336 research outputs found

    The correlation of vital capacity readings and clinical examination: with special reference to vital capacity observations in obese subjects

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    After taking many hundreds of observations of vital lung capacity, the following conclusions are arrived at :-(1) Individual variations present one of the greatest drawbacks to the value of vital capacity readings.It is necessary to know the individuals own standard while in health, before anything like complete reliance can be placed on an observation taken from a patient suffering from disease of the heart or lungs.(2) The normal standards at present in use tend to be unreliable as a very large class of people do not conform to the so called normal body build.(3) Standards based on surface area are probably the most accurate, but for quick clinical work the Height Standard is satisfactory.(4) Lack of co- operation on the part of the patient is the chief factor militating against reliable readings.(5) Vital capacity readings must in no sense be used as a short cut to diagnosis. An observation not in accordance with clinical findings should be looked on with suspicion.(6) Anthracosis appears to have no effect on the vital capacity.(7) Vital capacity readings give no indication of physical fitness except in so far as the heart and lungs are concerned.(8) In acute heart failure the vital capacity follows very closely on the daily changes in the patient's clinical condition but in general it may be said that no undue weight should be attached to a sudden unexpectedly low reading unless it can be confirmed by clinical findings.(9) As a class obese subjects have low vital capacities but considerable individual variation is met with.In the obese person the vital capacity increases as the weight is reduced.(10) In working with obese patients the Height Standard, or the Surface area standard using the patients correct weight, may be used.If the Surface area standard and the patient's observed weight be employed it is suggested that 135 be added to the observed vital capacity instead of 20% advocated by BOWEN & PLATT.(11) It would appear that more than one factor is at work in causing a reduction of vital capacity in the obese subject.Vital capacity readings are of questionable value in diagnosing myocardial changes in the obese.(12) Definite Electro cardiographic changes were observed in obese subjects. A satisfactory explanation has not been found but these changes seem to be of sufficient importance to warrant further investigation


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    Com este texto pretende-se realizar uma breve reflexão sobre as variações conceituais em torno do campo da cultura de modo a compreender os novos agenciamentos que este campo vem promovendo ao associar-se às noções de “recurso” e “conveniência”, especialmente do modo como são abordadas por George Yúdice. Através deste itinerário, intenta-se avaliar, de forma introdutória, alguns encaminhamentos e projeções que estão surgindo como balizadores de um novo status para a cultura no contexto atual e que terão grande impacto na formulação de políticas públicas para o setor cultural a partir das diretrizes do Plano Nacional de Cultura (PNC). Palavras-chave: Plano Nacional de Cultura, Política cultural, Recurso, Cultura

    Combined Hazard Analyses to Explore the Impact of Liquid Hydrogen Fuel on the Civil Aviation Industry

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    Interest in green technology in aviation is increasing. To address environmental issues, novel fuels such as cryogenic liquid hydrogen (LH2) are being explored, however there are safety concerns. This work combines safety studies to explore LH2 fuel safety for civil aviation. Preliminary hazard analyses (PHAs) (utilizing over 70 standards and guides) have been performed identifying possible LH2 hazards on-board aircraft. A PHA has also been produced, with industry stakeholder involvement, to understand the major concerns for LH2 use at airports. Gaps in fundamental knowledge and LH2 technology have been identified, and two of these explored. Firstly, work has been started to understand the fundamental flammability of hydrogen in altitude conditions. Secondly, FLACS CFD modelling has been used to simulate large-scale LH2 pool releases to examine behavior and predict pool size, downwind flammable regions, and flammable mass clouds formed for different environmental conditions and release scenarios. This has identified significant effects of wind speed on buoyancy and flammable cloud travel which must be taken into account of any hydrogen fuel facility design. This work (part of the EC funded ENABLEH2 project) is some of the first in over a decade to re-examine the safety of hydrogen propulsion in aircraft. This process has identified wide-ranging issues that must be addressed before hydrogen propulsion can be introduced in civil aviation

    In-situ Undisturbed Sand Sampling by Radial Freezing for Liquefaction Analysis

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    The authors experimented in laboratory that if radial freezing with free drainage is performed under an effective confining pressure of 100 kPa only an increase of the order of 0.5% of volumetric strain takes place going from the unfrozen to the frozen condition. The sample comes back to the original dimension after thawing. The displacements of the sample were measured by radiographs of a lead shot network properly built inside the sample. The technique suggested by Yoshimi and al. (1977) to freeze in situ a column of saturated sands was also verified and optimized in laboratory by simulating in a full scale test the site conditions. Finally 3.10 m length and 55 cm. diameter sample of saturated sand was frozen at a well studied site by radial freezing technique, then pulled out from the ground by a crane, sawed and stored in a freezer for future laboratory tests

    Intertextualidades: identidade e arte na pós-modernidade

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    Este artigo pretende abordar, de forma introdutória, alguns elementos teóricos relativos à relação entre identidade e arte no quadro da pós-modernidade. O texto é fruto de uma pesquisa em fase de desenvolvimento e, portanto, deve ser encarado como um gesto investigativo marcado por uma atitude exploratória e sem qualquer intenção de definir uma forma específica de recepção. A construção do texto está marcada por um método recursivo e dialógico que procura evidenciar algumas possibilidades de abordagem do objeto de investigação proposto, mediante um enfoque que privilegia a percepção das identidades e da arte contemporânea como textos sociais. Palavras-chave: Identidade, Arte contemporânea, Pós-modernidade

