409 research outputs found

    Study of the dependence of 198Au half-life on source geometry

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    We report the results of an experiment to determine whether the half-life of \Au{198} depends on the shape of the source. This study was motivated by recent suggestions that nuclear decay rates may be affected by solar activity, perhaps arising from solar neutrinos. If this were the case then the ÎČ\beta-decay rates, or half-lives, of a thin foil sample and a spherical sample of gold of the same mass and activity could be different. We find for \Au{198}, (T1/2)foil/(T1/2)sphere=0.999±0.002(T_{1/2})_{\rm foil}/(T_{1/2})_{\rm sphere} = 0.999 \pm 0.002, where T1/2T_{1/2} is the mean half-life. The maximum neutrino flux at the sample in our experiments was several times greater than the flux of solar neutrinos at the surface of the Earth. We show that this increase in flux leads to a significant improvement in the limits that can be inferred on a possible solar contribution to nuclear decays.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    In-situ velocity imaging of ultracold atoms using slow--light

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    The optical response of a moving medium suitably driven into a slow-light propagation regime strongly depends on its velocity. This effect can be used to devise a novel scheme for imaging ultraslow velocity fields. The scheme turns out to be particularly amenable to study in-situ the dynamics of collective and topological excitations of a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate. We illustrate the advantages of using slow-light imaging specifically for sloshing oscillations and bent vortices in a stirred condensate

    The maximum clique enumeration problem: algorithms, applications, and implementations

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    Background The maximum clique enumeration (MCE) problem asks that we identify all maximum cliques in a finite, simple graph. MCE is closely related to two other well-known and widely-studied problems: the maximum clique optimization problem, which asks us to determine the size of a largest clique, and the maximal clique enumeration problem, which asks that we compile a listing of all maximal cliques. Naturally, these three problems are View MathML /\u3e-hard, given that they subsume the classic version of the View MathML /\u3e-complete clique decision problem. MCE can be solved in principle with standard enumeration methods due to Bron, Kerbosch, Kose and others. Unfortunately, these techniques are ill-suited to graphs encountered in our applications. We must solve MCE on instances deeply seeded in data mining and computational biology, where high-throughput data capture often creates graphs of extreme size and density. MCE can also be solved in principle using more modern algorithms based in part on vertex cover and the theory of fixed-parameter tractability (FPT). While FPT is an improvement, these algorithms too can fail to scale sufficiently well as the sizes and densities of our datasets grow. Results An extensive testbed of benchmark graphs are created using publicly available transcriptomic datasets from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO). Empirical testing reveals crucial but latent features of such high-throughput biological data. In turn, it is shown that these features distinguish real data from random data intended to reproduce salient topological features. In particular, with real data there tends to be an unusually high degree of maximum clique overlap. Armed with this knowledge, novel decomposition strategies are tuned to the data and coupled with the best FPT MCE implementations. Conclusions Several algorithmic improvements to MCE are made which progressively decrease the run time on graphs in the testbed. Frequently the final runtime improvement is several orders of magnitude. As a result, instances which were once prohibitively time-consuming to solve are brought into the domain of realistic feasibility

    Transverse Fresnel-Fizeau drag effects in strongly dispersive media

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    A light beam normally incident upon an uniformly moving dielectric medium is in general subject to bendings due to a transverse Fresnel-Fizeau light drag effect. In conventional dielectrics, the magnitude of this bending effect is very small and hard to detect. Yet, it can be dramatically enhanced in strongly dispersive media where slow group velocities in the m/s range have been recently observed taking advantage of the electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) effect. In addition to the usual downstream drag that takes place for positive group velocities, we predict a significant anomalous upstream drag to occur for small and negative group velocities. Furthermore, for sufficiently fast speeds of the medium, higher order dispersion terms are found to play an important role and to be responsible for peculiar effects such as light propagation along curved paths and the restoration of the spatial coherence of an incident noisy beam. The physics underlying this new class of slow-light effects is thoroughly discussed
