2,948 research outputs found

    Linear pattern matching on sparse suffix trees

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    Packing several characters into one computer word is a simple and natural way to compress the representation of a string and to speed up its processing. Exploiting this idea, we propose an index for a packed string, based on a {\em sparse suffix tree} \cite{KU-96} with appropriately defined suffix links. Assuming, under the standard unit-cost RAM model, that a word can store up to logσn\log_{\sigma}n characters (σ\sigma the alphabet size), our index takes O(n/logσn)O(n/\log_{\sigma}n) space, i.e. the same space as the packed string itself. The resulting pattern matching algorithm runs in time O(m+r2+rocc)O(m+r^2+r\cdot occ), where mm is the length of the pattern, rr is the actual number of characters stored in a word and occocc is the number of pattern occurrences

    Homogeneous aggregation operators

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    summary:Recently, the utilization of invariant aggregation operators, i.e., aggregation operators not depending on a given scale of measurement was found as a very current theme. One type of invariantness of aggregation operators is the homogeneity what means that an aggregation operator is invariant with respect to multiplication by a constant. We present here a complete characterization of homogeneous aggregation operators. We discuss a relationship between homogeneity, kernel property and shift-invariance of aggregation operators. Several examples are included

    Potential Impacts On The UK Of Future Migration From Bulgaria and Romania

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    This report provides evidence from which the UK Government can assess the potential impacts of migration from EU2 countries following the lifting of transitional controls at the end of 2013

    MethOSM: a methodology for computing composite indicators derived from OpenStreetMap data

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    The task of computing composite indicators to define and analyze complex social, economic, political, or environmental phenomena has traditionally been the exclusive competence of statistical offices. Nowadays, the availability of increasing volumes of data and the emergence of the open data movement have enabled individuals and businesses affordable access to all kinds of datasets that can be used as valuable input to compute indicators. OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a good example of this. It has been used as a baseline to compute indicators in areas where official data is scarce or difficult to access. Although the extraction and application of OSM data to compute indicators is an attractive proposition, this practice is by no means hassle-free. The use of OSM reveals a number of challenges that are usually addressed with ad-hoc and often overlapping solutions. In this context, this paper proposes MethOSM-a systematic methodology for computing indicators derived from OSM data. By applying MethOSM, the computation task is divided into four steps, with each step having a clear goal and a set of guidelines to apply. In this way, the methodology contributes to an effective and efficient use of OSM data for the purpose of computing indicators. To demonstrate its use, we apply MethOSM to a number of indicators used for real estate valuation of properties in Italy

    Ciliates on the macrophytes in industrially heated lakes (Kujawy Lakeland, Poland)

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    The ciliate assemblage on the macrophytes was examined in 2005 during the vegetation period in the Konin2skie Lakes which are heating by post-cooling waters from thermal electric plants. As a result of changed temperature regimen the alien thermophilic macrophyte Vallisneria spiralis is becoming increasingly common in the littoral zone. A total of 150 ciliate taxa belonging to 27 orders were found. Greater ciliate species diversity was found on architecturally complex, submerged forms such as Ceratophyllum demersum and Myriophyllum spicatum. By contrast the ciliate compositions on emergent macrophytes with simple architecture in their submerged parts, such as Typha, Sparganium, or Acorus, were less species rich. Despite the simple architecture of Vallisneria leaves, the ciliate diversity on them was high. The results show that replacement of native macrophytes by the alien form V. spiralis in heated lakes did not impoverish the ciliate diversity.В течение вегетационного периода 2005 г. изучали ассамблею ресничных простейших на макрофитах в Конинских озерах, подверженных тепловому загрязнению, которое вызвано поступлением подогретых вод с теплоэлектростанции. Вследствие изменения температурного режима водоемов, в их литорали доминирующее положение среди макрофитов занял адвентивный вид Vallisneria spiralis. Всего на макрофитах было зарегистрировано 150 таксонов ресничных простейших, относящихся к 27 отрядам. Большее разнообразие видов ресничных простейших обнаруживалось на пространственно сложноорганизованных поверхностях таких макрофитов, как Ceratophyllum demersum и Myriophyllum spicatum. На макрофитах с простой архитектурой, таких как, например, Typha, Sparganium и Acorus, количество видов было меньшим. В то же время, несмотря на простую архитектуру листьев Vallisneria, разнообразие ресничных простейших на них было высоким. Таким образом, вытеснение аборигенных макрофитов адвентивным видом V. spiralis в условиях подогретых озер не приводило к снижению разнообразия ресничных простейших

    Determination of technological parameters of obtaining stevia extract

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    The prospects for the use of a plant raw material – stevia as a natural sweetener for obtaining sweet extracts have been substantiated. Literary research has been conducted on the expediency of carrying out preparatory operations of stevia-raw material in order to intensify mass exchange processes during extraction; their necessity has been theoretically justified. A number of studies have been conducted with the aim of intensifying the process of extracting the dry mass of stevia leaves. Preliminary preparation of stevia was carried out – crushing (using a laboratory crusher – A1-DM2R) and subsequent sieving to the average size of the leaf fraction – 3.9±0.1 mm. It is proposed to use whey from the production of sour milk cheese to obtain sweet extracts of stevia for their further use in the food industry. It has been established, that the highest efficiency of the extraction process of the prepared dry stevia leaf mass is achieved with a hydromodule – 1:15. Carrying out the process under these conditions allows to achieve the highest degree of extraction of extractive substances – 29.9. The results of the experimental studies, obtained and presented in the article, can be used to carry out further physicochemical analyzes of the quality of the obtained stevia extracts and the possibility of combining them with a milk base to obtain a dietary range of food product

