1,417 research outputs found

    Consideraciones sobre hipertensión arterial, año 2012

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    La hipertensión arterial, epidemia silenciosa que afecta al mundo, constituye un foco de atención de las estructuras sanitarias de todos los países. Se define como el síndrome cardiovascular complejo y progresivo, multicausal, que origina cambios funcionales y estructurales en el corazón y sistema vascular que pueden conducir a morbilidad prematura y a la muerte. Epidemiológicamente se dice que es un proceso de origen multifactorial que comienza desde los primeros años de la vida a partir de una compleja interacción entre el genotipo y factores medioambientales - hábitos de alimentación inadecuados (consumo de alimentos hipercalóricos), hábitos sedentarios, obesidad, ingestión sistemática de sodio y alcohol, el hábito de fumar y la medicación prolongada (esteroides, anticonceptivos orales y de depósito, antiinflamatorios no esteroideos, ciclosporinas y eritropoyetina). Se estima que entre el 20 y el 25% de los adultos de más de 18 años tienen presión arterial superior a 140/90mmHg establemente, criterio actual que define la hipertensión. Lo que aumenta con la edad y llega a alcanzar el 50 % en los mayores de 65 años, en Cuba alcanza el 30.6 % de la población adulta. Es muy importante el diagnóstico temprano y el tratamiento no farmacológico (ejercicio físico, reducción del peso corporal, restricción del sodio, eliminación del alcohol y el tabaco). De lograrse buen control de la tensión arterial, se reducen las complicaciones (los accidentes vasculares encefálicos disminuyen en un 35-40 %, el infarto del miocardio en un 20 a 25% y la insuficiencia cardíaca en más del 50%)

    Teachers and parents’ point of view about the school as promoter of physical activity

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    Reconocida la importancia de la práctica físico-deportiva en la salud de los jóvenes, mediante la presente investigación hemos obtenido la opinión de 53 profesores, 142 padres y 159 madres sobre el papel que puede desempeñar el centro escolar en la promoción y desarrollo de este tipo prácticas. Para tal fin, se ha efectuado un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, empleando un cuestionario “El centro como agente promotor y movilizador”, con 17 ítems que discriminan adecuadamente y obtienen una consistencia elevada. El análisis descriptivo, inferencial y relacional, nos permite obtener la importancia que se le concede a la disposición de un profesional consciente y capaz de concebir clases de Educación Física motivantes, orientadas hacia cuestiones de salud y generadoras de participación activa para los jóvenes. Igualmente la relevancia de contar con padres y madres concienciados sobre los beneficios de prácticas saludables. Se aprecian algunas diferencias de opinión entre los colectivos estudiados.Having recognized the importance of physical and sport practice in the health of young people, through the present research we have obtained the opinion of 53 teachers, 142 parents and 159 mothers about the possible role of the school center in promoting and developing this type of practices. To this end, there has been carried out a transversal descriptive study, using a questionnaire "The center as a promoter and active agent", with 17 items which discriminate adequately and obtain a high consistency. The descriptive, inferential and relational analysis, allows us to see the importance attached to the disposition of a conscious professional capable of carrying out motivating Physical Education classes, orientated towards health related questions and provoquing an active participation of young people. Moreover the study highlights the relevance of having parents and mothers aware of the benefits of healthy practices, and detects some differences of opinion among the groups studied

    Psychometric Properties of the Affective Dimension of the Generic Macro-Competence Assessment Scale: Analysis Using Rasch Model

