1,424 research outputs found

    Artroplastia "De la Caffinière" en pacientes afectos de artrosis trapecio-metacarpiana: seguimiento a 15 años

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    Presentamos un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de 13 pacientes afectos de artrosis-trapecio metacarpiana intervenidos con artroplastia De la Caffinière en el departamento de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología de la Clínica Universitaria de Navarra con un seguimiento medio de 14,2 años. La edad media de los pacientes fue de 56 años (rango 30 a 76 años). En 12 casos fueron mujeres y en una ocasión un varón. Los resultados funcionales son excelentes. Las complicaciones observadas durante el seguimiento ha sido el aflojamiento del componente trapecial (15-25%). La artroplastia De la Caffinière como tratamiento de la artrosis trapecio-metacarpiana muestra resultados excelentes en pacientes de 60 años con baja demanda funcional y un estadio III de Eaton en la articulación trapeciometacarpiana. Las movilizaciones asépticas observada en nuestro estudio son asintomáticas y no requirieron tratamiento médico o quirúrgico siendo bien tolerada por los pacientes.We report a descriptive retrospective study of 13 De la Caffinière trapezium-metacarpal cemented protheses implanted for painful TMC arthrosis in the Department of Orthopedics of the University Clinic of Navarra with an average follow-up of 14,2 years. The middle ages of the patients were 56 years old (range 30 to 76 years). In 12 cases they were women and in one case a male. The functional results are excellent. The complications observed during the follow-up has been the loosening of the trapezium component (15-25 %). De la Caffinière arthroplasty as treatment of the degenerative TMC arthrosis shows excellent results in 60-year-old patients with low functional demand and a stadium III of Eaton. The aseptic mobilization observed in our study are asymtomatic and they did not need medical or surgical treatment being well tolerated by the patients

    Toward a taxonomy of newspaper information quality: An experimental model and test applied to Venezuela dimensions found in information quality

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    The quality of information from communication media is a topic that has been dealt with by various theorists through the analysis of the final products of information. This research work offers an analysis model of the quality of information of printed news media by the use of three indexes of categories and structured dimensions that will allow for the assessment and evaluation of the quality of information from the media, and the identification of the incidence of political-economic conditions of the journalistic environment’s macro-environment. For this, an experimental test of two Venezuelan media outlets was performed. Their use allowed us to conclude that political polarization and discourse of social confrontation, as well as economic factors such as inflation and pay scales had a proportionally direct effect on the quality of information products

    Implicaciones del hiperparatiroidismo primario en cirugía ortopédica y traumatología: presentación de dos casos y revisión de la bibliografía

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    El hiperparatiroidismo primario es una patología en relación con el metabolismo del calcio con el resultado de niveles de calcio séricos elevados y un incremento en el nivel de hormona paratifoidea (PTH). Los pacientes suelen encontrarse asintomáticos al diagnóstico, basándose en un diagnóstico bioquímico, al observarse un nivel de calcio sérico elevado. Los avances en imagen, mediciones de hormona paratiroidea y la técnica quirúrgica permite un abordaje sin necesidad de la exploración de las cuatro glándulas paratiroideas. El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es realizar una revisión retrospectiva de pacientes afectos de hiperparatiroidismo primario en nuestro centro y mostrar su implicación en cirugía ortopédica y traumatología.Primary hyperparathyroidism is a generalized disorder of calcium metabolism resulting from abnormally high levels of serum calcium and an increased level of parathyroid hormone (PTH). Are most often diagnosed when routine biochemical testing shows an elevated serum calcium levels. Advances in imaging technology, intraoperative parathyroid hormone measurement, and surgical technique now allow parathyroidectomy to be performed using a focused approach without the absolute need of a four-gland exploration. We have done a retrospective revision of patients with hyperparathyroidism and his implication in orthopaedics surgery

    Compact forms of reduced density matrices

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    10 págs.; 3 tabs.; PACS number~s!: 31.15.Hz, 31.10.1zThe necessary and sufficient minimum information carried by reduced density matrices (RDM) are discussed. A method is reported for obtaining the same information as a p-RDM although in compact form, from which all the redundant information is omitted. The algebra operations and basic properties of these compact-form matrices are obtained. ©2003 The American Physical SocietyWe are greatly indebted to the Spanish Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte for its support under Project No. BQU2000-1158Peer Reviewe