    Arte e espaço público: tensões de uma convivência difí­cil

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    Este trabalho propõe uma abordagem acerca do teor depreciativo dos argumentos apresentados pelo historiador Voltaire Schilling no artigo "A capital das monstruosidades" , publicado no Jornal Zero Hora de Porto Alegre-RS, no dia 25/10/2009. O referido artigo caiu como uma bomba no meio artí­stico porto-alegrense ao referendar seu desprezo por algumas obras de arte e monumentos instalados em áreas públicas da cidade de Porto Alegre, considerados "monstruosidades" pelo historiador, além de questionar a qualidade estética da arte contemporânea.A reflexão que proponho com este trabalho tenta localizar a ancoragem dos argumentos de Schilling, no sentido de colocar em relevo algumas ideias que sustentam seu ataque às obras de arte e aos monumentos depreciados, bem como analisar o teor das reações que surgiram contra o artigo. Para tanto, num primeiro momento, concentro-me na narratividade midiática do episódio em questão e na forma como o envolvimento da mí­dia jornalí­stica gerou conteúdos discursivos que criaram uma verdadeira disputa estética em torno do tema da "arte pública" . Do ponto de vista metodológico, localizo aspectos discursivos que sustentam o artigo "A capital das monstruosidades" , bem como seleciono e cotejo outros artigos publicados em resposta ao texto do historiador no próprio Jornal Zero Hora. Em seguida, mediante diálogo com autores selecionados, abordo ligeiramente alguns aspectos que podem ser pertinentes ao debate sobre a arte e sua dimensão pública.Palavras-chave: arte; espaço público; juí­zo de valo

    Enhancing aero engine performance through synergistic combinations of advanced technologies.

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    By 2050 the evolutionary approach to aero engine research and development will no longer be able to maintain historic rates of performance improvement. Future geared fan and open rotor engines promise increased propulsive efficiency and reduced noise, but will need to incorporate new technologies to improve core thermal efficiency in order to meet the ambitious fuel-burn and emissions targets set by ACARE in Flightpath 2050. In the face of increasing air traffic, radical new approaches will be needed to minimize the impact of aviation on the environment. A long-term vision is required. This PhD project investigates the potential of innovative propulsion technologies for civil aviation. Candidate technologies include topping and bottoming cycles, secondary combustion, intercooling and recuperation. The reported research investigates potential synergies between these advanced core technologies that when integrated together should give a significant fuel burn reduction relative to a more-conventional year-2050 ‘reference’ Brayton-cycle turbofan. Spreadsheet models have been used to quantify performance and estimate the weight and fuel burn savings for each new engine cycle. Further models were created to investigate preferred topping and bottoming cycle arrangements. NOx emissions are estimated for engines with rich-quench-lean (RQL) or lean-direct-injection (LDI) combustors. The correlation for future LDI combustor NOx emissions was selected following a review of recent LDI combustor research and a detailed study of alternative options. Increasingly aerodynamically efficient and lighter weight aircraft with more efficient engines will have lower thrust requirements. Advanced engine cycles also generally increase core specific power and reduce core mass flow, so future engines will have smaller turbo-machines that will tend to have lower component efficiencies. Therefore a preliminary study investigated the effects of thrust-scaling on the efficiency of the reference turbofan and possible high-OPR intercooled engines, since these could have very small core components. Novel core-component designs and engine architectures can minimize these penalties. Positive-displacement topping-cycle machines and reverse-flow-core engine layouts should help to maintain component efficiency and improve SFC, but low weight and low drag are also essential to minimize fuel burn. Therefore weight assessments of the advanced engine designs were made, and fuel-burn exchange rates used to quantify expected mission-level CO₂ reductions. Following a qualitative assessment of synergies between potential advanced technologies, an engine that combines intercooling, a topping cycle, secondary combustion and an open-air-cycle bottoming cycle was selected for detailed study. While each of these technologies has been researched previously, the contribution and value that each advanced core technology could bring to the whole in a large geared turbofan has not so far been reported. The approach initiated was to model a series of engines omitting each technology in turn and this scheme has been partially realized. The modelled topping-cycle technology uses six nutating-disc modules as a replacement for conventional combustors, high pressure compressors and turbines. A nutating-disc core module concept design led to the creation of a display model that was shown on the ULTIMATE project stand at the 2018 Farnborough International Air Show. The selected cycle combining all four technologies should reduce SFC by about 15% relative to the reference year-2050 turbofan and is assessed to reduce fuel burn by up to 18.5% in a long-range aircraft. An engine with intercooling, intra-turbine combustion and a bottoming cycle reduces SFC by about 6%, and an engine that is simply intercooled reduces SFC by about 3%. The topping cycle gives the biggest potential thermal efficiency improvement, but nutating-disc technology presents very significant design challenges for large aero engines, particularly with regard to internal sealing and bearing loads. Therefore it is recommended that alternative topping-cycle technologies should be researched for long-term aero engine performance improvements. A further study shows the effect of the target 15% reduction in fuel burn on in-flight CO2 emissions by the civil aviation fleet under various traffic-growth scenarios.PhD in Aerospac

    A densidade da solidão em "O melhor lance", de Giuseppe Tornatore

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