140 research outputs found

    Bahasa dan Ideologi: Mengungkap Ideologi dan Kekuasaan Simbolik di Balik Penggunaan Bahasa (Kajian Teks Media melalui Analisis Wacana Kritis)

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    Tulisan ini didasari sebuah anggapan bahwa bahasa tidak berada di ruang hampa sosial.Maka, bahasa pada dasarnya bukan hanya untaian kata yang hanya bersifat linguistik, tetapi bersifat sosial. Karenanya, bahasa dipahami sebagai tindakan sosial.Implikasinya, bahasa bukan hanya bermatra linguistik, tetapi juga bermatra sosial. Van Dijk menjadi salah satu model yang dapat digunakan sebagai alat untuk menganalisis wacana secara kritis. Penelitian analisis wacana kritis model van Dijk mempertimbangkan teks, konteks, kognisi sosial, dan analisis/konteks sosial. Untuk mengungkap hal itu, langkah yang dapat dilakukan adalah: mengungkap struktur makro (tematik), suprstruktur (skematik), dan struktur mikro yang terdiri atas semantik, sintaksis, stilitistik, dan retorika. Untuk mengungkap hal itu, di sini digunakan metode simak dan catat dengan menjadikan Suara Merdeka dan Kompassebagai sumber datanya. Hasilnya pertama,SM cenderung berideologi kasar, provokatif, dan konotatif/figuratif. Hal itu, tampak pada pilihan kata/kalimat kata yang cenderung kasar, seperti mengancam,menyerang, memanggil paksa, menyeret, menembak.Sementara, harian K cenderung berideologi idealisme pers yang objektif, netral, dan berimbang. Kedua, dari dimensi kekuasaan (simbolik), harian SM cenderung menjadi “oposisi” dan “oposan”sebagai pihak yang di-dominan-kan, sedang pihak pemerintah sebagai pihak yang “dimarginalkan”. Sementara, harian K menempatkan pihak yang dominan/marginal lebih didasarkan pada kondisi objektif di lapangan yang berbasis data dan keterangan yang dari narasumber yang cenderung netral, seperti pengamat, warga, dan akademisi; tidak didasarkan pada keterangan yang cenderung subjektif, seperti dari para politisi.Ketiga, dari sisi analisis sosial dan kognisi sosial; SM lebih tampak sebagai cerminan tagline-nya yaitu lokal (yaitu “perekat komunitas Jawa Tengah”), sedangkan harian K lebih “mengabdi” pada rakyat seperti tampak pada tagline-nya “Amanat Hati Nurani Rakyat” sehingga “suara” rakyatlah yang diungkapnya tanpa mengarah menjadi partisan

    Clinical validation of a smartphone-based adapter for optic disc imaging in Kenya

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    Visualization and interpretation of the optic nerve and retina are essential parts of most physical examinations. To design and validate a smartphone-based retinal adapter enabling image capture and remote grading of the retina. This validation study compared the grading of optic nerves from smartphone images with those of a digital retinal camera. Both image sets were independently graded at Moorfields Eye Hospital Reading Centre. Nested within the 6-year follow-up (January 7, 2013, to March 12, 2014) of the Nakuru Eye Disease Cohort in Kenya, 1460 adults (2920 eyes) 55 years and older were recruited consecutively from the study. A subset of 100 optic disc images from both methods were further used to validate a grading app for the optic nerves. Data analysis was performed April 7 to April 12, 2015. Vertical cup-disc ratio for each testwas compared in terms of agreement (Bland-Altman and weighted Îș) and test-retest variability. A total of 2152 optic nerve images were available from both methods (also 371 from the reference camera but not the smartphone, 170 from the smartphone but not the reference camera, and 227 from neither the reference camera nor the smartphone). Bland-Altman analysis revealed a mean difference of 0.02 (95%CI, −0.21 to 0.17) and a weighted Îș coefficient of 0.69 (excellent agreement). The grades of an experienced retinal photographer were compared with those of a lay photographer (no health care experience before the study), and no observable difference in image acquisition quality was found. Nonclinical photographers using the low-cost smartphone adapter were able to acquire optic nerve images at a standard that enabled independent remote grading of the images comparable to those acquired using a desktop retinal camera operated by an ophthalmic assistant. The potential for task shifting and the detection of avoidable causes of blindness in the most at-risk communities makes this an attractive public health intervention

