117 research outputs found

    The Income Situation of Transnationally Mobile Europeans in the Berlin Labor Market. What Counts: National Origin or Social Position?

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht die Integration von transnational mobilen Europäern auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt. Insbesondere versucht er die Frage zu beantworten, ob die Arbeitsmarktintegration eher von der nationalen Herkunft oder von der sozialstrukturellen Merkmalsausstattung abhängt. Auf der Basis eigener theoretischer Überlegungen, die sich von der klassischen Migrationsforschung abgrenzen, werden dabei Aussagen über Ergebnisse und Erfolge transnationaler Mobilität innerhalb Europas getroffen und Rückkopplungseffekte auf nationale Ungleichheitsgefüge thematisiert. Die empirische Grundlage des Beitrags sind Anfang 2002 erhobene Primärdaten des Berliner Arbeitsmarkes.This article analyses the income situation of transnationally mobile Europeans within the German labor market. Specifically, the article attempts to answer the question whether integration into the labor market depends primarily on the national origin or rather on the social-structural characteristics of transnationally mobile Europeans. Based on a theoretical concept which moves away from classical research on migration, this article presents the results and successes of transnational mobility within Europe and points out ist feedback effects on national class systems. The empirical foundation of this article is primary data on the Berlin labor market gathered at the beginning of 2002

    Caudate Nucleus and Insular Activation During a Pain Suppression Paradigm Comparing Thermal and Electrical Stimulation

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    Pain modulation is an integral function of the nervous system. It is needed to adapt to chronic stimuli. To gain insights into pain suppression mechanisms, two studies concerning the suppression of the feeling of pain with different stimulation modalities (heat vs. electrical stimuli) but using the same stimulation paradigms were compared: 15 subjects each had been stimulated on both hands under the instruction to suppress the feeling of pain

    Thermodynamic interpretation of the scaling of the dynamics of supercooled liquids

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    The recently discovered scaling law for the relaxation times, tau=f(T,V^g), where T is temperature and V the specific volume, is derived by a revision of the entropy model of the glass transition dynamics originally proposed by Avramov [I. Avramov, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 262, 258 (2000).]. In this modification the entropy is calculated by an alternative route, while retaining the approximation that the heat capacity is constant with T and P. The resulting expression for the variation of the relaxation time with T and V is shown to accurately fit experimental data for several glass-forming liquids and polymers over an extended range encompassing the dynamic crossover. From this analysis, which is valid for any model in which the relaxation time is a function of the entropy. we find that the scaling exponent g can be identified with the Gruneisen constant.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figure

    Directed statistical warming through time traveling

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    Improving the speed of computer architecture evaluation is of paramount importance to shorten the time-to-market when developing new platforms. Sampling is a widely used methodology to speed up workload analysis and performance evaluation by extrapolating from a set of representative detailed regions. Installing an accurate cache state for each detailed region is critical to achieving high accuracy. Prior work requires either huge amounts of storage (checkpoint-based warming), an excessive number of memory accesses to warm up the cache (functional warming), or the collection of a large number of reuse distances (randomized statistical warming) to accurately predict cache warm-up effects. This work proposes DeLorean, a novel statistical warming and sampling methodology that builds upon two key contributions: directed statistical warming and time traveling. Instead of collecting a large number of randomly selected reuse distances as in randomized statistical warming, directed statistical warming collects a select number of key reuse distances, i.e., the most recent reuse distance for each unique memory location referenced in the detailed region. Time traveling leverages virtualized fast-forwarding to quickly 'look into the future' - to determine the key cachelines - and then 'go back in time' - to collect the reuse distances for those key cachelines at near-native hardware speed through virtualized directed profiling. Directed statistical warming reduces the number of warm-up references by 30x compared to randomized statistical warming. Time traveling translates this reduction into a 5.7x simulation speedup. In addition to improving simulation speed, DeLorean reduces the prediction error from around 9% to around 3% on average. We further demonstrate how to amortize warm-up cost across multiple parallel simulations in design space exploration studies. Implementing DeLorean in gem5 enables detailed cycle-accurate simulation at a speed of 126 MIPS

    An Evaluation of Stratified Sampling of Microarchitecture Simulations

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    Recent research advocates applying sampling to accelerate microarchitecture simulation. Simple random sampling offers accurate performance estimates (with a high quantifiable confidence) by taking a large number (e.g., 10,000) of short performance measurements over the full length of a benchmark. Simple random sampling does not exploit the often repetitive behaviors of benchmarks, collecting many redundant measurements. By identifying repetitive behaviors, we can apply stratified random sampling to achieve the same confidence as simple random sampling with far fewer measurements. Our oracle limit study of optimal stratified sampling of SPEC2K benchmarks demonstrates an opportunity to reduce required measurement by 43x over simple random sampling. Using our oracle results as a basis for comparison, we evaluate two practical approaches for selecting strata, program phase detection and IPC profiling. Program phase detection is attractive because it is microarchitec- ture independent, while IPC profiling directly minimizes stratum variance, therefore minimizing sample size. Unfortunately, our results indicate that: (1) program phase stratification falls far short of optimal opportunity, (2) IPC profiling requires expensive microarchitecture- specific analysis, and (3) both methods require large sampling unit sizes to make strata selection feasible, offsetting reductions in sample size. We conclude that, without better stratification approaches, stratified sampling does not provide a clear advantage over simple random sampling

