55 research outputs found

    Ageismus in der Hauskrankenpflege alter Menschen in Österreich

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    Ziel dieser Diplomarbeit ist die detaillierte Beantwortung der Forschungsfrage: „Was ist Ageismus und in welchen Formen zeigt er sich in der häuslichen Krankenpflege Österreichs?“ Unter dem Überbegriff „Ageismus“ werden in der Literatur die sozialen Phäno-mene Altersstereotype, Vorurteile gegenüber älteren Menschen und Altersdis-kriminierung zusammengefasst. Diese Formen der Altersfeindlichkeit drücken sich einerseits in einer negativen Wahrnehmung des Alters aus und andererseits im Verhalten gegenüber alten Menschen. Dies bedeutet, dass alte Menschen pauschal beurteilt und behandelt werden, zumeist auf eine benachteiligende oder negative Art und Weise. Ageismus ist in der Gesellschaft als Ganzes weit verbreitet und somit auch in der Hauskrankenpflege. Studien zeigen, dass professionell in der Altenpflege tätige Personen besonders gefährdet sind, altersdiskriminierend zu agieren, da sie in überdurchschnittlichem Maße mit alten, gebrechlichen Menschen zusammen arbeiten. Ageistische Ausprägungsformen in der Krankenpflege beziehen sich entweder auf diskriminierendes Kommunikations- und Interaktionsverhalten, oder auf den Zugang zu Dienstleistungen und pflegerischer Versorgung. In der dreijährigen Ausbildung zum diplomierten Pflegepersonal werden gerontologische Themen in geringem Maße behandelt, sodass die Schüler nur schwer Interesse an der Arbeit mit alten Menschen entwickeln können. Hinzu kommt das Problem, dass der Altenpflegeberuf in Österreich zwar als notwendig eingeschätzt wird, ihn aber im Grunde nur sehr wenige Menschen ergreifen wollen. Neben diesen Problemen, gibt es strukturelle, gesamtgesellschaftliche Benachteiligungen alter Menschen. Es existiert eine Polemik, die den Umstand, dass mehr Menschen alt werden, mit einer „Überalterung“ gleichsetzt und ein „Zuviel“ an alten Menschen impliziert. Es werden der Wert des Lebens allgemein und die Würde des Menschen im Besonderen verletzt, wenn man alte Menschen diskriminiert. Gegenmaßnahmen gegen Ageismus in der Hauskrankenpflege alter Menschen können auf individueller, struktureller und institutioneller Ebene stattfinden.The aim of this diploma thesis is an explicit answer to the central research question which is: “What is ageism and in what forms can it be detected in Austria’s home care nursing?” Ageism is a very heterogeneous concept which combines age-stereotypes, age-prejudice and age-discrimination. Ultimately it means that old people are treated stereotypically, in a general manner, not assessed to their needs and mostly in a negative way. Ageism is widely spread in the society as a whole which also implies that it exists in home care nursing. There is evidence that suggests that nurses who care for elderly and frail people are at special risk to hold stereotypical beliefs and act in age-discriminatory ways since they are very exposed to old people in need of care. Studies show that there are many ways in which ageism appears in home care nursing: either in discriminatory communication and interaction or in a general difficult access to medical services. There is evidence that suggests that nursing students do not learn enough about gerontological topics during their three-years-education, which often leads to a lack of interest in the work with the elderly later. In addition the nursing profession in Austria is rated important and necessary but at the same time there are not enough applicants and a lot of vacancies that are hard to fill. Besides these problems there are structural disadvantages that older people are facing, such as compulsory retirement or the negative media coverage which consists in depicting negative and exaggerated consequences of the aging population. When old people are discriminated against solely on grounds of age, the human life in general and the human dignity in particular are being violated. Counteractive measures against ageism in home care nursing can be taken on an individual, a structural and an institutional level

    Neutron radiography study of laboratory ageing and treatment applications with stone consolidants

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    A nano-silica consolidant and nano-titania modified tetraethyl-orthosilicate were applied on two building stones, a carbonate and a silicate, by brush, poultice or capillary absorption. Neutron radiography was used to monitor capillary water absorption, and to analyse changes in physical properties caused by heat treatment of specimens for the purposes of artificially ageing and different treatment applications with stone consolidants. Moreover, ultrasonic pulse velocity and gravimetrically determined water absorption were analysed to cross-validate neutron radiography. The results reveal that reactive systems like tetraethyl-orthosilicates need an unknown period for polymerisation, which makes nano-silica consolidants more favourable for construction follow-up work. While polymerisation is incomplete, hydrophobic behaviour, water trapping and pore clogging are evident. Within the tetraethyl-orthosilicate treatment, poultice and brushing are strongly influenced by the applicant, which results in wide ranging amounts of water absorbed and anomalous water distributions and kinetics. The carbonate lithotype displays polymerisation initiated in the core of the specimen, while the lateral surfaces are still mostly hydrophobic. Reaction time differences can be attributed to the different amounts of consolidants applied, which is a result of the chosen application settings. Artificial ageing of stone specimens is a prerequisite when mechanical strength gain is studied, as demonstrated by sound speed propagation

