26 research outputs found
Creative educators are educators who are able to utilize the media around as a means of learning. One of the television shows that can be utilized as a complex text learning media is a show of Laptop Si Unyil. The impression is about the process of making something or the use of the tool described in a coherent manner. Based on the results of experiments on students PBSI, FKIP, UAD, this show is able to provide better learning outcomes to the group taught by using media Si Unyil Laptop. It can be proved by t-test among groups. Based on posttest data of experimental group and control group obtained t count equal to -2,575 with indigo df equal to 43 and value p = 0,012 at significance level 0,05 (5%). The p value <from the significance level is 0.05 (0.012 <0.05). Impressions Siy Unyil laptop is able to provide effectiveness in learning the text of complex procedures on students PBSI, FKIP, UAD who are following the lecture of Indonesian Language. This is evidenced from the calculation of t-test data pretest and posttest in the experimental group obtained the result that the value of t arithmetic -3.924 denagan value df 42 and significance 0.000. Result of t-test of pretest and posttest data in experiment group obtained p value smaller than significance level 0,05 (0,000 <0,05)
Evaluasi Butir Soal Pilihan Ganda Penilaian Tengah Semester dalam Pembelajaran Tematik untuk Kelas V di SDN Gladak Anyar 4 Pamekasan
This research was conducted with the aim of evaluating the validity, level of difficulty, discriminating power, effectiveness of the distractor, and reliability of multiple choice questions in the Mid Semester Assessment in fifth grade thematic learning at SDN Gladak Anyar 4 Pamekasan. The research method used is a quantitative descriptive approach. There are two themes in the Mid Semester Examination Questions, namely theme 6 with 20 questions and theme 7 with 19 questions. Evaluation of the validity of the questions, level of difficulty, discriminating power, effectiveness of the distractor, and reliability was carried out using Microsoft Excel 2010. The subjects of this study were fifth grade students, and data collection was carried out using documentation techniques. The results of this study indicate that the quality of the questions is high. (1) The validity of the questions in theme 6 were 19 questions (95%) and in theme 7 were 18 questions (94.74%) declared valid. (2) The difficulty level of the questions in theme 6 consisted of 13 questions (68.42%) which were categorized as easy and 2 questions (10.53%) which were categorized as difficult. In theme 7, there are 11 questions (61.11%) which are categorized as easy, so there are questions with difficulty levels that do not meet good quality. (3) The discriminating power of questions on theme 6 consisted of 10 items (52.63%) which were categorized as poor and 1 item (5.26%) which were categorized as good. In theme 7, there are 6 items (33.33%) which are categorized as not good and 3 items (16.67%) which are categorized as good. Therefore, the questions fall into the category of moderate discriminating power. (4) The effectiveness of the distractor in theme 6 consisted of 1 item (5.26%) which was categorized as very good, 8 items (42.11%) which were categorized as good, and 6 items (31.58%) which were categorized as poor. In theme 7, there were 4 items (22.22%) which were categorized as very good, 4 items (22.22%) which were categorized as good, and 3 items (16.67%) which were categorized as poor. Thus, the questions fall into the category of the effectiveness of a good distractor. (5) The reliability of the questions in theme 6 is 0.9592, while in theme 7 it is 0.8950, indicating that the questions have high reliability and high quality
Creative educators are educators who are able to utilize the media around as a means of learning. One of the television shows that can be utilized as a complex text learning media is a show of Laptop Si Unyil. The impression is about the process of making something or the use of the tool described in a coherent manner. Based on the results of experiments on students PBSI, FKIP, UAD, this show is able to provide better learning outcomes to the group taught by using media Si Unyil Laptop. It can be proved by t-test among groups. Based on posttest data of experimental group and control group obtained t count equal to -2,575 with indigo df equal to 43 and value p = 0,012 at significance level 0,05 (5%). The p value <from the significance level is 0.05 (0.012 <0.05). Impressions Siy Unyil laptop is able to provide effectiveness in learning the text of complex procedures on students PBSI, FKIP, UAD who are following the lecture of Indonesian Language. This is evidenced from the calculation of t-test data pretest and posttest in the experimental group obtained the result that the value of t arithmetic -3.924 denagan value df 42 and significance 0.000. Result of t-test of pretest and posttest data in experiment group obtained p value smaller than significance level 0,05 (0,000 <0,05).</p
Roni Sulistiyono. S840809216. 2010. The correlation between grammatical
competency and attitude toward Indonesian language with the ability in writing
argumentation (a survey on university students of Physic Education at Ahmad
Dahlan University). Advisor Dr. Budhi Setiawan, M.Pd. and Co-advisor Dr.