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    The study of the affective dimension of transversal competences is essential for the development of responsible behaviors and maintaining attitudes committed to sustainable development. The importance attributed to each of these factors can predict behavior implementation and awareness of values for sustainable development that reflect the acquisition and internalization of sustainabilityrelated generic competences. This study aimed to determine the psychometric properties of the affective dimension of the Generic Macro-Competence Assessment (AGMA) scale by applying Rasch measurement model to a sample of Spanish university students, comprising 387 Spanish university students (74.9% women; mean age = 21.24; WD = 3.54; range: 17–34). Results demonstrated a lack of adjustment to the Rasch model due to item 1, and all items showed disordered response category thresholds. The remaining nine-item scale achieved all requirements of the model (χ2 = 61.46; p = 0.052), including unidimensionality. Thus, the scale’s psychometric properties indicate an easyto-apply instrument for screening these factors for coping strategies in undergraduate and graduate Spanish students. The results can help in justifying the design of interdisciplinary intervention programs, in which affective factors are essential for sustainable development education.Educational Innovation Project titled “New proposals for the integration of competences through transversal training evaluation and ICT” (PIE19-159, Call 2019–2021, UMA

    A History of the Pharmacological Treatment of Bipolar Disorder

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    In this paper, the authors review the history of the pharmacological treatment of bipolar disorder, from the first nonspecific sedative agents introduced in the 19th and early 20th century, such as solanaceae alkaloids, bromides and barbiturates, to John Cade’s experiments with lithium and the beginning of the so-called “Psychopharmacological Revolution” in the 1950s. We also describe the clinical studies and development processes, enabling the therapeutic introduction of pharmacological agents currently available for the treatment of bipolar disorder in its different phases and manifestations. Those drugs include lithium salts, valproic acid, carbamazepine, new antiepileptic drugs, basically lamotrigine and atypical antipsychotic agents (olanzapine, risperidone, quetiapine, ziprasidone, aripiprazole, asenapine, cariprazine and lurasidone). Finally, the socio-sanitary implications derived from the clinical introduction of these drugs are also discussed

    Endogenous topoisomerase II-mediated DNA breaks drive thymic cancer predisposition linked to ATM deficiency

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    The ATM kinase is a master regulator of the DNA damage response to double-strand breaks (DSBs) and a well-established tumour suppressor whose loss is the cause of the neurodegenerative and cancer-prone syndrome Ataxia-Telangiectasia (A-T). A-T patients and Atm−/− mouse models are particularly predisposed to develop lymphoid cancers derived from deficient repair of RAG-induced DSBs during V(D)J recombination. Here, we unexpectedly find that specifically disturbing the repair of DSBs produced by DNA topoisomerase II (TOP2) by genetically removing the highly specialised repair enzyme TDP2 increases the incidence of thymic tumours in Atm−/− mice. Furthermore, we find that TOP2 strongly colocalizes with RAG, both genome-wide and at V(D)J recombination sites, resulting in an increased endogenous chromosomal fragility of these regions. Thus, our findings demonstrate a strong causal relationship between endogenous TOP2-induced DSBs and cancer development, confirming these lesions as major drivers of ATM-deficient lymphoid malignancies, and potentially other conditions and cancer types.Junta de Andalucía SAF2010-21017, SAF2013-47343-P, SAF2014-55532-R, SAF2017-89619-R, CVI-7948European Research Council ERC-CoG-2014-64735

    Effectiveness of Blood Flow Restriction on Functionality, Quality of Life and Pain in Patients with Neuromusculoskeletal Pathologies: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Blood flow restriction is characterized as a method used during exercise at low loads of around 20–40% of a repetition maximum, or at a low-moderate intensity of aerobic exercise, in which cuffs that occlude the proximal part of the extremities can partially reduce arterial flow and fully restrict the venous flow of the musculature in order to achieve the same benefits as high-load exercise. Objective: The main objective of this systematic literature review was to analyze the effects of BFR intervention on pain, functionality, and quality of life in subjects with neuromusculoskeletal pathologies. Methods: The search to carry out was performed in PubMed, Cochrane, EMBASE, PEDro, CINHAL, SPORTDiscus, Trip Medical Database, and Scopus: “kaatsu” OR “ischemic training” OR “blood flow restriction” OR “occlusion resistance training” OR “vascular occlusion” OR “vascular restriction”. Results: After identifying 486 papers and eliminating 175 of them due to duplication and 261 after reading the title and abstract, 50 papers were selected. Of all the selected articles, 28 were excluded for not presenting a score equal to or higher than 6 points on the PEDro scale and 8 for not analyzing the target outcome variables. Finally, 14 papers were selected for this systematic review. Conclusions: The data collected indicate that the blood flow restriction tool is a therapeutic alternative due to its effectiveness under different exercise modalities. The benefits found include decreases in pain thresholds and improvement in the functionality and quality of life of the neuro-musculoskeletal patient during the first six weeks. However, the results provided by this tool are still not clear for medium- and long-term interventions.Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Metodología y evaluación innovadora en el aprendizaje de dos asignaturas de biología

