1,884 research outputs found

    Estimation of specific cutting energy in an S235 alloy for multi-directional ultrasonic vibration-assisted machining using the Finite Element Method

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    The objective of this work is to analyze the influence of the vibration-assisted turning process on the machinability of S235 carbon steel. During the experiments using this vibrational machining process, the vibrational amplitude and frequency of the cutting tool were adjusted to drive the tool tip in an elliptical or linear motion in the feed direction. Furthermore, a finite element analysis was deployed to investigate the mechanical response for different vibration-assisted cutting conditions. The results show how the specific cutting energy and the material’s machinability behave when using different operational cutting parameters, such as vibration frequency and tool tip motion in the x-axis, y-axis, and elliptical (x-y plane) motion. Then, the specific cutting energy and material’s machinability are compared with a conventional turning process, which helps to validate the finite element method (FEM) for the vibration-assisted process. As a result of the operating parameters used, the vibration-assisted machining process leads to a machinability improvement of up to 18% in S235 carbon steel. In particular, higher vibration frequencies were shown to increase the material’s machinability due to the specific cutting energy decrease. Therefore, the finite element method can be used to predict the vibration-assisted cutting and the specific cutting energy, based on predefined cutting parameters.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Cigarette smoking and risk of suicide in bipolar disorder: a systematic review

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    Objective: Bipolar disorder (BD) is a highly prevalent, chronic and recurrent mental illness. The smoking rates in patients with BD are much higher than those of the general population, and BD is associated with an increased risk of suicide. An association between smoking and suicidal behavior has been found in the general population, this systematic review examines whether there is evidence of an association between smoking and suicide behavior in patients with BD. Method: A database search was carried out in Medline, Embase, The Cochrane Library, Scopus, and Web of Science, updated until December 31st, 2021, according to the 2020 PRISMA guidelines. We identified prospective and retrospective studies that included patients diagnosed with BD types I, II, and not otherwise specified, and in which smoking and suicidal behavior were correlated. Articles that focused exclusively on other mental disorders were excluded. The Ottawa-Newcastle scale was used to assess the methodological quality of the included articles. Results: Fifteen articles (n = 7,395) met all the inclusion criteria. In nine of these articles, the authors found an association between smoking and suicidal behavior in BD, while in the remaining six articles, this association was not found. A great deal of variability was observed between articles, particularly in the measurement of suicidal behavior and tobacco consumption. The risk of bias, as assessed by the NOS, was high for most of the included articles, except for two papers, whose risk was low. Conclusion: It was not possible to establish a clear relationship between tobacco use and the risk of suicide in BD patients due to the heterogeneity of the articles included in this systematic review, which had different sample sizes and methodological issues. However, both conditions are highly prevalent and have a negative impact on the prognosis of BD. Therefore, a systematic approach is needed, based on accurate measurement of a patient’s smoking habits and their risk of suicidal behavior, in order to establish an appropriate therapeutic plan. Additional information: This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors and was registered on PROSPERO with the CRD42022301570 on January 21th 2022

    Consideraciones acerca de la enseñanza de los rasgos fono-prosódicos del francés como lengua extranjera

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    Este trabajo constituye un breve análisis acerca dela enseñanza de los rasgos fono-prosódicos del francés como lengua extranjera en la carrera Licenciatura en Educación, Lenguas Extranjeras, en la Universidad de Sancti Spíritus “José Martí Pérez”, de Cuba. Se parte de las concepciones del contexto cubano para la enseñanza de las lenguas extranjeras, los aportes teóricos que ofrecen los clásicos de la didáctica de la pronunciación del francés. Se asume que la pronunciación es una habilidad que ha de enseñarse y desarrollarse en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la LE para que el estudiante, como parte de su competencia comunicativa, alcance una competencia fónica. Finalmente se proponen tres actividades que permiten demostrar lo visto en la teoría investigadaThis work constitutes a brief analysis of the teaching of the phono-prosodic traits of French as a foreign language in the Bachelor's degree in Education, Foreign Languages, at the University of Sancti Spíritus "José Martí Pérez", Cuba. It is based on the conceptions of the Cuban context for the teaching of foreign languages, the theoretical contributions offered by the classics of the didactics of French pronunciation. It is assumed that pronunciation is a skill that has to be taught and developed in the teaching-learning process of LE so that the student, as part of his communicative competence, reaches a phonic competence. Finally, three activities are proposed to demonstrate what has been seen in the investigated theor

    Perception of sports data journalism among heavy users. Case study: predictive model during the 2018 Football World Cup in El País