    Fracturas de antebrazo: resultado funcional tras reducción abierta y osteosíntesis

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    Hemos realizado una revisión retrospectiva de pacientes intervenidos por fracturas de antebrazo, recogiendo el resultado funcional (Grace-Eversmann). También hemos analizado la deformidad radial residual mediante el cálculo curvatura mayor del radio (CMR). Se cálculo el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson entre la CMR y el resultado funcional. Los resultados de 20 pacientes intervenidos entre 1972 y 2005. El tratamiento quirúrgico fue de reducción abierta y fijación interna (RAFI) en el 70%. El resultado funcional fue de excelente el 50% y malo en el 20%. La curvatura mayor del radio oscilaba entre 5 mm - 20 mm. No hemos observado correlación entre las variables estudiadas. No hemos observado correlación anatómico-funcional en los pacientes tratados quirúrgicamente por fractura de cubito y radio.Retrospective review of clinical notes. Data regarding to the surgical treatments. Functional outcomes (Grace-Eversmann). Residual radius deformity was analyzed measuring the radius curvature. Pearson's correlation coefficient was measured between radius curvature and functional outcome. Data of 20 patients attended between 1972 and 2005 are reviewed. Surgical treatment was open reduction and internal fíxation in 70% patients. The outcome was excellent in 50 % and poor in 20%. La major curve of the radius was between 5mm -20 mm. We haven't seen correlation in the variables studied. We haven't seen between the curvature of the radius and functional outcome any correlation in patients treated surgically of ulna and radius fractures

    Media competences for the citizenship training of teachers from andean america: colombia and Ecuador convergente

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    In an increasingly saturated information and infoxicated world, Media Literacy emerges as a necessity for effective filtering of the vast amount of information we consume. The present research aims to quantitatively analyze the level of media competencies of Colombian (Medellin) and Ecuadorian (Loja and Zamora) teachers by means of the application of an adaptation of the taxonomy from the media competencies model, which consists of 6 dimensions and a total of 12 indicators. The total analyzed sample was comprised of 654 teachers from 81 public and private institutions. A data-gathering instrument was used with the aim of determining their level of media competencies from each of the dimensions. The results showed a low to medium level of media competency knowledge, which illustrated the need for priority interventions based on local, regional and international works, namely those that mobilize scientific, academic and political collaboration to improve the performance of a population that should lead the general training of citizens in media competencies

    Toward a taxonomy of newspaper information quality: An experimental model and test applied to Venezuela dimensions found in information quality

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    The quality of information from communication media is a topic that has been dealt with by various theorists through the analysis of the final products of information. This research work offers an analysis model of the quality of information of printed news media by the use of three indexes of categories and structured dimensions that will allow for the assessment and evaluation of the quality of information from the media, and the identification of the incidence of political-economic conditions of the journalistic environment’s macro-environment. For this, an experimental test of two Venezuelan media outlets was performed. Their use allowed us to conclude that political polarization and discourse of social confrontation, as well as economic factors such as inflation and pay scales had a proportionally direct effect on the quality of information products

    The economic dis-information in Spain: case study of BFA-Bankia and its ipo / La desinformación económica en España: análisis del caso BFA-Bakia y su salida a bolsa

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    The research this article is inscribe on comes from the belief that the current characteristics of the communications ecosystem generate the conditions for the occurrence of disinformation ploys due to informational insufficiency and partial information, abuse of fidelity to the source, the absence of interpretive and investigative journalism and the incomprehensibility of the information. The main objective is to determine the relationship between the journalistic handling of information as the creator of socialized realities and dis-information, from the semantic analysis and interpretation of content based of the digital editions of 3 Spanish printed media of daily rotation (El País, ABC and El Mundo), in retrospective to the listing in the stock market of BFA-Bankia (6th to 20th July, 2011) and prospectively on the interval after 10 consecutive days of losses (3rd to 17th May, 2012). The main results show endogenous journalistic dis-information or poor handling of the financial information made public through the analyzed media existed, due to the creation of positive expectations of the re-evaluation of the financial holding on the stock market. Meanwhile, the lack of investigative journalism, fidelity to official sources and the language used in financial reporting in the media outlets mentioned above, also contributed to the favorable scenario for dis-information

