280 research outputs found

    Infrastructure as Code for Cybersecurity Training

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    An organization\u27s infrastructure rests upon the premise that cybersecurity professionals have specific knowledge in administrating and protecting it against outside threats. Without this expertise, sensitive information could be leaked to malicious actors and cause damage to critical systems. These attacks tend to become increasingly specialized, meaning cybersecurity professionals must ensure proficiency in specific areas. Naturally, recommendations include creating advanced practical training scenarios considering realistic situations to help trainees gain detailed knowledge. However, the caveats of high-cost infrastructure and difficulties in the deployment process of this kind of system, primarily due to the manual process of pre-configuring software needed for the training and relying on a set of static Virtual Machines, may take much work to circumvent. In order to facilitate this process, our work addresses the use of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and DevOps to automate the deployment of cyber ranges. An approach closely related to virtualization and containerization as the code\u27s underlying infrastructure helps lay down this burden. Notably, placing emphasis on using IaC tools like Ansible eases the process of configuration management and provisioning of a network. Therefore, we start by focusing on understanding what the State of the Art perspectives lack and showcasing the benefits of this new working outlook. Lastly, we explore several up-to-date vulnerabilities that are constantly messing with the lives of individuals and organizations, most related to Privilege Escalation, Remote Code Execution attacks, and Incident Forensics, allowing the improvement of skills concerning Red team and Blue team scenarios. The analysis of the attacks and exploitation of such vulnerabilities are carried out safely due to a sandbox environment. The expected results revolve around using IaC to deploy a set of purposely-designed cyber ranges with specific challenges. The main objective is to guarantee a complexity of scenarios similar to what we can observe in enterprise-level networks. Thus, this entails having a set of playbooks that can be run in a machine or laboratory, assuring the final state of the network is consistent. We expect this deployment strategy to be cost-effective, allowing the trainee to get deep insight into a wide range of situations. Nowadays, DevOps solutions work as a silver bullet against the issues derived from old-case-driven approaches for setting up scenarios. In short, one of the key takeaways of this work is contributing to better prepare specialists in ensuring that the principles of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework hold, namely: prevent, detect, mitigate, and recover

    Más de medio siglo de conversaciones con Paulo Freire

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    El trabajo que se presenta a continuación profundiza en la relación intelectual que establece el pedagogo chileno Rolando Pinto con la obra de Paulo Freire. En un primer momento se registran y comentan los textos producidos a partir de la obra freireana. Posteriormente, se recogen cinco ejes temáticos profundizados a lo largo de la obra de Freire: la comprensión estructural de las relaciones de opresión, el carácter político liberador del acto de educar, el carácter transformativo de la relación pedagógica dialógica, el reconocimiento de la acción pedagógica como un acto de construcción intersubjetivo, y la centralidad del educador crítico-progresista en toda su concreción pedagógica. Y finalmente, se sistematizan reflexiones en torno a las discrepancias políticas y teóricas del autor con respecto a los postulados de Paulo Freire

    Profundización teórica pedagógica de Paulo Freire y su legado intelectual: necesario para la pedagogía crítica transformadora en América Latina.

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    it's related significant contributions are related as Paulo Freire's legacy and some developments that complement his general pedagogical vision given by some Latin American Freirianos educators. A text narrated from the gaze of who more than 50 years of life is talking with Paulo FreireSe relacionan diversos aportes significativos como legado de Paulo Freire y algunos desarrollos que complementan su visión pedagógica general dado por algunos educadores freiríanos latinoamericanos. Un texto narrado desde la mirada de quien hace más de 50 años de vida está conversando con Paulo Freire

    Profundización teórica pedagógica de Paulo Freire y su legado intelectual: necesario para la pedagogía crítica transformadora en América Latina

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    it's related significant contributions are related as Paulo Freire's legacy and some developments that complement his general pedagogical vision given by some Latin American Freirianos educators. A text narrated from the gaze of who more than 50 years of life is talking with Paulo Freire.Se relacionan diversos aportes significativos como legado de Paulo Freire y algunos desarrollos que complementan su visión pedagógica general dado por algunos educadores freiríanos latinoamericanos. Un texto narrado desde la mirada de quien hace más de 50 años de vida está conversando con Paulo Freire

    Reconstituyendo un Diálogo Político-Educativo con Paulo Freire

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    Este texto sistematiza los contenidos de un diálogo educativo y sociopolítico queel autor mantuvo con Paulo Freire en 32 años de vida profesional conjunta. En unprimer momento se sitúa el origen de ese diálogo en la inquietud y la curiosidad deun joven universitario de militancia revolucionaria que mira con desconfianza lapostura fenomenológica/cristiana de Freire. Luego, en el transcurrir profesional. se van produciendo los encuentros y desencuentros temáticos entre el maestro y el aprendiz a educador crítico. Y en plena madurez de la relación de pares, se evidencia la agenda temática que todavía continúa desarrollándose en el autor de este artículo

