187 research outputs found

    El community manager y la comunicación de los valores de marca de destino a través de los medios sociales.

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    El objeto de esta comunicación trabajo es analizar la comunicación de los valores de marca de destinos que proyectan los principales destinos turísticos en España. Se parte de la hipótesis de que, hasta la fecha, los territorios no explotan lo suficiente sus valores de marca, ya que utilizan más los social media para comunicar atractivos, a pesar de que los usuarios prefieren compartir más las experiencias y lo emocional. Para ello, el trabajo se apoya en una encuesta a los responsables de la comunicación digital o community managers de diferentes destinos turísticos, así como en el análisis de contenido de los mensajes compartidos en las principales redes sociales (Twitter y Facebook). Como principales resultados, se observa que salvo excepciones, los destinos turísticos españoles optan por compartir más información sobre atributos tangibles frente a los valores de marca que en realidad, suelen ser señas de identidad que definen la personalidad de un destino, y que son en general más valorados por los viajeros en los medios sociales.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    La utilización del campus virtual como herramienta de aprendizaje en los estudiantes universitarios : aportaciones derivadas de su aplicación práctica

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    En este trabajo exponemos la investigación sobre el uso y la valoración de la plataforma telemática de la Universidad de Alicante, llamada Campus Virtual, que sirve como instrumento interactivo de información y formación en los estudios universitarios de esta Universidad. En principio, el uso de dicha plataforma está generalizado entre la comunidad universitaria pero cabe investigar acerca de su uso real y valoración, en este caso por parte del alumnado. En esta aportación queremos presentar los resultados de una primera muestra en asignaturas que impartimos en la titulación de Magisterio.In this paper we present a research work on the use and assessment of the telematic platform of the University of Alicante, called Campus Virtual, that serves as an information and education interactive tool for the university studies in this University. In principle, the usage of this platform is spread among the university community but it is important to study further about its real use and assessment, in this case, by the students. In this contribution we aim to present the results of a first study regarding some courses taught in Education Studies

    The water-soluble organic fraction and its relationships to the degree of maturity of organic matter during composting

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    The evolution of different components of the water-soluble organic matter, water soluble carbon (COW), carbohydrates and phenols were studied during the composting of six different mixtures of organic wastes prepared with sweet sorghum bagasse, cotton waste, sewage sludge, municipal solid waste, urea, pine bark and brewery sludge. The COW, carbohydrate and phenol concentrations decreased in the six composting mixtures as a consequence of the organic matter degradation carried out by the microbial activity. The intensity of this organic matter degradation and the evolution of the water-soluble compounds depended on the kind of material used in the starting mixtures. Therefore, these parameters were not considered suitable to be used as the basis for a general organic matter stabilisation index. The changes in the water-soluble organic carbon to water-soluble organic nitrogen ratio (COW/NOW) and the water-soluble organic carbon to total organic nitrogen ratio (COW/NOT) were considered to be suitable as general stabilisation indices since these ratios did not depend on the material used. The evolution of these two ratios showed a similar pattern during the composting of the six mixtures studied. All mature composts reached values for these ratios which were in agreement with the ranges proposed by other authors with other type of materials. These maturity indices were also compared with Lepidium Sativum L. germination assays and no phytotoxic effects were found in materials with COW/NOW and COW/NOT ratios values between the limits established for mature composts (COW/OW between the range 5-6, and COW/NOT < 0.40).The authors wish to thank the Spanish CICYT for the support of the PETRI project N ref: 95-0234-OP-02-02 under which has financed this work.Peer reviewe

    New Educational Challenges and Innovations: Students with Disability in Immersive Learning Environments

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    In today society, one of the most demanded challenges faced by the current educational system is the educational response to diversity in the various educational contexts. University lecturers are opening new lines of research focused on issues as social demand and current reality of produced new learning environments. The general aim of this study was to design learning environments using immersive virtual reality and evaluate improvements produced by this tool in relation to the difficulties show by the participants. From that point, an action plan was created to recreate school situations with a high degree of realism and interaction using IVRSystem. In this way, we want to obtain answers according to the dysfunctions of educational system to work with these students. This was done by a mixed design. On the one hand, a quasi-experimental methodology was used with a control group and an experimental group. On the other hand, direct and observation and applicative methodology made possible the development of educational intervention in immersive learning environments. The results obtained throughout these years have given a response to the initial problem-question raised: Can immersive virtual learning environments serve as a support tool for working disabilities of students, which have a visual learning style, such as students with autism spectrum disorders

    Hardware Project Development using Scrum in the Interactive Technologies Degree

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    [EN] Learning electronics in the fourth-wave industrial age requires an extra effort to motivate students. They often feel frustrated so they do not spend enough time to acquire in depth-knowledge. To enhance student's motivation and engagement, instructional methods of teaching and learning are being tested in some Universities [1]. Among these methods, project based learning (PBL) has proven to be useful to overcome frustration and improve student engagement. This methodology is even more successful if it is implemented using an agile approach, like Scrum. This paper describes a new way to teach electronics based on the use of PBL and Scrum and presents results of its application regarding to the acquisition level of some competences.This work has been partially finance by UPV-Innovation Project PIME-I 1776 (2022-2024).Pérez Pascual, MA.; Toledo Alarcón, JF.; Marín-Roig Ramón, J.; Azulay, E. (2022). Hardware Project Development using Scrum in the Interactive Technologies Degree. IEEE. 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1109/TAEE54169.2022.98405611

    O-City: Implementation of an Innovative Multimedia Platform for Promoting Orange Economy

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    [EN] O-City is a non-profit project funded by European Union with the aim of promoting Orange Economy throughout education and collaboration among municipalities, educational entities and businesses. This project has two main assets, the O-City e-learning platform and the O-City World platform. This paper presents the technical aspects of the O-City World platform, which is a digital application that allows interaction among cities, educators and professionals. This platform has a role-based access control with seven different users able to perform different functionalities. Thanks to the collaboration among these stakeholders the platform is growing exponentially.This work has been funded by European Commission inside the Erasmus Plus Projects - KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices - Knowledge Alliances under Project Number 600963-EPP-1-2018- 1-ES-EPPKA2-KA.Pérez Pascual, MA.; Giménez López, JL.; Palacio Samitier, D.; Marín-Roig Ramón, J. (2023). O-City: Implementation of an Innovative Multimedia Platform for Promoting Orange Economy. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage. 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1145/363112111

    Design and application of an immersive virtual reality system to enhance emotional skills for children with autism spectrum disorders

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    This paper proposes the design and application of an immersive virtual reality system to improve and train the emotional skills of students with autism spectrum disorders. It has been designed for primary school students between the ages of 7–12 and all participants have a confirmed diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. The immersive environment allows the student to train and develop different social situations in a structured, visual and continuous manner. The use of a computer vision system to automatically determine the child's emotional state is proposed. This system has been created with two goals in mind, the first to update the social situations, with the student's emotional mood taken into account, and the second to confirm, automatically, if the child's behavior is appropriate in the represented social situation. The results described in this paper show a significant improvement in the children's emotional competences, in comparison with the results obtained until now using earlier virtual reality systems

    Una rúbrica para la evaluación por competencias en Educación Especial

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    El trabajo que se presenta está enmarcado en la RED Investigación e innovación en evaluación por competencias en formación Educación Especial. Uno de los retos que debe de asumir la escuela del siglo XXI es la inclusión educativa de todo su alumnado. Es necesario desde la formación inicial del profesorado establecer competencias que hagan posible la asunción e implementación de dicho reto. Tomando como punto de partida el trabajo colaborativo y coordinado que supone llevar a cabo procesos de innovación en docencia universitaria, se ha planteado en esta investigación realizar un análisis sobre las distintas materias de los Grados de Maestro de Educación Infantil y Primaria en relación a las competencias en materia de Educación Especial que de éstas subyacen. Para ello, partiendo de una tabla de especificación de competencias se ha construido una rúbrica de indicadores para la evaluación de éstas. Los primeros resultados obtenidos muestran la necesidad de incorporar propuestas de innovación desde la perspectiva de la evaluación auténtica y competencial en materia de Educación Especial en la formación de los estudiantes de los Grados de Infantil, Primaria y Pedagogía Terapéutica