    Structural Shifts and Reform of the Agrarian Sector of the Russian Economy under the Conditions of the Import Substitution Policy

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    The paper deals with international and Russian structural problems in agriculture. The objective of the paper is the research of structural changes in the agricultural sector of Russia and their change under the effect of the 'sectoral' sanctions and the food commodity import substitution policy. The theoretical base for this paper has become the works of the scientists dealing with the problems of the structural economic development at the macro level. The nature of the structural shifts in the Russian agrarian sector was discovered, as well as the disproportions in development of different countries, especially those producing the threat to the food supply security and thus the economic safety of the states. The authors have studied the structure of the main commodity groups influencing the solution of the import substitution problem; computed the basic indicators of the corresponding structural shifts; and highlighted the most efficient groups of the agricultural producers. Also, the paper represents the econometric model of the structural shifts and the assessment of the level of self-sufficiency with agricultural production in Russia. The research has been conducted based on the methodology of structural analysis represented in the scientific pursuits of the foreign and national scientists. It also contains the conclusion about the necessity of strengthening the structural policy in the animal husbandry. In particular, import substitution in the sub-branches of the agriculture and food industry should be combined with the export development in the other spheres (based on the methodology of full and efficient use of the available agricultural potential)


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    There was theoretically grounded and experimentally proved the expedience of enriching high-concentrated wort of the starch-containing raw material with such additional source of mineral nutrition for yeast cells as nanoparticles of metals.  There was studied the influence of nanoparticles of metals on hydrolysis of biopolymers of the raw material and biosynthesis of organic compounds at wort fermentation. It was experimentally established, that the most positive influence of biosynthetic properties of yeast cells is realized by zinc and magnesium. At using zinc and magnesium, yeast biomass and alcohol content in mashes increase. Best chemical-technological indices of mashes were received at adding nanoparticles of zinc and magnesium at the stage of batch dilution. There was experimentally studied the synthesis of volatile organic admixtures in marsh distillates depending on point of adding nanoparticles of metals

    Implementación y optimización del proceso sintético de i) complejos aminoácido - estaño IV y ii) péptidos conjugados con Ferroceno, como contribución al desarrollo de fármacos basados en moléculas organometálicas

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    Cancer is a global public health problem that is significantly affecting the Colombian population. Despite the advances made in the development and / or improvement of treatments, the morbidity / mortality rates are continuously increasing. To date, great efforts have been made to identify new therapeutic approaches, with organometallic peptides (POM) -based drugs being a promising alternative. These POMs are an anticancer peptide into which a metallocene is incorporated. These molecules have presented great biological potential for the development of anticancer agents, since they combine the cytotoxic activity of the organometallic motif (OM) and the peptide, in addition to the metallocene, they give stability to the drug in biological environments. In this work, I) organotin IV compounds were designed, purified and characterized from polar amino acids (Asp, Lys and Glu), some of which have not been reported in the consulted literature, in addition an organometallic block was synthesized which It can be used for the synthesis of organotin IV conjugated POMs. (ii) the synthetic route was optimized to obtain peptides and POMs containing Ferrocene, derived from the palindromic sequence RWQWRWQWR. In this work, synthetic routes were designed and the procedures for obtaining POMs conjugated with Ferrocene or Organotin IV were implemented. Our results suggest that obtaining peptides and / or amino acids conjugated with organometallic compounds is viable, therefore, they can be considered for the development of new therapeutic agents against cancer.El cáncer es una problemática de salud pública mundial y que está afectando de manera significativa la población colombiana. A pesar de los avances logrados en el desarrollo y/o mejora de tratamientos, los índices de morbilidad/mortalidad aumentan continuamente. A la fecha, se hacen grandes esfuerzos para identificar nuevos abordajes terapéuticos, siendo una alternativa promisoria los fármacos basados en péptidos organometálicos (POM). Estos POMs están formados por un péptido anticancerígeno al cual se le incorpora un metaloceno. Estas moléculas han presentado gran potencial biológico para el desarrollo de agentes anticancerígenos, ya que combinan la actividad citotóxica del motivo organometálico (OM) y del péptido, además el metaloceno le confieren estabilidad al fármaco en ambientes biológicos. En este trabajo, I) se diseñaron, purificaron y caracterizaron compuestos de organoestaño IV a partir de aminoácidos polares (Asp, Lys y Glu), algunos de los cuales no han sido reportados en la literatura consultada, adicionalmente se sintetizó un bloque organometálico el cual puede ser utilizado para la síntesis de POM conjugados con organoestaño IV. (ii) se optimizó la ruta sintética para obtención de péptidos y POMs que contienen Ferroceno, derivados de la secuencia palindrómica RWQWRWQWR. En este trabajo se diseñaron rutas sintéticas y se implementaron los procedimientos para la obtención de POMs conjugados con Ferroceno o Organoestaño IV. Nuestros resultados sugieren que la obtención de péptidos y/o aminoácidos conjugados con compuestos organometálicos es viable, por lo tanto, pueden ser considerados para el desarrollo de nuevos agentes terapéuticos contra el cáncer.COLCIENCIASObtención de un prototipo peptídico promisorio para el desarrollo de un medicamento de amplio espectro para el tratamiento del cáncer de colon, cuello uterino y próstata”- Contrato 845-2019.Línea de investigación: Péptidos como agentes terapéuticos.Maestrí