1,112 research outputs found

    Desarrollo Rural Territorial: Enfoques, metodologías y experiencias

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    Nuestro país a lo largo de los últimos cincuenta años ha estado influenciado por distintos paradigmas del desarrollo rural, los cuales en menor o mayor medida han normado las políticas públicas. Una de las lecciones más importantes que nos deja este caminar, es que el fenómeno de la pobreza rural es complejo y que las posibilidades de avanzar hacia la superación de este flagelo, tiene que ver con respuestas integrales, multidisciplinarias y mediante alianzas multiactores en los propios territorios. En este contexto sobresale el planteamiento de un nuevo enfoque del desarrollo rural, integrador de espacios, actores, políticas, y mercados. Esto implica una serie de desafíos en términos de crear mecanismos para generar, gestionar y compartir conocimientos al interior de los territorios – entre agricultores, el sector público, investigadores y centros especializados. En los últimos años en Matagalpa y Jinotega se asiste a una multiplicidad de iniciativas y experiencias territoriales llevadas adelante tanto por organizaciones no gubernamentales, centros de investigación, así como por organizaciones de productores y productoras rurales, cuya característica es la integración en redes de aprendizajes social, para la construcción de soluciones innovadoras a sus problemas principales, entre los que destacan: mejora en la calidad de vida de la población, diversificación de actividades con generación de ingresos, incidencia en temas de política pública. El deterioro de los recursos naturales, migración rural, adaptación al cambio climático y persistencia de la pobreza plantean la necesidad d


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    Objective: To improve the tableting properties of sorbitol (SOR) via particle engineering through agglomeration with anhydrous calcium diphosphate (ACD) employing a house-made agglomerator.Methods: A novel SOR: ACD composites were produced by agglomeration at the 95:5; 80:20, 50:50, 20:80 and 6:94 SOR to ACD. The resulting tableting properties such as densification, compressibility, compactibility, ejection force, elastic recovery, sensitivity to lubricants, compression speed and disintegration time were then evaluated.Results: The new agglomerated excipient had better flow, compressibility and compactibility than the physical mixture of SOR and ACD being the 95:5 SOR: ACD ratio the composite that exhibited the best tableting properties.Conclusion: This novel excipient has a potential use as a pharmaceutical aid for direct compression applications.Â


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    Objective: To evaluate and compare the particle and tableting properties of a new sorbitol (SOR) and anhydrous calcium diphosphate (ACD) composite with common excipients used for the preparation of tablets by direct compression such as polyvinylpyrrolidone (Ludipress®), lactose (Cellactose 80®) and microcrystalline cellulose (Prosolv SMCC 90®).Methods: All materials were tested for lubricant sensitivity, ejection force, and elastic recovery, dilution potential and reworking ability. Further, compressibility and compactibility were determined using the Heckel and Leuenberger models, respectively.Results: This new excipient offered more benefits in terms of functionality than commercial direct compressive co-processed excipients and showed better compressibility than other commercial excipients and its compactibility was ranked third after SOR and Prosolv SMCC 90®. However, this composite material was more susceptible to reprocessing than commercial products. Further, it showed a low lubricant sensitivity due to a combination of a plastic and brittle behavior. Moreover, the loading capacity of poorly compressible materials such as gemfibrozil was comparable to that of commercial direct compression excipients. It also showed the fastest in-vitro dissolution of gemfibrozil, whereas commercial products failed to fulfill the US pharmacopoeial requirements.Conclusion: This new composite material showed potential for use as a direct compression excipient.Keywords: Agglomeration, Sorbitol, Anhydrous calcium diphosphate, Composites, Direct compressio

    Esquema de desarrollo de aplicaciones de realidad aumentada para revisión de la arquitectura principal de equipos de cómputo en el curso de Ensamblaje en sede UCP Virú SENATI

