119 research outputs found

    Uns altres Oliva

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    La notícia de l'existència a Reus d'un carrer dedicat a un desconegut, entre nosaltres, músic vilanoví, Oliver Oliva Berga, ha permès investigar sobre la família Oliva-Berga a Vilanova i la Geltrú i l'arrelament dels seus descendents a la capital del Baix Camp. L'article dóna a conèixer la trajectòria de l'artífex de la nissaga, el mestre de capella de Sant Antoni Abat de Vilanova, Anton Oliva Martí, i constitueix un testimoni i una nova aportació sobre les continuades relacions entre les ciutats de Vilanova i Reus

    Habilidades Comunicativas en Niños Ciegos Desde Una Perspectiva Referencial Ecológica

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    The purpose of this study was to detect the differential communicative abilities that distinguishes the communicative exchange between blind and sighted couples, from a referential ecological framework. The sample was composed of 18 children (9 sighted and 9 blind) between 8 and 12 years old. Children were grouped by three conditions according to the vision level of couples (blind-blind; blind-sighted and sighted-sighted). The experimetal task used was the 'organization of a room' designed by Boada and Forns (in this monograph). The task was adapted to tridimensionality, and coded following their autors' instructions. Results suggest that blind children couples need to use more communicative skills to avoid communicative faillur and that they are less specific in he differentiation of emisor-receptor roles

    Felip Parellada. Dos mestres de capella de la seu de Girona amb el mateix nom

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    El nom de Felip Parellada figura en les relacions de mestres de capella que exerciren a la catedral de Girona en el segle XVII com a titular del càrrec entre 1664 i 1682. Un estudi sobre els mestres de capella de les parròquies de Sant Antoni Abat de Vilanova i de Santa Maria de la Geltrú ens ha portat a constatar que, de fet, els titulars del magisteri de la seu gironina amb aquest nom van ser dos: Felip Parellada Alegret (Vilanova i la Geltrú, 1628 - Girona, 1669), que va exercir entre 1661 i 1669, i Felip Parellada Mata, el seu fill (Vilanova i la Geltrú, 1653 - Banyoles, 1704), que el va substituir en el càrrec fins a l'any 1682. Amb aquest article volem desfer l'equívoc i posar a l'abast les dades biogràfiques que hem pogut recollir d'aquests dos mestres de capella.The name Felip Parellada appears in the lists of 17th-century chapel masters of Girona Cathedral as the holder of this position between 1664 and 1682. However, a study of the chapel masters of the parish churches of Sant Antoni Abat in Vilanova and of Santa Maria in La Geltrú has allowed us to verify that there were in fact two people of this name who acted as chapel masters of Girona Cathedral: Felip Parellada Alegret (Vilanova i la Geltrú, 1628 - Girona, 1669), who held this position between 1661 and 1669, and Felip Parellada Mata, the formers son (Vilanova i la Geltrú, 1653 - Banyoles, 1704), who took over his fathers position until 1682. This paper clears up this misunderstanding and presents the biographical data which we have compiled on these two figures

    Felip Parellada. Dos mestres de capella de la seu de Girona amb el mateix nom

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    El nom de Felip Parellada figura en les relacions de mestres de capella que exerciren a la catedral de Girona en el segle XVII com a titular del càrrec entre 1664 i 1682. Un estudi sobre els mestres de capella de les parròquies de Sant Antoni Abat de Vilanova i de Santa Maria de la Geltrú ens ha portat a constatar que, de fet, els titulars del magisteri de la seu gironina amb aquest nom van ser dos: Felip Parellada Alegret (Vilanova i la Geltrú, 1628 - Girona, 1669), que va exercir entre 1661 i 1669, i Felip Parellada Mata, el seu fill (Vilanova i la Geltrú, 1653 - Banyoles, 1704), que el va substituir en el càrrec fins a l'any 1682. Amb aquest article volem desfer l'equívoc i posar a l'abast les dades biogràfiques que hem pogut recollir d'aquests dos mestres de capella.The name Felip Parellada appears in the lists of 17th-century chapel masters of Girona Cathedral as the holder of this position between 1664 and 1682. However, a study of the chapel masters of the parish churches of Sant Antoni Abat in Vilanova and of Santa Maria in La Geltrú has allowed us to verify that there were in fact two people of this name who acted as chapel masters of Girona Cathedral: Felip Parellada Alegret (Vilanova i la Geltrú, 1628 - Girona, 1669), who held this position between 1661 and 1669, and Felip Parellada Mata, the formers son (Vilanova i la Geltrú, 1653 - Banyoles, 1704), who took over his fathers position until 1682. This paper clears up this misunderstanding and presents the biographical data which we have compiled on these two figures

