63 research outputs found


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    Panel: Books, Men and Wome


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    Dana bakalarska prace se sklada ze dvou casti. Prvni cast je prekladem vybranych kapitol z knihy Antonina Zhore Tvrdohlava Marie (s. 71-113). Druha cast predstavuje komentar k prekladu, jenz obsahuje nasledujici casti: prekladatelska analyza vychoziho textu, koncepce prekladu, prekladatelske problemy a metody jejich reseni.This bachelor thesis consists of two parts. The first part is a russian translation of the selected chapters from the book Tvrdohlava Marie (pp. 71-113) written by Antonin Zhor. The second part contains a commentary on the translation. The commentary includes the following sections: Analysis of the source text, Concept of translation, Translation problems and methods for their solutions.Institute of Translation StudiesÚstav translatologieFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Deposition of thin metal layers by vacuum magnetron sputtering device

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    Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na popis magnetronového naprašovacího zařízení NP 12 pro depozici tenkých kovových vrstev. V práci je nejprve uvedena problematika kovových vrstev, následuje přehled metod jejich vytváření a popis magnetronového naprašování. V praktické části došlo k vytvoření manuálu k ovládání naprašovacího zařízení a poté k realizaci deseti vzorků. Naprášena byla měď, hliník a titan na skleněný a křemíkový substrát a zároveň byly zjištěny vhodné procesní parametry zařízení. V závěru práce došlo k vyhodnocení vzorků z hlediska rovinnosti povrchu a čistoty naprášených vrstev za pomocí AFM, SEM měření.This bachelor’s thesis is focused on description of magnetron sputtering device NP 12 for the thin metal layers forming. In this work is mentioned the issue of metal layers, is given an overview of the methods of their forming and description of magnetron sputtering. Practical part of this thesis describes creation of the NP 12 sputtering device controlling instructions and creation of ten working samples. Copper, aluminum, and titanium layers were sputtered on a glass and silicon substrate bases. An appropriate processing parameters have been defined experimentally. The conclusion of this final work gives analyzes of surface flatness and purity of the sputtered layers using AFM and SEM measurements methods.

    The influencing potential of the conflictogenic media space in the aspect of legal culture

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    The authors consider the problematic field of conflictogenic media space in a linguistic-legal aspect. The goal of the article is to present the individual results of linguistic and psycholinguistic studies of polycode controversial texts. In expert practice the authors actively employ the emotional-lexical assessment of verbal and non-verbal models, the assessment of the rhythmic brain activity during the perception of the entire text, the assessment of the rhythmic coherence in the perception of individual parts of the text and their comparison, the technique for recognizing the hidden motives of the object behavior in the process of its professional activity, analysis of the individual coefficients of the text impact on the individual and mass consciousness and subconsciousness. Conflict genes are demonstrated and described in this work. These are the minimum significant units of the component of the conflictogenic media space. The specific character of the polycode text, the texture of which consists of verbal and non-verbal parts, is demonstrated. The quantitative and qualitative results of the research performed are determined by the potential of classical linguistics and related branches of knowledge for solving polycode text problems using the developed software products in the field of psycholinguistic investigations

    Political Texts of the Early ХХ Century: Communicative-Discursive Features

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    The results of a discursive analysis of political texts of the period 1903-1906 are presented. Particular attention is paid to the methodology for the study of political discourse in a historical perspective. The question is raised about the various spheres of the generation of political texts and their existence, participants in political communication, their socio-political affiliations. A discursive analysis of texts is carried out on the basis of a number of signs: authorship, targeted political text, communication strategies and tactics. It shows the actualization in the texts of opposing political parties of agonism as a specific property of political communication, the peculiarity of the implementation of agonism in the strategies and tactics of the authors: the monarchist and representatives of radical left parties. The classification of tactics that implement the strategy of discredit and the strategy of the struggle for power is given. The tactics of solidarity, appeal to values and opposition are indicated as dominating in the speeches of Bishop Gabriel. In the proclamations tactics of accusation, negative assessment and a call for a struggle for power are indicated. The character of the dependence of language means (including those from the arsenal of other types of discourse) on the nature of communicative tactics is determined. Textual combinations of communicative tactics are considered. Historical political texts are investigated in the communicative-discursive aspect

    Comparative analysis of teeth mobility and contact stresses in the 'Teeth-peridontium" system an intact periodont and cronic generarized Periodontitis

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    Aim. Study of teeth mobility and contact stresses in the “tooth-parodont" system with normal and reduced height of alveolar bone, when occlusive forces on the teeth are exposed. Materials and methods. The article presents the results of a 3D final-element model «teeth-periodontium»analysis computed tomogram of left half mandible of patient N in the ANSYS programm. Results. Resorption of alveolar bone at the early stage of periodontal diseases leads to an increase in tooth mobility by almost three times compared to the physiological norm, and the contact stresses at the tooth root - periodontal interface increase by about 10-20%. Conclusions. The increase in the load on periodontal complex of tissues is determined not by maximal movement of the entire tooth, but only by the part that contacts with the periodontium. These movements increase by 30-40% what indicates the occurrence of overload of periodontal tissues.Цель исследования: изучение подвижности зубов и контактных напряжений, возникающих в системе «зуб-пародонт», на фоне нормальной и сниженной высоты альвеолярной кости, при воздействии на зубы окклюзионных сил. Материалы и методы: в статье отражены результаты анализа трехмерной конечно-элементной модели зубов и пародонта, полученной путем обработки данных компьютерной томограммы левой половины нижней челюсти пациентки N в программе ANSYS. Результаты: резорбция костной ткани альвеолы на начальной стадии патологии пародонта приводит к увеличению подвижности зубов почти в три раза по сравнению физиологической нормой, а контактные напряжения на границе корень зуба - пародонт возрастают примерно на 10-20%. Выводы: возрастание нагрузки на ткани пародонтального комплекса определяется не максимальным смещениям всего зуба в вертикальном или горизонтальном направлении, а только той части, которая контактирует с пародонтом. Эти смещения возрастают на 30-40 %, что свидетельствует о возникновении перегрузки тканей пародонта

    Selectivity in hydrodehalogenation of polychloro- and polybromobenzenes under multiphase conditions

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    The competitive hydrodehalogenation of isomeric o-, m- and p-dichloro (and dibromo) benzenes with Hz at atmospheric pressure and Pd/C or Ni-Raney carried out in a multiphase system (organic solvent and 50% KOH aq. solution) is influenced by the presence of a bulky quatemary onium salt where both the catalytic activity and the selectivity change in relation to the halogen to be removed and the metal catalyst used. In particular, the Ni-Raney catalyst becomes effective in the reduction only if an onium salt is added. Similarly, the onium salt effects the catalytic hydrodehalogenation of 1,2&trichloro- and 1,2,4- tribromobenzene


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    Molecular nuclear medicine plays an important role in the diagnosis and therapy of cancer. Radioimmunodetection and radioimmunotherapy (RIT) involve the use of antibodies conjugated with diagnostic or therapeutic radionuclides, respectively. Radioimmunotherapy therefore is considered more suitable for the treatment of microscopic or minimal residual disease, allowing radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies to achieve uptake in tumors high enough to result in tumoricidal radiation doses