576 research outputs found

    Determinación de factores influyentes sobre una respuesta en un dominio poco estructurado

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    This report focuses on results obtained from a classification technique applied to time series data in a medical ill-structured The statistical analysis and classification --in ill-structured-- of such data are often inadequate because of the intrinsic characteristics of those domains. The database in this analysis contains information relative to patients with major depressive disorders or esquizofrenia; as a consequence, a high quantity of database variables contain data corresponding to measures taken in different instant of time, making curves. For this reason we are motivated about how we can establish a useful classification technique of curves in a medical ill-structured domain.Postprint (published version

    Transnational Connections for Architectural Design between Germany and Japan on the Eve of World War II

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    Due to the image of efficiency and strength of modern Western architecture during the 20s and 30s, several Japanese architects adopted European rationalist architecture as a solution for their buildings, becoming the main promoters of what is known as the International Style in Japan. To comprehend modern architecture, they took several trips to Europe—mainly to German speaking countries—where they made connections with important figures like W. Gropious and L. Hilberseimer. Thus, their buildings are the result of European influences on Japanese architecture during the interwar period. This paper will analyse the cultural, social and political conditions both in Germany and Japan in order to understand the underlying principles that made it possible for Japanese architects to approach new modernist theories and designs proposed in the West. The paper has the further aim of developing how this approach led to the introduction of modernism in Japan before the war ended, with the exchange of intellectual ideas between the two countries.Theme I : Design Theories and Ideas in Europ

    Nude Woman

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    Homenaje a Roberto López Moreno

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    1 archivo PDF (7 páginas)Roberto López Moreno es un polígrafo, un escritor de tiempo completo. Ha escrito cuentos, ensayos, reseñas y ha sido un viejo y pertinaz periodista, pero es, sobre todo, un poeta y un poeta sorprendente. Su poesía es un torrente de palabras, imágenes y figuras poéticas, con la exuberancia que caracteriza a las selvas de su patria chica, Chiapas. Su desparpajo, pleno de audacia y espontaneidad, se da aunado a un afán de búsqueda de lo nuevo, lo insólito, lo original. No es un escritor que pertenezca a un grupo afín o a una generación más o menos estructurada como pueden ser los modernistas, los contemporáneos, los “espigos” o los poeticistas, sino una voz solitaria, personal, irremplazable. Roberto Lopez Moreno is a polygraph, a full time writer. He has written short stories, essays, reviews, and has been an old and persistent journalist, but is, above all, a poet and an amazing poet. His poetry is a torrent of words, images and poetic figures, with the exuberance that characterizes his little homeland forests, Chiapas. His brash, full of daring and spontaneity, is given together with a desire to pursuit the new, the unusual, the original. Not a writer belonging to a peer group or a generation more or less structured such as the modernists or contemporaries, the “espigos” or poeticists, but to a lone voice, personal, irreplaceable. Palabras clave / Key words: Roberto López Moreno, poesía mexicana, poesía de Chiapas. / Roberto Lopez Moreno, Mexican poetry, Chiapas poetry. tyvlx

    De Revoluciones Y Reformas: tras un tipo ideal de la Reforma Social

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