9,392 research outputs found

    Systematic Study of the Content of Phytochemicals in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Vegetables

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    Vegetables and fruits have beneficial properties for human health, because of the presence of phytochemicals, but their concentration can fluctuate throughout the year. A systematic study of the phytochemical content in tomato, eggplant, carrot, broccoli and grape (fresh and fresh-cut) has been performed at different seasons, using liquid chromatography coupled to triple quadrupole mass spectrometry. It was observed that phenolic acids (the predominant group in carrot, eggplant and tomato) were found at higher concentrations in fresh carrot than in fresh-cut carrot. However, in the case of eggplant, they were detected at a higher content in fresh-cut than in fresh samples. Regarding tomato, the differences in the content of phenolic acids between fresh and fresh-cut were lower than in other matrices, except in winter sampling, where this family was detected at the highest concentration in fresh tomato. In grape, the flavonols content (predominant group) was higher in fresh grape than in fresh-cut during all samplings. The content of glucosinolates was lower in fresh-cut broccoli than in fresh samples in winter and spring sampling, although this trend changes in summer and autumn. In summary, phytochemical concentration did show significant differences during one-year monitoring, and the families of phytochemicals presented different behaviors depending on the matrix studied

    From British vassals to subjects of the Spanish crown: He blurred boundaries of empires in the Western Caribbean in the late 18th Century and early 19th Century

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    El presente trabajo analiza la transición imperial dada en el Caribe occidental a finales del siglo XVIII y principios del XIX, cuando, tras acuerdo de paz entre Gran Bretaña y España, la primera cedió las islas de San Andrés y Providencia y las costas de miskitos a la Corona española; territorio que por más de un siglo se mantuvo bajo la influencia comercial inglesa y se convirtió en desafío para el ejercicio de la autoridad borbónica. El hecho revela que los británicos cedieron costas e islas, que aunque importante para su sistema comercial, resultaban de difícil control debido a la capacidad de los pueblos miskitos, (zambos, mestizos y negros) para negociar incluso por la fuerza sus intereses. En este sentido mostramos como la construcción de un dominio colonial y el establecimiento de una sociedad hispánica en el archipiélago de San Andrés y Providencia y la costa de miskitos tuvo limitaciones y costos para la Corona española que impidieron su éxito.This article analyzes the imperial transition that occurred in the western Caribbean in the late 18th century and early 19th century after Great Britain ceded San Andrés, Providence and the Miskito Coast to the Spanish crown in the peace treaty of 1783. This territory, under British influence for over a century, became a challenge to Hispanic authority. It is shown here that the territory the British ceded, while important for their business operations, was difficult to control because the Miskito peoples (zambos, mestizos and blacks) were quite capable of negotiating and protecting their interests, including by force. In this sense, we show how the construction of a colonial domain and the establishment of Spanish society in the archipelago of San Andrés and Providence and on the Miskito Coast involved limitations and costs for the crown that impeded its success

    La denuncia social en Internet : Wikileaks y la filtración de documentos secretos

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    1. Objetivos. Desde la creación de Wikileaks en diciembre de 2006, este portal de Internet se ha convertido en un espacio de denuncia social empleado por los ciudadanos de todo el mundo. A través de la web, los usuarios difunden documentos que desvelan comportamientos censurables de los gobiernos, los poderes públicos y las empresas multinacionales. Al modo de la enciclopedia participativa Wikipedia, permite a los internautas alojar anónimamente, mediante una conexión cifrada, textos, audios o vídeos confidenciales. El presente trabajo pone de manifiesto la capacidad de Wikileaks para propagar casos comprometidos, así como su valor de fuente para periodistas. 2. Metodología. Junto a las imprescindibles referencias bibliográficas sobre la web 2.0 y el desarrollo del llamado “periodismo ciudadano”, se realiza una aproximación teórica a la historia, la actividad, los objetivos y la protección de los usuarios (whistleblowers) de Wikileaks. 3. Análisis. Esta comunicación también estudia algunas de las filtraciones aparecidas en el portal web. Recoge ejemplos significativos como la detallada lista de miles de miembros de la formación racista BNP (siglas en inglés del Partido Nacional Británico), el caso de protección para la empresa multinacional Trafigura, las cintas que revelan la intrahistoria de los atentados del 11-S, la difusión del vídeo Collateral Murder y los diarios de la guerra de Afganistán. 4. Conclusión. Wikileaks representa una novedosa propuesta para los periodistas del siglo XXI. Las herramientas digitales abren vías para la libertad de expresión, foros donde los internautas pueden compartir información y destapar escándalos que reclamen la atención de la sociedad

