2,515 research outputs found

    Institutional feminism and lobbying: connections between the European Women’s Lobby and the Government of Spain

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    El presente estudio se centra en comprobar la capacidad de influencia de los lobbies sobre los gobiernos. De manera concreta, tomamos como referencia el caso del Lobby Europeo de Mujeres (LEM, en adelante), seleccionado por ser la mayor entidad coordinadora de asociaciones de mujeres a nivel europeo, y sus conexiones con el Gobierno de España, conduciendo las necesidades de la sociedad en la consecución de políticas de igualdad entre mujeres y hombres desde lo particular al bien general. Procedemos, para identificar el grado de cooperación entre ambos, al análisis de la campaña «Movilízate contra el sexismo», desarrollada entre octubre de 2020 y enero de 2022. Se tendrán en cuenta diversas variables discursivas (los recursos y actividades empleados, los tipos de estrategias, las técnicas y herramientas comunicativas) para analizar el grado de adscripción a la defensa de la igualdad institucional y su plasmación en iniciativas legislativas del Gobierno de España y otros documentos vinculantes de organismos públicos dependientes del Estado. Debemos indicar, como resultado general, que las ideas de LEM España se difunden en dos formatos distintos, en lo audiovisual con los seminarios y en lo escrito con las propuestas, y que las redes sociales actúan como evidencia y principal herramienta comunicativa de la campaña. Los anuncios y mensajes que se difunden en redes sociales suelen ser efectivos, sobre todo si estos son publicados por el Instituto de las Mujeres, dando voz a las acciones e intereses de LEM España. Asimismo, se identifican paralelismos entre las recomendaciones realizadas en los seminarios de la campaña analizada y algunas de las actividades legislativas recientes del Gobierno en materia de igualdad.This paper focuses on testing the influence of lobbyists within governments. Specifically, we study the Spanish section of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL, hereinafter), the largest entity of women’s associations in Europe, and its connections with the Government of Spain. We are particularly interested in observing how this cooperation helps to achieve the goal of institutional equality policies between women and men. In order to identify the levels of cooperation between the two organizations, the online seminars and written proposals of the campaign ‘Mobilize against sexism’ (developed between October 2020 and January 2022) have been analysed taking into account the following discursive variables: resources and activities, types of strategies, communicative techniques and tools. As a general result, we have identified parallels between the recommendations made in the seminars of the campaign ‘Mobilize against sexism’ in the field of justice, sport, education, and some of the recent legislative activities of the Government in the area of equality and other binding documents of public bodies

    Evaluating potential artifacts of tethering techniques to estimate predation on sea urchins

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    Measuring the strength of trophic interactions in marine systems has been central to our understanding of community structuring. Sea urchin tethering has been the method of choice to evaluate rates of predation in marine benthic ecosystems. As standardly practiced, this method involves piercing the urchin test, potentially introducing significant methodological artifacts that may influence survival or detection by predators. Here we assess possible artifacts of tethering comparing invasive (pierced) and non-invasive tethering techniques using the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. Specifically we looked at how degree of confinement and high water temperature (first order artifacts), and predator guild and size of the prey (second order artifacts) affect the survival and/or detectability of pierced urchins. Our results show that first order artifacts only arise when pierced sea urchins are placed in sheltered bays with confined waters, especially when water temperature reaches extremely high levels. Prey detectability did not increase in pierced sea urchins for the most common predators. Also, test piercing did not alter the preferences of predators for given prey sizes. We conclude that the standard tethering technique is a robust method to test relative rates of sea urchin predation. However, local conditions could increase mortality of the tethered urchin in sheltered bays or in very high temperature regimes. Under these conditions adequate pierced controls (within predator exclusions) need to be included in assays to evaluate artifactual sources of mortality

    A pilot randomised controlled trial on the effectiveness of infant massage on the acceptance, commitment and awareness of influence in parents of babies with Down syndrome

