217 research outputs found

    Lepton Number Violating Radiative WW Decay in Models with R-parity Violation

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    Models with explicit R-parity violation can induce new rare radiative decay modes of the WW boson into single supersymmetric particles which also violate lepton number. We examine the rate and signature for one such decay, Wl~γW\rightarrow \tilde l\gamma, and find that such a mode will be very difficult to observe, due its small branching fraction, even if the lepton number violating coupling in the superpotential is comparable in strength to electromagnetism. This parallels a similar result obtained earlier by Hewett in the case of radiative ZZ decays.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures(available on request), LaTex, ANL-HEP-PR-92-8

    Caracterização dos agroecossistemas e manejo de germoplasma de Citrullus em três regiões do Nordeste brasileiro.

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    Sendo assim, este trabalho teve como objetivos caracterizar, estudar e descrever os agroecossistemas nordestinos representados pelos distritos de Jamarí-MA, Massaroca-BA e Urimamã-PE

    Weissella halotolerans W22 combines arginine deiminase and ornithine decarboxylation pathways and converts arginine to putrescine

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    Aims: To demonstrate that the meat food strain Weissella halotolerans combines an ornithine decarboxylation pathway and an arginine deiminase (ADI) pathway and is able to produce putrescine, a biogenic amine. Evidence is shown that these two pathways produce a proton motive force (PMF). Methods and Results: Internal pH in W. halotolerans was measured with the sensitive probe 2',7'-bis-(2-carboxyethyl)-5(and-6)-carboxyfluorescein. Membrane potential was measured with the fluorescent probe 3,3'-dipropylthiocarbocyanine iodine. Arginine and ornithine transport studies were made under several conditions, using cells loaded or not loaded with the biogenic amine putrescine. ADI pathway caused an increase in Delta pH dependent on the activity of F(0)F(1)ATPase. Ornithine decarboxylation pathway generates both a Delta pH and a Delta Psi. Both these pathways lead to the generation of a PMF. Conclusions: Weissella halotolerans W22 combines an ADI pathway and an ornithine decarboxylation pathway, conducing to the production of the biogenic amine putrescine and of a PMF. Transport studies suggest the existence of a unique antiporter arginine/putrescine in this lactic acid bacteria strain. Significance and Impact of the Study: The coexistence of two different types of amino acid catabolic pathways, leading to the formation of a PMF, is shown for a Weissella strain for the first time. Moreover, a unique antiport arginine/putrescine is hypothesized to be present in this food strain

    A Supersymmetric Solution to the Solar and Atmospheric Neutrino Problems

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    The simplest unified extension of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model with bi-linear R--Parity violation provides a predictive scheme for neutrino masses which can account for the observed atmospheric and solar neutrino anomalies in terms of bi-maximal neutrino mixing. The maximality of the atmospheric mixing angle arises dynamically, by minimizing the scalar potential, while the solar neutrino problem can be accounted for either by large or by small mixing oscillations. One neutrino picks up mass by mixing with neutralinos, while the degeneracy and masslessness of the other two is lifted only by loop corrections. Despite the smallness of neutrino masses R-parity violation is observable at present and future high-energy colliders, providing an unambiguous cross-check of the model.Comment: 5 pages, final version published in Phys. Rev. D61, 2000, 071703(R

    Reductive activation and structural rearrangement in superoxide reductase: a combined infrared spectroscopic and computational study

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    Superoxide reductases (SOR) are a family of non-heme iron enzymes that limit oxidative stress by catalysing the reduction of superoxide to hydrogen peroxide and, thus, represent model systems for the detoxification of reactive oxygen species. In several enzymes of this type, reductive activation of the active site involves the reversible dissociation of a glutamate from the proposed substrate binding site at the iron. In this study we have employed IR spectroscopic and theoretical methods to gain insights into redox-linked structural changes of 1Fe-type superoxide reductases, focusing on the enzyme from the archaeon Ignicoccus hospitalis. Guided by crystal structure data and complemented by spectra calculation for an active site model, the main IR difference signals could be assigned. These signals reflect redox-induced structural changes in the first coordination sphere of the iron centre, adjacent loop and helical regions, and more remote β-sheets. By comparison with the spectra obtained for the E23A mutant of Ignicoccus hospitalis SOR, it is shown that glutamate E23 dissociates reversibly from the ferrous iron during reductive activation of the wild type enzyme. Moreover, this process is found to trigger a global conformational transition of the protein that is strictly dependent on the presence of E23. Similar concerted structural changes can be inferred from the IR spectra of related SORs such as that from Archaeoglobus fulgidus, indicating a widespread mechanism. A possible functional role of this process in terms of synergistic effects during reductive activation of the homotetrameric enzyme is proposed.DFG, EXC 314, Unifying Concepts in Catalysi

