34 research outputs found

    Alternative substrates and controlled-release fertilizer in the production of yellow passion fruit seedlings

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    There are many residues that can be used for agriculture, especially as a substrate. However, it is often necessary to fertilize the growing media so that the seedlings can be produced with quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of alternative and commercial substrates associated with different controlled-release fertilizer levels in producing yellow passion fruit seedlings. The experiment was conducted at the Embrapa Acre seedling nursery, with 50% luminosity. We used a randomized block experimental design in a 5 x 3 factorial scheme with 15 treatments, 4 replicates, and 10 plants per plot. The treatments consisted of five controlled-release fertilizer levels (0 kg m-3, 3 kg m-3, 6 kg m-3, 9 kg m-3, and 12 kg m-3) combined with lumps of acerola fruits (LAF), Brazil nut peel (BNP), and commercial (CS) substrates. The evaluated variables were seed height, stem diameter, number of leaves, shoot dry mass (SDM), root dry mass (RDM), total dry mass (TDM), and seedling quality index (SQI). Use of the alternative lumps of acerola fruit (LAF) substrate associated with the 10 kg m-³ level of controlled-release fertilizer promoted the best results. BNP has potential for use as a substrate for passion fruit seedlings, however adjustments are necessary to achieve an adequate composition.There are many residues that can be used for agriculture, especially as a substrate. However, it is often necessary to fertilize the growing media so that the seedlings can be produced with quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of alternative and commercial substrates associated with different controlled-release fertilizer levels in producing yellow passion fruit seedlings. The experiment was conducted at the Embrapa Acre seedling nursery, with 50% luminosity. We used a randomized block experimental design in a 5 x 3 factorial scheme with 15 treatments, 4 replicates, and 10 plants per plot. The treatments consisted of five controlled-release fertilizer levels (0 kg m-3, 3 kg m-3, 6 kg m-3, 9 kg m-3, and 12 kg m-3) combined with lumps of acerola fruits (LAF), Brazil nut peel (BNP), and commercial (CS) substrates. The evaluated variables were seed height, stem diameter, number of leaves, shoot dry mass (SDM), root dry mass (RDM), total dry mass (TDM), and seedling quality index (SQI). Use of the alternative lumps of acerola fruit (LAF) substrate associated with the 10 kg m-³ level of controlled-release fertilizer promoted the best results. BNP has potential for use as a substrate for passion fruit seedlings, however adjustments are necessary to achieve an adequate composition

    Estimativa de repetibilidade para caracteres de qualidade de frutos de laranjeira‑doce

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    The objective of this work was to determine the repeatability coefficient of fruit quality characteristics of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) and the minimum number of evaluations that can provide levels of prediction certainty of the true genotype value. Thirty nine genotypes of sweet orange, collected in nine municipalities of the state of Acre, Brazil, were evaluated in five crop cycles. A randomized complete block design was used, with three replicates. The following were evaluated: average fruit weight, juice yield, peel thickness, soluble solids (SS), total acidity (TA), SS/TA ratio, and technological index. To estimate the repeatability coefficients, the methods of analysis of variance, principal component analysis, and structural analysis were used. All evaluated characters showed variability, except for juice yield. The evaluated characters showed a cyclic pattern, which was best captured by the multivariate methodologies for estimating the repeatability coefficient. Fifteen evaluations are needed to determine, with 90% certainty, the characters peel thickness and soluble solids, and 11, 6, 3, 2, and 1 evaluations, respectively for average fruit weight, total acidity, technological index, juice yield, and SS/TA ratio, respectively.O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o coeficiente de repetibilidade de características de qualidade do fruto de laranjeira‑doce (Citrus sinensis) e o número mínimo de avaliações capaz de proporcionar níveis de certeza da predição do valor real dos genótipos. Foram avaliados, em cinco safras, 39 genótipos de laranjeira‑doce, coletados em nove municípios do Estado do Acre. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições. Foram avaliados: massa média de frutos, rendimento de suco, espessura de casca, sólidos solúveis (SS), acidez total (AT), relação SS/AT e índice tecnológico. Para a estimativa dos coeficientes de repetibilidade, foram utilizados os métodos da análise de variância, dos componentes principais e da análise estrutural. Todos os caracteres avaliados mostraram variabilidade, exceto o rendimento de suco. Os caracteres avaliados mostraram padrão cíclico, o que foi mais bem captado pelas metodologias multivariadas de estimativa do coeficiente de repetibilidade. São necessárias 15 avaliações para determinar, com 90% de certeza, os caracteres espessura de casca e sólidos solúveis, e 11, 6, 3, 2 e 1 avaliações, respectivamente para massa média de fruto, acidez total, índice tecnológico, rendimento de suco e relação SS/AT