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    Background The emotional state of parents of babies with Down syndrome affects their babies’ development and their parent–child bonding. The aim for this study was to conduct a pilot randomised controlled evaluation of the effect of infant massage on parents of babies with Down syndrome. Methods This pilot study compared two groups (intervention and control), each with 16 parents of babies with Down syndrome. Indices of acceptance, engagement and awareness of influence were measured at two different time points (pre-test and after 5 weeks) using the ‘This Is My Baby’ Interview. The allocation of families to each group was randomised. The experimental group performed infant massage, applied by the parents, for 5 weeks, every day for at least 10 min. The massage protocol was based on the methodology created by Vimala McClure. Parents in the control group received the intervention after completion of the study. Results The indices of acceptance, commitment and awareness of influence improved in the experimental group and in the control group. The 2 × 2 mixed-model analysis of variance indicates a statistically significant group-by-time interaction for all indices (P < 0.001), which was significantly higher in the experimental group than in the control group. Conclusions The application of infant massage, by parents to their babies, improves the rates of acceptance, commitment and awareness of influence of parents of babies with Down syndrome in the short term

    Effects of Fish Oil and Grape Seed Extract Combination on Hepatic Endogenous Antioxidants and Bioactive Lipids in Diet-Induced Early Stages of Insulin Resistance in Rats

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    © 2020 by the authors.Diacylglycerols (DAG) and ceramides have been suggested as early predictors of insulin resistance. This study was aimed to examine the combined effects of fish oil (FO) and grape seed extract (GSE) on hepatic endogenous antioxidants, DAG and ceramides in diet-induced early stages of insulin resistance. Thirty-five rats were fed one of the following diets: (1) a standard diet (STD group), (2) a high-fat high-sucrose diet (HFHS group), (3) an HFHS diet enriched with FO (FO group), (4) an HFHS diet enriched with GSE (GSE group) or (5) an HFHS diet enriched with FO and GSE (FO + GSE group). In the liver, endogenous antioxidants were measured using spectrophotometric and fluorometric techniques, and non-targeted lipidomics was conducted for the assessment of DAG and ceramides. After 24 weeks, the FO + GSE group showed increased glutathione peroxidase activity, as well as monounsaturated fatty acid and polyunsaturated fatty acid-containing DAG, and long-chain fatty acid-containing ceramides abundances compared to the STD group. The FO and GSE combination induced similar activation of the antioxidant system and bioactive lipid accumulation in the liver than the HFHS diet without supplementation. In addition, the FO and GSE combination increased the abundances of polyunsaturated fatty acid-containing DAG in the liver.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [grant numbers AGL2009-12374-C03-02, AGL2013-49079-C2-1-R and AGL2013-49079-C2-2-R].Peer reviewe

    Monitoring the hepatobiliary function using image techniques and labeled cholephilic compounds

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    Evaluation of the hepatobiliary function is critical for the clinicians, not only for the diagnosis of a large variety of liver diseases but also in the follow-up and management of some patients, for instance, those with different degrees of cholestasis suffering from a drug-induced liver injury (DILI) or scheduled for liver resection. Currently, the determination of global liver function mainly relies on laboratory tests, clinical scores, and data from images obtained with ultrasonography, computed tomography (CT), or magnetic resonance. Nuclear medicine scanning, displaying either planar or three-dimensional spatial distribution of liver function, is enhanced when using hepatotropic tracers based on classical radioisotopes such as technetium-99m (99mTc) and with higher resolution using metabolized probes such as those based on monosaccharide derivatives labeled with 18F. Other cholephilic compounds, and hence selectively secreted into bile, have been proposed to visualize the correct function of the liver parenchyma and the associated secretory machinery. This review aims to summarize the state-of-the-art regarding the techniques and chemical probes available to monitor liver and gallbladder function, in some cases based on imaging techniques reflecting the dynamic of labeled cholephilic compounds

    Functional signatures in non-small-cell lung cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis of sex-based differences in transcriptomic studies

