70 research outputs found

    Estrategias para la docencia en línea

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    Recurs d'aprenentatge de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.Recurso de aprendizaje de la "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya".Learning material of the "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya"

    Los entornos 1x1 en Cataluña : entre las expectativas de las políticas educativas y las voces del profesorado

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    Este artículo presenta algunos de los resultados obtenidos en Cataluña en el proyecto de investigación Las políticas de un «ordenador por niño» en España: Visiones y prácticas del profesorado ante el programa Escuela 2.0. Un análisis comparado entre comunidades autónomas (EDU2010-17037). Financiado en el marco del Plan Nacional I+D+i del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Convocatoria 2010Este artículo tiene como finalidad aportar evidencias sobre cómo valora el profesorado de Cataluña los entornos 1x1, una implantación masiva de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en las aulas que suscita posicionamientos visiblemente polarizados entre los docentes. Comenzamos el trabajo abordando, brevemente, algunas de las constantes que arroja el análisis de casi 25 años de políticas TIC en Cataluña. Seguidamente, presentamos los proyectos autonómicos eduCAT1x1 y eduCAT 2.0, la concreción en Cataluña del programa Escuela 2.0. En la segunda parte del trabajo, analizamos cómo se posiciona el profesorado de Cataluña en el marco del proyecto TICSE 2.0 frente a los entornos 1x1, resituando las respuestas al cuestionario en línea en cuatro categorías: cambio metodológico, integración tecnológica, ordenadores en las aulas y contenidos digitales. Un análisis y una interpretación que ponen de manifiesto que las políticas (y las prácticas) relacionadas con los entornos 1x1 generan respuestas contundentes y posicionamientos categóricos entre el colectivo docente.Aquest article té com a finalitat aportar evidències sobre com valora el professorat de Catalunya els entorns 1x1, una implantació massiva de les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació a les aules que suscita posicionaments visiblement polaritzats entre els docents. Comencem el treball abordant, breument, algunes de les constants que mostra l'anàlisi de gairebé 25 anys de polítiques TIC a Catalunya. Seguidament, presentem els projectes autonòmics eduCAT1x1 i eduCAT 2.0, la concreció a Catalunya del programa Escuela 2.0. A la segona part del treball, hi analitzem com es posiciona el professorat de Catalunya en el marc del projecte TICSE 2.0 enfront dels entorns 1x1, resituant les respostes al qüestionari en línia en quatre categories: canvi metodològic, integració tecnològica, ordinadors a les aules i continguts digitals. Una anàlisi i una interpretació que posen de manifest que les polítiques (i les pràctiques) relacionades amb els entorns 1x1 generen respostes contundents i posicionaments categòrics entre el col·lectiu docent.The aim of this article is to provide evidence on Catalonian teacher's perception about One Laptop Per Child. In fact, ICT massive integration in classrooms causes polarized opinions among teachers. This work is started with a brief revision of the most important/ common issues of almost 25 years of ICT policies in Catalonia. In the first part of the article, the regional concretions of the Spanish School 2.0 program (eduCAT1x1, eduCAT 2.0) are presented. In the framework of the Spanish research project TICSE 2.0, Catalonian teachers completed an online survey with closed and open-ended questions. In order to get evidence on Catalonian teachers' stance towards One Laptop Per Child, the openended responses of the survey were organized in four categories: methodological changes, ICT integration, computers in classrooms and digital contents. The analysis and interpretation of data gathered highlights teachers' forceful responses and strong positions on One Laptop Per Child

    Avaluació dels aprenentatges en contextos educatius en línia

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    La cinquena publicació de la col·lecció tracta sobre l'avaluació dels aprenentatges en contextos educatius en líni

    Mirroring learning ecologies of outstanding teachers to integrate ICTs in the classroom

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    This paper presents an exploratory study to examine the practices of outstanding primary school teachers in their professional development for ICT integration in teaching and learning, as a means of understanding how their learning ecologies develop and function. Outstanding teachers in the context of this study are teachers who innovate pedagogically and who are influential in the community, having successfully developed their learning ecology. Using a qualitative approach, we explore the concept of learning ecologies as a driver for innovation in the professional development of teachers, using a carefully selected sample of nine outstanding teachers. Drawing from in-depth interviews, specific coding and NVIVO analysis, our results show that these teachers develop organized systems for activities, relationships and resource usage and production, which can be characterized as the components of their professional learning ecology, to continuously keep up to date. We also identified some characteristics of teachers that perform outstandingly and factors that potentially facilitate or hinder their learning ecology development. Further research in the field will enable an improved understanding of the professional learning ecologies of school teachers and support future interventions and recommendations for professional development through the cultivation of emerging professional learning ecologies

    Mirroring learning ecologies of outstanding teachers to integrate ICTs in the classroom

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    This paper presents an exploratory study to examine the practices of outstanding primary school teachers in their professional development for ICT integration in teaching and learning, as a means of understanding how their learning ecologies develop and function. Outstanding teachers in the context of this study are teachers who innovate pedagogically and who are influential in the community, having successfully developed their learning ecology. Using a qualitative approach, we explore the concept of learning ecologies as a driver for innovation in the professional development of teachers, using a carefully selected sample of nine outstanding teachers. Drawing from in-depth interviews, specific coding and NVIVO analysis, our results show that these teachers develop organized systems for activities, relationships and resource usage and production, which can be characterized as the components of their professional learning ecology, to continuously keep up to date. We also identified some characteristics of teachers that perform outstandingly and factors that potentially facilitate or hinder their learning ecology development. Further research in the field will enable an improved understanding of the professional learning ecologies of school teachers and support future interventions and recommendations for professional development through the cultivation of emerging professional learning ecologies

