1,356 research outputs found
Fragmentos de un martirio.
Esta se trata de la memoria del proyecto artístico Fragmentos de un Martirio. Este proyecto, consiste en una novela gráfica, en la cual haciendo uso de las herramientas de narración visual características del cómic y la ilustración, pretendemos llevar a cabo la narración de un relato de carácter introspectivo en un universo ficticio. Este trata como tema principal el duelo ante la pérdida, concretamente un recorrido parcial sobre tres de sus etapas. El concepto del proyecto demanda ser materializado a través de la producción artística, llevaremos a cabo un trabajo híbrido entre medios digitales y tradicionales. Combinaremos
diferentes registros para poder reflejar lo esencial de las tres etapas del duelo. Fragmentos de un Martirio se divide en tres arcos: Negación, Furia y Culpa
Evaluación del diseño y características del Máster Interuniversitario de Educador/a Ambiental
En este trabajo se presentan los resultados del estudio efectuado sobre los cuestionarios DAFO de seis universidades andaluzas que evalúan el Máster de Educador Ambiental. A través de los datos recogidos de cincuenta y cuatro participantes, se ha podido establecer puntos de actuación para mejorar el rendimiento y satisfacción de cada sede. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto las diferencias entre sedes y que este instrumento es útil para la evaluación del máster
Evaluation of the inter-university master in enviromental education in accordance with the students and tearchers perceptions of the SWOT analysis
El análisis DAFO (debilidades-amenazas-fortalezas-oportunidades) es un excelente instrumento para evaluar
títulos, por ejemplo, de máster. En este trabajo presentamos la evaluación mediante los DAFOs propuestos por
los participantes del máster interuniversitario de Educación Ambiental en su tercera edición. Los resultados han
sido obtenidos de manera emergente, agrupando por similitud las respuestas de los participantes en cada apartado
del DAFO y permiten valorar la satisfacción o no de ambos colectivos (profesores y estudiantes) y plantear un
plan de mejora atendiendo a sus demandas.The SWOT analysis (strengths-weaknesses-threats-opportunities) is an excellent tool for assessing Master
Degree. We present the evaluation of the Joint Master Degree in Environmental Education in its third edition by
SWOT proposed by the participants (teachers and students). The results have been obtained grouping by
similarity responses of participants in each section of the SWOT analysis. They show the assessment of the
satisfaction or not of both groups (teachers and students) and propose an improvement plan attending to their
Determination of the home advantage in handball Olympic Games and European Championships
Home advantage (HA) has typically been focused in competitions in which the same number of home games and away games are played, but it should be noted that there are other competitions that take place at the home of only one organizer. In this study, 2,758 games of handball were analyzed. The variables registered were the number of games won, the number of games drawn, the number of games lost, the number of goals scored, the number of goals against and the gender of the competitors. The significance of the level of advantage in playing at home was calculated for the variable of points obtained, assuming the null hypothesis that playing at home has no advantage. The Wilcoxon signed rank was used to contrast home advantage signification. The advantage of playing at home and the advantage of playing away in male and female competitions were compared using the Mann–Whitney test. The significance of the difference between the goals (both scored by and scored against) when a team played at home or played away from home was determined using t tests. Pearson and Spearman bivariate correlations were used to establish the level of association between the classification of a team and the number of points obtained as a result of the advantage of playing at home. No significant advantage to playing at home in the Olympic Games or European Championships was found for either gender. However, a direct association exists between playing at home and the points obtained in a competition. There is also a significant inverse association between playing at home and the final classification of a team
Perception of bullying among prescholeers and primary school students
Contiene versión en inglésEl maltrato entre iguales constituye uno de los temas centrales en el ámbito de la educación debido al impacto que tiene sobre el clima de convivencia en los centros escolares y, por tanto, sobre el bienestar de los diferentes miembros de la comunidad educativa, especialmente sobre las víctimas. Se ha avanzado en el conocimiento sobre este fenómeno con relación a su prevalencia, tipos de agresiones según la edad y el género, figuras implicadas, intervención, etc. Sin embargo, llama la atención la escasez de investigaciones que, por un lado, analicen cualitativamente las representaciones mentales que los sujetos tienen sobre este tipo de conflictos entre iguales y, por otro, que lo investiguen durante los primeros años de la escolarización. En este trabajo se ha entrevistado, con la ayuda de una historia gráfica que representa una situación prototípica de acoso escolar, a 120 sujetos -60 niñas y 60 niños- desde 3º de educación infantil a 3º de educación primaria, con el fin de analizar sus significados con relación a este