    Uso periodístico de las redes sociales : ventajas, obstáculos y riesgos

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    Desde 2003, las redes sociales se han convertido en una herramienta cotidiana para millones de personas en todo el mundo. Páginas como Facebook o Twitter, que permiten a los ciudadanos compartir mensajes e imágenes, han trastocado los modelos tradicionales de comunicación. Esta transformación ha tenido su impacto en la profesión periodística, la cual ha modificado algunas de sus rutinas informativas con la aparición de estos espacios virtuales. Progresivamente, las redes sociales se han erigido en una fuente de información habitual para los redactores, que buscan en este entorno datos para iniciar una investigación periodística. La presente comunicación describe los cambios que han propiciado las redes sociales en la práctica periodística, haciendo hincapié en las ventajas, los obstáculos y los riesgos éticos que se originan a raíz de este uso.Since 2003, social networks have become a daily tool to million people around the world. Sites like Facebook or Twitter, that allow citizens to share messages and pictures, have disrupted traditional rules of communication. This transformation has had an impact on journalism, which has changed some of their routine briefings with the appearance of these virtual spaces. Increasingly, social networks have emerged as a common source of information for journalists who look for data in this environment to start a journalistic investigation. The present communication describes the changes that social networks have created in journalistic practice, emphasizing the advantages, barriers and ethical risks of this use

    La responsabilidad ética en internet: Wikileaks y la difusión de documentos secretos

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    Desde la creación de Wikileaks en diciembre de 2006, este portal de Internet se ha convertido en un espacio de denuncia social. El presente trabajo pone de manifiesto la capacidad de Wikileaks para propagar casos comprometidos, así como su valor de fuente para periodistas. Junto a las imprescindibles referencias bibliográficas sobre la web 2.0 y el desarrollo del llamado “periodismo ciudadano”, se realiza una aproximación teórica a la historia, la actividad, los objetivos y la protección de los usuarios (whistleblowers) de Wikileaks. Esta comunicación también estudia algunas de las filtraciones aparecidas en el portal web.Since Wikileaks’ origin in 2006, this Internet portal has become an area of social protest. Through the web, the users spread documents that reveal the reprehensible behavior of governments, public authorities and multinational companies. This work demonstrates the ability to propagate cases committed Wikileaks and its value as a source for journalists. Along with the essential references on Web 2.0 and the development of so-called "citizen journalism" is a theoretical approach to history, activity, objectives and consumer protection (whistleblower) from Wikileaks. This notice also discusses some of the leaks appeared in the web portal

    Pre-Election Poll Estimations in Mexico: In Search for the Main Sources of Error

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    In this paper we test different hypotheses that reflect some of the most common sources of estimation error in pre-election polls. We test for questionnaire design effects, sampling effects, interviewer effects, spiral of silence effects, and several contextual effects (such as the perception of safety or danger in a polling point in face-to-face polls). We analyze data from a state-level pre-election poll conducted in the State of Mexico on June 2011, two weeks prior to election-day. This poll included an embedded experiment about the placement of the voting question and recorded several contextual variables that allow us to test for different possible sources of estimation error. In addition, this paper offers a brief review of preelection polling in Mexico during the last two decades, evaluating the polls’ performance in both national and state-level elections. This analysis is part (and certainly the first formal step) of a larger effort by polling firms and public opinion researchers, as well as by the Federal Elections Institute, to determine the most common causes of estimation error in Mexican pre-election polls.In this paper we test different hypotheses that reflect some of the most common sources of estimation error in pre-election polls. We test for questionnaire design effects, sampling effects, interviewer effects, spiral of silence effects, and several contextual effects (such as the perception of safety or danger in a polling point in face-to-face polls). We analyze data from a state-level pre-election poll conducted in the State of Mexico on June 2011, two weeks prior to election-day. This poll included an embedded experiment about the placement of the voting question and recorded several contextual variables that allow us to test for different possible sources of estimation error. In addition, this paper offers a brief review of preelection polling in Mexico during the last two decades, evaluating the polls’ performance in both national and state-level elections. This analysis is part (and certainly the first formal step) of a larger effort by polling firms and public opinion researchers, as well as by the Federal Elections Institute, to determine the most common causes of estimation error in Mexican pre-election polls