    Avances en propagación y cultivo de papaya

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    The papaya (Carica papaya) is a culture that has shown potential in several Brazilian regions, either in large producing companies or for family agriculture. Research on culture is needed to improve production and advance in regions where culture is incipient. Thus, this review aims to verify the scientific advances on the propagation and cultivation of papaya in the last eighteen years. The studies developed in the last years are mostly related to substrates for production of seedlings, fertilization with NPK and irrigation systems for the crop. The works addressing spacing, alternative cultural treatments and especially the consortium with other cultures are scarce. And there are still few researches carried out in regions that present aptitude for the production of the fruit, but are not great producers.La papaya (Carica papaya) es un cultivo que ha demostrado potencial en varias regiones brasileñas, ya sea en grandes empresas productoras o para la agricultura familiar. La investigación en cultura es necesaria para mejorar la producción y avanzar en regiones donde la cultura es incipiente. Por lo tanto, esta revisión tiene como objetivo verificar los avances científicos en la propagación y el cultivo de papaya en los últimos dieciocho años. Los estudios desarrollados en los últimos años están relacionados principalmente con sustratos para la producción de plántulas, fertilización con NPK y sistemas de riego para el cultivo. Los trabajos que abordan el espaciamiento, los tratamientos culturales alternativos y principalmente el consorcio con otras culturas son escasos. Y todavía hay poca investigación llevada a cabo en regiones que tienen aptitudes para la producción de fruta, pero no son grandes productores.O mamoeiro (Carica papaya) é uma cultura que tem demonstrado potencial em várias regiões brasileiras, seja em grandes empresas produtoras ou para a agricultura familiar. As pesquisas sobre a cultura são necessárias para o aprimoramento da produção e avanço em regiões onde a cultura é incipiente. Dessa forma objetiva-se com essa revisão verificar os avanços científicos sobre a propagação e cultivo do mamoeiro nos últimos dezoito anos. Os estudos desenvolvidos nos últimos anos são em sua maioria relativos a substratos para produção de mudas, adubação com NPK e sistemas de irrigação para a cultura. Os trabalhos abordando espaçamento, tratos culturais alternativos e principalmente o consórcio com outras culturas são escassos. E ainda são poucos as pesquisas realizadas em regiões que apresentam aptidão para a produção da fruta, porém não são grandes produtores

    Shading and controlled-release fertilizer in the production of Oenocarpus bataua Mart. Seedlings

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    When associated an adequate shading and nutrition the seedlings to reach characteristics that allow them tosurvive in the field and increase production. Thus, this work aimed to evaluate the production of Oenocarpusbataua seedlings in response to different shade environments and controlled-release fertilizer doses. Thestudy was carried out from at the Embrapa nursery located in the municipality of Rio Branco, Acre state. Theexperimental design was complete randomized blocks with three replications and six plants per plot. Thetreatments were distributed according to a 4 x 5 factorial scheme, i.e., four shade environments (20%, 30%, 50%and 75%) and five CRF doses (0.0, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5 and 6.0 kg m–3) mixed with the substrate. Biometric, biomass andquality variables were evaluated at 305 days after transplanting. The ANOVA was applied for the qualitativefactor and regression analysis was performed for the quantitative factor, both at 5% probability. The treatmentswere grouped by analyzing canonical variables, a multivariate statistical and realized the Pearson’s correlationbetween variables was determined through correlation networks. The shading environment and the controlledreleasefertilizer positively influenced the growth and quality of Oenocarpus bataua seedlings. The seedlings ofOenocarpus bataua have better biometric characteristics produced in a nursery with 50% shading. Oenocarpusbataua seedlings show better quality when 3.88 kg m-3 of controlled release fertilizer are used