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    El periodismo de datos ha hallado en los últimos años un terreno abonado para su expansión en las coberturas deportivas, en particular las futbolísticas. El sustrato estadístico de la competición y su carácter cíclico han favorecido el desarrollo de esta nueva modalidad de análisis con datos que se apoya en matemática aplicada para expandir el periodismo deportivo actual. Este artículo profundiza en el estudio de la aplicación, por primera vez en el diario El País, de un modelo matemático de predicción de resultados en una gran cobertura como el Mundial de fútbol de Rusia en 2018. Asimismo, evalúa el grado de aceptación y comprensión de esta metodología de estadística avanzada entre los consumidores más habituales de este tipo de información a partir de cuestionarios semiestructurados a estudiantes universitarios de Periodismo Deportivo y periodistas deportivos de medios españoles. Los resultados del estudio ponen de manifiesto que el uso de estadística avanzada para informar de probabilidades en un torneo aún encuentra una difícil aceptación periodística y un desigual grado de entendimiento entre la audiencia. Pese a ello, el periodismo de datos es percibido mayoritariamente como una gran posibilidad para mejorar la diversidad y la calidad de las coberturas deportivas.In recent years, sports and, most notably, football coverage has become a breeding ground for data journalism. The vast number of statistics collected from scheduled matches have helped data analytics techniques based on applied mathematics to be expanded in current sports journalism. This article examines the statistical model in predicting results developed by El País for the first time to enhance its coverage of a mega sporting event: the 2018 FIFA World Cup held in Russia. This research also analyses the level of acceptance and understanding of this advanced statistical method among heavy users of sports content. To this end, a semi-structured questionnaire involving both open-ended and closed questions was conducted to know the views of both Sports Journalism students and sports reporters from twelve Spanish media outlets. The results reveal that the news values of applying advanced statistics to report on probabilities in a sport tournament encounter a reluctant attitude and an uneven level of understanding among professionals and students. Despite this, data journalism is mainly perceived as a huge opportunity to diversify the agenda and improve the quality of sports coverage

    Gestión del suministro de medicamentos esenciales a nivel de Lima Metropolitana, 2020

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    El presente trabajo de investigación, partió de la problemática surgida a partir del desabastecimiento de medicamentos contra la COVID-19, se diagnosticó la gestión del suministro de medicamentos esenciales en Lima Metropolitana, 2020, para conocer las falencias producidas en la pandemia, utilizando la metodología de tipo aplicada, de diseño no experimental, las técnicas empleadas fueron, la recolección de datos fueron la base de datos y la entrevista, para lo cual se elaboró el instrumento de evaluación que incluyo una guía de preguntas semiestructuradas dirigidas a 9 servidores que laboraban en el área de logística, quienes respondieron a los objetivos de la investigación. Los resultados evidenciaron que existió desabastecimiento de medicamentos esenciales en 9 hospitales, 3 institutos especializados,14 centros de salud y 4 postas de salud, siendo los medicamentos con mayor escasez el oxígeno medicinal, dexametasona, midazolam, ivermectina, azitromicina, etc. Concluyendo que la gestión del suministro de medicamentos esenciales se inicia con la programación en el cuadro de necesidades, tomando como referencia el consumo histórico, el Petitorio Nacional de Único de Medicamentos Esenciales, situación alterada por la pandemia mundial que provoco una ruptura en la cadena de producción y distribución

    Estudio de Viabilidad de la Automatización del Proceso de Termoencogido de Producto Terminado en la Empresa Aldor

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    La ingeniería de procesos ha logrado que en las Organizaciones se tenga la capacidad de diseñar, innovar y optimizar procesos de transformación, gestión y dirección, bajo los principios de eficiencias globales altas, por medio de la aplicación de las ciencias básicas y de ingeniería, lo cual permite proponer estudios y soluciones tecnológicas, integrales y sostenibles a problemas del sector productivo. El presente proyecto Estudio de Viabilidad de la Automatización del Proceso de Termoencogido en Producto Terminado en la Empresa Aldor, busca entregar todos los análisis en los cuales se evidencia oportunidad de automatización del proceso de termoencogido de producto terminado en la empresa Aldor de la ciudad de Cali; esto generará un impacto hacia la mejora continua durante el proceso productivo que conlleve a tener claridad y control en la cadena productiva; para llegar a ello, es relevante hallar la eficiencia real de la línea de empaque vs la solución tecnológica que se aplicaría por medio del estudio de tiempos y movimientos, análisis del proceso, análisis de variables de control, etapas del proceso, actividades realizadas por los Colaboradores y, en general, todo lo relacionado al proceso. En este estudio se evidencia oportunidades de ahorro en mano de obra, ahorro en etapas del proceso y numero de personas y adicionalmente productos estándar con igualdad de especificaciones.Process engineering has achieved that organizations have the capacity to design, innovate and optimize processes of transformation, management and management, under the principles of high global efficiencies, through the application of basic and engineering sciences. which allows to propose studies and technological solutions, integral and sustainable to problems of the productive sector. The present project Feasibility Study of the Automation of the Thermo-Shrinking Process in Finished Product in the Aldor Company, seeks to deliver all the analyzes in which there is evidence of automation opportunity of the thermo-shrinking process of finished product in the Aldor company of the city of Cali ; this will generate an impact towards continuous improvement during the production process that leads to having clarity and control in the production chain; To achieve this, it is relevant to find the real efficiency of the packaging line vs. the technological solution that would be applied through the study of times and movements, process analysis, analysis of control variables, process stages, activities carried out by Collaborators and, in general, everything related to the process. This study shows opportunities for labor savings, savings in process stages and number of people and additionally standard products with equal specifications