    Mirroring learning ecologies of outstanding teachers to integrate ICTs in the classroom

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    This paper presents an exploratory study to examine the practices of outstanding primary school teachers in their professional development for ICT integration in teaching and learning, as a means of understanding how their learning ecologies develop and function. Outstanding teachers in the context of this study are teachers who innovate pedagogically and who are influential in the community, having successfully developed their learning ecology. Using a qualitative approach, we explore the concept of learning ecologies as a driver for innovation in the professional development of teachers, using a carefully selected sample of nine outstanding teachers. Drawing from in-depth interviews, specific coding and NVIVO analysis, our results show that these teachers develop organized systems for activities, relationships and resource usage and production, which can be characterized as the components of their professional learning ecology, to continuously keep up to date. We also identified some characteristics of teachers that perform outstandingly and factors that potentially facilitate or hinder their learning ecology development. Further research in the field will enable an improved understanding of the professional learning ecologies of school teachers and support future interventions and recommendations for professional development through the cultivation of emerging professional learning ecologies

    Mirroring learning ecologies of outstanding teachers to integrate ICTs in the classroom

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    This paper presents an exploratory study to examine the practices of outstanding primary school teachers in their professional development for ICT integration in teaching and learning, as a means of understanding how their learning ecologies develop and function. Outstanding teachers in the context of this study are teachers who innovate pedagogically and who are influential in the community, having successfully developed their learning ecology. Using a qualitative approach, we explore the concept of learning ecologies as a driver for innovation in the professional development of teachers, using a carefully selected sample of nine outstanding teachers. Drawing from in-depth interviews, specific coding and NVIVO analysis, our results show that these teachers develop organized systems for activities, relationships and resource usage and production, which can be characterized as the components of their professional learning ecology, to continuously keep up to date. We also identified some characteristics of teachers that perform outstandingly and factors that potentially facilitate or hinder their learning ecology development. Further research in the field will enable an improved understanding of the professional learning ecologies of school teachers and support future interventions and recommendations for professional development through the cultivation of emerging professional learning ecologies

    Mirroring learning ecologies of outstanding teachers to integrate ICTs in the classroom

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    This paper presents an exploratory study to examine the practices of outstanding primary school teachers in their professional development for ICT integration in teaching and learning, as a means of understanding how their learning ecologies develop and function. Outstanding teachers in the context of this study are teachers who innovate pedagogically and who are influential in the community, having successfully developed their learning ecology. Using a qualitative approach, we explore the concept of learning ecologies as a driver for innovation in the professional development of teachers, using a carefully selected sample of nine outstanding teachers. Drawing from in-depth interviews, specific coding and NVIVO analysis, our results show that these teachers develop organized systems for activities, relationships and resource usage and production, which can be characterized as the components of their professional learning ecology, to continuously keep up to date. We also identified some characteristics of teachers that perform outstandingly and factors that potentially facilitate or hinder their learning ecology development. Further research in the field will enable an improved understanding of the professional learning ecologies of school teachers and support future interventions and recommendations for professional development through the cultivation of emerging professional learning ecologies


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    The present invention provides a composition for detecting and/or characterizing a multiple-charged biomolecule comprising a charged d or d metal complex, wherein the metal complex electrostatically binds to the multiple-charged biomolecule to induce aggregation and self-assembly of the metal complex through metalmetal interactions, pp interactions, or a combination of both interactions. The present invention further provides assay methods and kits for label-free optical detection and/or characterization of biomolecules carrying multiple charges, e.g., single-stranded nucleic acids, polyaspartate, polyglutamate, using a composition comprising a charged d or d metal complex.published_or_final_versio

    Learning Analytics: A View on the Design and Assessment of Asynchronous Online Discussions for Better Teaching Performance

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    In recent years, the impact of learning analytics has been investigated and explored in higher education contexts. This article aims to show how their application in online educational contexts is providing great support for teaching performance, especially in relation to the methodology applied, the monitoring of students’ interactions and participation, and the evaluation of activities, and how it can favor improvements in student performance and satisfaction. We therefore present the results obtained from use of the DIANA (DIAlog ANAlysis) tool designed for the research project “Use of learning analytics in digital environments: impact on the improvement of university teaching practice” (LAxDigTeach-21085GE). This study followed a mixed methodology (qualitative and quantitative) to better complement the data provided by learning analytics, given that the numerical data must be meaningful in the specific context in which they are collected. The results obtained are in line with previous research and show that the use of learning analytics have helped to improve teaching performance in relation to monitoring student interactions, participation, and evaluation, but are limited in terms of improving their performance and satisfaction. No generalized conclusions can be drawn as yet in light of the fact that the research project of which this study is a part has recently completed the pilot stage and we have only analyzed the information obtained in one of the participating subjects.This research was funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain in the competition “Proyectos I+D+I 2020 Retos Investigación y Generación de Conocimiento” under the Project titled “Uso de analíticas de aprendizaje en entornos digitales: impacto en la mejora de la práctica docente universitaria (LAxDigTeach)”, grant number PID2020-115115GB-I00