25 research outputs found

    MEAN-pinolla tehdyn järjestelmän yksikkötestaaminen

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    Tämä opinnäytetyö on laadittu tilaajayritys Mekiwi Oy:n tarpeisiin ja siinä tutkitaan yksikkötestejä sekä niiden merkitystä ja hyötyjä MEAN-pinolla tehdyssä järjestelmässä. Tarve opinnäytetyölle ilmeni, kun sen kohteena olevan järjestelmän testausta haluttiin helpottaa ja automatisoida. Tavoitteena oli tuottaa yritykselle tietoa yksikkötestauksesta ja yksikkötestien rakentamisesta sekä suunnitella ja toteuttaa yksikkötestit kattamaan järjestelmän koko lähdekoodi. Alusta asti oli selvää, että tutkimusta tarvittaisiin varsin vähän, sillä työn painopiste on toiminnallisuudessa. Lähteiden sisältö onkin suurimmaksi osaksi teoriapohjaa, jolla avataan tarvittavat käsitteet ja teknologiat itse toteutusosaa varten. Käytetyistä lähteistä suurin osa on kunkin käsiteltävän asian kotisivuja. Opinnäytetyön tuloksena on kaksi sarjaa yksikkötestejä, jotka testaavat järjestelmän asiakassovelluksen käyttäjiä koskevia tietokantatoimintoja ja HTTP-rajapintoja. Lisäksi sen tuloksena saatiin tietoa tarvittavista toimenpiteistä yksikkötestien tekemisestä kattamaan koko järjestelmän koodi. Pelkkä testien kirjoittaminen ei tule riittämään, sillä sekä järjestelmän palvelin- että asiakassovelluksessa on koodia, jonka yksikkötestaaminen ilman koodimuutoksia on vähintäänkin epäluotettavaa ellei jopa mahdotonta.This thesis was made for a company called Mekiwi Oy. The subject is to examine the purpose and benefits of unit tests in a software built with the MEAN stack. The need for this thesis arose when the company wanted to improve the testing of a software and to make it more automatic. The goal was to provide information to the company about unit testing and to design and produce unit tests to cover the whole of the software’s codebase. It was clear right from the start that the need for research would be limited because the main focus would be on the functional side. The majority of the source material used is information about the concepts and technologies described either in the theory section or in the implementation section. The vast majority of the references are links to a homepage of the subject in question. The end result was two sets of unit tests: one testing the database functionalities regarding users and one testing the HTTP application programming interfaces regarding users. Information on creating unit tests to cover the entire codebase was also uncovered. Mere writing the unit testing will not be sufficient because both the client and the server have code that will need refactoring to make unit testing it possible

    No Evidence for an Association of HIV and Antiviral Treatment With Changes in Framingham Cardiovascular Risk Score in the Ndlovu Cohort Study

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    BACKGROUND: HIV and antiretroviral therapy (ART) have been associated with increased cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk in high-income countries. The authors studied the longitudinal association between HIV and ART and nonlaboratory Framingham Risk Score (FRS) in a middle-income country. METHODS AND RESULTS: This longitudinal analysis of the NCS (Ndlovu Cohort Study), South Africa used baseline to 36-month follow-up data. Demographics, HIV, ART status, and cardiometabolic measures were obtained. FRS was used as a CVD risk measure. Through linear mixed models, FRS trends over time and the association with HIV were studied. Analysis included 1136 participants, with 609 (54%) having HIV, and 495 (81%) taking ART. At baseline, 9.8% of participants had a high FRS. People living with HIV (PLHIV) had a 3.2% lower FRS than HIV-negative participants (P<0.001). FRS increased similarly for both groups over time. Other factors associated with FRS were secondary and higher education (ß value: -0.075, P<0.001; ß value: -0.084, P<0.001) and alcohol consumption (ß value: 0.011, P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: CVD risk increased for all participants over 36 months, suggesting classic risk factors rather than HIV status or ART to be drivers of CVD risk. People living with HIV had a significantly lower FRS than their HIV-negative counterparts, possibly related to HIV itself or a more frequent interaction with healthcare services. No association of HIV and ART with changes in FRS over 36 months was observed, suggesting the need for research using clinical endpoints to elucidate the effects of HIV and ART on CVD risk. Population-based prevention of CVD risk factors in sub-Saharan Africa is warranted, regardless of HIV status

    Evidence-informed decision making for nutrition: African experiences and way forward

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    Although substantial amount of nutrition research is conducted in Africa, the research agenda is mainly donor-driven. There is a clear need for a revised research agenda in Africa which is both driven by and responding to local priorities. The present paper summarises proceedings of a symposium on how evidence can guide decision makers towards context-appropriate priorities and decisions in nutrition. The paper focuses on lessons learnt from case studies by the Evidence Informed Decision Making in Nutrition and Health Network implemented between 2015 and 2016 in Benin, Ghana and South Africa. Activities within these countries were organised around problem-oriented evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM), capacity strengthening and leadership and horizontal collaboration. Using a combination of desk-reviews, stakeholder influence-mapping, semi-structured interviews and convening platforms, these country-level studies demonstrated strong interest for partnership between researchers and decision makers, and use of research evidence for prioritisation and decision making in nutrition. Identified capacity gaps were addressed through training workshops on EIDM, systematic reviews, cost-benefit evaluations and evidence contextualisation. Investing in knowledge partnerships and development of capacity and leadership are key to drive appropriate use of evidence in nutrition policy and programming in Africa

    Implementation conditions for diet and physical activity interventions and policies: an umbrella review