    Ciclo menstrual y sexualidad / Menstrual cycle and sexuality

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    La noción de sexualidad aparece por primera vez en la literatura médica del siglo XVIII. A partir de ahí, fue construyéndose por distintos caminos hasta llegar a nuestros días en que la entendemos como una construcción sociohistórica y un espacio de subjetivación que atraviesa toda nuestra vida y nuestras experiencias. Históricamente, han existido regímenes de verdad que han normado la sexualidad y regulado su performatividad. La construcción de la considerada “sexualidad femenina” se hizo desde el sesgo androcéntrico y patriarcal que niega la dimensión del placer, establece una economía libidinal y vuelve a insistir una y otra vez en la reducción de la sexualidad a nuestra capacidad reproductiva. En ese marco, el vínculo entre ciclo menstrual y sexualidad ha permanecido prácticamente olvidado. En este artículo nos proponemos indagar esa relación como un primer intento por comenzar a construir una mirada que complejice el abordaje del ciclo menstrual, que haga lugar a la multiplicidad de experiencias posibles y que aporte a una educación menstrual sexuada y justa

    Pedagogies of menarche: spirituality, gender and power

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    Las consideraciones sociales sobre la menstruación están siendo transformadas a partir de su inclusión en la agenda académica, cultural y mediática, la actualización del mercado de productos de gestión del sangrado, la visibilidad de los activismos, y de un discurso espiritual que la relaciona con los ciclos naturales y lo sagrado. Este artículo indaga en las propuestas educativas, lúdicas y celebratorias de la menarquía que combinan elementos de espiritualidad Nueva Era y consignas feministas, a partir del relevamiento y análisis de libros dirigidos a niñas y de etnografías presenciales y virtuales de círculos/talleres para ellas y sus madres o cuidadoras. Los hallazgos muestran que estas propuestas de formación y acompañamiento rescatan los aspectos subjetivos y emocionales de la experiencia, refuerzan lazos de solidaridad con otras mujeres y priorizan el autoconocimiento como fuente de poder. Asimismo, complejiza las relaciones entre secularización, género y educación sexual, al destacar los aportes que provienen de un entramado espiritual.Social considerations on menstruation are being transformed from their inclusion in the agenda of the academy, cultural industry and the media; the update on the Fem Care marketplace, the visibility of activisms, and an spiritual discourse that relate menstruation with natural cycles and the sacred. This article explores the offer for celebrating menarche which combines elements of New Age spirituality and feminist slogans, from the survey and analysis of books addressed to girls and from on-site and virtual ethnographies of circles/workshops for girls and their mothers or caregivers. The findings show that this educative and accompaniment proposals rescue the subjective and emotional aspects of menstrual experience, reinforce bonds of solidarity among women and prioritize self-knowledge as a source of power. The dynamics this offer propose also complicate the relationships between secularization, gender and sexual education, highlighting the contributions that come from a spiritual framework.Fil: Felitti, Karina Alejandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios de Género; ArgentinaFil: Rohatsch, Magdalena. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; Argentin

    Evolution of calcite surfaces upon thermal decomposition, characterized by electrokinetics, in-situ XRD, and SEM

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    The present study analyses transformation pathways of pristine and thermally treated porous limestone and dense marble surfaces by means of time-resolved streaming current and potential measurements coupled with scanning electron microscopy and in-situ X-ray diffraction. The results reveal that under nonequilibrium conditions the zeta potential (ζ) of natural carbonates may exhibit positive and negative signs and ζ drifts in opposite directions. Sample surface roughness influences ζ because it contributes to dissolution, as observed particularly in the initial period of time-resolved measurements. Thermal treatment causes a temporary charge reversal from negative to positive. The reactivity of calcium hydroxide on calcite surfaces governs the net electrokinetic potential and isoelectric point (IEPpH), even at low surface coverage, as cross-validated by in-situ XRD. It was also found that pore conductivity may lead to ~90% underestimation of ζ when assessed by streaming potential. SEM studies revealed micro cracks inducement on marble after thermal treatment, which can result in underestimation of ζ up to the same extent as for the porous limestone. When an asymmetric cell configuration involving calcite and polypropylene surfaces is used, the fractional contribution of polypropylene to the IEPpH is 0.3 and to the overall determined ζ up to 0.5. Our findings contribute to the understanding of nonequilibrium and time-dependent electrokinetic potential modifications associated with the reactivity of porous surfaces. This study highlights the effectiveness of the streaming potential technique for monitoring such changes further supported by the use of ancillary techniques to analyze the extend of chemo-mineralogical and physical alterations

