27 research outputs found

    The Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath) Secreted Protein, MopE*, Binds Both Reduced and Oxidized Copper

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    Under copper limiting growth conditions the methanotrophic bacterium Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath) secrets essentially only one protein, MopE*, to the medium. MopE* is a copper-binding protein whose structure has been determined by X-ray crystallography. The structure of MopE* revealed a unique high affinity copper binding site consisting of two histidine imidazoles and one kynurenine, the latter an oxidation product of Trp130. In this study, we demonstrate that the copper ion coordinated by this strong binding site is in the Cu(I) state when MopE* is isolated from the growth medium of M. capsulatus. The conclusion is based on X-ray Near Edge Absorption spectroscopy (XANES), and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) studies. EPR analyses demonstrated that MopE*, in addition to the strong copper-binding site, also binds Cu(II) at two weaker binding sites. Both Cu(II) binding sites have properties typical of non-blue type II Cu (II) centres, and the strongest of the two Cu(II) sites is characterised by a relative high hyperfine coupling of copper (

    The crystal structure of haemoglobin from Atlantic cod

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    The crystal structure of haemoglobin from Atlantic cod has been solved to 2.54 Å resolution. The structure consists of two tetramers in the crystallographic asymmetric unit. The structure of haemoglobin obtained from one individual cod suggests polymorphism in the tetrameric assembly.publishedVersio

    The high catalytic rate of the cold-active Vibrio alkaline phosphatase requires a hydrogen bonding network involving a large interface loop

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    The role of surface loops in mediating communication through residue networks is still a relatively poorly understood part in the study of cold adaptation of enzymes, especially in terms of their quaternary interactions. Alkaline phosphatase (AP) from the psychrophilic marine bacterium Vibrio splendidus (VAP) is characterized by an analogous large surface loop in each monomer, referred to as the large loop, that hovers over the active site of the other monomer. It presumably has a role in the high catalytic efficiency of VAP which accompanies its extremely low thermal stability. Here, we designed several different variants of VAP with the aim of removing intersubunit interactions at the dimer interface. Breaking the intersubunit contacts from one residue in particular (Arg336) reduced the temperature stability of the catalytically potent conformation and caused a 40% drop in catalytic rate. The high catalytic rates of enzymes from cold‐adapted organisms are often associated with increased dynamic flexibility. Comparison of the relative B‐factors of the R336L crystal structure to that of the wild‐type confirmed surface flexibility was increased in a loop on the opposite monomer, but not in the large loop. The increase in flexibility resulted in a reduced catalytic rate. The large loop increases the area of the interface between the subunits through its contacts and may facilitate an alternating structural cycle demanded by a half‐of‐sites reaction mechanism through stronger ties, as the dimer oscillates between high affinity (active) or low phosphoryl group affinity (inactive)

    Structural insight into a CE15 esterase from the marine bacterial metagenome

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    Abstract The family 15 carbohydrate esterase (CE15) MZ0003, which derives from a marine Arctic metagenome, has a broader substrate scope than other members of this family. Here we report the crystal structure of MZ0003, which reveals that residues comprising the catalytic triad differ from previously-characterized fungal homologs, and resolves three large loop regions that are unique to this bacterial sub-clade. The catalytic triad of the bacterial CE15, which includes Asp 332 as its third member, closely resembles that of family 1 carbohydrate esterases (CE1), despite the overall lower structural similarity with members of this family. Two of the three loop regions form a subdomain that deepens the active site pocket and includes several basic residues that contribute to the high positive charge surrounding the active site. Docking simulations predict specific interactions with the sugar moiety of glucuronic-acid substrates, and with aromatically-substituted derivatives that serve as model compounds for the lignin-carbohydrate complex of plant cell walls. Molecular dynamics simulations indicate considerable flexibility of the sub-domain in the substrate-bound form, suggesting plasticity to accommodate different substrates is possible. The findings from this first reported structure of a bacterial member of the CE15 family provide insight into the basis of its broader substrate specificity

    X-ray crystal structure of Vibrio alkaline phosphatase with the non-competitive inhibitor cyclohexylamine

