236 research outputs found

    The biting and predaceous midges of Guadeloupe (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). I. Species of the subfamily Ceratopogoninae

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    We provide new records of biting and predaceous midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from Guadeloupe in the subfamily Ceratopogoninae, including descriptions and illustrations of three new predaceous species in the genera, Parabezzia Malloch, Stilobezzia Kieffer and Palpomyia Meigen, respectively, and the first records of the New World predaceous genus, Amerohelea Grogan and Wirth, from the Caribbean region. We also provide the first Guadeloupe records of the biting midges, Culicoides (Anilomyia) decor (Williston), C. (Avaritia) pusillus Lutz, C. (Drymodesmyia) bredini Wirth and Blanton, C. (D.) poikilonotus Macfie, C. (Haematomyidium) hoffmani Fox, C. (Hoffmania) insignis Lutz, C. rangeli Ortiz and Mirsa and C. trilineatus Fox, and the predaceous midges, Brachypogon (Brachypogon) bifidus Spinelli and Grogan, B. (B.) telesfordi Spinelli and Grogan, B. (B.) woodruffi Spinelli and Grogan, Monohelea maya Felippe-Bauer, Huerta and Ibáñez-Bernal, Stilobezzia (Stilobezzia) diminuta Lane and Forattini, S. (S.) thomsenae Wirth, Amerohelea galindoi Grogan and Wirth, Bezzia (Bezzia) flinti Spinelli and Wirth, B. (Homobezzia) venustula (Williston) and Palpomyia insularis Spinelli and Grogan

    Contribution of Lianas to Plant Area Index and Canopy Structure in A Panamanian Forest

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    Lianas are an important component of tropical forests, where they reduce tree growth, fecundity, and survival. Competition for light from lianas may be intense; however, the amount of light that lianas intercept is poorly understood. We used a large-scale liana-removal experiment to quantify light interception by lianas in a Panamanian secondary forest. We measured the change in plant area index (PAI) and forest structure before and after cutting lianas (for 4 yr) in eight 80 m × 80 m plots and eight control plots (16 plots total). We used ground-based LiDAR to measure the 3-dimensional canopy structure before cutting lianas, and then annually for 2 yr afterwards. Six weeks after cutting lianas, mean plot PAI was 20% higher in control vs. liana removal plots. One yr after cutting lianas, mean plot PAI was ~17% higher in control plots. The differences between treatments diminished significantly 2 yr after liana cutting and, after 4 yr, trees had fully compensated for liana removal. Ground-based LiDAR revealed that lianas attenuated light in the upper- and middle-forest canopy layers, and not only in the upper canopy as was previously suspected. Thus, lianas compete with trees by intercepting light in the upper- and mid-canopy of this forest

    Description of Culicoides (Mataemyia) felippebauerae sp. n., Forcipomyia musae immatures, and occurrence of F. genualis, breeding in banana stems in Brazilian Amazonia (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)

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    The following three species of Ceratopogonidae were collected breeding in the rhizomatous herb Phenakospermum guyannense Endl., 1833 in the vicinity of Manaus, Brazil, a new species, Culicoides (Mataemyia) felippebauerae Spinelli, Forcipomyia (Forcipomyia) genualis (Loew), and F. (Phytohelea) musae Clastrier & Dellécole. C. (M.) felippebauerae is described and illustrated as adult, pupa, and fourth instar larva, the adult compared with the adult of C. barthi Taveres and Souza and larva and pupa with those of C. dicrourus Wirth & Blanton and C. macieli Tavares & Ruiz, the only species with known immatures in the subgenus. The pupa and fourth instar larva of F. (P.) musae are described and illustrated and compared with immatures of F. (P.) edwardsi Saunders

    Redescription of immatures of <i>Dasyhelea flavifrons</i> Guérin-Méneville (Culicomorpha: Ceratopogonidae) and new contribution to the knowledge of its larval habitats

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    The fourth instar larva and pupa of Dasyhelea flavifrons Guerin-Meneville are redescribed, illustrated, and photomicrographed using binocular, phase-contrast, and scanning electron microscopy. Comparisons with the American species of the grisea group were made. The immatures were collected by using a siphon bottle in tree-holes and from water collected in dead snail shells in Salta Province, Argentina, transported to the laboratory and there bred to the emergence of the adults. Details on larval habitats are given. These are the first records from Argentina and in gastrotelmata.Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectore

    Categorización de los énfasis de los proyectos de investigación en malaria financiados por Colciencias durante 1995-2005

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    Objetivo Identificar los principales objetivos y énfasis de los proyectos de investigación en malaria financiada por Colciencias entre 1995 y 2005.Métodos Para la identificación del énfasis de los proyectos de investigación en malaria se utilizó el sistema de clasificación en investigación en salud desarrollado por la Colaboración de Investigación Clínica de Gran Bretaña: “Health Research Classification System” (HRCS).Resultados Se encontró que la investigación en malaria durante este periodo tiene énfasis en determinantes y causas, las principales ciudades beneficiadas con la financiación de proyectos de investigación en malaria son instituciones pertenecientes a Bogotá, Medellín y Cali.Conclusiones Estos proyectos permitieron el fortalecimiento en núcleos de investigación en malaria en las líneas de biología molecular, producción de vacunas, identificación de resistencia a antimaláricos y estudios relacionados con el cambio climático; algunos de sus resultados con capacidad de afectar políticas en malaria y formación de recurso humano.Objective To identify the main focus of research projects on malaria funded by Colciencias between 1995 and 2005.Methodology The Health Research Classification System (HRCS), developed by The UK Clinical Research Collaboration (UKCRC), was used for identifying the emphasis of research works on Malaria.Results During this period, research on malaria was mainly directed to etiology; the main cities benefited by the funding of research projects on malaria are institutions from Bogotá, Medellín and Cali.Conclusions These type of projects improve the strengthening of malaria research centers in areas such as molecular biology, production of vaccines, identification of resistance to antimalarial treatment, and climate change; some of the results obtained can affect policies and training of human resources on malaria

    Estudio ecológico sobre una población domiciliaria de Triatoma infestans klug de la Provincia Biogeográfica Chaqueña

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    A typical country house located in an endemic chagasic area (La Batea, Córdoba,Argentina), was completely demolished on order lo look primarily upon the numerical level achieved by triatomines population as well as to establish distribution patterns and habitat preference. Furthermore, some emergent population parameters and attributes were studied, such as density, fecundity, age, structure and sex ratio. Triatoma infestans was the only well established resident population species in thedomestic boundary, even though very few individuals belonging to the congeneric T. guasayana were detected in coexistence with the former species. A low degree of egg's parasitism by microhymenoptera was found. Ninety six sample units were taken during demolition in the bedroom’s walls in ordor to count number of eggs per unit and calculation of a dispersión index. Three removal methods for relative estimates were tested before the demolition took place, which were compared with values obtained from direct counting while demolition. Our results show a high degree of crowding and different habitat preference fornymphs, adults and oviposition microhabitats. T. infestaos population seems to be still well below the carrying capacity of the environment. The use of a feeding index, to calculate number of bites per day and person, required to satisfy “vinchucas” feeding needs, alowed us to postulate T. infestaos domestic population haven't yet developed an intensive intraspecific competition. This is so because the studied population would be undergoing an expansión stage of growing.A typical country house located in an endemic chagasic area (La Batea, Córdoba,Argentina), was completely demolished on order lo look primarily upon the numerical level achieved by triatomines population as well as to establish distribution patterns and habitat preference. Furthermore, some emergent population parameters and attributes were studied, such as density, fecundity, age, structure and sex ratio. Triatoma infestans was the only well established resident population species in thedomestic boundary, even though very few individuals belonging to the congeneric T. guasayana were detected in coexistence with the former species. A low degree of egg's parasitism by microhymenoptera was found. Ninety six sample units were taken during demolition in the bedroom’s walls in ordor to count number of eggs per unit and calculation of a dispersión index. Three removal methods for relative estimates were tested before the demolition took place, which were compared with values obtained from direct counting while demolition. Our results show a high degree of crowding and different habitat preference fornymphs, adults and oviposition microhabitats. T. infestaos population seems to be still well below the carrying capacity of the environment. The use of a feeding index, to calculate number of bites per day and person, required to satisfy “vinchucas” feeding needs, alowed us to postulate T. infestaos domestic population haven't yet developed an intensive intraspecific competition. This is so because the studied population would be undergoing an expansión stage of growing

