73 research outputs found

    What can synaesthesia tell us about our minds?

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    Synaesthesia is considered here as a cognitive phenomenon in the context of developmental, neuropathological and linguistic perspectives. Developmental synaesthesia seems to arise as an effect of interplay between genotype and phenotype, during the implicit learning process in childhood, in those individuals who possess an inborn susceptibility to it. Some connections between synaesthesia and extraordinary experiences, brain restructuration and pain, are examined. Acquired types of synaesthesia may be related to sensory deprivation. The somatosensory cortex may be significant for cognitive synaesthesia, with especial importance placed on a mirror system. It is suggested here that synaesthesia might play a compensatory role during the sensorimotor stage of development. Linguistic-colour synaesthesia seems to be an abstract type of association that may characterize people with a hypersensitive colour perceptual system. In the present view synaesthesia may be seen as an effect of some deficiency that concerns double integrative processes

    From evidence to practice: Implementation of the Housing First program in Poland

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    Likewise in other EU countries, also in Poland a large number of people experience homelessness. In particular, the growing number of long-term homeless people with complex mental problems, for whom effective help is a challenge for stakeholders, i.e. politicians, professionals, scientists and ordinary citizens, is worrying. An innovative solution in this areas is the Housing First (HF) program designed for long-term homeless people with mental problems and/or addictions. The effectiveness of the HF model were shown, among others, by the results of the HOME-EU research project implemented under the Horizon 2020 program. The goal of our article is to present the current situation of homeless people and outline the existing help system. We also want to show what barriers and challenges are connected to the implementation of the HF program in Poland.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Synaesthesia : its importance in the development of cognition and language in childhood

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    Censorship in Irish Broadcasting

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    Can we say that any legislation concerning broadcasting is a form of censorship? Where does the censorship start? The present article discusses these questions in the context of broadcast media in Ireland. In Irish broadcasting there was a tendency to support a dominant ideology. It was creating a culture of censorship which some found acceptable, yet others were forced to accept. There were many factors (history, the development of Irish broadcasting, government and the Church) that can be associated with forming restriction of language in media. The Irish radio was based on the BBC model and all news from Ireland was filtered by a British news agency. At the same time, Irish broadcasting has been an integral part of a government department, and could be controlled by them regarding who and when would be listening. Until the second half of the twentieth century, the Catholic Church had a huge impact on Irish media. It was considered the guardian of morality and defined demoralization and had an influence on shaping the Irish public opinion. Establishing such a strong position would allow them to control broadcasting. Since the 1960s, the power of Catholic Church has decreased; nevertheless, the government still had control of and influence over broadcasting in Ireland. In 1960 they legislated the Broadcasting Authority Act, with the most controversial Section 31, which allowed the government control of all media. However, restricting the media caused journalists to oppose and fight for their freedom of speech


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    The aim of this research was to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) andmarital communication (in terms of support, involvement and depreciation) amongmarried couples at different stages ofmarriage. The sample comprised 71 couples from the Silesian region of Poland with an average age of 36 years for women and 38 for men. Couples belonged to various stages ofmarriage according to the categorisation proposed byDuvall’s (1985) family life-cycle theory. The Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire and the Questionnaire of Marital Communication were used. In comparison to men, women demonstrated significantly higher levels of emotional intelligence (EI) and reported giving higher support to their partners. Marital stage was found to affect EI, support, involvement and depreciation. Hierarchical regression analysis indicated that EI was a strong predictor of all the communication dimensions, when demographic variables were under control. EI positively predicted support and involvement, and negatively depreciation.Moreover,marital stagemoderated the relationship between EI and support, but only at two marriage stages (i.e., Family with School-age Children and Family as Launching Centre)

    Zmiany w agresji i stresie u sprawców i ofiar przemocy domowej pod wpływem procedury „Niebieskie Karty”