    Changes in cardiovascular health and white matter integrity with aerobic exercise, cognitive and combined training in physically inactive healthy late‑middle‑aged adults: the “Projecte Moviment” randomized controlled trial

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    Introduction This is a 12-weeks randomized controlled trial examining the effects of aerobic exercise (AE), computerized cognitive training (CCT) and their combination (COMB). We aim to investigate their impact on cardiovascular health and white matter (WM) integrity and how they contribute to the cognitive benefits. Methods 109 participants were recruited and 82 (62% female; age = 58.38 ± 5.47) finished the intervention with > 80% adherence. We report changes in cardiovascular risk factors and WM integrity (fractional anisotropy (FA); mean diffusivity (MD)), how they might be related to changes in physical activity, age and sex, and their potential role as mediators in cognitive improvements. Results A decrease in BMI (SMD = − 0.32, p = 0.039), waist circumference (SMD = − 0.42, p = 0.003) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) (SMD = − 0.42, p = 0.006) in the AE group and a decrease in BMI (SMD = − 0.34, p = 0.031) and DBP (SMD = − 0.32, p = 0.034) in the COMB group compared to the waitlist control group was observed. We also found decreased global MD in the CCT group (SMD = − 0.34; p = 0.032) and significant intervention-related changes in FA and MD in the frontal and temporal lobes in the COMB group. Conclusions We found changes in anthropometric measures that suggest initial benefits on cardiovascular health after only 12 weeks of AE and changes in WM microstructure in the CCT and COMB groups. These results add evidence of the clinical relevance of lifestyle interventions and the potential benefits when combining them. Clinical Trial Registration ClinicalTrials.gov NCT031123900.CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer NatureSpanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness: Neuroplasticity in the adulthood: physical exercise and cognitive training (PSI2013- 47724-P)Integrative omics study on the neurobiological effects of physical activity and cognitive stimulation (PSI2016-77475-R)Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies under the ICREA Academia program to MM(FPU014/01460, FI-2016, and FI-2018

    Habilidades comunicativas en niños ciegos desde una perspectiva referencial ecológica

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    The purpose of this study was to detect the differential communicative abilities that distinguishes the communicative exchange between blind and sighted couples, from a referential ecological framework. The sample was composed of 18 children (9 sighted and 9 blind) between 8 and 12 years old. Children were grouped by three conditions according to the vision level of couples (blind-blind; blind-sighted and sighted-sighted). The experimetal task used was the "organization of a room" designed by Boada and Forns (in this monograph). The task was adapted to tridimensionality, and coded following their autors' instructions. Results suggest that blind children couples need to use more communicative skills to avoid communicative faillur and that they are less specific in he differentiation of emisor-receptor roles.El presente trabajo se sitúa en el marco del enfoque referencial-ecológico (Boada y Forns, 1989) desde el que se pretende detectar las habilidades comunicativas que caracterizan el intercambio comunicativo de parejas de sujetos videntes e invidentes. La muestra la componen 18 niños (9 videntes y 9 ciegos) de edades comprendidas entre los 8 y los 12 años. Los sujetos fueron agrupados en tres condiciones en función del grado de visión de las parejas (ciego-ciego; ciego-vidente y vidente-vidente). Se utilizó la tarea experimental "organización de una sala" (véase Boada yForns en este mismo monográfico) adaptada a tridimensionalidad y se codificó según las pautas dadas por sus diseñadores. Los resultados sugieren que las parejas de niños ciegos necesitan poner en acción más habilidades comunicativas para evitar el fracaso comunicativo y que son menos específicos en la diferenciación de roles entre emisor y receptor

    Fitts’ Law: On Calculating Throughput and Non-ISO Tasks

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    We used a target-selection task to evaluate head-tracking as an input method for mobile devices. First, the method of calculating Fitts’ throughput is described by means of a raw data detailed example. Then, the method of calculating throughput is discussed for non-ISO tasks, since the procedure targets were randomly positioned from trial to trial. Due to a non-constant amplitude within each sequence of trials, throughput was calculated using two methods of data aggregation: the first one, by sequence of trials using the mean amplitude, and the second one, by common A-W conditions. For each data set, we used four methods for calculating throughput. The grand mean for throughput (calculated through the division of means and the adjustment for accuracy) was of 0.74 bps, which is 45 % lower than the value obtained using an ISO task. We recommend to calculate throughput using the division of means plus the adjustment for accuracy, and to avoid using the reciprocal slope of the regression model. We present various design recommendations for non-ISO tasks, such as: i) to keep amplitude and constant target within each sequence of trials, and ii) to use strategies to avoid or remove reaction time

