78 research outputs found

    Model Pemanfaatan Urine Sapi sebagai Pupuk Organik Cair Kecamatan Liburen Kabupaten Bone

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    Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini dilaksanakan di Dua Desa yaitu Desa Mattirobulu dan Kelurahan Ceppaga Kecamatan Libureng Kabupaten Bone. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah Tujuan umum agar masyarakat menyadari bahwa pemanfaatan limbah urine sapi yang dapat diolah menjadi pupuk cair dan diberikan pada tanaman , tujuan khusus adalah mengupayakan kelompok peternak di Kecamatan Libureng memanfaatkan limbah urine sapi, sehingga dapat mengurangi biaya pembelian pupuk. Bahan yang digunakan adalah MOL dan Urine sapi yang diolah melalui proses fermentasi. Karakteristik peserta menunjukkan bahwa peserta sangat antusias dan berpartisipasi aktif tidak hanya dalam bentuk kehadiran waktu penyuluhan dan pelatihan, tetapi aktif berkomunikasi atau berdialog mengenai pengolahan limbah urine. Dari keadaan ini terlihat bahwa petani peternak telah mulai memahami peran penting pemanfaatan teknik pengolahan limbah urine difermentasikan dengan MOL. Dengan ditemukannya inovasi tersebut diharapkan dapat memanfaatkan limbah urine menjadi pupuk cair sehingga mengurangi pengeluaran pembelian pupuk untuk tanaman mereka. Kesimpulan dari kegiatan ini adalah Peternak sangat berminat dan termotivasi untuk memanfaatkan urine sapi sebagai pupuk cair untuk tanaman cukup tinggi dan Fermentasi limbah urine dapat mengurangi pencemaran limbah dari urine sapi


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    The aim of this research was to find out the work time spent by female rabbit breeders and factors influencing the work time spent to raise rabbits in Soppeng, South Sulawesi. The research used survey method with female rabbit breeders as analysis unit. Population of 356 female rabbit breeders in Soppeng was used and a sample of 78 female rabbit breeders were selected by region. The result of the research showed that average work time of female rabbit breeders was 3.044 hours per day, which was spent cleaning cages and equipment, preparing feedstuffs and feeding on rabbits, assisting bunnies breastfeed to their mother and health care. The F-test results reveal that the most significantly influential factors affecting female rabbit breeders work time was household income, number of dependents, rabbit breeding income, and the level of experience in breeding rabbit

    Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Peternak pada Sistem Kemitraan Ayam Broiler PT. Evaria Farm Di Kabupaten Bulukumba

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    Broiler chicken is one of the poultry commodities that has a very fast growth rate and high productivity, especially in producing chicken meat. In the broiler chicken partnership business, large companies provide inputs such as DOC, feed and medicines. The farmer provides a cage and equipment as well as labor for raising the chickens until harvest. This study aims to determine the level of farmer satisfaction in the broiler partnership system at PT. Evaria Farm. The research location was in Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi Province, which was carried out from December 2020 to January 2021. The type of research used was descriptive quantitative. The sample in this study were 28 partner breeders. The data were collected through interviews with the help of a questionnaire. The data analysis used in this research is the Imfortance Performance Analysis (IPA) and the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). The results showed an average level of performance analysis (IPA) was 4.30 and an interest rating of 4.98 with an average level of suitability of 86.35 and a Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) of 86.04, meaning that the level of farmer satisfaction in the partnership system as a whole are on the criteria very satisfie

    Compliance In Broiler Agribusiness Partnership Contracts at PT. Ciomas Adisatwa Makassar Unit

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    Partnership is a business strategy carried out by two or more parties within a certain period of time to gain mutual benefits with the principle of mutual need and mutual growth. Because it is a business strategy, the success of the partnership is largely determined by the compliance among partners in carrying out business ethics. In this context, the parties who are directly involved in the partnership must have the basics of business ethics that are mutually understood and embraced as a starting point in running the partnership. This study is objected to determine the compliance level of the company PT. Ciomas adisatwa Makassar Unit as the core in the broiler agribusiness partnership contract. This study was conducted from January 2020 to February 2020. The sample in the study was 31 breeders who partnered with PT. Ciomas Adisatwa Makassar Unit. Data collection was carried out using farmer data recorded in the core company and farmer interviews. The data analysis used in this research is using the Champion formula. The result of the study indicates that the compliance level of the core company PT. Ciomas Adisatwa Makassar Unit in the broiler chicken agribusiness partnership system is in the compliant category (compliance rate of 81.81%).   Keywords: Agribusiness, Broiler, Partnership, Compliance. &nbsp

    level technology adoption and characteristic cattle breeders who following bachelor village building