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    Intervening in the local health system to improve diabetes care: lessons from a health service experiment in a poor urban neighborhood in India

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    Background: Many efficacious health service interventions to improve diabetes care are known. However, there is little evidence on whether such interventions are effective while delivered in real-world resource-constrained settings. Objective: To evaluate an intervention aimed at improving diabetes care using the RE-AIM (reach, efficacy/effectiveness, adoption, implementation, and maintenance) framework. Design: A quasi-experimental study was conducted in a poor urban neighborhood in South India. Four health facilities delivered the intervention (n=163 diabetes patients) and the four matched facilities served as control (n=154). The intervention included provision of culturally appropriate education to diabetes patients, use of generic medications, and standard treatment guidelines for diabetes management. Patients were surveyed before and after the 6-month intervention period. We did field observations and interviews with the doctors at the intervention facilities. Quantitative data were used to assess the reach of the intervention and its effectiveness on patients’ knowledge, practice, healthcare expenditure, and glycemic control through a difference-in-differences analysis. Qualitative data were analyzed thematically to understand adoption, implementation, and maintenance of the intervention. Results: Reach: Of those who visited intervention facilities, 52.3% were exposed to the education component and only 7.2% were prescribed generic medications. The doctors rarely used the standard treatment guidelines for diabetes management. Effectiveness: The intervention did not have a statistically and clinically significant impact on the knowledge, healthcare expenditure, or glycemic control of the patients, with marginal reduction in their practice score. Adoption: All the facilities adopted the education component, while all but one facility adopted the prescription of generic medications. Implementation: There was poor implementation of the intervention, particularly with regard to the use of generic medications and the standard treatment guidelines. Doctors’ concerns about the efficacy, quality, availability, and acceptability by patients of generic medications explained limited prescriptions of generic medications. The patients’ perception that ailments should be treated through medications limited the use of non-medical management by the doctors in early stages of diabetes. The other reason for the limited use of the standard treatment guidelines was that these doctors mainly provided follow-up care to patients who were previously put on a given treatment plan by specialists. Maintenance: The intervention facilities continued using posters and television monitors for health education after the intervention period. The use of generic medications and standard treatment guidelines for diabetes management remained very limited. Conclusions: Implementing efficacious health service intervention in a real-world resource-constrained setting is challenging and may not prove effective in improving patient outcomes. Interventions need to consider patients’ and healthcare providers’ experiences and perceptions and how macro-level policies translate into practice within local health systems

    Food Insecurity and Common Mental Disorders among Ethiopian Youth: Structural Equation Modeling.

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    BACKGROUND:Although the consequences of food insecurity on physical health and nutritional status of youth living have been reported, its effect on their mental health remains less investigated in developing countries. The aim of this study was to examine the pathways through which food insecurity is associated with poor mental health status among youth living in Ethiopia. METHODS:We used data from Jimma Longitudinal Family Survey of Youth (JLFSY) collected in 2009/10. A total of 1,521 youth were included in the analysis. We measured food insecurity using a 5-items scale and common mental disorders using the 20-item Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20). Structural and generalized equation modeling using maximum likelihood estimation method was used to analyze the data. RESULTS:The prevalence of common mental disorders was 30.8% (95% CI: 28.6, 33.2). Food insecurity was independently associated with common mental disorders (β = 0.323, P<0.05). Most (91.8%) of the effect of food insecurity on common mental disorders was direct and only 8.2% of their relationship was partially mediated by physical health. In addition, poor self-rated health (β = 0.285, P<0.05), high socioeconomic status (β = -0.076, P<0.05), parental education (β = 0.183, P<0.05), living in urban area (β = 0.139, P<0.05), and female-headed household (β = 0.192, P<0.05) were associated with common mental disorders. CONCLUSIONS:Food insecurity is directly associated with common mental disorders among youth in Ethiopia. Interventions that aim to improve mental health status of youth should consider strategies to improve access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food

    Coherence for nutrition: insights from nutrition-relevant policies and programmes in Burkina Faso and Nigeria

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    There is consensus that policy coherence is necessary for implementing effective and sustainable approaches to tackle malnutrition. We look at whether policies and programmes provide a coherent pathway to address nutrition priorities and if programmes are designed to deliver interventions aligned to the nutrition policy agenda in Nigeria and Burkina Faso. A systematic desk review was performed on nutrition-relevant policy and programme documents, obtained through grey literature searches and expert recommendations. We developed a framework with an impact pathway structure that includes five process steps, which was used to guide coding, data reduction and synthesis and structure the analysis. We assessed internal coherence along process steps within a given document and external coherence across process steps for explicitly linked policy/programme pairs. The majority of policies and programmes had partial internal coherence for both countries. The identification of relevant nutrition interventions to address challenges and reach objectives was the strongest connection within policies (16 out of 45 had complete coherence), while among programmes, the strongest connection was coverage indicators that measure interventions (9 out of 21 had complete coherence). Eight programmes explicitly referenced at least one nutrition-relevant policy, with a total of 16 linked policy/programme pairs (13 pairs for Burkina Faso and 3 for Nigeria) across health, nutrition, agriculture and social focus areas. However, none of the linked pairs were assessed to have complete external coherence, suggesting that priorities at the policy level are not fully realized nor translated at the programme level. This study offers a new approach for the assessment of policy and programme coherence and specifically examines policy and programme linkages. We conclude that improved leadership on country priority setting and better alignment for nutrition within and across sectors is needed to enhance the effectiveness of nutrition investments