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo general proponer un Esquema de Desarrollo de Aplicaciones de Realidad Aumentada para mejorar la revisión de la arquitectura principal de los equipos de cómputo en el curso de ensamblaje en sede UCP VIRU Senati, para lo cual diseñaremos y aplicaremos un nuevo modelo mediante fases cómo Requerimientos, Análisis e Implementación, Prueba, Evaluación, usaremos técnicas de recolección de datos como la Observación para evaluar el avance correcto del desarrollo de fases; Revisiones bibliográficas para estudiar modelos existentes de realidad aumentada, etc y así evaluar el nivel de aceptación de esta nueva aplicación de Realidad Aumentada. Para la elaboración de este proyecto usaremos Android Estudio conjuntamente con el frameworks DroidAr para desarrollar una aplicación de realidad aumentada sin esquema solo siguiendo buenas prácticas y para luego usaremos Vuforia para nuestro propio esquema y asi revisar la arquitectura principal de las computadoras de los componentes principales en hardware e imágenes 3D como Placa Madre, Microprocesador, Memoria Ram. Con esta nueva aplicación puesta en marcha lo que se desea es agilizar la revisión de la arquitectura principal de los equipos de cómputo en diferentes escenarios como parte de la enseñanza en el curso de ensamblaje.The general objective of this research work is to propose an Augmented Reality Application Development Scheme to improve the review of the main architecture of the computer equipment in the assembly course in UCP VIRU Senati headquarters, for which we will design and apply a new model through phases such as Requirements, Analysis and Implementation, Test, Evaluation, we will use data collection techniques such as Observation to evaluate the correct progress of the development of phases; Bibliographic reviews to study existing models of augmented reality, etc. and thus evaluate the level of acceptance of this new application of Augmented Reality. For the development of this project we will use Android Estudio together with the frameworks DroidAr will develop an application of augmented reality without schema following good practices and then with our own scheme in Vuforia we will proceed to review the main architecture of the computers of the main components in hardware and 3D images as Motherboard, Microprocessor, Ram Memory. With this new implementation, what is desired is to streamline the review of the main architecture of the computer equipment in different scenarios as part of the teaching in the assembly course.Tesi

    Renovation, restauration and recycling of the Richter House in Frutillar. A sustainable critical intervention

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    Frutillar was founded in 1856 as part of the German colonisation of Lago Llanquihue in the south of Chile. Today, inhabitants enjoy a high standard of living due to the town’s comfortable scale and close, harmonious relationship with nature. The town also has considerable cultural activity and a significant number of timber heritage houses built by German colonists.The Casa Richter is the oldest in the town, built of native timber in 1895 following an austere, neoclassical design using the “tablazón labrada” construction technique. In 2005 an institution connected with the Teatro del Lago decided to purchase and renovate this building in order to house a School of Arts for younger generations.This project was carried out through a “critical intervention” which sought not only a technical reparation of the old timber building, but also to restore it to its former glory, while recycling some spaces according to the requirements of its new role.Frutillar fue fundada en 1856 como parte de la Colonización Alemana del Lago Llanquihue en el sur de Chile, hoy posee una gran calidad de vida, por su escala en estrecha armonía con la naturaleza, por su gran actividad cultural y por poseer una importante cantidad de casonas patrimoniales de madera construida por los colonos alemanes.La Casa Richter es la más antigua de la ciudad, fue construida con maderas nativas en 1895 siguiendo un diseño austero y neoclásico con la técnica constructiva de "tablazón labrada". El 2005 una institución relacionada al Teatro del Lago decide comprar y recuperar esta casa, para fundar allí una "Escuela de las Artes" destinada a las nuevas generaciones.Esta recuperación se realiza mediante una operación de "intervención crítica", que involucra no solo la reparación y tecnificación del viejo edificio de madera, sino que también la restauración que le devolverá la dignidad de antaño, así como el reciclaje de algunos espacios para adecuarlos a los requerimientos de su nuevo destino

    Nuestros tiempos isleños. Breve testimonio de una acción.

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    Llueve intensamente en Castro cuando inicio la difícil labor de resumir en palabras más de tres décadas de trabajo, luchando contra todos los riesgos del olvido, para capturar las búsquedas, las obsesiones y los pequeños hitos que han marcado mi vida profesional y han hecho posible una obra del lugar1. Una obra que es también la de muchos amigos, colegas, compañeros, colaboradores y estudiantes en práctica, de mi familia y, también de mis clientes que han confiado en un trabajo que siempre ha buscado equilibrar en el espacio, la lógica y los sueños del encargo, con la lógica y las obsesiones éticas y estéticas del arquitecto, y la lógica natural y cultural del lugar

    Clinical effect of platelet rich plasma in the treatment of periodontal intrabony defects. Systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Introduction: One of the consequences of periodontitis is periodontal intrabony defects (PID). Various biomaterials have been used for its treatment, but there is still no biomaterial considered as the gold standard. Current research is focused on the use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for the treatment of PID. Objective: To determine the clinical effect of PRP in the treatment of PID through a systematic review with meta-analysis. Materials and Methods: A literature search was conducted until February 2017 in the biomedical databases: Pubmed, Embase, Scielo, Science Direct, SIGLE, LILACS, IBECS, and the Cochrane Central Register of Clinical Trials. The criteria for the selection of the studies, which were randomized clinical trials, were the following: articles or papers published in the last 5 years, reporting clinical effects, with a follow-up time equal to or greater than 6 months, and a sample size equal to or greater than 10 patients reporting the use of PRP as a treatment for PID. The methodological quality of thestudies was analyzed using the Cochrane Handbook of Systematic Reviews of Interventions as a reference. Results: The search strategy yielded nine articles reporting a reduction in probing depth and gingival recession, and an increase in clinical insertion level when using PRP alone or in combinationwith another biomaterial