    MADS-box and bHLH transcription factors coordinate transmitting tract development in arabidopsis thaliana

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    The MADS-domain transcription factor SEEDSTICK (STK) controls several aspects of plant reproduction. STK is co-expressed with CESTA (CES), a basic Helix-Loop-Helix (bHLH) transcription factor-encoding gene. CES was reported to control redundantly with the brassinosteroid positive signaling factors BRASSINOSTEROID ENHANCED EXPRESSION1 (BEE1) and BEE3 the development of the transmitting tract. Combining the stk ces-4 mutants led to a reduction in ovule fertilization due to a defect in carpel fusion which, caused the formation of holes at the center of the septum where the transmitting tract differentiates. Combining the stk mutant with the bee1 bee3 ces-4 triple mutant showed an increased number of unfertilized ovules and septum defects.Postprint (published version

    Indicadors d'investigació de l'Institut de Recerca i Innovació Educativa. IRIE 2008-2012

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    El present informe recull la recerca educativa realitzada pels grups consolidats de l’Institut de Recerca i Innovació Educativa (IRIE) durant el període previ a la seva creació (2008-2012). Aquesta producció ha conformat la massa crítica que ha fet possible la creació de l’Institut i és el fruit del treball de cent cinquanta-vuit investigadors, integrats en onze grups de recerca. L’informe presenta les línies de recerca que desenvolupen i els principals productes de la seva tasca. Durant aquest període s’han dut a terme cent seixanta-sis projectes i contractes de recerca amb finançament estatal i quaranta-un projectes i contractes internacionals, i s’ha rebut un finançament total de 8.478.372,65 €. S’han publicat quatre-cents cinquanta-dos articles en revistes –cent seixanta-vuit dels quals indexats en bases d’impacte– i sis-cents seixanta-sis capítols o llibres científics. Al mateix temps s’han seguit formant nous investigadors en educació, ja que s’han llegit setanta-dues tesis doctorals. L’anàlisi d’aquests indicadors ens permet saber l’estat de la qüestió de la recerca educativa més especialitzada a les Illes Balears i tenir elements per a determinar el potencial investigador de l’IRIE per als propers anys.El presente informe recoge la investigación educativa realizada por los grupos consolidados del Institut de Recerca i Innovació Educativa (IRIE) durante el período previo a su creación (2008- 2012). Esta producción ha conformado la masa crítica que ha hecho posible la creación del instituto y es fruto del trabajo de 158 investigadores, integrados en once grupos de investigación. El informe presenta las líneas de investigación que desarrollan y los principales productos de su labor. Durante este período se han llevado a cabo 166 proyectos y contratos de investigación con financiación estatal y 41 proyectos y contratos internacionales; se ha recibido una financiación total de 8.478.372,65 €. Se han publicado 452 artículos en revistas –186 de los cuales indexados en bases de impacto– y 666 capítulos o libros científicos. Al mismo tiempo se ha seguido formando a nuevos investigadores en educación, ya que se han leído 72 tesis doctorales. El análisis de estos indicadores nos permite conocer el estado de la cuestión de la investigación educativa más especializada en las Illes Balears y tener elementos para determinar el potencial investigador del IRIE para los próximos años.This report contains the educational research provided by consolidated groups of the IRIE (Institute of Research and Educational Innovation) in the run-up to the Institute’s creation (2008-2012). This production has shaped the critical mass that has made possible the creation of the Institute and is the outcome of the work of 158 researchers consisting of 11 research groups. The report presents the lines of research and the main products of researchers task. During this time, 166 projects and research contracts with government funding and 41 projects and international contracts were achieved, with a total funding of 8.478.372,65 €. 452 articles in magazines –186 of them indexed in impact databases– and 666 chapters or scientific books have been published. At the same time, new educational researchers have been trained and 72 doctoral theses have been read. The analysis of these indicators allows us to know the state of play of the most specialized educational research in the Balearic Islands and to have items to determine the research potential of the IRIE for the coming years