1,085 research outputs found


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    The limitation of sensors energy make energy efficiency still a priority issue in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technology. One effort that can be done to overcome this problem is to design the right data transmission path (or better known as routing). Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) is one of the most widely used cluster-based routing protocols because it is considered capable of minimizing the amount of energy consumption through the formation of clusters or groups of nodes. Unfortunately, this protocol will experience a significant decrease in energy as the amount of data transmission increases. This is partly due to the clustering process which is carried out randomly and causes an imbalance in the distribution of the number of nodes between clusters. This study proposed a method to optimize the clustering process in the LEACH protocol by integrating the K-Means algorithm, which is called LEACH-KMe. A simulation was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the proposed method by considering 4 main parameters, namely total energy consumption, number of alive nodes, number of dead nodes, and residual energy. The test results proved that the LEACH-KMe protocol provides better performance than the conventional LEACH protocol (more even distribution of nodes, less total energy consumption and number of dead nodes, as well as a larger number of alive nodes and residual energy)

    Exploring Individual Differences in Stroop Processing with Cluster Analysis: Target Article on Stroop-Differences

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    A relatively small number of studies of the Stroop task has examined individual differences in age, sex, hemispheric processing, and language. The amount of interference is the primary dependent measure in most studies, not the factors that contribute to the interference. In the present target article, cluster analysis is used to identify groups of participants who respond similarly on the Stroop task. Integrated color-word Stroop stimuli were presented for varying durations in the first study. Significant individual differences were found. A cluster analysis identified two groups of subjects. One group responded consistently across durations and conditions while the other responded more erratically. Potential sources of individual differences were examined in a second study. 120 subjects were given the Color and Word Test along with selected subtests of the Stanford Binet Intelligence Test, age appropriate Wechsler tests, and the Detroit Tests of Learning Aptitude. Again, cluster analysis found two groups of subjects. The group with higher scores on visual reasoning and short-term memory produced more interference


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    Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi informasi pada zaman ini mengubah gaya hidup masyarakat. Salah satu yang berubah adalah sistem pembayaran dimana biasanya sistem pembayaran dilakukan dengan menggunakan uang tunai berganti dengan pembayaran non tunai yang dinilai lebih praktis yang salah satunya adalah Ovo. Model of factors influencing consumer’s intention to use e-payment system merupakan pengembangan dari teori UTAUT yang digunakan untuk menyelidiki minat konsumen untuk menggunakan teknologi e-payment di Indonesia akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Dalam model penelitian ini terdapat penambahan variabel culture dan variabel perceived security. Metode kuantitatif merupakan metode yang digunakan di dalam penelitian ini. Alat pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah kuesioner dengan 18 pernyataan yang disebar kepada 100 responden pengguna Ovo di Indonesia melalui google.docs. Hasil dari kuesioner tersebut digunakan untuk melakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas serta digunakan sebagai data pengujian hipotesis. ` Hasil dari uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa variabel culture, performance expectancy, dan social influence berpengaruh terhadap intention to use Ovo, sementara variabel perceived security dan effort expectancy tidak berpengaruh terhadap variabel intention to use Ovo di Indonesia. Selain itu, hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa variabel culture, perceived security, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, dan social influence secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap intention to use Ovo di Indonesia. Secara aspek teoritis diharapkan penelitian ini dapat dijadikan referensi untuk penelitian selanjutnya, yaitu indikator-indikator apa saja yang masih menjadi daya tarik konsumen tentang keputusannya untuk menggunakan sebuah produk e-payment lain yang diharapkan berbeda dari Ovo. Diharapkan perusahaan dapat mempertimbangkan strategi-strategi yang lebih baik untuk meningkatkan pangsa pasar sesuai dengan keadaan di jaman sekarang

    Sensitivity to amplitude envelope rise time in infancy and vocabulary development at 3 years: A significant relationship.