    Broken R-parity, stop decays, and neutrino physics

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    We discuss the phenomenology of the lightest stop in models where R-parity is broken by bilinear superpotential terms. In this class of models we consider scenarios where the R-parity breaking two-body decay ~t_1->\tau^+b competes with the leading three-body decays such as ~t_1->W^+b~\chi^0_1. We demonstrate that the R-parity violating decay can be sizable and in some parts of the parameter space even the dominant one. Moreover we discuss the expectations for \~t_1->\mu^+b and ~t_1->e^+b. The recent results from solar and atmospheric neutrinos suggest that these are as important as the tau bottom mode. The \~t_1->l^+b decays are of particular interest for hadron colliders, as they may allow a full mass reconstruction of the lighter stop. Moreover these decay modes allow cross checks on the neutrino mixing angle involved in the solar neutrino puzzle complementary to those possible using neutralino decays. For the so--called small mixing angle or SMA solution ~t_1->e^+b should be negligible, while for the large mixing angle type solutions all ~t_1->l^+b decays should have comparable magnitude.Comment: 51 pages, 6 figures, LaTeX2e and RevTeX4, published versio

    Leptonic CP Violation in Supersymmetric Standard Model

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    We point out the possibility of spontaneous and hard CP-violation in the scalar potential of R-parity broken supersymmetric Standard Model. The existence of spontaneous CP-violation depends crucially on the R-parity breaking terms in the superpotential and, in addition, on the choice of the soft supersymmetry breaking terms. Unlike in theories with R-parity conservation, it is natural, in the context of the present model, for the sneutrinos to acquire (complex) vacuum expectation values. In the context of this model we examine here the global implications, like the strength of the CP-violating interactions and the neutrino masses.Comment: REVTEX, 15 page

    Supersymmetric Origin of Neutrino Mass

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    Supersymmetry with breaking of R-parity provides an attractive way to generate neutrino masses and lepton mixing angles in accordance to present neutrino data. We review the main theoretical features of the bilinear R-parity breaking (BRpV) model, and stress that it is the simplest extension of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) which includes lepton number violation. We describe how it leads to a successful phenomenological model with hierarchical neutrino masses. In contrast to seesaw models, the BRpV model can be probed at future collider experiments, like the Large Hadron Collider or the Next Linear Collider, since the decay pattern of the lightest supersymmetric particle provides a direct connection with the lepton mixing angles determined by neutrino experiments.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, review for NJP focus issue on neutrino

    On the Size of the Dark Side of the Solar Neutrino Parameter Space

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    We present an analysis of the MSW neutrino oscillation solutions of the solar neutrino problem in the framework of two-neutrino mixing in the enlarged parameter space (Δm2,tan2θ)(\Delta m^2, \tan^2\theta) with θ(0,π2)\theta \in (0,\frac{\pi}{2}). Recently, it was pointed out that the allowed region of parameters from a fit to the measured total rates can extend to values θπ4\theta \geq \frac{\pi}{4} (the so called ``dark side'') when higher confidence levels are allowed. The purpose of this letter is to reanalize the problem including all the solar neutrino data available, to discuss the dependence on the statistical criteria in the determination of the CL of the ``dark side'' and to extract the corresponding limits on the largest mixing allowed by the data. Our results show that when the Super-Kamiokande data on the zenith angle distribution of events and the spectrum information is included, the regions extend more into the dark side.Comment: 5 pages,latex file using RevTex. Two-layer aproximation for the Earth density replaced by numerical integration with PREM. Latest parametrization of the sun matter density (BP2000) is included. Misprints corrected. Conclusions unchanged. 5 postscript figures (bitmapped for compression). A full version of the paper can be found at http://ific.uv.es/~penya/papers/ To appear in Phys. Rev.