    Domínio geográfico da língua portuguesa

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    O português é o estádio atual de uma língua anterior, o latim vulgar ou corrente, outrora falado em todo o Império Romano. Diversas foram as causas, externas e internas, da diversificação do latim na Ibéria. Das primeiras, a mais importante foi, sem dúvida, o fato político-social da fragmentação do vasto império de Roma. No entanto, as causas intrínsecas constituem a essência mesma da diversificação. Destacam-se: o polidialetismo do latim vulgar invasor, a cronologia das invasões e a influência do substrato lingüístico peninsular.


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    Pada akhir-akhir ini masalah money laundering semakin banyak mendapat perhatian dari berbagai kalangan, yang bukan saja dalam skala nasional, tetapi juga regional bahkan global, hal ini disebabkan karena pada kenyataannya kejahatan money laundering dari waktu ke waktu semakin marak. Loqman (2003) menyebutkan Money Laundering atau pencucian uang adalah tindakan merubah uang atau instrumen moneter lain yang diperoleh dari aktivitas ilegal menjadi uang atau investasi yang tampaknya sah sehingga sumber ilegalnya tidak bisa dilacak. Perkembangan di bidang pengetahuan dan teknologi telah mendorong pula perkembangan ragam kejahatan yang dilakukan oleh pihakpihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Kegiatan sosialisasi tindak pidana money laundering ini dilakukan pada mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi dan Ilmu Sosial Universitas Sari Mutiara Indoneisa yang berjumlah 775 peserta. Hasil kegiatan ini yaitu peserta memperoleh pembelajaran dan pengalaman yang menyenangkan   tentang sosialisasi tindak pidana money laundering. Dimana sebelumnya para peserta belum memahamai dengan baik tentang tindak pidana money laundering secara teori maupun praktik. Setelah mengikuti sosialisasi tindak pidana money laundering para peserta mampu memahami tentang tindak pidana money laundering


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    Pada akhir-akhir ini masalah money laundering semakin banyak mendapat perhatian dari berbagai kalangan, yang bukan saja dalam skala nasional, tetapi juga regional bahkan global, hal ini disebabkan karena pada kenyataannya kejahatan money laundering dari waktu ke waktu semakin marak. Loqman (2003) menyebutkan Money Laundering atau pencucian uang adalah tindakan merubah uang atau instrumen moneter lain yang diperoleh dari aktivitas ilegal menjadi uang atau investasi yang tampaknya sah sehingga sumber ilegalnya tidak bisa dilacak. Perkembangan di bidang pengetahuan dan teknologi telah mendorong pula perkembangan ragam kejahatan yang dilakukan oleh pihakpihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Kegiatan sosialisasi tindak pidana money laundering ini dilakukan pada mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi dan Ilmu Sosial Universitas Sari Mutiara Indoneisa yang berjumlah 775 peserta. Hasil kegiatan ini yaitu peserta memperoleh pembelajaran dan pengalaman yang menyenangkan   tentang sosialisasi tindak pidana money laundering. Dimana sebelumnya para peserta belum memahamai dengan baik tentang tindak pidana money laundering secara teori maupun praktik. Setelah mengikuti sosialisasi tindak pidana money laundering para peserta mampu memahami tentang tindak pidana money laundering

    Reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer copolymerization of styrene/divinylbenzene in aqueous suspension

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    The Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer (RAFT) copolymerization of styrene (S) and divinylbenzene (DVB) was performed at temperature range 110 to 150 °C in aqueous suspension, using AIBN as thermal initiator and 2-dodecylthiocarbonothioylthio-2-methylpropionic acid (DDMAT) as RAFT agent.inancial support by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Ministry of Science and Technology of Portugal (Program COMPETE - QCA III) and European Community through FEDER is gratefully acknowledged (project PTDC/EQU-EQU/098150/2008)

    Computer simulation aided synthesis of sodium acrylate/acrylic acid superabsorbent polymers

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    The influence of the synthesis conditions on the end use properties of SAPs was experimentally observed. Initial proportion crosslinker/acrylic acid and degree of neutralization are examples of parameters with strong influence in the performance of these materials. The kinetic model developed is able to capture the main features of SAP production. Ongoing research should allow the prediction of elastic properties of this class of materials.BASF AG, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Ministry of Science and Technology of Portugal (Program COMPETE - QCA III) and European Community through FEDE