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    Indonesian goverment made several partnership programs including undergraduate programs develop the village. This study aimed to determine characteristic the level of technology adoption beef cattle breeders who follow the Bachelor Village Building (SMD). This study was conducted in January 2016 through February 2016 in Bone Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The population is all beef cattle breeders who follow the SMD. Sample selection is purposive sample beef cattle breeders who followed the SMD in the Bone Regency. The research method is descriptive statistics using Likert Scale and frequency distribution. The results showed that the level of technology adoption beef cattle breeders who followed the SMD program in the category of medium if the terms of the number and amount of training delivery technology adopted technology and characteristic breeders mostly productive (91 %), secondary level education (59, 1%), number of family members slightly (81.8%), the number of livestock ownership is high (59.1%), raising experience (68.2 %). Because of the frequency of training frequensi technology on the development of beef cattle business further improved for farmers who take the program SMD


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    Broiler poultry husbandry is the most favorite kind of husbandry business due to its high level of product demand. Maros is a region which is well known as one of the central areas of broiler meat production in South Sulawesi. The development of broiler poultry business managed by the locals breeders could have a signifcant impact towards an increase revenue of the breeders. But in reality, not many of the poultry broiler breeders could well developtheir own businesses, in fact some of them have not made any progress since its establishment. The aim this research was to analyze the the effects of social and economic factors of the breeders on the growth of the broiler poultry business. It was conducted from November to December 2015 by using primary and secondary data The population of the research was all the broiler breeders in the area, while the number of samples taken from the population was 79. The primary data obtained from interviews with farm owners using the questioners that have been prepared before hand and the secondary data were obtained from the website and the relevant institution. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the study indicated that the social and economic factors of the broiler breeders, either partial or simultant, had a signifcant effect on the growth of the bussiness of broiler poultry husbandry

    Perception of Farmers Towards Small Scale Feed Mill in Terms of Socio-economic Factors in Sindenreng Rappang Regency

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    The aim of the study was to analyze farmers' perception towards small scale feed mill in terms of socio-economic factors. The study was conducted with purposive sampling. Data were analyzed descriptively and likert scale analysis. The results showed that the perception of farmer laying on the socio-economic factors of the small scale feed mill is quite good and positive to support the sustainability of small and medium scale enterpris

    The Work TIME Spent by Female Rabbit Breeders and Its' Influential Factors

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    The aim of this research was to find out the work time spent by female rabbit breeders and factors influencing the work time spent to raise rabbits in Soppeng, South Sulawesi. The research used survey method with female rabbit breeders as analysis unit. Population of 356 female rabbit breeders in Soppeng was used and a sample of 78 female rabbit breeders were selected by region. The result of the research showed that average work time of female rabbit breeders was 3.044 hours per day, which was spent cleaning cages and equipment, preparing feedstuffs and feeding on rabbits, assisting bunnies breastfeed to their mother and health care. The F-test results reveal that the most significantly influential factors affecting female rabbit breeders work time was household income, number of dependents, rabbit breeding income, and the level of experience in breeding rabbits


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    ABSTRACT. In general farm and agriculture integrated (Crop-Livestock Systems), waste management feces and urine into organic products have not been pursued to the fullest to become a commercial product. The study aims to determine the income of rice- cattle integration system and determine thecontribution revenue of organic fertilizer made by farmers group mmassangang. The research was conducted in May-September 2014 housed in farmers group Ammassangang Ammassangang Village, District Lanrisang, Pinrang Regency. Type of research is quantitative descriptive. Analysis of the data used is descriptive statistical analys to calculate the average income. Results showed that the income earned by the farmer groups Ammassangang on business integration cattle grains obtained from three activities, namely organic fertilizer business, the cattle business, and the business of rice. Operating revenues cattle Rp. 16.871.500,- per month, businesses rice Rp. 17.966.620.- per month andorganic fertilizer business is Rp. 37.871.500, - per month. Contribution of organic fertilizer business income to total income of farmers group Ammassangang is 51.8% so it can be categorized as a branch of business. From this study can be explained that the organic fertilizer business gives substantial contribution to the total income farmers group Ammassangang, so this is an impact on improving the welfare of members of farmers group Ammassangang be an additional source of income