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    Introducción de una metodología didáctica diferente a la tradicional, en dos asignaturas troncales de los estudios de Biología: Citología e Histología Vegetal y Animal (primer curso) y Bases Celulares de la Conducta (quinto cuso). Básicamente consiste en proporcionar a los alumnos, previamente y a través de Campus Virtual, los materiales necesarios para su aprendizaje (especialmente tutoriales y ejercicios). La estrategia fundamental es convertir el aula tradicional en un “taller” donde los alumnos, distribuidos en subgrupos de cinco, trabajan con los materiales aportados. Igualmente se les proporciona material de evaluación para que trabajando sobre preguntas, vayan realizando progresivamente una evaluación formativa. Los logros más relevantes fueron: 1) mejores resultados académicos al final del curso; 2) más participación en el aula; 3) mayor aprendizaje autónomo; 4) introducción del alumno en el manejo de enlaces específicos de Internet y en el uso del inglés como lengua científica fundamental, 5) mayor interacción con el profesor a través de las tutorías, tanto virtuales como personales y 6) suscitar una profunda reflexión sobre la excesiva burocratización de la Universidad que interfiere con una gestión ágil e innovadora del conocimiento.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el Programa de Investigación Docente en Redes del Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación (ICE)

    Efecto de la temperatura, tiempo de carbonización, concentración del activador y relación de impregnación en el rendimiento de carbón activado obtenido a partir de residuos de mango (Mangifera indica)

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    El carbón activado (CA) es un adsorbente con amplia gama de aplicaciones en la industria, empleándose para la adsorción de diversos contaminantes en las aguas residuales, tanto de naturaleza inorgánica como orgánica. En esta investigación se determinaron los efectos de los factores: tiempo de carbonización, temperatura de carbonización, concentración del activador (ácido fosfórico) y relación de impregnación sobre el rendimiento del CA empleando como precursor semillas de mango (Mangifera indica), mediante un diseño experimental factorial completo 2⁴. Las condiciones mediante las cuales se obtuvo un mayor rendimiento de CA, fueron: Temperatura, 400°C; Tiempo, 90 minutos; concentración, 60% y relación de impregnación, 1:1. Por otra parte, el CA preparado, adsorbió el 95% de azul de metileno durante los primeros 5 minutos, mientras que después de este tiempo la velocidad de adsorción decreció, alcanzando el equilibrio a los 150 minutos.Activated carbon (AC) is an adsorbent with a wide range of applications in industry, being used for the adsorption of various pollutants in wastewater, both inorganic and organic. In this research, the effects of factors: carbonization time, carbonization temperature, activator concentration (phosphoric acid), and impregnation ratio on AC yield were determined using mango seeds (Mangifera indica) as a precursor, using a 2⁴ complete factorial design. The conditions by which a higher AC yield was obtained were: Temperature, 400°C; Time, 90 minutes; concentration, 60% and impregnation ratio, 1:1. On the other hand, the prepared AC adsorbed 95% of methylene blue during the first 5 minutes, after this time the adsorption rate decreased, reaching equilibrium at 150 minutes