    Uso da metodologia REML/BLUP para seleção de genótipos de laranjeira-doce

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    The objective of this work was to select superior sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) genotypes with higher yield potential based on data from eight harvests, using the residual or restricted maximum likelihood/best linear unbiased prediction (REML/BLUP) methodology. The experiment was carried out from 2002 to 2008 and in 2010 in the municipality of Rio Branco, in the state of Acre, Brazil. Analyzes of deviance were performed to test the significance of the components of variance according to the random effects of the used model, and parameters were estimated from individual genotypic and phenotypic variances. A selection intensity of 20% was adopted regarding genotypic selection, i.e., only the best 11 of the 55 genotypes tested were selected. The estimates of the genetic parameters show the existence of genetic variability and the selection potential of the studied sweet orange genotypes. The genotypic correlation between harvests is of low magnitude, except for the variable average fruit mass, and, as a reflex, there is a change in the ordering of the genotypes. Genotypes 5, 48, 19, 14, and 47 stand out as being the most productive, and, therefore, are the most suitable for selection purposes. Genotypes 14 and 47 show superior performance for the character set evaluated.O objetivo deste trabalho foi selecionar genótipos superiores de laranjeira-doce (Citrus sinensis) com maior potencial produtivo com base em dados de oito safras, com uso da metodologia “residual or restricted maximum likelihood/best linear unbiased prediction” (REML/BLUP). O experimento foi realizado de 2002 a 2008 e em 2010, no município de Rio Branco, no estado do Acre, Brasil. Análises de deviance foram realizadas para testar a significância dos componentes da variância de acordo com os efeitos aleatórios do modelo utilizado, e os parâmetros foram estimados a partir das variâncias genotípicas e fenotípicas individuais. Foi adotada uma intensidade de seleção de 20% em relação à seleção genotípica, ou seja, apenas os melhores 11 dos 55 genótipos testados foram selecionados. As estimativas dos parâmetros genéticos mostram a existência de variabilidade genética e o potencial de seleção dos genótipos de laranjeira-doce estudados. A correlação genotípica entre as safras é de baixa magnitude, exceto para a variável massa média dos frutos, e, como reflexo, há uma mudança na ordenação dos genótipos. Os genótipos 5, 48, 19, 14 e 47 se destacam como os mais produtivos e, portanto, são os mais adequados para fins de seleção. Os genótipos 14 e 47 apresentam desempenho superior para o conjunto de caracteres avaliados

    Environment and slow-release fertilizer in the production of Euterpe precatoria seedlings

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    Euterpe precatoria Mart. has been demanded due to the functional characteristics of its fruits and, therefore, its planting has been encouraged. However, there is a lack of information about the seedling production system of this palm tree. Neither a favorable environment nor the amount of fertilizer in the substrate have been defined for the production of healthy and vigorous seedlings. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of environments and doses of a slow-release fertilizer on the production of E. precatoria seedlings. The experiment was conducted in a randomized block design, with three replications and ten plants per plot. The treatments were arranged in a 4 x 5 factorial scheme, with four environments (under shading levels of 20 %, 30 %, 50 % and 75 %) and five doses of a slow-release fertilizer (0.0 kg m-3, 2.5 kg m-3, 5.0 kg m-3, 7.5 kg m-3 and 10.0 kg m-3 of substrate). The seedling height; root collar diameter; number of leaves; leaf, shoot, root and total dry mass; and the Dickson quality index were analyzed. There were significant interactions between the shaded environments and slow-release fertilizer doses for all the analyzed variables. The 75 %-shaded environment yielded better quality seedlings. The slow-release fertilizer can be used to produce E. precatoria seedlings in environments under shading levels of 50 % and 75 %, being the 4.60 kg m-3 and 8 kg m-3 doses, respectively, the most recommended ones

    Structure and Floristics of Home Gardens in an Altitudinal Marsh in Northeastern Brazil