fenómeno. Los resultados indican que estos sujetos reconocen los elementos distintivos del acoso escolar de forma muy temprana, creen mayoritariamente que los agresores se sienten orgullosos y las víctimas avergonzadas, así como que víctima y agresores resuelven finalmente sus diferencias y se hacen amigos Estos hallazgos son muy similares a los obtenidos con poblaciones adolescentes,
lo que, junto a otras similitudes halladas con el acoso escolar observado a estas
edades, nos lleva a denominar a estas manifestaciones tempranas de agresión como proto-conductas de maltrato entre iguales, frente a otros términos empleados como el de agresión injustificada. Con ello se pretende incidir en la continuidad existente entre estas manifestaciones tempranas de violencia entre iguales y el acoso escolar observado en la educación secundariaBullying is one of the most important research topics in the field of education due to its negative impact on the school’s general atmosphere and therefore on the wellbeing of the different members involved in education, especially the victims. Our knowledge has progressed a great deal about different issues related to this phenomenon, such as, types of aggression according to age and gender, roles involved, intervention, etc. However, there is a lack of research, on the one hand, that analyses the mental representations of those involved in this kind of peer conflicts and, on the other, focused on bullying during the preschool years and during first two courses of primary education. In this research we have interviewed, with the help of a group of cartoons which represents a classic
bullying story, 120 subjects -60 girls and 60 boys- from 3rd grade of preschool education up to 3rd grade of primary education, in order to analyse their meanings in relation with this peer conflicts. Results show these subjects are able to identify the key features of bullying, most think aggressors feel proud of themselves and the victims ashamed. Likewise, the majority of students interviewed believe both parts involved, aggressors and victims alike, sort out their differences and become friends. These findings are very similar to those obtained with teenager samples which, together with other similarities found with these older samples, bring us to name these early bullying manifestations as proto-behaviours of bullying in contrast to other terms used, such as, unjustified aggression. This prior term attempts to emphasise the idea that there is continuity between the bullying behaviours observed during secondary education and those detected during
preschool years and the first two courses of primary educatio
Validation of the questionnaire "focus of attention for handball trainers in video analysis"
El uso del método Delphi es indicado para la elaboración de cuestionarios sobre un tema objeto de estudio en el que no hay mucho conocimiento anterior. Partiendo de una idea inicial, un grupo de 10 expertos en balonmano realizaron una serie de propuestas de modificación hasta llegar a un cuestionario final consensuado de 34 ítems, con preguntas relacionadas con las cuatro fases del juego existente en balonmano. Dicho estudio se pasó a una muestra de 134 entrenadores de cuatro países, verificando la validación del cuestionario. Los entrenadores de balonmano dan mayor importancia en los análisis con vídeo a las fases del juego de ataque y defensa organizada.The use of the Delphi method is indicated for the elaboration of questionnaires on a subject of study, which until now has little known information about it. Starting on an initial proposal, a group of 10 experts in handball made a series of modification proposals until a final questionnaire was agreed of 34 items, with questions related with the four phases of the game that exist in handball. The questionnaire was given to 134 trainers from four different countries, verifying the validation of the questionnaire. The handball trainers gave most importance to the analysis with videos of the phases of play in attack and organized defensepeerReviewe
Graphical Modeling of Higher Plants Using P Systems
L systems have been widely used to model and graphically
represent the growth of higher plants [20]. In this paper we continue
developing the framework introduced in [21], which make use of the
topology of membrane structures to model the morphology of branching
structures.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2005-09345-C03-01Junta de Andalucía TIC-58
The Growth of Branching Structures with P Systems
L-systems have been widely used to model and graphically represent the
growth of plants. In, the use of membrane computing for such tasks has been
proposed. In this paper we present a di®erent approach, which makes use of the topology of membrane structures to model the morphology of branching structures. We also
keep closer to reality by simulating their growth from buds, instead of rewriting existing
structures, as L-systems do.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2005-09345-C03-0
A Linear Solution of Subset Sum Problem by Using Membrane Creation
Membrane Computing is a branch of Natural Computing
which starts from the assumption that the processes taking place in the
compartmental structure of a living cell can be interpreted as computations.
In this framework, the solution of NP problems is obtained by
generating an exponential amount on workspace in polynomial time and
using parallelism to check simultaneously all the candidates to solution.
We present a solution to the Subset Sum problem for P systems where
new membranes are generated from objects.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC2002-04220-C03-0
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