369 research outputs found


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    In the 2001 Workshop the authors developed and applied a taxonomy and framework for assessing the status of agricultural and food policies in each of the NAFTA countries (Knutson, Loyns and Ochoa, 2002). It divided the policies into the following areas: -Facilitate growth and progress. Regulation. Market intervention. For each area the paper identified the major points of conflict that existed in 2001 at the time the paper was written and the requirements for harmonization. The major areas of conflict included; -Facilitate growth and progress: particularly grades and standards in grains (US-CA) and beef (US-CA); trade policy in dairy (US-CA), sugar (US-MX), poultry (US-MX), and wheat (US-CA); infrastructure policies (border conflicts US-MX). Regulation: particularly plant and animal protection (US-MX), food safety (US-MX), pesticides (US-CA-MX). Market interventions: particularly disaster assistance (US-CA-MX), price supports and safety nets (US-CA-MX), and supply management and state trading. The purpose of this paper is to update that paper and to draw conclusions as to whether progress has been made since 2001 has been positive, negative, or neutral in each of these areas of conflict for policy/program convergence, harmonization, and compatibility. The 2001 policies, therefore, can be looked upon as a policy baseline point of reference for comparison in 2003. Many of the policy changes were embodied in the precipitated by the US 2002 farm bill. However, care was taken to review each of the policy/program areas covered in the 2001 taxonomy to identify changes in the level of conflict.International Relations/Trade,

    Detection of leaf structures in close-range hyperspectral images using morphological fusion

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    Close-range hyperspectral images are a promising source of information in plant biology, in particular, for in vivo study of physiological changes. In this study, we investigate how data fusion can improve the detection of leaf elements by combining pixel reflectance and morphological information. The detection of image regions associated to the leaf structures is the first step toward quantitative analysis on the physical effects that genetic manipulation, disease infections, and environmental conditions have in plants. We tested our fusion approach on Musa acuminata (banana) leaf images and compared its discriminant capability to similar techniques used in remote sensing. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of our fusion approach, with significant improvements over some conventional methods

    A study of composite plates with holes/inclusions

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    Delamination characterization of a plate with a hole/inclusion is presented. A closed form solution is developed to obtain stresses on the boundary of hole/inclusion in the plate. Once the location with the highest tangential stress is identified, a Finite Element Method analysis of a laminate under tensile loading is considered. The models are presented for the closed form and Finite Element Method. The examples are for (+ or - 35/0/90)s laminate of AS4/3501-6. Tensile, biaxial, and shear loads are considered

    Policy Goals and the Design of Farm Programs: An Evaluation of FAIR

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    Evaluating the performance of our current farm programs initially requires a specification of policy goals. In performing this exercise, we conclude that the goals have changed, much like the policies have changed. We then evaluate whether the current set of policies will fulfill the goals in a politically acceptable manner. It is concluded that this is questionable, at least in the short run. Moreover, it is concluded that, regardless of what is done in policy terms, the farm structure will continue to undergo dramatic change. Policies will affect the rate of change in structure, but not the direction which will continue toward fewer but larger integrated farms.Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Report of Tuckerella pavoniformis (Acari: Tuckerellidae) on Mamey, Mammea americana (Calophyllaceae), in Northwestern Peru

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    The family Tuckerellidae, or peacock mites, is a monogeneric group comprising approximately 32 species, which are usually collected from the fruits or woody parts of their host plants. Fruits and branchlets of mamey, Mammea americana L. (Calophyllaceae) trees in north-western Peru were sampled for peacock mites throughout spring and summer for two consecutive years. This is the first record of Tuckerella pavoniformis (Ewing) (Acari: Tuckerellidae) feeding on mamey. Aggregations of mites were much higher and more common on the fruit epicarps than on branchlets. Recommendations for the development of an Integrated Pest Management strategy for this peacock mite are included

    Propuesta para la implementación de un programa de prevención de riesgo de incendio para la estación de servicios El Pionero TAC.