    Avances sobre la caracterización del “mal de la tela” en plantas de yerba mate Ilex paraguariensis a. St. Hil.

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    La yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis A. St. -Hil.) es un cultivo primario y de gran importancia para el noreste de Argentina. En los últimos años, la enfermedad conocida como “mal de la tela”, cuyo agente causal es Ceratobasidium niltonsouzanum, está ocasionando importantes daños en la producción; y debido a la poca información existente su manejo resulta muy difícil. Al inicio de la enfermedad los signos incluyen cordones de micelios blancos visibles sobre las ramas y hojas infectadas. Las hojas se necrosan, se secan y quedan colgando de las ramas por la hifa del hongo. A partir de hojas y ramas sintomáticas, muestreadas de distintas partes de la provincia de Misiones, fue aislado el agente causal para su posterior caracterización morfológica y molecular. Las colonias fueron aisladas y crecieron rápidamente sobre medios de APG (agar papa glucosado), presentando un color blanquecino al inicio, tornándose luego de un color castaño. Con la caracterización morfológica se pudo determinar que el hongo se encuentra distribuido en distintas partes de la provincia de Misiones, afectando las plantaciones con distintos niveles de incidencia. Pruebas de patogenicidad, conducidas en laboratorio, permitieron conocer el progreso de la enfermedad bajo condiciones ambientales favorables. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue contribuir al conocimiento de la enfermedad, con la descripción de síntomas y signos, condiciones predisponentes y caracteres morfológicos y moleculares del agente causal del “mal de la tela”.Yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis A. St. Hil.) is a primary and important crop in northeastern Argentina. In past years, a disease called white thread blight caused by Ceratobasidium niltonzousanum is having a very important impact in the production and has not been well characterized. Thus, the objective of this work was to complement the knowledge with symptom descriptions, morphological and molecular characterization of the causal agent, and pathogenicity tests. Signs of the disease include white mycelial cords visible on the infected branches and leaves with twig dieback, diseased leaves dry up but remain attached to the plant hanging by the fungal hyphae. Symptomatic leaves and branches were sampled from different parts of the province of Misiones. The causal agent was isolated for its subsequent morphological and molecular characterization. The colonies grow rapidly on PDA (potato dextrose agar) and are white at the beginning but later become light brown. With the morphological characterization it was possible to determine that the fungus is distributed in different parts of the province of Misiones, affecting the plantations at different levels of incidence. Pathogenicity tests conducted in the laboratory allowed to know the progress of the disease under favorable environmental conditions. This work constitutes a contribution to the knowledge of this disease that affects yerba mate plantations.EEA MontecarloFil: Dummel, Delia Marlene. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Montecarlo; Argentina.Fil: Badaracco, Alejandra. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Montecarlo; ArgentinaFil: Badaracco, Alejandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico (CCT) Nordeste; ArgentinaFil: Kramer, Rodrigo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Montecarlo; ArgentinaFil: Rohatsch, Pablo Heriberto. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Montecarlo; ArgentinaFil: Agostini, Juan Pedro. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales. Cátedra de Protección Vegetal; Argentin