Andayani, M.Pd. Thesis. Surakarta: Indonesian Language Education Study
Program, Sebelas Maret University.
This research is aimed to determine the correlation between (1)
grammatical competency and the ability in writing argumentation, (2) attitude
toward Indonesian language and the ability in writing argumentation, (3)
grammatical competency and attitude toward Indonesian language and the ability
in writing argumentation.
The research was conducted at Physic Education, Ahmad Dahlan
University, from July to October 2010. The research used descriptive of
correlation. The research population was the second semester at Physic Education.
The sample consisted of 40 university students who were taken by using
purposive random sampling. The instruments for collecting the data in this
research are test of writing argumentation, multiple choice test in grammatical
competency, and questioner test in attitude toward Indonesian language. The
instruments validity test used product moment and r point biserial. The
instruments reliability test used KR-20 and alpha cronbach. The technique
analysis for analyzing the data was the statistical technique of regression and
The result of the study showes that: (1) there is a positive correlation
between grammatical competency and the ability in writing argumentation (
r =
0,84 at the level of significance α = 0,05 with N= 40 where tt = 1,68); (2) there is
a positive correlation between attitude toward Indonesian language and the ability
in writing argumentation (
r = 0,42 at the level of significance α = 0,05 with N=
40 where tt = 1,68); (3) there is a positive correlation between grammatical
competency and attitude toward Indonesian language and the ability in writing
argumentation (Ry.1.2 = 0,87 at the level of significance α = 0,05 with N= 40 where
= 3,25).
The result above shows that grammatical competency and attitude toward
Indonesian language give significant contribution to the ability in writing
argumentation. It shows that both of variables can become good predictors for the
ability in writing argumentation.
The analysis also indicates that the correlation between grammatical
competency and the ability in writing argumentation is stronger than attitude
toward Indonesian language and the ability in writing argumentation. It shows that
grammatical competency can be a better predictor for the ability in writing
argumentation. This reality brings consequence in learning the ability in writing
argumentation, so teacher has to make priority in order to increase grammatical
competency in learning the ability in writing argumentation than attitude toward
Indonesian language.
Key word: grammatical competency, attitude toward Indonesian language, and the
ability in writing argumentatio
KEMAMPUAN MENULIS ARGUMENTASI MAHASISWA Survei pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan Fisika Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta
This research is aimed to determine the correlation between (1) grammatical competency and the ability in writing argumentation, (2) attitude toward Indonesian language and the ability in writing argumentation, (3) grammatical competency and attitude toward Indonesian language and the ability in writing argumentation.The research was conducted at Physic Education, Ahmad Dahlan University, from July to October 2010. The research used descriptive of correlation. The research population was the second semester at Physic Education. The sample consisted of 40 university students who were taken by using purposive random sampling. The instruments for collecting the data in this research are test of writing argumentation, multiple choice test in grammatical competency, and questioner test in attitude toward Indonesian language. The instruments validity test used product moment and r point biserial. The instruments reliability test used KR-20 and alpha cronbach. The technique analysis for analyzing the data was the statistical technique of regression and correlation. The result of the study showes that: (1) there is a positive correlation between grammatical competency and the ability in writing argumentation (= 0,84 at the level of significance α = 0,05 with N= 40 where tt = 1,68); (2) there is a positive correlation between attitude toward Indonesian language and the ability in writing argumentation ( = 0,42 at the level of significance α = 0,05 with N= 40 where tt = 1,68); (3) there is a positive correlation between grammatical competency and attitude toward Indonesian language and the ability in writing argumentation (Ry.1.2 = 0,87 at the level of significance α = 0,05 with N= 40 where ft = 3,25). The result above shows that grammatical competency and attitude toward Indonesian language give significant contribution to the ability in writing argumentation. It shows that both of variables can become good predictors for the ability in writing argumentation.The analysis also indicates that the correlation between grammatical competency and the ability in writing argumentation is stronger than attitude toward Indonesian language and the ability in writing argumentation. It shows that grammatical competency can be a better predictor for the ability in writing argumentation. This reality brings consequence in learning the ability in writing argumentation, so teacher has to make priority in order to increase grammatical competency in learning the ability in writing argumentation than attitude toward Indonesian language