    Adaptive strategies and local innovations of smallholder farmers in selected agri-food systems of central Kenya

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    Food production in Kenya is closely related to smallholder agricultural production. Paradoxically, many smallholders suffer extended periods of food crises. This underscores the importance of understanding the multiple pathways smallholders use to deal with food insecurity. Participatory action research, using both qualitative and quantitative methods was undertaken to identify adaptation strategies and innovations used to address food insecurity vulnerabilities. A sample of 360 households was drawn randomly from 18 farmers\u2019 groups living under acute food and livelihood crisis (Mbeere South district); experiencing borderline food insecurity (Kirinyaga West District) and those with low resilience (Nyandarua North District) all in Kenya. Results showed that smallholders in these areas use and perpetuate diverse adaptive strategies and innovations for coping with vulnerability, for risk avoidance and for livelihoods insurance enhancement. These strategies and innovations ought to be recognised by research, development and policy actors and should inform interventions intended to strengthen smallholder agri-food systems in Kenya.La production vivri\ue8re au Kenya est \ue9troitement li\ue9e \ue0 la production de petits exploitants agricoles. Paradoxalement, laplupart de ces exploitants souffrent de longues p\ue9riodes de crises alimentaires. Ceci souligne l\u2019importance de la compr\ue9hension de multiples voies et moyens qu\u2019ils utilisent pour faire face \ue0 l\u2019ins\ue9curit\ue9 alimentaire. Une action de recherche participative par des m\ue9thodes qualitatives et quantitatives \ue9tait enterprise pour identifier les strat\ue9gies d\u2019adaptation et innovations utilis\ue9es afin d\u2019adresser les probl\ue8mes li\ue9s \ue0 l\u2019ins\ue9curit\ue9 alimentaire. Un \ue9chantillon de 360 m\ue9nages \ue9tait al\ue9atoirement tir\ue9 de 18 groupes de fermiers vivant sous une crise alimentaire aigue (Mbeere South district); ceux vivant en situation proche de l\u2019ins\ue9curit\ue9 alimentaire (Kirinyaga West District) ainsi que ceux \ue0 faible flexibilit\ue9 \ue0 la situation de famine(Nyandarua North District) au Kenya. Les r\ue9sultats ont montr\ue9 que les petits exploitants des r\ue9gions pr\ue9cit\ue9es utilisent et perp\ue9tuent diverses strat\ue9gies d\u2019adaptation et innovations pour faire face \ue0 la vuln\ue9rabilit\ue9 pour \ue9viter le risque et promouvoir l\u2019assurance quant au gagne-pain quotidien. Ces strat\ue9gies et innovations devraient \ueatre reconnues par la recherche, ainsi que des des acteurs politiques et de d\ue9veloppement et s\u2019en inspirer pour initier des interventions visant \ue0 consolider des syst\ue8mes agro-alimentaires de petits exploitants au Kenya

    Cord blood IgG and the risk of severe Plasmodium falciparum malaria in the first year of life

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    Young infants are less susceptible to severe episodes of malaria but the targets and mechanisms of protection are not clear. Cord blood antibodies may play an important role in mediating protection but many studies have examined their association with the outcome of infection or non-severe malaria. Here, we investigated whether cord blood IgG to Plasmodium falciparum merozoite antigens and antibody-mediated effector functions were associated with reduced odds of developing severe malaria at different time points during the first year of life. We conducted a case-control study of well-defined severe falciparum malaria nested within a longitudinal birth cohort of Kenyan children. We measured cord blood total IgG levels against five recombinant merozoite antigens and antibody function in the growth inhibition activity and neutrophil antibody-dependent respiratory burst assays. We also assessed the decay of maternal antibodies during the first 6months of life. The mean antibody half-life range was 2.51months (95% confidence interval (CI): 2.19-2.92) to 4.91months (95% CI: 4.47-6.07). The rate of decline of maternal antibodies was inversely proportional to the starting concentration. The functional assay of antibody-dependent respiratory burst activity predicted significantly reduced odds of developing severe malaria during the first 6months of life (Odds ratio (OR) 0.07, 95% CI: 0.007-0.74, P=0.007). Identification of the targets of antibodies mediating antibody-dependent respiratory burst activity could contribute to the development of malaria vaccines that protect against severe episodes of malaria in early infancy