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    The aim of the research was to verify whether the actions which have been taken within the framework of the “Blue Cards” procedure towards the families affected by domestic violence are an effective psychotherapeutic support. The two factors which may have influence on the occurrence of the phenomenon of domestic violence within a family system were examined, namely level of stress and aggression syndrome among partners of intimate relationship. Participants in the study were 30 female victims of domestic violence (mean age  40 years old) and 30 male perpetrators of domestic violence (mean age 37 years old). Aggression syndrome was measured by using the Inventory of Psychological Aggression Syndrome (IPSA II) and stress level was assessed by the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS – 10). The test-retest procedure was used in the prospective study. Both aggression and stress were measured twice: at baseline, and after six months from the beginning of the “Blue Cards” procedure. Participants have evaluated their own aggression syndrome and level of stress, and also they have estimated the aggression syndrome of his/her partner’s. Nonparametric statistical tests have been used for group comparisons. The results show that active participation in assistant activities decreased the level of stress in the group of victims of domestic violence, and the scale of aggression syndrome in the group of violence users. The procedure “Blue Cards” is an effective method of support people who are both victims and perpetrators of domestic violence.Celem badania było sprawdzenie, czy działania podjęte w ramach procedury „Niebieskie Karty” wobec rodzin dotkniętych przemocą w rodzinie stanowią skuteczną pomoc psychoterapeutyczną. Analizie poddano dwa czynniki, które mogą mieć wpływ na występowanie zjawiska przemocy domowej w systemie rodzinnym, mianowicie poziom stresu i syndrom agresji wśród partnerów w bliskich związkach. W badaniu wzięło udział 30 kobiet będących ofiarami przemocy domowej (średni wiek 40 lat) i 30 mężczyzn będących sprawcami przemocy domowej (średni wiek 37 lat). Syndrom agresji mierzono za pomocą Inwentarza Psychologicznego Syndromu Agresji (IPSA II), a poziom stresu oceniano za pomocą Skali Odczuwanego Stresu (PSS - 10). W badaniu prospektywnym zastosowano procedurę test-retest. Zarówno agresję, jak i stres mierzono dwukrotnie: na początku i po sześciu miesiącach od rozpoczęcia procedury „Niebieskie karty”. Uczestnicy ocenili zespół agresji i poziom stresu u siebie, a także oszacowali syndrom agresji u swojego partnera. Do porównań międzygrupowych zastosowano nieparametryczne testy statystyczne. Wyniki wskazują, że aktywne uczestnictwo w działaniach pomocowych w ramach procedury „Niebieskie Karty” obniżyło poziom stresu w grupie ofiar przemocy domowej oraz syndrom agresji w grupie osób stosujących przemoc. Procedura „Niebieskie karty” jest skuteczną metodą pracy z osobami będącymi (nie można chyba nazwać samej  procedury terapią, jest to raczej działanie, którego celem jest podjęcie terapii) zarówno ofiarami, jak i sprawcami przemocy domowej

    Emotional intelligence and coping with stress in foster parents

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    Although much research on emotional intelligence (EI) and coping with stress has been performed in recent years, little is known about these dimensions of individual differences in both foster and biological parents. The main purpose of this study is to examine emotional intelligence and coping styles in foster parents in comparison to biological parents. The study included 124 individual participants aged between 30 and 64 years old (M = 45.18, SD = 8.72), including foster parents (n = 63, 50.81%) and biological parents (n = 61, 49.19%). The cross-sectional survey study was conducted using the Schutte Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test (SSEIT) and Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS). In comparison to biological parents, foster parents demonstrated significantly higher levels of emotional intelligence (EI), more frequently used task-oriented coping styles, and less often pursued emotional and avoidant coping strategies to deal with stress. EI was positively correlated with task-oriented coping and negatively so with emotional coping. Hierarchical regression analysis indicated that EI was a strong predictor of task-oriented coping. Training focused on the enhancement of both EI and coping with stress should be considered as an effective way to improve parents’ competence.Chociaż w ostatnich latach przeprowadzono wiele badań dotyczących inteligencji emocjonalnej (EI) i radzenia sobie ze stresem, niewiele wiadomo na temat tych wymiarów różnic indywidualnych zarówno u rodziców biologicznych, jak i zastępczych. Głównym celem tego badania jest analiza inteligencji emocjonalnej i stylów radzenia sobie ze stresem u rodziców zastępczych, w porównaniu do rodziców biologicznych. Badaniem objęto 124 osoby w wieku od 30 do 64 lat (M = 45,18, SD = 8,72), włączając rodziców zastępczych (n = 63, 50,81%) i  biologicznych (n = 61, 49,19%). Przekrojowe badanie ankietowe przeprowadzono za pomocą Samoopisowego Testu Inteligencji Emocjonalnej Schutte (SSEIT) oraz Kwestionariusza Radzenia Sobie w Sytuacjach Stresowych (CISS). W porównaniu z rodzicami biologicznymi rodzice zastępczy wykazywali istotnie wyższy poziom inteligencji emocjonalnej (EI), częściej stosowali zadaniowe style radzenia sobie ze stresem, jak również rzadziej prezentowali emocjonalne i unikowe strategie radzenia sobie ze stresem. EI korelowało dodatnio ze stylem zadaniowym radzenia sobie ze stresem, a ujemnie ze stylem emocjonalnym. Analiza regresji hierarchicznej wykazała, że ​​EI jest silnym predyktorem zadaniowego stylu radzenia sobie. Szkolenie, skoncentrowane na poprawie zarówno EI, jak i radzenia sobie ze stresem, powinno być brane pod rozwagę jako skuteczny sposób na poprawę kompetencji rodziców

