1,605 research outputs found

    A construção imaginativa de cuidados: a experiência de profissionais de enfermagem em um serviço de assistência remota

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloThe direction of care delivery goes from the action to the being; a process built from professional experience, which gains special characteristics when the service is delivered by telephone. The goal of this research was to understand the interaction between professionals and users in a remote care service; to do so, a research is presented, using Grounded Theory and Symbolic Interactionism as theoretical references. Data were collected through eight interviews with professionals who deliver care by telephone. The theoretical understanding permitted the creation of the theoretical model of the Imaginative Construction of Care, which shows the interaction processes the professional experiences when delivering care by telephone. In this model, individual and social facts are added, showing the link between the concepts, with special emphasis on uncertainty, sensitivity and professional responsibility, as essential components of this experience.http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0104-11692012000400009&nrm=isohttp://ref.scielo.org/44chq

    Information and Communication Technologies (ICTS) as a Tool for Intercultural Education. A collaborative experience in secondary education in Tlapa de Comonfort, Guerrero, Mexico

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    This paper discusses the collaborative experience of creating educational materials for a secondary school in Tlapa de Comonfort, Guerrero, México. In this school, students from Nahuatl, Tun savi, Me'phaa and Spanish speaking communities live and learn together. The intercultural context provides challenges for science education that we sought to address. The use of collaborative technologies in science classes has made visible the cultural diversity in the classroom, helping students and teachers recognize themselves as active agents in the construction of common knowledge and in sharing their\ud knowledge. This experience also shows the importance of ICTs as technologies of expression that reinforce individual and collective identity in intercultural contexts

    University scientific production: The case of the Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales (Bogotá, Colombia)

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    Se analizó la Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales U.D.C.A con base en el enfoque de capital intelectual, rankings académicos globales, investigación y producción científica de los últimos 40 años. Para el análisis bibliométrico y de contenido de las publicaciones científicas disponibles en la base de datos Scopus, se utilizó la herramienta Scimago Graphica y el software VOSviewer. El análisis bibliométrico arrojó que existen 534 documentos científicos en la base de datos Scopus con, al menos, un autor afiliado a la U.D.C.A. De ellos, el 84 % se encuentra en SciELO y el 56 % en Publindex. La mayoría de los documentos (70 %) están en inglés y el 27 %, en español. Las citas de 7 artículos suponen el 64,4 % (37.147) del total de citas. Autores con afiliación U.D.C.A han colaborado con investigadores de 72 países. Con base en capital intelectual y producción científica, la U.D.C.A se encuentra actualmente en el modelo 2.0 y transita hacia el modelo 3.0, dibujado por tres áreas: Medicina, Ciencias Ambientales y Veterinaria. Estas áreas se han centrado en la cooperación interinstitucional, la internacionalización, la regionalización y la globalización; sin embargo, deben incorporar el desarrollo empresarial, las tecnologías digitales, el aprendizaje virtual, la capitalización del conocimiento y el emprendimiento. Las otras áreas del conocimiento necesitan reconsiderar el tipo y el alcance de la investigación que desarrollan, para que sea relevante para la comunidad académica y la sociedad.The research and scientific production of Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales U.D.C.A was analyzed based on the intellectual capital approach, global academic rankings, research, and scientific production in the last 40 years. The Scimago Graphica tool and the VOSviewer software were used for the bibliometric and content analysis of the scientific publications available in the Scopus database. The bibliometric analysis showed that there are 534scientific documents in the Scopus database, with at least one author affiliated with U.D.C.A. Of these, 84 % can be found in SciELO and 56 % on Publindex. Most documents (70 %) are in English, and 27 % are in Spanish. The citations of 7 articles account for 64.4 % (37,147) of the total citations. Authors with affiliation U.D.C.A have collaborated with researchers from 72 countries. Based on intellectual capital and scientific production, U.D.C.A is currently in model 2.0 and is transitioning towards model 3.0, drawn by three areas: Medicine, Environmental Sciences, and Veterinary. These areas have focused on inter-institutional cooperation, internationalization, regionalization, and globalization. However, they must incorporate business development, digital technologies, virtual learning, knowledge capitalization, and entrepreneurship. The other areas of knowledge need to reconsider the type and scope of research they develop to be relevant to the academic community and society.Incluye referencias bibliográfica

    Electric Field Assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition Processes on Titanium Dioxide Thin Films for Photocatalysis.