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    Here we report, for the first time, a relationship between sensitivity to amplitude envelope rise time in infants and their later vocabulary development. Recent research in auditory neuroscience has revealed that amplitude envelope rise time plays a mechanistic role in speech encoding. Accordingly, individual differences in infant discrimination of amplitude envelope rise times could be expected to relate to individual differences in language acquisition. A group of 50 infants taking part in a longitudinal study contributed rise time discrimination thresholds when aged 7 and 10 months, and their vocabulary development was measured at 3 years. Experimental measures of phonological sensitivity were also administered at 3 years. Linear mixed effect models taking rise time sensitivity as the dependent variable, and controlling for non-verbal IQ, showed significant predictive effects for vocabulary at 3 years, but not for the phonological sensitivity measures. The significant longitudinal relationship between amplitude envelope rise time discrimination and vocabulary development suggests that early rise time discrimination abilities have an impact on speech processing by infants.Australian Research Counci

    ADHD Differences on the Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale, Fifth Edition

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    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common psychiatric diagnosis in childhood that requires a level of attention or hyperactivity that falls short of the expected developmental level. Past research shows cognitive discrepancies in ADHD populations with verbal deficiencies observed primarily in tasks that require a combined auditory and verbal component. Working memory has been a long acknowledged deficit in persons with ADHD. This research examines cognitive differences among children with ADHD on working memory and other components of the Stanford Binet, 5th edition (SB5). Stanford Binet verbal and nonverbal working memory was hypothesized to be different for the ADHD sample compared to controls and between ADHD subtypes. Participants were gathered from the Stanford Binet standardization sample that were diagnosed with ADHD and matched with a group of normal controls. Data was analyzed using ANOVA followed by a cluster analysis of discrepancies found at subtest and testlet levels. Due to matching and statistical control, results showed no differences in FSIQ, VIQ, or PIQ between normals and those with ADHD, but those with ADHD took an average of 20 minutes longer to complete the SB5, consistently showed greater response variability, and exhibited significant differential item functioning for Vocabulary, Object Series/Matrices, and the routing scales. Deficits in working memory appear to account for these differences

    Pemanfaatan Siwak Sebagai Antiseptic

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    Diadakan nya penelitian terhadap ekstrak siwak sebagai antiseptic adalah didasari atas 499.000 kasus keamatian diantaranya terjadi pada anak usia dibawah 5 tahun. Termasuk didalam nya 30 terjadi di Indonesia, keamatian ini disebabkan oleh sebuah penyakit yaitu diare sehingga muncul lah ide untuk mengembangkan sebuah inovasi terbarukan yang dapat menjadi alternatif penggunaan bahan alami yang dapat menjadikan obat akan tetapi memiliki khasiat yang sama dengan bahan senyawa kimia lain yaitu dengan menggunakan ekstrak siwak sebagai bahan dasarnya. Lalu alasan lain yang mendasari penelitian ini adalah manfaat siwak yang baik ketika kita menggunakan nya untuk kesehatan jasmani maupun rohani kenapa demikian? Karna didalam agama islam menganjurkan menggunakan siwak sebagai pembersih mulut ketika sebelum sholat dan setelah sholat sehingga bagi seseorang yang menggunakan siwak sebagai pembersih mulut nya maka dia akan diganjar dengan pahala sunnah, juga demikian dengan penelitian yang menjadikan siwak sebagai antiseptic yang mana akan memberikan banyak manfaat bagi penggunanya dan juga menjadikan siwak sebagai bahan dasarnya juga untuk menghemat biaya produksi karna bahannya nya yang relatif mudah didapat sehingga ini penelitian ini diharapkan bisa menjadi contoh untuk kedepan nya dalam pengembangan di dunia kesehatan . Parameter yang diuji adalah Total Escherichia coli dengan metode ISO 9308-1: 2014 tentang Enumeration of Escherichia coli and Coliform Bacteria terhadap air yang telah ditambahkan ekstrak dan residu siwak. Sementara proses ekstraksi dimulai dengan menyediakan batang siwak dengan ukuran sekitar 20 cm yang dapat ditemukan di pasaran untuk kemudian dikeringkan dengan oven pada suhu 55o C selama 72 jam. Siwak kering dihaluskan hingga ukuran <0,3 mm menggunakan blender dan ayakan ukuran 50 mesh. Ukuran <0,3 mm dipilih karena ukuran tersebut dapat mencakup keseluruhan batang siwak Sedangkan residu siwak mampu mengurangi keberadaan E.Coli sebanyak 88,80% atau 0,951-log reduksi saat massa residu sebesar 15 mg dengan waktu kontak 10 menit dan laju kematian bakteri antara 0,013-1,400/menit.Kata Kunci: antiseptic, siwak, alternati

    Poster: Nonverbal Cognitive Assessment for Special-Needs or Non-English ADHD or LD Cases