    Pachyrhizus ahipa: reassessment of ancient crop as alternative starch source

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    La ahipa (Pachyrhizus ahipa) es una planta Leguminosa cultivada antiguamente en la región andina, caracterizada por su resistencia al ataque de diversas plagas. Su raíz tuberosa acumula almidón como compuesto de reserva. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el comportamiento del cultivo de ahipa en la provincia de Misiones, caracterizar la composición química de las raíces obtenidas, analizar su conservación, implementar un proceso para obtener su almidón y evaluar las propiedades funcionales del mismo. P. ahipa se adaptó satisfactoriamente a las condiciones agroecológicas de Misiones, permitiendo obtener rendimientos máximos de 20.839 kg ha-1. Una vez en el CIDCA, las raíces se acondicionaron para su almacenamiento a 4, 10 ó 25ºC. Inicialmente, se cuantificó humedad, cenizas totales, materia grasa, fibra cruda, proteínas totales, compuestos libres de nitrógeno, concentración de sólidos solubles (ºBrix) y producción de CO2. Asimismo, durante el almacenamiento se determinó el color en el corte transversal de las raíces (usando un colorímetro Minolta CR400) y la textura (análisis del perfil de textura, TPA). Los resultados obtenidos permiten señalar que el tenor de proteínas (6,5%) resultaría medio, dado el elevado contenido de humedad de las muestras (82%). Sin embargo dicho contenido resultó superior al de otras raíces, como batata y mandioca. La conservación a bajas temperaturas produjo considerable daño por frío y ocasionó proliferación de microorganismos, en tanto que el almacenamiento a 25ºC no indujo cambios significativos en el color o la textura de las raíces de ahipa. El proceso de extracción de almidón comenzó con el lavado, pelado y procesado de las raíces. La pasta rallada se colocó en agua y se almacenó a 4°C durante 24h. La mezcla se filtró y se obtuvo el almidón en suspensión acuosa que se decantó a 4°C. El material insoluble sedimentado se secó a 40°C y se sometió a molienda. El rendimiento de la extracción de almidón de raíces de ahipa fue de 56,54 g/100 g de materia seca. Con el fin de proponer usos alimentarios para este producto, se evaluó la gelatinización y la retrogradación en condiciones de refrigeración de sus pastas mediante DSC, TPA y estudio del grado de sinéresis. Se halló que el almidón de ahipa gelatinizó a 67,18°C y sus pastas no retrogradaron en los tiempos ensayados, ya que la dureza de los geles no varió significativamente y el grado de sinéresis resultó muy bajo. Las propiedades funcionales evaluadas indican que el almidón de ahipa sería un espesante adecuado para la formulación de alimentos refrigerados.Ahipa (Pachyrhizus ahipa) is a leguminous plant cultivated formerly in the Andean region, characterized by its resistance to the attack of diverse pests. Ahipa tuberous root accumulates starch as reserve compound. The objective of this work was to evaluate ahipa crop management in Misiones (Argentina), to characterize the chemical composition of the obtained roots, to analyze its conservation, to implement a process to obtain ahipa starch and to evaluate its functional properties. P. ahipa successfully adapted to the agroecological conditions of Misiones, allowing maximum yield of 20,839 kg ha-1. Once in the CIDCA, roots were conditioned for storage at 4, 10 or 25 º C. Initially, moisture content, total ash, fat, crude fiber, total protein, nitrogen-free compounds, total soluble solids (º Brix) and CO2 production were quantified. During storage, color changes in the cut section of the roots (measured using a Minolta colorimeter CR400) and texture (texture profile analysis, TPA) were evaluated. Results indicate that the protein content (6.5%) would be intermediate, since samples showed relatively high moisture content (82%). However, protein levels were higher than that of other roots, like sweet potatoe and cassava. Conservation at low temperatures resulted in considerable injury and caused proliferation of microorganisms, while storage at 25 ° C did not cause significant changes in color or texture of the roots. The process of starch extraction began with the washing, peeling and processing of the ahipa roots. The paste of the grated ahipa was placed in water and stored at 4°C during 24hs. The mixture was filtered and the starch presented in the aqueous suspension was poured off at 4°C. The settled insoluble material was dried at 40°C and it was triturating. The yield of the extracted starch of the ahipa roots was 56.54 g/100 g of dry matter. In order to suggest food uses for this product, the starch pastes gelatinization and retrogradation under refrigeration conditions were evaluated by DSC, TPA and syneresis degree. Ahipa starch gelatinized at 67.18°C and its pastes did not retrograded during the assayed times, since the gels hardness did not significantly vary and the syneresis degree was too low. The evaluated starch functional properties indicate that it is an adequate thickener for refrigerated foods.Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimento

    High-pressure chemistry of hydrocarbons relevant to planetary interiors and inertial confinement fusion

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    Diamond formation in polystyrene (C8H8)n, which is laser-compressed and heated to conditions around 150 GPa and 5000 K, has recently been demonstrated in the laboratory [Kraus et al., Nat. Astron. 1, 606–611 (2017)]. Here, we show an extended analysis and comparison to first-principles simulations of the acquired data and their implications for planetary physics and inertial confinement fusion. Moreover, we discuss the advanced diagnostic capabilities of adding high-quality small angle X-ray scattering and spectrally resolved X-ray scattering to the platform, which shows great prospects of precisely studying the kinetics of chemical reactions in dense plasma environments at pressures exceeding 100 GPa