144 research outputs found
Referencias musicales en los programas de lengua catalana en Francia: hacia acuerdos lingüísticos y culturales
Centrant-se en el lloc i les referències que es fan a la música en els programes de llengua catalana de secundària i batxillerat a França, aquest article estudia les vies proposades a les instruccions oficials per tal de determinar quins vincles s’estableixen entre música, societat i educació. Per fer-ho, s’analitzen cinc programes, en relació amb el MECR (Marc europeu comú de referència per a les llengües), per tal de donar compte dels discursos o representacions vinculats a aquest possible recurs a la música dins de l’aula de llengua. En aquesta anàlisi, és la relació de la música amb la llengua i la cultura la que s’observa principalment.Focusing on the place given and the references made to music in Catalan language programmes in French middle and high schools, this article studies the methods proposed in official instructions in order to determine which links are made between music, society and education. To do so, five programmes, in connection with the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), are analysed in order to account for the discourses or portrayals linked to the potential appeal to music within language classes. In this analysis, the principally-observed relationship is that of music to language and culture.Centrándose en el lugar y las referencias que se hacen a la música en los programas de lengua catalana en la enseñanza media y secundaria en Francia, este artículo estudia las vías propuestas en las instrucciones oficiales para determinar qué vínculos se establecen entre música, sociedad y educación. Para ello, se analizan cinco programas, en relación con el MCER (Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas), con el fin de exponer los discursos o representaciones vinculados a este posible recurso a la música dentro de la clase de lengua. En este análisis, es la relación de la música con el idioma y la cultura lo que se observa principalmente
Les savoirs à l’aune de l’économie de la connaissance et du CECRL dans les programmes de langues vivantes en France : impacts sur la conception didactique
Dans cet article, ce sont les mots « connaissance(s) », « compétences » et « savoir(s) » dans les programmes de langues vivantes étrangères et régionales en France, en vigueur en primaire, au collège et au lycée général, technologique et professionnel en 2022, qui sont analysés, afin de repérer si des continuités ou des ruptures conceptuelles ou représentationnelles existent d’un niveau à l’autre. Ces différents savoirs, retenus par le Ministère de l’Éducation nationale s’inscrivent dans un double contexte : celui de l’économie de la connaissance, qui pose de manière accrue l’importance de cette notion, et celui de la perspective actionnelle, au cœur du CECRL. Cette contribution propose donc une analyse du discours institutionnel autour de trois termes qui traversent les instructions officielles et dont l’ambiguïté appelle à une nécessaire clarification
Integrated Subharmonic Planar Schottky Diode Mixers for Submillimetrewave Applications
EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo
188: Prevalence of early repolarization in congenital long QT syndrome A combination of early and delayed repolarization
Introductionearly repolarization (ER) in Brugada or short QT syndrome is common and has been associated to a less favourable outcome. Even if apparently paradoxical, ER can also be seen in long QT (LQT) but prevalence and correlations to other variables are unknown.Methods12 lead ECG of 37 LQT pts (19 men, 39±21 yo) and 80 matched controls were reviewed. LQT pts were selected by a positive genetic testing (n=27) or by showing abnormal T wave and long QT interval (n=10) either spontaneously or during epinephrin infusion. ER was defined by >1mm J point elevation in the inferior or lateral leads with notch or slurring pattern. Presence of ER was correlated to the clinical and ECG characteristics and results genetic analysis.ResultsQT was 409±53 msec in pts and 372±24 in controls (p<0.0001) (QTc 476±52 vs 392±26 msec, p<0.0001). Two LQT pts presented with resuscitated sudden death and 4 with syncope at the time of diagnosis.14/37 LQT pts (38%) had ER compared to 17/80 (21%) controls (p=0.05).ER was more frequent in men (12/19, 63%) compared to women (2/18, 11%) (p=0.001) but was not correlated to age. Pts with ER had slower heart rate (63±10 vs 75±18 bpm, p=0.02).ER was not correlated to symptoms or cardiac events (no ER in the 2 pts with SD and in 2/4 pts with syncope).QT were longer in pts with ER (450±68 vs 397±54 msec in V2, p=0.01) but there was no correlations between ER and corrected QT intervals.ER was more often seen in pts with or without mutations although non significantly (8/27 vs 6/10, p=0.09), but there was a trend toward more frequent ER in case of HeRG mutations (6/12) than KCNQ1 or KCNJ2 mutations (2/11 and 0/4) (p=0.09).ConclusionER is very common in LQT pts and is related to the gender and to the heart rate but not to the corrected QT duration. ER does not seem to be correlated to cardiac events in this series but may be linked to some gene mutations. Further studies are needed for demonstrating additional mutations/ variants or the existence of an early transient voltage gradient due to altered kinetics in muted potassium channels with loss of function