    Evaluación del funcionamiento del sistema de alcantarillado condominial en la Zona R - Huaycán, Ate Vitarte, 2018

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    El alcantarillado condominial es un sistema de alcantarillado que cumple la función de llevar aguas residuales de manera colectiva, el costo y tiempo a ejecutar es menor comparado con el alcantarillado convencional, el cual es el más conocidos y ejecutados en nuestro país. El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar el estado de funcionamiento del alcantarillado condominial mediante encuestas y fichas de observación. Las preguntas fueron formuladas a las viviendas acerca del uso que le dan a los sistemas y el bienestar que tienen frente a ello, para determinar el funcionamiento hidráulico se tuvo que saber la dotación de agua consumida por cada vivienda y mediante ello se obtuvo como resultado las velocidades y caudales que fluirán por las tuberías, y con ello contrastar los resultados si están dentro de los parámetros establecidos en el RNE OS.070 Redes de aguas residuales. En cuanto a las fichas de observación fue el determinar el estado en que se encuentran las tapas, paredes y fondo de las cajas condominales. Esta obra de alcantarillado condominial fue ejecutada en la Zona R de Huaycán del distrito de Ate Vitarte en el año 2015. Mediante este trabajo de investigación busco dar conclusiones y recomendaciones para futuras investigaciones y con ello buscar que familias de bajo recurso económico cuenten con un sistema de alcantarillado

    Models and matheuristics for the unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with additional resources

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    [EN] In this paper we analyze a parallel machine scheduling problem in which the processing of jobs on the machines requires a number of units of a scarce resource. This number depends both on the job and on the machine. The availability of resources is limited and fixed throughout the production horizon. The ob- jective considered is the minimization of the makespan. We model this problem by means of two integer linear programming problems. One of them is based on a model previously proposed in the literature. The other one, which is based on the resemblance to strip packing problems, is an original contribution of this paper. As the models presented are incapable of solving medium-sized instances to optimality, we propose three matheuristic strategies for each of these two models. The algorithms proposed are tested over an extensive computational experience. Results show that the matheuristic strategies significantly outperform the mathematical models.The authors are supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, under project "SCHEYARD - Optimization of Scheduling Problems in Container Yards" (No. DPI2015-65895-R), partially financed with FEDER funds. Thanks are due to our colleagues Eva Vallada and Ful Villa, for their useful suggestions. Special thanks are due to three anonymous referees which have significantly contributed to the improvement of the manuscript. Apart from accompanying on-line materials, interested readers can download more contents from http://soa.iti.es/problem-instances, like the instances used, software for generating instances and all the binaries of the algorithms tested in this paper. We also provide complete solutions, full tables of results and the statistics software files to replicate all results and plots. Additional explanations are also provided in "how-to" text files.Perea Rojas Marcos, F.; Fanjul Peyró, L.; Ruiz García, R. (2017). Models and matheuristics for the unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with additional resources. European Journal of Operational Research. 260(2):482-493. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2017.01.002S482493260

    Anti-Ro52/TRIM21 antibodies are associated with aberrant inflammatory circuits in patients with systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases

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    INTRODUCTION: Anti-Ro52/TRIM21 antibodies are markers for several systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases (SARD). OBJECTIVE: To assess whether anti-Ro52/TRIM21 antibodies are related to abnormalities in inflammatory circuits. METHODS: Cross-sectional study of consecutive outpatients with SARD. Anti-Ro52/TRIM21 antibodies and serum amyloid A protein were measured by ELISA; panels for 18 cytokines and nine chemokines were analyzed on a Luminex reading platform, while high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and complement were measured by nephelometry. RESULTS: Among 167 included patients, 143 had systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 16 had primary Sjögren's syndrome and eight had systemic sclerosis; 41 (24%) were positive for anti-Ro52/TRIM21 antibodies. Patients with anti-Ro52/TRIM21 antibodies had higher serum levels of IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, GM-CSF, IL-21, IL-22, hs-CRP and chemokines CCL4, CXCL8, CXCL10 and CXCL12, but lower levels of complement C4. Anti-Ro52/TRIM21 antibody titers were positively correlated with IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IL-21, IL-22, CXCL10, and hs-CRP, and negatively with complements C3 and C4. When only SLE patients were included, no association was identified between anti-Ro52/TRIM21 antibodies and disease activity or organ-specific involvement. CONCLUSIONS: Anti-Ro52/TRIM21 antibodies are associated with aberrant cytokine circuits and elevated levels of angiogenic molecules and neutrophil and monocyte chemoattractants, which suggests an active role for these antibodies in SARD.</p