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    The Cattell-Horn-Carroll Theory (Willis, 2011) posits several components of general intelligence (e.g., fluid reasoning, visual-spatial memory, and processing speed examined in this study). In regards to measures of general intelligence, nonverbal cognitive measures can reduce verbal load and more accurately appraise non-verbal and non-native English speakers (Johnsen, 2017). In the present study, researchers hypothesized participants with ADHD, the most common neuropsychiatric disorder (Thomas et al., 2015) commonly associated with memory difficulties, would score lower on memory and attention tests than LD and no-diagnosis participants

    Developing a protocol and experimental setup for using a humanoid robot to assist children with autism to develop visual perspective taking skills

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    Visual Perspective Taking (VPT) is the ability to see the world from another person's perspective, taking into account what they see and how they see it, drawing upon both spatial and social information. Children with autism often find it difficult to understand that other people might have perspectives, viewpoints, beliefs and knowledge that are different from their own, which is a fundamental aspect of VPT. In this research we aimed to develop a methodology to assist children with autism develop their VPT skills using a humanoid robot and present results from our first long-term pilot study. The games we devised were implemented with the Kaspar robot and, to our knowledge, this is the first attempt to improve the VPT skills of children with autism through playing and interacting with a humanoid robot. We describe in detail the standard pre- and post- assessments that we performed with the children in order to measure their progress and also the inclusion criteria derived from the results for future studies in this field. Our findings suggest that some children may benefit from this approach of learning about VPT, which shows that this approach merits further investigation.Peer reviewe

    Perbandingan Algoritma Pewarnaan LDO, SDO, dan IDO pada Graf Pengaturan Lampu Lalu Lintas di Persimpangan Lima Kota Tua Ampenan

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    Coloring point adalah salah satu topik dalam Teori Graf, yaitu tentang mewarnai semua titik pada grafik, sehingga tidak ada dua titik tetangga yang memiliki warna yang sama. Salah satu aplikasi adalah sistem lampu lalu lintas, yang dapat membantu meningkatkan efektivitas lampu lalu lintas untuk mencegah dan mengatasi masalah kemacetan. Tujuan utama titik pewarnaan adalah menggunakan warna minimum yang berbeda untuk mewarnai semua titik pada grafik. Jumlah minimum warna yang digunakan disebut nomor Chromatic. Semakin sedikit warna yang digunakan, semakin efektif solusinya. Jumlah warna dalam sistem lampu lalu lintas menunjukkan jumlah kondisi untuk mengelola lampu lalu lintas. Ada banyak algoritme titik pewarnaan yang berbeda; tiga di antaranya adalah algoritma LDO, SDO dan IDO. Dalam tulisan ini, kami akan menerapkan dan membandingkan ketiga algoritma ini dengan grafik lampu lalu lintas dalam melintasi lima Kota Tua Ampenan. Kami memilih persimpangan jalan ini karena ini adalah salah satu persimpangan ramai di kota Mataram, terutama di pagi hari, jam kerja dan malam hari. Berdasarkan penelitian kami, untuk kasus ini algoritma LDO dan IDO lebih efektif daripada algoritma SD

    Impact of Diagnostic Practices on the Self-Reported Health of Mothers of Recently Diagnosed Children with ASD

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    Objectives: Obtaining a diagnosis of an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) for a child is a pivotal point in developing the treatment plan for the child but can also be regarded as highly stressful by parents. The current study examined the impact of different aspects of the diagnosis process on the self-reported mental health of mothers of children undergoing a diagnosis for ASD in a cross-sectional cohort design. Methods: One-hundred-fifty-eight mothers of consequently diagnosed children with ASD participated. The severity of the children’s ASD and their intellectual functioning was assessed within twelve months of the diagnosis, and the mothers completed a psychometric assessment battery including the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, General Health Questionnaire, and Questionnaire on Resources and Stress. Results: The actual time from first reporting a problem to obtaining a diagnosis, and the speed of the diagnostic process from first to last appointment, were both negatively related to patenting stress. In contrast, mothers’ perceptions of the speed and helpfulness of the process were negatively related to levels of anxiety and depression. The number of professionals involved in the process and the perceived coherence of the diagnosis were also negatively related to aspects of mothers’ functioning. Conclusions: Care is needed to help mothers through the diagnostic process with regard to their own functioning. Providing information and help sources throughout the process, while keeping the number of professionals involved to a minimum, may improve the parent perception of the process and reduce the negative impacts of the diagnosis on the family as a whole
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