    Motivación hacia programas de ejercicio, deporte y actividad física de los empleados de UNE Telefónica de Pereira 2012

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    Se describieron los factores motivacionales hacia actividades recreodeportivas de los empleados de UNE Telefónica de Pereira durante el año 2012, de orden físico, social, económico y ambiental. La población de ambos géneros oscilaba entre los 18 y 60 años, pertenecían en su mayoría al estrato 3 con un nivel académico de secundaria y pregrado; desarrollaban actividades laborales de campo, oficina o mixtas. De las 431 personas, se obtuvo una muestra de 203 a través de un muestreo aleatorio simple. El instrumento utilizado se basó en el cuestionario internacional de actividad física Agita Sao Paulo (IPAQ) y fue validado al contexto local a través de una prueba piloto. El 49% y el 63% de los encuestados conocían respectivamente la existencia de los escenarios y programas recreodeportivos de la empresa. Un 51% de las personas manifestaron hacer o haber hecho ejercicio y querer seguir una disciplina, solo un 2,5% dijeron no considerar la práctica en actividades recreodeportivas. Como se ha podido determinar en otros estudios, el cuidado de la salud fue de los motivos principales para la práctica en actividades recreodeportivas, con un 80%, seguido de una buena forma física con un 70%. Sobre las razones de abandono o no participación, la mayor parte manifestaron no tener tiempo o disciplina suficiente. Para el 60% de los empleados, la empresa debería ofertar otros programas y escenarios recreodeportivos, especialmente más programas familiares, y conseguir canchas deportivas múltiples a través de convenios.Motivational factors were described to recreation-sports activities of employees of UNE Telefonica from Pereira in 2012. The population of both genders ranged between 18 and 60 years old, mostly belonged to the stratum 3 with a high academic level and undergraduate; developed field work activities, office or mixed. Of the 431 people polled, a sample of 203was obtained through a simple random sampling. The instrument used was based on the International Physical Activity Questionnaire Agita Sao Paulo (IPAQ) and the local context was validated through a pilot test. The 49% and 63% of respondents were aware of the scenarios and business recreation-sports programs respectively. 51% of people said do or have done and will continue to exercise discipline, only 2.5% said they did not consider the practice in recreation-sports activities. As in other studies, health care was one of the main reasons for the practice in recreationsports activities with 80%, followed by a good shape with 70%. On the reasons of neglect or non-participation, most reported not having enough time or discipline. For the 60% of employees, the company should offer other programs and recreation-sports scenarios, especially more family programs, and get multiple sports fields through agreements


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    We describe the sui generis case of a couple of cohabitants and parents of 9 children that stands out in the light of the cognitive admiration and applause of many, because it shows how our characters considered illiterate in the eyes of the conventional educational world, arrived to be regular readers without having attended an educational center. The purpose of the study is to highlight the circumstances that forced the subjects of the sample to start alone in the field of reading. As a method, mayicatica was applied and the observation technique was used whose instruments were observation records and structured interviews. In conclusion, the collected experience shows that the learning of reading is not only conventional and its acquisition also responds to real communication needs

    Massive Pulmonary Embolism in a Recent Intracranial Hemorrhage: Case Report of Inhaled Nitric Oxide to Improve Outcomes

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    Acute massive pulmonary embolism (PE) has a high mortality if left untreated. The mainstay of treatment is systemic thrombolysis which has some absolute contraindications like intracranial hemorrhage (ICH). Inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) is a selective pulmonary vasodilator that decreases pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) and allows the right ventricle of the heart to pump against less resistance. We present a case of iNO use to improve hemodynamics in a patient with a recent ICH. We believe this to be the first such case reported. A 70-year-old female with a history of PE on Eliquis initially presented for weakness and was found to have right-sided ICH. She was discharged with instructions to hold Eliquis given ICH but was readmitted eight days later in florid cardiogenic shock requiring vasopressors and hypoxic respiratory failure refractory to intubation. CT showed bilateral PE with evidence of right heart strain and IV heparin was started. Due to her history of a recent ICH, she had an absolute contraindication prohibiting the use of systemic tissue plasminogen activator (tPA). Interventional radiology (IR) consult determined that the patient was not a candidate for catheter-directed tPA due to the recent ICH, mechanical ventilation, and hemodynamic instability based on pressor requirement. Vascular surgery and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) consults deemed the patient not operable. The patient was then started on iNO with immediate improvement in her blood pressure. Once vitally stable, IR consult performed pulmonary angiogram and completed a thrombectomy. The patient was eventually extubated and she restarted her Eliquis. She continues to do well 16 months after discharge. In patients with massive PE with contraindications to systemic thrombolytics, providers are left with very few therapeutic interventions. A handful of case reports show that iNO improves systemic hemodynamics in postoperative patients with massive PE. This case highlights the potential for iNO to be a potential adjuvant in patients with absolute contraindications to systemic thrombolysis