    Técnicas avanzadas de medida de dispersión cromática a frecuencias ópticas

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    La fibra óptica a pesar de tener buenas propiedades, también presenta limitaciones, una de estas limitaciones es la dispersión. La dispersión es un fenómeno que introduce un retardo diferente a cada una de las componentes espectrales que se transmiten por la fibra óptica. Este proyecto esta basado en el estudio de este fenómeno y la medida del mismo a partir de métodos conocidos y propuestas de mejoras de estos. Se realiza un estudio matemático genérico del esquema básico de medida que tiene en cuenta todos los parámetros que pueden controlarse de forma externa, con el objetivo de identificar nuevos métodos de medida usando el mismo esquema experimental básico. Además, se monta en el laboratorio y se automatiza uno de los procesos básicos para la realización de las medidas, la determinación de la función de transferencia del modulador Mach-Zehnde

    LightDock: a new multi-scale approach to protein–protein docking

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    Computational prediction of protein–protein complex structure by docking can provide structural and mechanistic insights for protein interactions of biomedical interest. However, current methods struggle with difficult cases, such as those involving flexible proteins, low-affinity complexes or transient interactions. A major challenge is how to efficiently sample the structural and energetic landscape of the association at different resolution levels, given that each scoring function is often highly coupled to a specific type of search method. Thus, new methodologies capable of accommodating multi-scale conformational flexibility and scoring are strongly needed. We describe here a new multi-scale protein–protein docking methodology, LightDock, capable of accommodating conformational flexibility and a variety of scoring functions at different resolution levels. Implicit use of normal modes during the search and atomic/coarse-grained combined scoring functions yielded improved predictive results with respect to state-of-the-art rigid-body docking, especially in flexible cases.B.J-G was supported by a FPI fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. This work was supported by I+D+I Research Project grants BIO2013-48213-R and BIO2016-79930-R from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. This work is partially supported by the European Union H2020 program through HiPEAC (GA 687698), by the Spanish Government through Programa Severo Ochoa (SEV-2015-0493), by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (TIN2015-65316-P) and the Departament d’Innovació, Universitats i Empresa de la Generalitat de Catalunya, under project MPEXPAR: Models de Programaciói Entorns d’Execució Paral·lels (2014-SGR-1051).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Word graphs size impact on the performance of handwriting document applications

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    [EN] Two document processing applications are con- sidered: computer-assisted transcription of text images (CATTI) and Keyword Spotting (KWS), for transcribing and indexing handwritten documents, respectively. Instead of working directly on the handwriting images, both of them employ meta-data structures called word graphs (WG), which are obtained using segmentation-free hand- written text recognition technology based on N-gram lan- guage models and hidden Markov models. A WG contains most of the relevant information of the original text (line) image required by CATTI and KWS but, if it is too large, the computational cost of generating and using it can become unafordable. Conversely, if it is too small, relevant information may be lost, leading to a reduction of CATTI or KWS performance. We study the trade-off between WG size and performance in terms of effectiveness and effi- ciency of CATTI and KWS. Results show that small, computationally cheap WGs can be used without loosing the excellent CATTI and KWS performance achieved with huge WGs.Work partially supported by the Generalitat Valenciana under the Prometeo/2009/014 Project Grant ALMAMATER, by the Spanish MECD as part of the Valorization and I+D+I Resources program of VLC/CAMPUS in the International Excellence Campus program, and through the EU projects: HIMANIS (JPICH programme, Spanish Grant Ref. PCIN-2015-068) and READ (Horizon-2020 programme, Grant Ref. 674943).Toselli ., AH.; Romero Gómez, V.; Vidal, E. (2017). Word graphs size impact on the performance of handwriting document applications. Neural Computing and Applications. 28(9):2477-2487. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-016-2336-2S24772487289Amengual JC, Vidal E (1998) Efficient error-correcting Viterbi parsing. IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell 20(10):1109–1116Bazzi I, Schwartz R, Makhoul J (1999) An omnifont open-vocabulary OCR system for English and Arabic. 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