    TurboSMARTS: Accurate microarchitecture simulation sampling in minutes

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    Recent research proposes accelerating processor microarchitecture simulation through statistical sampling. Prior simulation sampling approaches construct accurate model state for each measurement by continuously warming large microarchitectural structures (e.g., caches and the branch predictor) while emulating the billions of instructions between measurements. This approach, called functional warming, occupies hours of runtime while the detailed simulation that is measured requires mere minutes. To eliminate the functional warming bottleneck, we propose TurboSMARTS, a simulation framework that stores functionally-warmed state in a library of small, reusable checkpoints. TurboSMARTS enables the creation of the thousands of checkpoints necessary for accurate sampling by storing only the subset of warmed state accessed during simulation of each brief execution window. TurboSMARTS matches the accuracy of prior simulation sampling techniques (i.e., ±3% error with 99.7% confidence), while estimating the performance of an 8-way out-of-order superscalar processor running SPEC CPU2000 in 91 seconds per benchmark, on average, using a 12 GB checkpoint library

    Simulation sampling with live-points

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    Current simulation-sampling techniques construct accurate model state for each measurement by continuously warming large microarchitectural structures (e.g., caches and the branch predictor) while functionally simulating the billions of instructions between measurements. This approach, called functional warming, is the main performance bottleneck of simulation sampling and requires hours of runtime while the detailed simulation of the sample requires only minutes. Existing simulators can avoid functional simulation by jumping directly to particular instruction stream locations with architectural state checkpoints. To replace functional warming, these checkpoints must additionally provide microarchitectural model state that is accurate and reusable across experiments while meeting tight storage constraints. In this paper, we present a simulation-sampling framework that replaces functional warming with live-points without sacrificing accuracy. A live-point stores the bare minimum of functionally-warmed state for accurate simulation of a limited execution window while placing minimal restrictions on microarchitectural configuration. Live-points can be processed in random rather than program order, allowing simulation results and their statistical confidence to be reported while simulations are in progress. Our framework matches the accuracy of prior simulation-sampling techniques (i.e., ±3% error with 99.7% confidence), while estimating the performance of an 8-way out-of-order superscalar processor running SPEC CPU2000 in 91 seconds per benchmark, on average, using a 12 GB live-point librar

    How Does Ionizing Irradiation Contribute to the Induction of Anti-Tumor Immunity?

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    Radiotherapy (RT) with ionizing irradiation is commonly used to locally attack tumors. It induces a stop of cancer cell proliferation and finally leads to tumor cell death. During the last years it has become more and more evident that besides a timely and locally restricted radiation-induced immune suppression, a specific immune activation against the tumor and its metastases is achievable by rendering the tumor cells visible for immune attack. The immune system is involved in tumor control and we here outline how RT induces anti-inflammation when applied in low doses and contributes in higher doses to the induction of anti-tumor immunity. We especially focus on how local irradiation induces abscopal effects. The latter are partly mediated by a systemic activation of the immune system against the individual tumor cells. Dendritic cells are the key players in the initiation and regulation of adaptive anti-tumor immune responses. They have to take up tumor antigens and consecutively present tumor peptides in the presence of appropriate co-stimulation. We review how combinations of RT with further immune stimulators such as AnnexinA5 and hyperthermia foster the dendritic cell-mediated induction of anti-tumor immune responses and present reasonable combination schemes of standard tumor therapies with immune therapies. It can be concluded that RT leads to targeted killing of the tumor cells and additionally induces non-targeted systemic immune effects. Multimodal tumor treatments should therefore tend to induce immunogenic tumor cell death forms within a tumor microenvironment that stimulates immune cells

    Nucleosomes in serum of patients with early cerebral stroke

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    Background: Nucleosomes are cell death products that are elevated in serum of patients with diseases that are associated with massive cell destruction. We investigated the kinetics of circulating nucleosomes after cerebral stroke and their correlation with the clinical status. Methods: In total, we analyzed nucleosomes by ELISA in sera of 63 patients with early stroke daily during the first week after onset. For correlation with the clinical pathology, patients were grouped into those with medium to slight functional impairment (Barthel Index BI >= 50) and those with severe functional impairment (BI = 50 showed a continuous increase in nucleosomes until day 5 (median: 523 arbitrary units, AU) followed by a slow decline. In contrast, patients with BI = 50 (497 AU; p = 0.031). Concerning the infarction volume, nucleosomes showed significant correlations for the concentrations on day 3 (r = 0.43; p = 0.001) and for the area under the curve (r = 0.34; p = 0.016). Conclusion: Even if nucleosomes are nonspecific cell death markers, their release into serum after cerebral stroke correlates with the gross functional status as well as with the infarction volume and can be considered as biochemical correlative to the severity of stroke. Copyright (c) 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel

    High-fidelity quantum driving

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    The ability to accurately control a quantum system is a fundamental requirement in many areas of modern science such as quantum information processing and the coherent manipulation of molecular systems. It is usually necessary to realize these quantum manipulations in the shortest possible time in order to minimize decoherence, and with a large stability against fluctuations of the control parameters. While optimizing a protocol for speed leads to a natural lower bound in the form of the quantum speed limit rooted in the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, stability against parameter variations typically requires adiabatic following of the system. The ultimate goal in quantum control is to prepare a desired state with 100% fidelity. Here we experimentally implement optimal control schemes that achieve nearly perfect fidelity for a two-level quantum system realized with Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices. By suitably tailoring the time-dependence of the system's parameters, we transform an initial quantum state into a desired final state through a short-cut protocol reaching the maximum speed compatible with the laws of quantum mechanics. In the opposite limit we implement the recently proposed transitionless superadiabatic protocols, in which the system perfectly follows the instantaneous adiabatic ground state. We demonstrate that superadiabatic protocols are extremely robust against parameter variations, making them useful for practical applications.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure