538 research outputs found

    Male fertility: summary overview of the publications January – March 2022

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    The article presents an overview of the most significant publications on the topic of male infertility. The main selection criteria were the practical significance of the article, as well as the impact factor of the journal in which it was published, according to the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR). As a result, a list of 10 papers published in the first quarter (January – March) of 2022 was compiled. The review includes articles on the following issues: the role of coronavirus infection in male infertility, the effectiveness of aromatase inhibitors in infertile men, the effect of assisted reproductive technologies on the reproductive health of descendants, recurrent miscarriage, the effect of antibiotic therapy on the DNA fragmentation index, the role of antisperm antibodies in male infertility, the incidence of idiopathic male infertility, the Sixth Edition WHO guidelines for the ejaculate processing, as well as the relationship of depression with male infertility

    Male fertility: a summary overview of the publications April – September 2022

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    The article provides an overview of the most significant publications on male infertility. The main selection criteria were the practical relevance of the article, as well as the impact factor of the journal it was published, according to the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR). As a result, a list of 10 papers published in Q2-Q3 (April — September) 2022 was formed. The summary overview includes articles on the following topics: role of coronavirus infection in disorders of spermatogenesis, efficacy of hormonal stimulation before surgical sperm extraction, therapy consequences of diabetes mellitus on progeny reproductive health, new methods for selecting spermatozoa in ICSI, the efficacy of antioxidants, the safety of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2, the importance of genetic tests and predictive factors for micro-TESE success

    Male fertility: a review of the publications July — September 2021

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    The article provides an overview of the most significant publications on the topic of male infertility. The main selection criteria were considered the practical significance of the article, as well as the impact factor of the journal in which it was published according to the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR). As a result, we formed a list of 10 articles published in the III quarter (July — September) of 2021. The review included articles concerning the following issues: the ability of oocytes to repair damaged DNA-chains of sperm cells, the effectiveness of ICSI in AZF-c microdeletions, the advanced paternal age, artificial intelligence in reproductive clinics, genetic causes of infertility, the effect of surgical treatment of varicocele concerning DNA fragmentation, the role of ICSI in the frequency of chromosomal abnormalities in offspring, the safety of COVID-19 vaccination for spermatogenesis, as well as the novel WHO 6 manual for semen investigation

    Male fertility: a summary overview of the publications October 2022 – March 2023

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    The article presents an overview of the most significant publications on the topic of male infertility. The main selection criteria were the practical significance of the article, as well as the impact factor of the journal in which it was published, according to the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR). As a result, a list of 10 works published from October 2022 to March 2023 was formed. The review includes articles on the following topics: genetic causes of male infertility, the role of oxidative stress in assisted reproductive technologies (ART) programmes, reference values when performing scrotum and prostate ultrasound, the impact of ART procedures on child development, the impact of DNA fragmentation of spermatozoa on the outcomes of ART, the role of circadian rhythms in spermatogenesis, automated semen testing devices and predictors of success / failure of testicular biopsy

    Male fertility: a review of the publications from April – June 2021

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    The article provides an overview of the most significant publications on the topic of male infertility. The main selection criteria were considered the practical significance of the article, as well as the impact factor of the journal in which it was published, according to the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR). As a result, a list of 10 works published in the II quarter (April – June) of 2021 was formed. The review includes articles on the following issues: the effectiveness of repeated micro-TESE in non-obstructive azoospermia, the role of COVID-19 in male fertility, the effect of testosterone therapy on spermatogenesis, testicular microlithiasis, electroejaculation as a method of obtaining spermatozoa, harm from carrying cell phones near the genitals, prediction of the effectiveness of intrauterine insemination, the effect of advanced paternal age on sperm aneuploidy, and the importance of the microbiome for male fertility

    Male fertility: summary overview of the publications October – December 2021

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    The article presents an overview of the most significant publications on the topic of male infertility. The main selection criteria were the practical significance of the article, as well as the impact factor of the journal in which it was published, according to the SCImago Journal Rank. As a result, a list of 10 articles published in the IV quarter (October — December) of 2021 was compiled. The review includes articles on the following topics: genetic causes of male infertility, the effectiveness of antioxidants, the use of testicular spermatozoa in Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection, the impact of DNA fragmentation of spermatozoa on the results of assisted reproductive technology, the relationship of male fertility with physical activity, the consumption of sweetened beverages and vitamin D intake, as well as the prognostic value of blood anti-Mullerian hormone levels before testicular biopsy

    Gene conversion in human rearranged immunoglobulin genes

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    Over the past 20 years, many DNA sequences have been published suggesting that all or part of the V<sub>H</sub> segment of a rearranged immunoglobulin gene may be replaced in vivo. Two different mechanisms appear to be operating. One of these is very similar to primary V(D)J recombination, involving the RAG proteins acting upon recombination signal sequences, and this has recently been proven to occur. Other sequences, many of which show partial V<sub>H</sub> replacements with no addition of untemplated nucleotides at the V<sub>H</sub>–V<sub>H</sub> joint, have been proposed to occur by an unusual RAG-mediated recombination with the formation of hybrid (coding-to-signal) joints. These appear to occur in cells already undergoing somatic hypermutation in which, some authors are convinced, RAG genes are silenced. We recently proposed that the latter type of V<sub>H</sub> replacement might occur by homologous recombination initiated by the activity of AID (activation-induced cytidine deaminase), which is essential for somatic hypermutation and gene conversion. The latter has been observed in other species, but not in human Ig genes, so far. In this paper, we present a new analysis of sequences published as examples of the second type of rearrangement. This not only shows that AID recognition motifs occur in recombination regions but also that some sequences show replacement of central sections by a sequence from another gene, similar to gene conversion in the immunoglobulin genes of other species. These observations support the proposal that this type of rearrangement is likely to be AID-mediated rather than RAG-mediated and is consistent with gene conversion