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    Background - Para-nitrophenyl phosphate, the common substrate for alkaline phosphatase (AP), is available as a cyclohexylamine salt. Here, we report that cyclohexylamine is a non-competitive inhibitor of APs. Methods - Cyclohexylamine inhibited four different APs. Co-crystallization with the cold-active Vibrio AP (VAP) was performed and the structure solved. Results - Inhibition of VAP fitted a non-competitive kinetic model (Km unchanged, Vmax reduced) with IC50 45.3 mM at the pH optimum 9.8, not sensitive to 0.5 M NaCl, and IC50 27.9 mM at pH 8.0, where the addition of 0.5 M NaCl altered the inhibition to the level observed at pH 9.8. APs from E. coli and calf intestines were less sensitive to cyclohexylamine, whereas an Antarctic bacterial AP was similar to VAP in this respect. X-ray crystallography at 2.3 Å showed two binding sites, one in the active site channel and another at the surface close to dimer interface. Antarctic bacterial AP and VAP have Trp274 in common in their active-sites, that takes part in binding cyclohexylamine. VAP variants W274A, W274K, and W274H gave IC50 values of 179 mM, 188 mM and 187 mM, respectively, at pH 9.8. Conclusions - The binding of cyclohexylamine in locations at the dimeric interface and/or in the active site of APs may delay product release or reduce the rate of catalytic step(s) involving conformational changes and intersubunit communications. General significance - Cyclohexylamine is a common chemical in industries and used as a counterion in substrates for alkaline phosphatase, a clinically important and common enzyme in the biosphere

    Discovery of Novel Inhibitor Scaffolds against the Metallo-beta-lactamase VIM-2 by Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Based Fragment Screening

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    Accepted manuscript version. Published version at http://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jmedchem.5b01289.Metallo-β-lactamase (MBL) inhibitors can restore the function of carbapenem antibiotics and therefore help to treat infections of antibiotic resistant bacteria. In this study, we report novel fragments inhibiting the clinically relevant MBL Verona integron-encoded metallo-β-lactamase (VIM-2). The fragments were identified from a library of 490 fragments using an orthogonal screening approach based on a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) based assay combined with an enzyme inhibition assay. The identified fragments showed IC50 values between 14 and 1500 ΟM and ligand efficiencies (LE) between 0.48 and 0.23 kcal/mol per heavy atom. For two of the identified fragments, crystal structures in complex with VIM-2 were obtained. The identified fragments represent novel inhibitor scaffolds and are good starting points for the design of potent MBL inhibitors. Furthermore, the established SPR based assay and the screening approach can be adapted to other MBLs and in this way improve the drug discovery process for this important class of drug targets

    CorA is a copper repressible surface-associated copper(I)-binding protein produced in Methylomicrobium album BG8

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    CorA is a copper repressible protein previously identified in the methanotrophic bacterium Methylomicrobium album BG8. In this work, we demonstrate that CorA is located on the cell surface and binds one copper ion per protein molecule, which, based on X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure analysis, is in the reduced state (Cu(I)). The structure of endogenously expressed CorA was solved using X-ray crystallography. The 1.6 Å three-dimensional structure confirmed the binding of copper and revealed that the copper atom was coordinated in a mononuclear binding site defined by two histidines, one water molecule, and the tryptophan metabolite, kynurenine. This arrangement of the copper-binding site is similar to that of its homologous protein MopE* from Metylococcus capsulatus Bath, confirming the importance of kynurenine for copper binding in these proteins. Our findings show that CorA has an overall fold similar to MopE, including the unique copper(I)-binding site and most of the secondary structure elements. We suggest that CorA plays a role in the M. album BG8 copper acquisition

    Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of a cold-adapted catalase from Vibrio salmonicida

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    Monoclinic (P21) crystals of a His-tagged form of V. salmonicida catalase without cofactor diffract X-rays to 1.96 Å

    Features and structure of a cold active N-acetylneuraminic acid lyase

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    N-acetylneuraminate lyases (NALs) are enzymes that catalyze the reversible cleavage and synthesis of sialic acids. They are therefore commonly used for the production of these high-value sugars. This study presents the recombinant production, together with biochemical and structural data, of the NAL from the psychrophilic bacterium Aliivibrio salmonicida LFI1238 (AsNAL). Our characterization shows that AsNAL possesses high activity and stability at alkaline pH. We confirm that these properties allow for the use in a one-pot reaction at alkaline pH for the synthesis of N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac, the most common sialic acid) from the inexpensive precursor N-acetylglucosamine. We also show that the enzyme has a cold active nature with an optimum temperature for Neu5Ac synthesis at 20°C. The equilibrium constant for the reaction was calculated at different temperatures, and the formation of Neu5Ac acid is favored at low temperatures, making the cold active enzyme a well-suited candidate for use in such exothermic reactions. The specific activity is high compared to the homologue from Escherichia coli at three tested temperatures, and the enzyme shows a higher catalytic efficiency and turnover number for cleavage at 37°C. Mutational studies reveal that amino acid residue Asn 168 is important for the high kcat. The crystal structure of AsNAL was solved to 1.65 Å resolution and reveals a compact, tetrameric protein similar to other NAL structures. The data presented provides a framework to guide further optimization of its application in sialic acid production and opens the possibility for further design of the enzyme