Temperature and nutrient effects on the relative importance of brown and green pathways for stream ecosystem functioning: A mesocosm approach
In addition to global warming, aquatic ecosystems are currently facing multiple global changes among which include changes in nitrogen (N) loads. While several studies have investigated both temperature and N impacts on aquatic ecosystems independently, knowledge on their interactive effects remains scarce. In forested headwater streams, decomposition of leaf litter represents the main process ensuring the transfer of nutrients and energy to higher trophic levels, followed by autochthonous primary production, mainly ensured by phototrophic biofilms. The main aim of this study was to disentangle the independent and combined effects of temperature increase and nutrient availability on the relative importance of brown and green processes involved in stream functioning. We hypothesised that water temperature and nutrients would lead to a general increase in leaf‐litter decomposition and primary production, but that the intensity of these effects would be largely modulated by competitive interactions arising between microorganisms as well as by the top‐down control of microorganisms by macro‐invertebrates. Macro‐invertebrates would, in turn, be bottom‐up controlled by microbial resources quality. To test these hypotheses, we conducted a 56‐day experiment in artificial streams containing leaf litter, microbial decomposers and biofilm inoculum, and an assemblage of macro‐invertebrates. Two water inorganic N:phosphorus (P) ratios (33 and 100, molar ratios) and two temperatures (ambient, +2°C) were manipulated, each treatment being replicated three times. Fungal and biofilm growth as well as leaf‐litter decomposition and primary production were quantified. Top‐down impacts of invertebrate primary consumers on brown and green compartments were evaluated using exclosures while bottom‐up control was evaluated through the measurement of resource stoichiometry and fatty acid profiles, as well as quantification of macro‐invertebrate growth and survival. Contrary to expectations, microbial decomposition was not significantly stimulated by nutrient or temperature manipulations, while primary production was only improved under ambient temperature. In the + 2°C treatment with high N:P, greater biofilm biomass was associated with lower fungal development, which indicates competition for nutrients in these conditions. Temperature increased macro‐invertebrate growth and leaf‐litter consumption, but this effect was independent of any improvement of basal resource quality, suggesting that temperature mediated changes in consumer metabolism and activity was the main mechanism involved. Most of our hypotheses that were based on simplified laboratory observations have been rejected in our semi‐controlled mesocosms. Our study suggests that the complexity of biological communities might greatly affect the response of ecosystems to multiple stressors, and that interactions between organisms must be explicitly taken into account when investigating the impacts of global change on ecosystem functioning
Rolin abreviado o compendio de la Historia Antigua del señor Rolin ...
Sign.: []2, [cruz latina]6, 2[cruz latina]12, 3[cruz latina]12, A-S12, T6Antep.Port. a dos tintas.Texto a dos tintas.Texto con apostillas marginales.Las h. de grab. calc
Measures of Right Atrial Organization as a Mean to Select Candidates for Sinus Rhythm Restoration by Catheter Ablation
Stepwise catheter ablation (step-CA) can terminate long-standing persistent atrial fibrillation (LS-pAF) within the left atrium (LA) or may require additional right atrial (RA) ablation. Intracardiac organization indices such as AF cycle length (AFCL) have been used to track the efficiency of step-CA, but predictive parameters of procedural success are lacking. In this study, we hypothesized that the oscillations of time intervals between consecutive AF wavefronts reflect the underlying AF dynamic. We report a new method for quantifying the temporal variability of atrial activation wavefronts (VAW). Our results suggest that the mean and variance of the oscillations around the mean AFCL computed before any ablation can identify patients whose LS-pAF will terminate within the left atrium. These findings are indicative of a higher baseline organization in AF terminated within the left atrium
Wild Animal Mortality Monitoring and Human Ebola Outbreaks, Gabon and Republic of Congo, 2001–2003
An animal mortality monitoring network in Gabon and the Republic of Congo has demonstrated potential to predict and possibly prevent human Ebola outbreaks
Rift Valley Fever during Rainy Seasons, Madagascar, 2008 and 2009
The virus reemerged during an outbreak in Madagascar in 2008
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