99 research outputs found

    Deadline Missing Prediction Through the Use of Milestones

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    Distributed Real-Time Thread is an important concept for distributed real-time systems. Distributed Threads are schedulable entities with an end-to-end deadline that transpose nodes, carrying their scheduling context. In each node, the thread will be locally scheduled according to a local deadline, which is defined by a deadline partitioning algorithm. Mechanisms for predicting the missing of deadlines are fundamental if corrective actions are incorporated for improving system quality of service. In this work, a mechanism for predicting missing deadlines is proposed and evaluated through simulation. In order to illustrate the main characteristics of the proposed mechanism, experiments will be presented taking into account different scenarios of normal load and overload. Simulations show that the deadline missing prediction mechanism proposed presents good results for improving the overall performance and availability of distributed systems

    Analysis of the load of physical work in activities of forest implementation insteepareas

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    Esta pesquisa teve o objetivo de avaliar a carga de trabalho físico em atividades de implantação florestal em áreas declivosas no sul do Espírito Santo e propor uma reorganização ergonômica para melhoria dos níveis de saúde, bem-estar e satisfação dos trabalhadores. A carga de trabalho físico foi avaliada por intermédio do levantamento da frequência cardíaca, com o uso de monitores de frequência cardíaca nas atividades de construção de cercas, roçada manual, capina química, marcação de covas, coroamento, coveamento manual, enchimento de covas, adubação pré-plantio e plantio. A maior exigência física no trabalho foi verificada na atividade de coveamento manual (125 bpm), sendo esta classificada como moderadamente pesada. A menor exigência física no trabalho foi observada na atividade de adubação pré-plantio, com frequência cardíaca média de 87 bpm, sendo classificada como atividade leve. Foram verificadas diferenças significativas entre as atividades de implantação (médias da carga cardiovascular) pelo teste de Scott-Knott ao nível de 5%, e a necessidade de reorganizar o ambiente de trabalho com inserção de pausas orientadas.Palavras-chave:  Ergonomia florestal; frequência cardíaca; plantio florestal; fisiologia do trabalho florestal. AbstractAnalysis of the load of physical work in activities of forest implementation insteepareas.This research had the objective to evaluate the load of physical work in activities of forest implementation in steep areas in the south of the Espírito Santo, Brazil and to propose an ergonomic reorganization for improvement of the levels of health, well-being and satisfaction of the workers. The load of physical work was evaluated by the survey of the cardiac frequency with the use of monitors of cardiac frequency in the activities of construction of fencing, manual mowing, weeding chemical, marking of graves, weeding, manual pit, filling of pits, adubation pre-planting and planting. The biggest physical requirement in the work was verified in the activity of manual pit (125 bpm), being classified as moderately heavy activity. The lower physical demands at work were observed in adubation pre-planting, frequently average cardiopath of 87 bpm, being classified as light activity. Significant differences had been verified enter the averages of the cardiovascular load and necessity to reorganize the environment of work with insertion of target pauses.Keywords: Forestry ergonomics; cardiac frequency; forestry activities; physiology of forest work.This research had the objective to evaluate the load of physical work in activities of forest implementation in steep areas in the south of the Espírito Santo, Brazil and to propose an ergonomic reorganization for improvement of the levels of health, well-being and satisfaction of the workers. The load of physical work was evaluated by the survey of the cardiac frequency with the use of monitors of cardiac frequency in the activities of construction of fencing, manual mowing, weeding chemical, marking of graves, weeding, manual pit, filling of pits, adubation pre-planting and planting. The biggest physical requirement in the work was verified in the activity of manual pit (125 bpm), being classified as moderately heavy activity. The lower physical demands at work were observed in adubation preplanting, frequently average cardiopath of 87 bpm, being classified as light activity. Significant differences had been verified enter the averages of the cardiovascular load and necessity to reorganize the environment of work with insertion of target pauses

    Detecting microorganisms producing surface active compounds in mangrove sediments in São Luís, Maranhão

