1,156 research outputs found

    Cross-cultural, cross-societal and cross-national research

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag (zuerst erschienen 1970) arbeitet einige Trends in der Internationalisierung der Sozialwissenschaften im 20. Jahrhundert heraus. Unterschieden wird zwischen 'cross-cultural, cross-societal and cross-national research'. Der Autor entwickelt einen begrifflichen Bezugsrahmen zur Diskussion und Koordination dieser verschiedenen Ansätze. Abschließend werden einige Aspekte der Organisation von internationalen Forschungsunternehmen erörtert. (pmb)'This article (first published in 1970) seeks to chart a few salient trends in the efforts undertaken in the twentieth century to internationalize the social sciences; it focuses on one single movement in the contemporary social sciences: the efforts to advance cross-cultural, cross-societal and cross-national research. The article introduces a vocabulary for the discussion of important differentiations within this realm of research activity, points to salient characteristics of the contemporary developments in this direction, and considers questions of strategy and organization in the further advancement of such international endeavours.' (author's abstract

    Vend om i tide: En evaluering av SNU-prosjektene i i Trondheim og Bergen

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    [Corrigendum to] Effects of small-scale turbulence on lower trophic levels under different nutrient conditions [vol 32, pg 197, 2010]

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    Small-scale turbulence affects the pelagic food web and energy flow in marine systems and the impact is related to nutrient conditions and the assemblage of organisms present. We generated five levels of turbulence (2*10 29 to 1*10 24 W kg 21 ) in land-based mesocosms (volume 2.6 m 3 ) with and without additional nutrients (31:16:1 Si:N:P m M) to asses the effect of small-scale turbulence on the lower part of the pelagic food web under different nutrient conditions. The ecological influence of nutrients and small-scale turbulence on lower trophic levels was quantified using multivariate statistics (RDA), where nutrients accounted for 31.8% of the observed biological variation, while 7.2% of the variation was explained by small-scale turbulence and its interaction with nutrients. Chlorophyll a, primary production rates, bacterial production rates and diatom and dinoflagellate abundance were positively correlated to turbulence, regardless of nutrient conditions. Abundance of autotrophic flagellates, total phytoplankton and bacteria were positively correlated to turbulence only when nutrients were added. Impact of small-scale turbulence was related to nutrient con- ditions, with implications for oligotrophic and eutrophic situations. The effect on community level was also different compared to single species level. Microbial processes drive biogeochemical cycles, and nutrient-controlled effects of small-scale turbulence on such processes are relevant to foresee altered carbon flow in marine systems

    Microbial processes in a high-latitude fjord (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard) : II. Ciliates and dinoflagellates

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    This paper is part of Lena Seuthe's doctoral thesis, which is available in Munin at http://hdl.handle.net/10037/3777The composition and ecological role of ciliates and dinoflagellates were investigated at one station in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard, during six consecutive field campaigns between March and December 2006. Total ciliate and dinoflagellate abundance mirrored the seasonal progression of phytoplankton, peaking with 5.8 9 104 cells l-1 in April at an average chlorophyll a concentration of 10 lg l-1. Dinoflagellates were more abundant than ciliates, dominated by small athecates. Among ciliates, aloricate oligotrichs dominated the assemblage. A large fraction ([60%) of ciliates and dinoflagellates contained chloroplasts in spring and summer. The biomass of the purely heterotrophic fraction of the ciliate and dinoflagellate community (protozooplankton) was with 14 lg C l-1 highest in conjunction with the phytoplankton spring bloom in April. Growth experiments revealed similar specific growth rates for heterotrophic ciliates and dinoflagellates (\0–0.8 d-1). Food availability may have controlled the protozooplankton assemblage in winter, while copepods may have exerted a strong control during the post-bloom period. Calculations of the potential grazing rates of the protozooplankton indicated its ability to control or heavily impact the phytoplankton stocks at most times. The results show that ciliates and dinoflagellates were an important component of the pelagic food web in Kongsfjorden and need to be taken into account when discussing the fate of phytoplankton and biogeochemical cycling in Arctic marine ecosystems

    America as Idea and Reality in the Context of Welsh Settlement

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    Native Administration in Dar Humr, Sudan. Shifting leadership and socio-political structures in a tribal society 1900-1940

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    Indirekte styre innen Humr-stammen i Sudan Skiftende lederskap og sosiopolitiske strukturer i et stammesamfunn 1900-1940 I 1898 vant de Anglo-egyptiske styrkene over det revolusjonære mahdist-regimet og overtok med dette over makten i Sudan. De to første tiårene var preget av en direkte styreform, men britenes gryende mistenksomhet ovenfor egyptisk nasjonalisme, samt et ønsket om å redusere administrative utgifter, fremmet et ønske om en administrativ omlegging. En innføring av et indirekte styre ble ansett som gunstig og en rekke reformer ble derfor vedtatt som skulle styrke de lokale stammeledernes evne til selvstyre i sitt område, kun overvåket av de sentrale styresmaktene. Indirekte styre ble i første omgang innført blant nomadestammer i Kordofan og Darfur som i stor grad hadde bevart sin opprinnelige stammestruktur. En av disse stammene var Humr-stammen som levde i det sørvestlige hjørnet av Kordofan-provinsen av Sudan og livnærte seg gjennom kvegdrift. Stammen var bygd opp av flere mindre segmenter basert på lineært slektskap på farssiden, og denne strukturene ble integrert i lokaladministrasjonen. De av stammesjeikene som vise seg samarbeidsvillige ovenfor det britiske sentralstyret ble utnevnt til ledere innen stammen og ble gitt titlene Nazir og Omda. Er det mulig å spore noen sosiopolitiske endringer innen Humr-stammen som følge av britenes omlegging til indirekte styre? En agnatisk-segmentær modell, en patron-klient modell og en elitistisk modell har tidligere blitt tatt i bruk for å analysere ulike stammesamfunn i Kordofan. Gjennom mine studier av Humr-stammen har jeg kommet frem til at det er nyttig å se den i lys av en patron-klient modell, siden lederskapet innen stammen stor grad ble preget av deres klientistiske forhold til britene. Denne modellen kan imidlertid ikke benyttes for å forstå stammesamfunnet på lavere nivå siden patron-klient båndene ble svakere lenger ned i administrasjonen. Tilhørighet og politisk makt var på dette nivået fremdeles i stor grad basert på slektskap, og det blir derfor feilaktig å forkaste bruken den agnatisk-segmentære analysemodellen for å forstå Humr-stammens sosiopolitiske dynamikk. Innføringen av indirekte styre kan i lys av disse modellene sies å ha endret de sosiopolitiske strukturene på øverste nivå ved å konsolidere makten og gjøre stammesegmentene mer statiske, men i liten grad påvirket stammesamfunnet innen de mindre segmentene.Master i HistorieMAHF-HISHIS35

    Rational choice meets the new politics: choosing the Scottish Parliament’s electoral system

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    Although there has been extensive research about electoral system choice at the national level, we know relatively little about the dynamics of deciding the rules of the game for sub-state institutions. This article examines the factors that influenced the choice of a proportional electoral system for the new Scottish Parliament in 1999. Through the use of archival sources and interviews with key participants, we challenge the conventional rational choice explanation for the adoption of the mixed-member proportional (MMP) system. Although rational considerations on the part of the Labour Party were involved in the choice of MMP, our findings suggest that, as at the national level, theories of electoral system choice need to consider normative values as well