    Significant reduction in abundance of peridomestic mosquitoes (Culicidae) and Culicoides midges (Ceratopogonidae) after chemical intervention in western São Paulo, Brazil

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    Background: We assessed the impact of two sand fly insecticide interventions (insecticide spraying and insecticide-impregnated dog collars) on the peridomestic abundance and distribution of mosquitoes (Culicidae) and biting midges (Ceratopogonidae) in western São Paulo (Brazil) in a long-term (42-month) evaluation. Both of these dipteran groups are vectors of diseases of medical and veterinary relevance to humans and domestic animals in Brazil. Methods: The interventions in the 3-arm stratified randomised control trial were: pheromone + insecticide (PI) (chicken roosts were sprayed with microencapsulated lambda-cyhalothrin; pheromone lure has no effect on the Diptera pests studied here); dog-collars (DC) (dogs fitted with deltamethrin-impregnated collars); and control (C) (unexposed to pyrethroids) were extended by 12 months. During that time, adult mosquitoes and midges were sampled along 280 households at three household locations (inside human dwellings, dog sleeping sites and chicken roosts). Results: We collected 3145 culicids (9 genera, 87.6% Culex spp.) distributed relatively uniformly across all 3 arms: 41.9% at chicken roosts; 37.7% inside houses; and 20.3% at dog sleeping sites. We collected 11,464 Culicoides (15 species) found mostly at chicken roosting sites (84.7%) compared with dog sleeping sites (12.9%) or houses (2.4%). Mosquitoes and Culicoides were most abundant during the hot and rainy season. Increased daytime temperature was marginally associated with increased mosquito abundance (Z = 1.97, P = 0.049) and Culicoides abundance (Z = 1.71, P = 0.087). There was no significant association with daily average rainfall for either group. Household-level mosquito and midge numbers were both significantly reduced by the PI intervention 56% [incidence rate ratio, IRR = 0.54 (95% CI: 0.30–0.97), P ≤ 0.05] and 53% [IRR = 0.47 (95% CI: 0.26–0.85), P ≤ 0.05], respectively, compared to the control intervention. The abundance of both dipteran groups at dog sleeping sites was largely unaffected by the PI and DC interventions. The PI intervention significantly reduced abundance of mosquitoes inside houses (41%) and at chicken roosting sites (48%) and reduced midge abundance by 51% in chicken roosting sites. Conclusions: Sprayed insecticide at chicken roosting sites reduced the abundance of mosquitoes and midges at the peridomestic level while dog collars had no effect on numbers for any group

    Persistence of HPV infection and risk of high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in a cohort of Colombian women

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    Little is known about the dynamics of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and subsequent development of high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN2/3), particularly in women >30 years of age. This information is needed to assess the impact of HPV vaccines and consider new screening strategies. A cohort of 1728 women 15–85 years old with normal cytology at baseline was followed every 6 months for an average of 9 years. Women with squamous intraepithelial lesions were referred for biopsy and treatment. The Kaplan–Meier method was used to estimate the median duration of infection and Cox regression analysis was undertaken to assess determinants of clearance and risk of CIN2/3 associated with HPV persistence. No difference in the likelihood of clearance was observed by HPV type or woman's age, with the exception of lower clearance for HPV16 infection in women under 30 years of age. Viral load was inversely associated with clearance. In conclusion, viral load is the main determinant of persistence, and persistence of HPV16 infections carry a higher risk of CIN2/3