Peningkatan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Tema Manusia dan Lingkungan Menggunakan Model PBL
Classroom Action Research (CAR) is motivated by low student motivation so that it affects the learning outcomes of the human and environmental themes of fifth grade students at SDN Kemiriombo who have not reached the minimum completeness criteria (KKM). This study aims to improve motivation and learning outcomes of human and environmental themes using the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model for fifth grade students of SDN Kemiriombo in the 2021/2022 academic year. The researcher carried out the CAR in two cycles, each cycle was carried out in two meetings. The results of the research on pre-cycle action obtained that the classical completeness score was only 33.3% with an average value of 69 and 25% of students in the category of good learning motivation. At the end of the first cycle, classical completeness increased to 75% with an average value of 82 and 16.7% in the category of very good learning motivation and 58.3% in the category of good learning motivation. The study ended in the second cycle obtained 100% classical completeness with an average value of 90 and 41.7% in the very good learning motivation category and 58.3% in the good learning motivation category. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the application of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model can increase motivation and learning outcomes of human and environmental themes in fifth grade students of SDN Kemiriombo in the 2021/2022 academic year.
Keywords: Motivation, Learning Outcomes, Problem Based LearningPenelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dilatar belakangi motivasi belajar siswa yang rendah sehingga berpengaruh pada hasil belajar tema manusia dan lingkungan siswa kelas V SDN Kemiriombo yang belum mencapai nilai kriteria ketuntasan minimal (KKM). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar tema manusia dan lingkungan menggunakan model Problem Based Learning (PBL) pada siswa kelas V SDN Kemiriombo tahun pelajaran 2021/2022. Peneliti melaksanakan PTK dalam dua siklus, masing-masing siklus dilaksanakan dalam dua pertemuan. Hasil penelitian pada tindakan prasiklus diperoleh nilai ketuntasan klasikal hanya 33,3% dengan nilai rata-rata 69 dan 25% siswa pada kategori motivasi belajar baik. Pada akhir siklus I ketuntasan klasikal meningkat menjadi 75% dengan nilai rata-rata 82 dan 16,7% kategori motivasi belajar sangat baik serta 58,3% kategori motivasi belajar baik. Penelitian berakhir pada siklus II diperoleh ketuntasan klasikal 100% dengan nilai rata-rata 90 dan 41,7% kategori motivasi belajar sangat baik serta 58,3% kategori motivasi belajar baik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar tema manusia dan lingkungan pada siswa kelas V SDN Kemiriombo tahun pelajaran 2021/2022.
Kata Kunci : Motivasi, Hasil Belajar, Problem Based Learnin
Pada pembelajaran saat pandemi di kelas IV SDN Cempaka 02 model yang di gunakan belum berfariasi.Hal ini dibuktikan dengan pembelajaran luring siswa di beri tugas lewat aplikasi whatsap. Pada pembelajaran luring di SDN Cempaka 02 guru juga memanfatkan whatasap, quiziz.namun penggunaan aplikasi memang belum digunakan secara maksimal karena mengalami beberapa kendala.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilaksanakan di kelas IV SDN Cempaka 02 Bumijawa, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan model pembelajaran discovery learning dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan hasil belajar siswa. Kemampuan berpikir kritis dibuktikan dengan banyaknya siswa yang mencapai kriteria ketuntasan minimal (KKM pada siklus I sebesar 57,69% dengan rata-rata kelas 66,53 pada siklus II meningkat menjadi 84,61% dengan rata-rata kelas 77,30. Sedangkan hasil belajar siswa pada siklus I sebesar 61,53% dengan rata-rata 68,46 kemudian pada siklus II meningkat menjadi 84,61% dengan rata-rata 77,69. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan hasil belajar tema 9 di kelas IV dengan menggunakan model discovery learning