    Variation in the effectiveness of insecticide treated nets against malaria and outdoor biting by vectors in Kilifi, Kenya

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    Background: Insecticide treated nets (ITNs) protect humans against bites from the Anopheles mosquito vectors that transmit malaria, thereby reducing malaria morbidity and mortality. It has been noted that ITN use leads to a switch from indoor to outdoor feeding among these vectors. It might be expected that outdoor feeding would undermine the effectiveness of ITNs that target indoors vectors, but data are limited. Methods: We linked homestead level geospatial data to clinical surveillance data at a primary healthcare facility in Kilifi County in order to map geographical heterogeneity in ITN effectiveness and observed vector feeding behaviour using landing catches and CDC light traps in six selected areas of varying ITN effectiveness. We quantified the interaction between mosquitoes and humans to evaluate whether outdoor vector biting is a potential explanation for the variation in ITN effectiveness. Results: We observed 37% and 46% visits associated with positive malaria slides among ITN users and non-ITN-users, respectively; ITN use was associated with 32% protection from malaria (crude OR = 0.68, 95% CI: 0.64, 0.73). We obtained modification of ITN effectiveness by geographical area (p=0.016), and identified 6 hotspots using the spatial scan statistic. Majority of mosquitoes were caught outdoor (60%) and were of the An. funestus group (75%). The overall propensity to feed at times when most people were asleep was high; the vast majority of the Anopheles mosquitoes were caught at times when most people are indoors asleep. Estimates for the proportion of human-mosquito contact between the first and last hour when most humans were asleep was consistently high across all locations, ranging from 0.83 to 1.00. Conclusion: Our data do not provide evidence of an epidemiological association between microgeographical variations in ITN effectiveness and variations in the microgeographical distribution of outdoor biting.</ns4:p

    The interaction between a sexually transferred steroid hormone and a female protein regulates oogenesis in the malaria mosquito anopheles gambiae

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    Molecular interactions between male and female factors during mating profoundly affect the reproductive behavior and physiology of female insects. In natural populations of the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae, blood-fed females direct nutritional resources towards oogenesis only when inseminated. Here we show that the mating-dependent pathway of egg development in these mosquitoes is regulated by the interaction between the steroid hormone 20-hydroxy-ecdysone (20E) transferred by males during copulation and a female Mating-Induced Stimulator of Oogenesis (MISO) protein. RNAi silencing of MISO abolishes the increase in oogenesis caused by mating in blood-fed females, causes a delay in oocyte development, and impairs the function of male-transferred 20E. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments show that MISO and 20E interact in the female reproductive tract. Moreover MISO expression after mating is induced by 20E via the Ecdysone Receptor, demonstrating a close cooperation between the two factors. Male-transferred 20E therefore acts as a mating signal that females translate into an increased investment in egg development via a MISO-dependent pathway. The identification of this male–female reproductive interaction offers novel opportunities for the control of mosquito populations that transmit malaria

    Ecogeographical distribution of wild, weedy and cultivated Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench in Kenya: implications for conservation and crop-to-wild gene flow

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    The potential gene flow between a crop and its wild relatives is largely determined by the overlaps in their ecological and geographical distributions. Ecogeographical databases are therefore indispensable tools for the sustainable management of genetic resources. In order to expand our knowledge of Sorghum bicolor distribution in Kenya, we conducted in situ collections of wild, weedy and cultivated sorghum. Qualitative and quantitative morphological traits were measured for each sampled wild sorghum plant. Farmers’ knowledge relating to the management of sorghum varieties and autecology of wild sorghum was also obtained. Cluster analysis supports the existence of several wild sorghum morphotypes that might correspond to at least three of the five ecotypes recognized in Africa. Intermediate forms between wild and cultivated sorghum belonging to the S. bicolor ssp. drummondii are frequently found in predominantly sorghum growing areas. Crop-wild gene flow in sorghum is likely to occur in many agroecosystems of Kenya
