organisation? The thesis is based on a qualitative approach with Health Preparedness Council as a case. The data are obtained from comprehensive document studies of primarily white papers and publications at the ministerial level. In addition, there are conducted semi-structured interviews with members of the Health Emergency Council. The main findings of my study are that the coordination between defence and health care is hampered by differences in geographic specialization, as well as differences in the formal organization of responsibilities and powers. Coordination has, however, accelerated in recent years, this is due not least individuals both in defense and health care that has seen the need for coordination across sectors

    Mestpanventilatie bij kraamzeugen

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    Mestpanventilatie is een ventilatiesysteem waarbij de lucht onder de vloer de afdeling binnenkomt. De ventilatie is effectiever dan bij plafondventilatiesystemen. Energiebesparing is mogelijk

    Het praktisch en technisch functioneren van grondkanaalventilatie in afdelingen voor guste en drachtige zeugen

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    In dit onderzoek is nagegaan in hoeverre het grondkanaal een conditionerende werking heeft op de inkomende lucht en welke energiebesparing dit tot gevolg kan hebben. Ook is onderzocht of het mogelijk is de ventilatiedebieten te verminderen omdat de verse lucht directer bij de dieren komt, wat een effectievere luchtverversing tot gevolg heef