    Imipramine influences body distribution of supplemental zinc which may enhance antidepressant action

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    Zinc (Zn) was found to enhance the antidepressant efficacy of imipramine (IMI) in human depression and animal tests/models of depression. However, the underlying mechanism for this effect remains unknown. We measured the effect of intragastric (p.o.) combined administration of IMI (60 mg/kg) and Zn (40 mg Zn/kg) in the forced swim test (FST) in mice. The effect of Zn + IMI on serum, brain, and intestinal Zn concentrations; Zn transporter (ZnT, ZIP) protein levels in the intestine and ZnT in the brain; including BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) and CREB (cAMP response element-binding protein) protein levels in the brain were evaluated. Finally, the effect of IMI on Zn permeability was measured in vitro in colon epithelial Caco-2 cells. The co-administration of IMI and Zn induced antidepressant-like activity in the FST in mice compared to controls and Zn or IMI given alone. This effect correlated with increased BDNF and the ratio of pCREB/CREB protein levels in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) compared to the control group. Zn + IMI co-treatment increased Zn concentrations in the serum and brain compared to the control group. However, in serum, co-administration of IMI and Zn decreased Zn concentration compared to Zn alone treatment. Also, there was a reduction in the Zn-induced enhancement of ZnT1 protein level in the small intestine. Zn + IMI also induced an increase in the ZnT4 protein level in the PFC compared to the control group and normalized the Zn-induced decrease in the ZnT1 protein level in the hippocampus (Hp). The in vitro studies revealed enhanced Zn permeability (observed as the increased transfer of Zn through the intestinal cell membrane) after IMI treatment. Our data indicate that IMI enhances Zn transfer through the intestinal tract and influences the redistribution of Zn between the blood and brain. These mechanisms might explain the enhanced antidepressant efficacy of combined IMI/Zn treatment observed in the FST in mice

    Factors associated with providers’ work engagement and burnout in homeless services: A cross‐national study

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    The complexity of homeless service users' characteristics and the contextual challenges faced by services can make the experience of working with people in homelessness stressful and can put providers' well-being at risk. In the current study, we investigated the association between service characteristics (i.e., the availability of training and supervision and the capability-fostering approach) and social service providers' work engagement and burnout. The study involved 497 social service providers working in homeless services in eight different European countries (62% women; mean age = 40.73, SD = 10.45) and was part of the Horizon 2020 European study "Homelessness as Unfairness (HOME_EU)." Using hierarchical linear modeling (HLM), findings showed that the availability of training and supervision were positively associated with providers' work engagement and negatively associated with burnout. However, results varied based on the perceived usefulness of the training and supervision provided within the service and the specific outcome considered. The most consistent finding was the association between the degree to which a service promotes users' capabilities and all the aspects of providers' well-being analyzed. Results are discussed in relation to their implications for how configuration of homeless services can promote social service providers' well-being and high-quality care.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Examining bedtime procrastination, study engagement, and studyholism in undergraduate students, and their association with insomnia

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    IntroductionCompulsive overstudying, known as studyholism, is an emerging behavioral addiction. In this study, we examine the prevalence of, and the relationships between, insomnia, study engagement, studyholism, bedtime procrastination among undergraduate students.MethodsThe Studyholism (SI-10), Athens Insomnia (AIS), and bedtime procrastination scales were administered to a convenience sample of 495 university students.ResultsOur findings indicate that the prevalence of insomnia was 75.31%, high studyholism was found in 15.31% of the sample, and increased study engagement was detected in 16.94%. Gender differences analysis revealed that females reported higher studyholism and bedtime procrastination than males. Fifth-year students had higher levels of studyholism than internship (p < 0.001), first-year (p < 0.01), and sixth-year students (p < 0.05). Insomnia was positively related to studyholism and bedtime procrastination. Furthermore, insomnia can be positively predicted by studyholism and bedtime procrastination. Participants with a medium level of studyholism were twice as likely to experience insomnia as those with a low level. Studyholics were six times more susceptible to insomnia than students with low studyholism levels. Compared to individuals with low bedtime procrastination levels, those with medium and high bedtime procrastination were twice as likely to report insomnia.ConclusionOur study highlights the interplay between insomnia, studyholism, and bedtime procrastination. Further, the findings indicate the need to increase awareness of insomnia