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    Home gardens are a traditional land use practice, which is very common in the tropics. The main goal of the home garden is to produce food for subsistence purposes. Therefore, they have been considered very important from an economic, cultural and ecological point of view. Despite their importance, there has been a lack in research of these environments in Northeastern Brazil. This research was carried out in a rural community belonging to Areia City (Paraíba, Brazil), and aimed to study the floristic diversity of home gardens and their contribution in the conservation of the local diversity. Semi-structured interviews were conducted, also using the technique of guided tours with the home garden maintainer. At the same time, the yards were measured, as well as all shrubby arboreal individuals present with DGL (diameter at ground level) ≥ 3 cm. A total of 19 yards were analyzed. 177 species were recorded, of which 155 were identified, representing 63 families and 131 genera. Fabaceae (16 spp.), Euphorbiaceae (10 spp.) and Myrtaceae (7 spp.) were the most represented plant families. 94 of the identified species are considered exotic and 83 are native, considering the origin at regional level. Structurally, the home gardens from Vaca Brava community have shown themselves as complex and rich in diversity, as a result of the association of crops and fruit, as well as the presence of native woody plants for which no uses were reported

    Insecticide action of the extract of Derris amazonica Killip for Cerotoma arcuatus Olivier (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)

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    The abundance and insecticidal potential of Derris amazonica in addition to need of controlling Cerotoma arcuatus for bean crop stimulated this research. The objective of this work was to evaluate insecticide action of the extract of D. amazonica to adults of C. arcuatus in laboratory conditions. The bioassays were carried out using three distend methodologies: leaf intake, contact in treated surface (filter paper) and topical application. A completed randomized experimental design was used with four replications. Mortality values and leaf consumption of the insects were subjected to regression analyses, being the Probit analyses used to determine of the i.e., LC50, LT50 and LD50. The extract of D. amazonica containing 3.7% of rotenone was toxic to adults C. arcuatus when exposed to treated leaves (LC50 = 15.14 µl.mL-1), treated surface (LC50 = 0.45 µl.cm-2) and subjected to topical exposure (LD50 = 1.44 µl.g-1). In all bioassays the adults mortality was higher than 80% with lower median lethal times obtained with 5% (v.v-1) concentrations of the extract. Leaf consumption by adults C. arcuatus was inversely proportional to the concentration of the extract when exposed by leaf intake or topical application, also being observed inhibition of feeding individuals. The extract of D. amazonica is toxic to C. arcuatus and inhibits the feeding of insects from the concentration of 1% (v v-1).A abundância e o potencial inseticida de Derris amazonica e a necessidade de controle de Cerotoma arcuatus Olivier (ColeopteraChrysomelidae) na cultura do feijão-caupi (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) estimularam a realização desta pesquisa, que objetivou avaliar a ação inseticida do extrato de D. amazonica a adultos de C. arcuatus em condições de laboratório. Os bioensaios testaram as vias de intoxicação por ingestão de folhas contaminadas, contato com superfície contaminada e aplicação tópica, com delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. Os valores de mortalidade e consumo foliar dos insetos foram submetidos à análise de regressão, sendo utilizada a análise de Probit para determinação das CL50, da DL50 e dos TL50. O extrato de D. amazonica, contendo 3,7% de rotenona, foi tóxico para adultos de C. arcuatus via ingestão de folhas contaminadas (CL50=15,14 µL do extrato.mL-1 de água), superfície contaminada (CL50=0,45 µL do extrato.cm-2) e aplicação tópica (DL50=1,44 µL do extrato.g-1 do inseto). Mortalidades de adultos de C. arcuatus superiores a 80% e os menores tempos letais médios foram obtidos na concentração de 5% (v v-1) do extrato em todos os bioensaios. O consumo foliar de adultos de C. arcuatus foi inversamente proporcional a concentração do extrato quando expostos por via de ingestão foliar ou aplicação tópica, sendo inclusive observada inibição da alimentação dos indivíduos. O extrato de D. amazonica é tóxico para C. arcuatus e inibe a alimentação dos insetos a partir da concentração de 1% (v v-1)