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    PhDThis work investigates the use of the novel electric field assisted chemical vapour deposition (EACVD) process in the production of titanium dioxide thin films for photocatalytic applications on glass substrate. This work looks into the interaction of applied electric fields with the precursor species during the aerosol assisted chemical vapour deposition (AACVD) and atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition (APCVD) reaction of Titanium isopropoxide (TTIP) and Titanium (IV) Chloride (TiCl4) with different solvents. The electric field was generated by applying a potential difference between two fluorine-doped tin oxide glass sheets. The electric field was varied between 0 – 3000 Vm-1. The deposited films were analysed and characterized using scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, UV-vis spectroscopy, water-contact angles and resazurin photcatalytic testing. It was observed that the application of electric fields produced changes in the morphology, particle size, growth rate, crystal orientation and crystal phases. Generally, films produced under the influence of the electric fields showed higher photo-activity than films produced in absence of electric fields. The deposited films produced from the electric field assisted aerosol chemical vapour deposition (EAACVD) showed higher photo-activity with applied AC electric fields than with applied DC electric fields. Likewise, they showed higher photo-activity than the deposited films produced from the electric field assisted atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition (EAAPCVD) with applied AC electric fields. The results obtained were explained by the interaction mechanisms between the electric fields and the precursor species, which differ depending on the CVD technique used. Although titanium dioxide photo-activity is comprised by a combination of factors, it was observed that an optimum can be obtained by varying both experimental conditions and field strength. In particular, optimum results were obtained for deposited films which showed long-shaped particles, reduced particle size and high preferential orientation in the anatase (004) plane. Electric field assisted chemical vapour deposition (EACVD) shows a great potential for the improvement of commercial products available in the market such as self-cleaning and antibacterial surfaces

    Como la geomática influye al determinar una alternativa para la construcción de una línea eléctrica de baja tensión "34.5 kv" para el funcionamiento de un punto de inyección de agua

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    Este trabajo de titulación describe el procedimiento en oficina y en campo para determinar y analizar las posibles rutas por donde se pueda construir una línea eléctrica de baja tensión entre una subestación eléctrica y un punto de inyección de agua (PIA), teniendo en cuenta los aspectos sociales, técnicos, ambientales, y prediales. Se trabaja con el software para sistemas de información geográfica Arcgis 9.3 y las herramientas de análisis espacial de este, las cuales sirvieron como base en el cálculo de longitudes, áreas del terreno total y la afectación para cada predio. El manejo de las imágenes de satélite, también forman un papel importante ya que día a día se consolidan como una confiable y eficiente fuente de información para la toma de decisiones en los diferentes ámbitos laborales. Finalmente se escoge una de las alternativas planteadas con base a los análisis de los resultados entregados por los profesionales quienes participaron con su experiencia para el buen desarrollo del proyecto

    Bifunctional catalysts applied to produce biodiesel from waste cooking oil

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    This work aims to present the analysis of the catalytic performance of Fe2O3/CaO as a bifunctional catalyst in the production of biodiesel from waste cooking oil. The clamshell was used as a source of calcium oxide by calcination. The catalyst was characterized by Thermogravimetric analysis and Differential scanning calorimetry (TGA-DSC), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES). The catalytic tests were conducted at 55  C, the methanol:oil ratio was 12:1, amount of catalyst of 6%wt and reaction time of 5 h. The content of methyl esters in the produced biodiesel was >98% and was found to fulfill the specifications of European Norm UNE-EN 14214.Proyecto 6218/2020 CIB UAEMex CONACYT. Beca de estudios de posgrado (1000624) Estancia de investigación especializado Comecyt-EdoMex (EESP2021-0029

    ¿Son efectivas o no las sanciones en el sistema de responsabilidad penal para adolescentes?

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    Se estudiaran las medidas de restablecimiento de los derechos adoptadas por la Ley 1098 del 8 de noviembre de 2006, con respecto a las sanciones aplicables a los niños, niñas y adolescentes, haciendo énfasis en la responsabilidad que tiene el Estado, la familia y la sociedad, con el objeto de establecer si son efectivas o no al momento de lograr su finalidad de educación, protección y restauración. Así mismo, se identificará cual es la causa por la cual los adolescentes son repetitivos en su actuar delincuencial, si esta radica en las sanciones o en los mecanismos dispuestos para el cumplimiento de las mismas.Measures will be studied restoration of rights adopted by the 1098 Act of November 8, 2006, with respect to the sanctions applicable to children and adolescents, emphasizing the responsibility of the State, the family and society , in order to establish whether they are effective or not at the time to achieve its purpose of education, protection and restoration. Also, it will identify which is the reason why teenagers are repetitive in his criminal act, whether this is in sanctions or mechanisms willing to fulfill them
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