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    While studies have established the existence of differences in the epidemiological and clinical patterns of lung adenocarcinoma between male and female patients, we know relatively little regarding the molecular mechanisms underlying such sex-based differences. In this study, we explore said differences through a meta-analysis of transcriptomic data. We performed a meta-analysis of the functional profiling of nine public datasets that included 1366 samples from Gene Expression Omnibus and The Cancer Genome Atlas databases. Meta-analysis results from data merged, normalized, and corrected for batch effect show an enrichment for Gene Ontology terms and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathways related to the immune response, nucleic acid metabolism, and purinergic signaling. We discovered the overrepresentation of terms associated with the immune response, particularly with the acute inflammatory response, and purinergic signaling in female lung adenocarcinoma patients, which could influence reported clinical differences. Further evaluations of the identified differential biological processes and pathways could lead to the discovery of new biomarkers and therapeutic targets. Our findings also emphasize the relevance of sex-specific analyses in biomedicine, which represents a crucial aspect influencing biological variability in diseaseThis work was supported by Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (ISCIII PI15-00209), GV/2020/ 186, and ISCIII PT17/0009/0015 FEDE

    Kinky DNA in solution: Small-angle-scattering study of a nucleosome positioning sequence

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    DNA is a flexible molecule, but the degree of its flexibility is subject to debate. The commonly-accepted persistence length of lp ≈ 500Å is inconsistent with recent studies on short-chain DNA that show much greater flexibility but do not probe its origin. We have performed x-ray and neutron small-angle scattering on a short DNA sequence containing a strong nucleosome positioning element and analyzed the results using a modified Kratky-Porod model to determine possible conformations. Our results support a hypothesis from Crick and Klug in 1975 that some DNA sequences in solution can have sharp kinks, potentially resolving the discrepancy. Our conclusions are supported by measurements on a radiation-damaged sample, where single-strand breaks lead to increased flexibility and by an analysis of data from another sequence, which does not have kinks, but where our method can detect a locally enhanced flexibility due to an AT domain.Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (BES-2013-065453, EEBB-I-2015-09973, FIS2012-38827). S.C.L. and UC-154 are grateful for the support of Junta de Castilla y Leon (Spain) Nanofibersafe BU079U16. D.A. acknowledges funding from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche through ANR-12-BSV5-0017-01 “Chrome” and ANR-17-CE11-0019-03 “Chrom3D” grants. N.T. acknowledges support by the project Advanced Materials and Devices (MIS 5002409, Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, NSRF 2014-2020) cofinanced by Greece and the European Regional Development Fund

    Field scale biodegradation of total petroleum hydrocarbons and soil restoration by Ecopiles: microbiological analysis of the process

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    Ecopiling is a method for biodegradation of hydrocarbons in soils. It derives from Biopiles, but phytoremediation is added to biostimulation with nitrogen fertilization and bioaugmentation with local bacteria. We have constructed seven Ecopiles with soil heavily polluted with hydrocarbons in Carlow (Ireland). The aim of the study was to analyze changes in the microbial community during ecopiling. In the course of 18 months of remediation, total petroleum hydrocarbons values decreased in 99 and 88% on average for aliphatics and aromatics, respectively, indicating a successful biodegradation. Community analysis showed that bacterial alfa diversity (Shannon Index), increased with the degradation of hydrocarbons, starting at an average value of 7.59 and ending at an average value of 9.38. Beta-diversity analysis, was performed using Bray-Curtis distances and PCoA ordination, where the two first principal components (PCs) explain the 17 and 14% of the observed variance, respectively. The results show that samples tend to cluster by sampling time instead of by Ecopile. This pattern is supported by the hierarchical clustering analysis, where most samples from the same timepoint clustered together. We used DSeq2 to determine the differential abundance of bacterial populations in Ecopiles at the beginning and the end of the treatment. While TPHs degraders are more abundant at the start of the experiment, these populations are substituted by bacterial populations typical of clean soils by the end of the biodegradation process. Similar results are found for the fungal community, indicating that the microbial community follows a succession along the process. This succession starts with a TPH degraders or tolerant enriched community, and finish with a microbial community typical of clean soil