    Low-fidelity DNA synthesis by human DNA polymerase theta

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    Human DNA polymerase theta (pol θ or POLQ) is a proofreading-deficient family A enzyme implicated in translesion synthesis (TLS) and perhaps in somatic hypermutation (SHM) of immunoglobulin genes. These proposed functions and kinetic studies imply that pol θ may synthesize DNA with low fidelity. Here, we show that when copying undamaged DNA, pol θ generates single base errors at rates 10- to more than 100-fold higher than for other family A members. Pol θ adds single nucleotides to homopolymeric runs at particularly high rates, exceeding 1% in certain sequence contexts, and generates single base substitutions at an average rate of 2.4 × 10−3, comparable to inaccurate family Y human pol κ (5.8 × 10−3) also implicated in TLS. Like pol κ, pol θ is processive, implying that it may be tightly regulated to avoid deleterious mutagenesis. Pol θ also generates certain base substitutions at high rates within sequence contexts similar to those inferred to be copied by pol θ during SHM of immunoglobulin genes in mice. Thus, pol θ is an exception among family A polymerases, and its low fidelity is consistent with its proposed roles in TLS and SHM

    Ecological features of cyanobacteria and algae communities of the littoral of the meromictic Lake Shira (Khakassia Republic, Russia)

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    During the study of cyanobacteria and algae from littoral of the meromictic Lake Shira (Republic of Khakas- sia, Russia) forty-eight taxa were identified: Cyanobacteria – 7, Chlorophyta – 5, and Bacillariophyta – 36 species. Cyanobacteria were represented by cosmopolitan taxa Leptolyngbya voronichiniana, cf. Trichocoleus hospitus and widely distributed in the freshwater ecosystems species Phormidium cf. paulsenianum, Pseudophormidium cf. golenkinianum, P. pauciramosum, Leptolyngbya perforans, and L. subtilissima. Among green algae typical freshwater taxa Chloroidium saccharophilum, Desmodesmus abundans, Oocystis lacustris, Chlorella sp., Stigeoclonium sp. were detected. Among Bacillariophyta the most frequent species were Amphora ovalis, Cymbella affinis, Encyonema silesiacum, Eunotia fallax, Gomphonella olivacea, G. parvulum, Kobayasiella subtilissima, Navicula minima, N. radiosa, N. veneta, Nitzchia fonti- cola, N. palea, Grunowia tabellaria, Surirella undulata. Several rare species cf. Fragilaria tenera, Grunowia tabellaria and cf. Ulnaria capitata were found. In relation to mineralization indifferents was the largest group (73%). In relation to pH, a unique feature of the investigated lake was the predominance of alkaliphilic species of diatoms (56%), such as Amphora ovalis, Cymbella affinis, Gomphonema truncatum, Hantzschia amphioxys, Navicula minima, N. veneta, Nitzschia cf. linearis, N. palea, Planothidium lanceolatum and other. In the geographic structure cosmopolitan group included 25 species (69%), boreal group – 4 species (11%), arcto-apline group – 2 species (6%). To obtain more accurate informa- tion on the biodiversity of cyanobacteria and algae of Lake Shira further studies using molecular-genetic and electron microscopic methods are needed

    Современный Интернет Вещей для Умных городов

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    The IoT concept combines a network of physical devices, transceivers and software which allows a user to manage these devices to perform various actions that will solve everyday problems of city residents. It allows exchanging data between devices, store and process data. Creating common IoT architecture is a difficult task since there is a problem of connecting heterogeneous devices with heterogeneous data transfer protocols. The challenge will be to create the right architecture for urban IoT and methods that will solve the common problem with heterogeneous data. This paper focuses on the practical use of IoT in an urban environment. Smart cities are based on the use of modern technologies for the implementation of certain administrative services. This practice allows creating unique services that allow city authorities to reduce costs, optimize and automate typical city processes. IoT allows municipalities to make citizens’ life better. In addition, this paper addresses the example of the IoT technical implementation in Padova Smart City. The urban IoT main goal is to make the Internet wider and more convenient for the life of people.Интернет Вещей (IoT) объединяет сеть физических устройств, транспортных узлов, программного обеспечения. Данная парадигма позволяет пользователю программировать устройства на выполнение определённых функций, которые позволят решить повседневные проблемы жителей города. Эта сеть позволяет обмениваться данными между устройствами, хранить и обрабатывать эти данные. Создание общей архитектуры IoT является сложной задачей, так как существует проблема подключения разнородных устройств с разнородными протоколами передачи данных. Будет затронута проблема создания правильной архитектуры для городского IoT и методов, которые позволят решить распространенную проблему с разнородными данными. Данная статья будет посвящена практическому использованию IoT в городской среде. Таким образом реализуется концепция Умных городов. Умные города основываются на использовании современных технологий для осуществления разнообразных административных услуг. Данная практика позволит создать уникальные сервисы, которые позволят городским органам снизить расходы, оптимизировать и автоматизировать типичные процессы города. IoT позволит муниципалитетам сделать жизнь граждан лучше. Кроме этого, данная статья затронет пример технической реализации IoT в городе Падуя. Основная цель IoT - сделать Интернет более широким и удобным для жизни людей