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    Este documento contiene archivo en PDF.Con el presente estudio se ha elaborado la Propuesta de un Programa de Prevención de Riesgo de Incendio para la estación de Servicios “El Pionero TAC”, fundamentado en los factores de protección y reducción de la Metodología Simplificada de Evaluación de Riesgo de Incendio (MESERI), con el propósito de reducir el riesgo de incendio y que este pueda afectar a trabajadores, clientes o los bienes de la empresa. Inicialmente se utilizó la metodología MESERI para evaluar la situación actual, frente al riesgo de incendio, para luego identificar los factores deficientes o inexistentes que con la aplicación de técnicas de gestión en materia de seguridad y salud en el trabajo puedan ser aplicadas, para con ello simular su existencia e implementación, realizando seguidamente una reevaluación y determinar si dichas medidas de gestión contribuyen a mejorar la calificación de riesgo de incendio, situación que se pudo evidenciar al pasar de una valoración MALA a subir dos grados y ubicarse en una valoración BUENA de prevención de riesgo de incendio. Por ello se puede determinar que las medidas propuestas son adecuadas y que son viables técnicamente para su implementación.The present study has developed a proposed of Prevention Program for Fire Risk in the Services Station "El Pionero TAC" based on protective factors and reducing Simplified Risk Assessment Methodology Fire (MESERI) , in order to reduce the risk of fire and that this might affect employees, customers or the assets of the company. Initially MESERI methodology was used to assess the current situation facing the risk of fire, and then identify weak or nonexistent factors to the implementation of management techniques on safety and health at work they can be applied to thereby simulate their existence and implementation, making then a reevaluation and determine whether these management measures help to improve fire risk rating, a situation that was evident when moving from one mispricing up two degrees and placed on a good evaluation of prevention fire risk. Therefore it can be determined that the proposed measures are appropriate and to be technically feasible for implementation

    Características de la Inteligencia Comercial en la Gerencia de Desarrollo en una empresa de servicios de seguridad. Periodo 2017

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    Para el desarrollo del presente trabajo de investigación titulado Características de la Inteligencia Comercial en la Gerencia de Desarrollo en una empresa de servicios de seguridad. Periodo 2017, se tomaron como referencia los trabajos publicados por diversos investigadores nacionales y extranjeros. Cabe mencionar los aportes realizados por Silva y Soto (2016) de la Universidad Católica y Espinoza y Quispe (2006) de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. A nivel internacional quisiéramos mencionar el trabajo efectuado por Sánchez (2014) presentado en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) y la obra Minería de datos: técnicas y herramientas de Pérez y Santín (2007) docentes de la prestigiosa Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). La metodología empleada tiene un enfoque cuantitativo, un método deductivo y es de tipo transeccional y transversal. La población y muestra de la investigación estuvo compuesta por 43 trabajadores de la empresa de seguridad Grupo Elite del Norte SRL - ELITNOR. Los resultados de la investigación determinaron la necesidad de profundizar el estudio de la inteligencia comercial en la gerencia de desarrollo de la empresa, invertir en planes de capacitación y actualización dirigida al personal con la finalidad de optimizar la información y transformarla en conocimiento para los fines de la organización.For the development of this research work entitled Characteristics of Business Intelligence in the Development Management of a security services company. Period 2017. The works published by various national and foreign researchers were taken as a reference. It is worth mentioning the contributions made by Silva and Soto (2016) from the Catholic University and Espinoza and Quispe (2006) from the National University of San Marcos. At the international level, we would like to mention the work carried out by Sánchez (2014) presented at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and the work Data Mining: Techniques and Tools by Pérez and Santín (2007) teachers at the prestigious Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). The methodology used has a quantitative approach, a deductive method and is transectional and transversal. The population and sample of the investigation consisted of 43 workers from the security company Grupo Elite del Norte SRL - ELITNOR. The results of the investigation determined the need to deepen the study of commercial intelligence in the development management of the company, invest in training and updating plans aimed at staff in order to optimize information and transform it into knowledge for the purposes of the organization.RímacInnovación en gestión, administración pública y privad


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    Canada thistle [Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop.] growing in eastern Colorado, Wyoming and western Nebraska were surveyed for the presence and distribution of Aceria anthocoptes (Nal.). Of the 34 sites surveyed in 2004, mites were abundant at 42%, present in lesser numbers at 52%, and not present at 6% of the sites. In 2005, two new sites were added and ten sites sampled in 2004 were revisited. Of these 12 sites, mites were abundant at 17%, present to a lesser extent at 58%, and not present at 25% of the sites. The results demonstrate that Canada thistle growing in this region commonly harbor A. anthocoptes. How long A. anthocoptes has been present in this region is unknown, however, anecdotal evidence demonstrating a dramatic decline in the population of Canada thistle at one Colorado site from 2000 to 2007 suggests that the mite may have been present since 2002