    Propuesta de modelización: Reflexión de ondas por una superficie rugosa

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    [EN] Within the framework of the new curriculum, where active learning is the student, we propose a practice of modelling in science education to work with basics of mathematics and physics. The practice involves the modelling of wave reflection by rough surfaces. In a first stage, the reflection is analysed by a completely flat surface using geometric and physical concepts. The wave reflected from the surface is calculated from the waves emitted by a virtual source placed at the position symmetrical to the source position with respect to the mirror surface. To calculate the reflected wave, probability concepts are introduced. The wave reflection by a rough surface is obtained from the waves emitted by different sources for virtually every point of reflection. Courses in architecture and basic engineering, or even a master of acoustics are exceptional framework for the implementation of this practice.[ES] Dentro del marco de los nuevos planes de estudio, donde el activo del aprendizaje es el alumno, se propone una práctica de modelización para trabajar conceptos básicos de matemáticas y física en los primeros cursos Universitarios. La práctica consiste en la modelización de la reflexión de ondas por superficies rugosas. En un primer estadio de la práctica se analiza la reflexión por una superficie totalmente plana usando conceptos geométricos y físicos. La onda reflejada por la superficie plana se calcula a partir de las ondas emitidas por una fuente virtual colocada en la posición totalmente simétrica a la posición de la fuente respecto a la superficie especular. Para el cálculo de la onda reflejada se introducen conceptos de probabilidad. La reflexión de la onda por una superficie rugosa se obtiene a partir de las ondas emitidas por diferentes fuentes virtuales para cada punto de reflexión. Cursos de arquitectura y de ingeniería básica, o incluso algún máster de acústica, son marcos excepcionales para la aplicación de esta práctica.Garcia-Raffi, L.; Romero-García, V. (2011). Propuesta de modelización: Reflexión de ondas por una superficie rugosa. Modelling in Science Education and Learning. 4:195-205. doi:10.4995/msel.2011.3072SWORD1952054Sánchez-Pérez, E.A., Garcia-Raffi, L. M., Sánchez-Pérez, J. V. Introducción a las Técnicas de Modelización para la ense-anza de la Física y las Matemáticas en los primeros cursos de Ingeniería. Ense-anza de las Ciencias 17(1) (1999), pp. 119-129.E. Osborn, and Garrett J. Stuck, A guide to MatlabQc : for beginners and experienced users. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge (2001)

    Desarrollo y validación de una versión preliminar de la escala de competencia emocional en el deporte (ECE_D)

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    El importante papel que juegan las emociones en los contextos deportivos ha sido ampliamente defendido en la literatura sobre psicología del deporte. El objetivo de este estudio es desarrollar y validar un instrumento para evaluar la competencia emocional de los deportistas. La muestra la componen 367 deportistas de ambos géneros pertenecientes a diferentes disciplinas deportivas. Se analizaron los antecedentes y las características psicométricas de la Escala de Desarrollo Emocional (Schutte, Malouff, Hall, Haggerty, Cooper, Golden y Dornhein, 1998). Los resultados obtenidos confirmaron en términos generales el modelo de cuatro factores propuesto por los autores originales y además, plantea la posibilidad de incluir mejoras sustanciales del cuestionario para futuras versiones relacionadas con su aplicabilidad.The relevant role of emotions in competitive contexts has been widely supported in the sport psychology literature. The aim of this study was to create a valid measure of emotional development in sports. The sample is composed by 367 sportsmen/women belonging to different sporting disciplines. Analyses were performed about the antecedents and the psychometric properties of the Emotional Development Scale (Schutte, Malouff, Hall, Haggerty, Cooper, Golden & Dornhein, 1998). Results showed that, in general terms, the initially proposed four factor model was supported. Implications for considering the improvement of the applicability questionnaire are advance