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    Mangroves are areas of sediment transitions, favoring the cycling of materials associated with high concentration of microorganisms, presenting vulnerability to anthropogenic actions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the ability of microbiota in mangrove sediments of the Anil River, in the city of São Luís, Maranhão. To produce surface active compounds (SACs), samples were collected according to the EMBRAPA methodology by inoculating them in the Bushnell Haas medium, with carbon sources varying at 3% (v/v). From the production obtained, the supernatants of each culture were submitted to E24 analysis, drop spreading, thermal stability/pressure and pH variation. The SAC-producing species were identified using the MALDI-QTOF MS method. The producing species were identified as Serratia marcescens (2), Ochrobactrum spp. (3). E24 values ranged from 33% to 48% yield, with stability increase after autoclaving of 3% to 6% and of 17% for basic pH ranges, demonstrating the feasibility of using regional microorganisms present in mangroves to produce SACs from different carbon sources, as they have good rates of emulsification and stability to the diverse environmental factors

    Clinical and manometric evaluation of women with chronic anal fissure before and after internal subcutaneous lateral sphincterotomy

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a evolução clínica e manométrica de mulheres com fissura anal crônica submetidas à esfincterotomia lateral interna subcutânea. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo com oito pacientes. A avaliação inicial foi realizada por meio de questionários, exame físico e manometria anorretal na semana anterior ao procedimento cirúrgico. Durante o período pós-operatório, as pacientes foram avaliadas clinicamente a cada 15 dias, até a cicatrização completa. Os questionários e a manometria anorretal foram repetidos 1 mês e 3 meses após a operação. Foi avaliado o tempo para cicatrização da fissura, as alterações manométricas e as complicações decorrentes do procedimento. RESULTADOS: Todas as pacientes apresentavam hipertonia esfincteriana interna no período pré-operatório. Após 3 meses da operação, as pressões de repouso e o comprimento do canal anal funcional diminuíram de modo estatisticamente significante. Houve redução das queixas de prurido e sangramento. A cicatrização completa da fissura ocorreu em sete pacientes. A mediana do tempo de cicatrização foi de 45 dias. Não houve complicações decorrentes do procedimento. Uma paciente apresentou incontinência transitória para flatos. CONCLUSÕES: A esfincterotomia lateral interna subcutânea proporcionou melhora clínica e diminuição das pressões de repouso dos esfíncteres anais em mulheres com fissura anal crônica.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate clinical and manometric parameters of chronic anal fissure females undergoing lateral internal sphincterotomy (LIS). METHODS: A total of eight women with chronic anal fissure who underwent LIS were included in this study. The preoperative assessment was performed one week before surgery and included general and anorectal examination, anorectal manometry, and Jorge Wexner questionnaire. The post operative follow up was made every 15 days until complete healing. Jorge Wexner questionnaires and anorectal manometry were repeated at 1 month and 3 months after the surgery. Time to healing, manometric changes and complications were assessed. RESULTS: All patients had preoperative increased anal resting pressure. The resting pressures and anal canal length were significantly decreased 3 months after surgery. Patients' complaints of itching and bleeding were also reduced. Fissures healed in 7 patients and median healing time was 45 days. No complications were observed due to the procedure. One patient had transient incontinence to flatus. CONCLUSION: Lateral internal sphincterotomy provided clinical improvement and reduced resting pressure of the internal anal sphincter in women with chronic anal fissure


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    A guapeva (Pouteria cf. Guardneriana Radlk) é um fruto oriundo do cerrado, pouco conhecido, mas que possui alto potencial fenolico, como carotenoides, vitamina C e comprovada atividade antioxidante, que pode contribuir no combate a doenças crônico-degenerativas, tais como câncer e diabetes. Os compostos fenolicos agem de forma antioxidante combatendo os radicais livres reagindo com DNA, RNA, proteínas e outras substâncias oxidáveis. Assim o objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar as correlações entre os compostos bioativos da polpa de guapeva e os compostos antioxidantes utilizando a  Correlação de Pears. Verificou-se que o conteúdo fenólico presente na polpa da guapeva apresentou forte correlação com vitamina C (R=0,99) e carotenóide (R=0,88), demosntrando que esses constituintes contribuem de forma expressiva no potencial fenólico do fruto, e os carotenóides totais correlacionou-se fortemente com as antocianinas e o flavonoide (R=0,97 e R=0,91). Para os resultados entre conteúdo fenólico e o método de FRAP demonstrou correlação considerada moderada (R=0,59) atestando um vínculo estreito entre os compostos fenólicos e FRAP, indicando que a capacidade antioxidante da guapeva tem associação com os seus constituintes fenólicos. Ainda assim o fruto é considerado como um alimento que possui um alto potencial antioxidante natural podendo ser incorporado na dieta humana