409 research outputs found

    Rodolfo Walsh: Esas carillas sueltas

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    The Thrust of Demand: Literary Writing and Cultural Democratization in Argentina, 1900-1930

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    This article focuses on ordinary people's interest in writing and publishing their texts during the first decades of the twentieth century in Argentina. In that period, the demand for participation and self-representation through literary writing founded an auspicious ground in newspapers and magazines "for the people", which had sections devoted to publishing or commenting on the works of readers. This article focuses on the emerging aspirations of a broad readership that was willing to exercise a right to the word, the way in which these demands found a place to be expressed, and how they were read and processed in different areas of the cultural field: the cultural market, left-wing culture and professional writers.Documento incorporado en 2018 en el marco del "Programa de becas de experiencia laboral" de la Biblioteca Profesor Guillermo Obiols para estudiantes de Bibliotecología, a partir de un procedimiento técnico de captura de datos desarrollado por el personal del IdIHCS.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    The Thrust of Demand: Literary Writing and Cultural Democratization in Argentina, 1900-1930

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    This article focuses on ordinary people's interest in writing and publishing their texts during the first decades of the twentieth century in Argentina. In that period, the demand for participation and self-representation through literary writing founded an auspicious ground in newspapers and magazines "for the people", which had sections devoted to publishing or commenting on the works of readers. This article focuses on the emerging aspirations of a broad readership that was willing to exercise a right to the word, the way in which these demands found a place to be expressed, and how they were read and processed in different areas of the cultural field: the cultural market, left-wing culture and professional writers.Documento incorporado en 2018 en el marco del "Programa de becas de experiencia laboral" de la Biblioteca Profesor Guillermo Obiols para estudiantes de Bibliotecología, a partir de un procedimiento técnico de captura de datos desarrollado por el personal del IdIHCS.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Travelling Journalists and Textual Migrations in Buenos Aires’ La Nueva España Newspaper: María L. Carnelli and Raúl G. Tuñón, 1937

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    Newspapers and magazines in Buenos Aires covered the Spanish Civil War in some detail. Readers geographically far removed from the conflict followed events closely from across the Atlantic. The immigrant background of many Argentines was one reason for such interest, but so too were the cultural ties and political affinities formed by the process that had begun with the proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic in 1931. The July 1936 coup interrupted the democratic course that had led to the victory of the Popular Front in the February elections, triggering a confrontation whose effects were felt across the globe: “News of the civil war shocked the whole of Argentina. The many pages dedicated to the conflict by Argentine newspapers are testimony to the scale of this shock, which would continue throughout the almost three years that the conflict lasted...Fil: Rogers, Geraldine. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; Argentin

    Émile Zola en los textos porteños de Rubén Darío: una autoimagen de los escritores modernos en la Argentina finisecular

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    Zola's influence in the Spanish-American writers and, in a more particular way, in the Argentinians, as well as his presence in different of the River Plate region publications is analyzed in this article across two texts of the Nicaraguan Rubén Darío written during his sea stage: " Introduction to Us of Roberto J. Payró " and " Zola Trabaja. You give birth ".La influencia de Zola en los escritores hispanoamericanos y, de manera más particular, en los argentinos, así como su presencia en diferentes publicaciones rioplatenses es analizada en este artículo a través de dos textos del nicaragüense Rubén Darío escritos durante su etapa porteña: “Introducción a Nosotros de Roberto J. Payró” y “Zola Trabaja. París”

    Graphomania (and how to think about emerging cultural demands): from consumption to writing in mass culture, Argentina 1920

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    Este artículo se propone registrar y determinar los alcances del proceso de democratización cultural centrado en la participación de los lectores de sectores amplios como productores de textos literarios en publicaciones periódicas argentinas de 1920. En segundo lugar, enfoca la relación entre las demandas emergentes de participación cultural con los discursos de los escritores profesionales y con las estrategias mercantiles de la industria cultural.This article studies the scope of the cultural democratizing process, focusing in the involvement of readers from broad sectors of the population as producers of literary texts in Argentinean periodical publications in the 1920s. Secondly, it portrays the relationship the emerging demands for cultural participation had with a) the discourses of the professional writers, and b) the commercial strategies of the cultural industry

    Raúl Tuñón: passages zone

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    Propongo pensar los vínculos entre crónica y poesía como un rasgo fundamental y duradero de la escritura de Raúl Tuñón, orientada desde temprano a la exploración activa de formas reversibles e impuras que transitan entre lo poético y lo prosaico, el arte y la vida, lo real y lo imagina-rio. A partir de un corpus formado por poemas de los años 1930 y crónicas poco conocidas e inéditas fuera del sopor-te periodístico, considero su escritura como una zona de múltiples pasajes donde dos modalidades famosamente contrastadas por Mallarmé, poesía y reportaje, convergen y divergen, en dinámica tensión.In this article I propose to think about the links between chronicle and poetry as a fundamental and lasting feature of Raúl Tuñón’s writing. It was oriented very early to the active exploration of reversible and impure forms that transit between the poetic and the prosaic, art and life, Real and imaginary. From a corpus of the 1930s, made up of poems of those years and chronicles little known and unpublished outside the journalistic support, I observe his writing as an area of multiple passages. In it, two modalities famously contrasted by Mallarmé, poetry and reportage, converge and diverge, in dynamic tension.Fil: Rogers, Geraldine. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; Argentin

    The Thrust of Demand: Literary Writing and Cultural Democratization in Argentina, 1900-1930

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    This article focuses on ordinary people’s interest in writing and publishing their texts during the first decades of the twentieth century in Argentina. In that period, the demand for participation and self-representation through literary writing founded an auspicious ground in newspapers and magazines “for the people”, which had sections devoted to publishing or commenting on the works of readers. This article focuses on the emerging aspirations of a broad readership that was willing to exercise a right to the word, the way in which these demands found a place to be expressed, and how they were read and processed in different areas of the cultural field: the cultural market, left-wing culture and professional writers

    Transformaciones y relevos en el campo periodístico argentino del cambio de siglo (XIX-XX): de <i>Don Quijote</i> a <i>Caras y Caretas</i>

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    Se examina el campo periodístico en los años de surgimiento de Caras y Caretas (1898-1904) y el modo en que ésta se insertó en la tradición mediante determinadas continuidades y rupturas con publicaciones anteriores. En ese marco un episodio revela con particular nitidez las transformaciones a fines del siglo XIX: el enfrentamiento que durante varios meses de 1899 sostuvo el veterano semanario Don Quijote, de Eduardo Sojo, con la nueva revista y con sus productores. Lejos de tratarse de un mero acontecimiento anecdótico, el mismo pone en evidencia los rasgos periodísticos emergentes y las reacciones que éstos producían en las publicaciones más viejas.Focusing on the journalistic field during the first period of Caras y Caretas publication (1898-1904), this article studies how the magazine, establishing bonds and ruptures with previous periodicals, carved its way into the press tradition. In this sense, it considers one significant episode: the persistent attack by the old weekly Don Quijote, conducted by Eduardo Sojo, against the new Caras y Caretas. This episode is not merely a curious fact. On the contrary, it brings to the surface, in an exemplary way, changes which were taking place at that time. In the reactions of older publications, such as Don Quijote, we can see the emerging characteristics of the journalistic field at the end of the nineteenth century.Dossier: Modernización literaria en Argentina 1880-1930Centro de Estudios de Teoría y Crítica Literari

    Roberto Payró: crítica periódica y literatura nacional

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    La serie de artículos publicados por Roberto Payró en el diario La Nación, entre diciembre de 1923 y febrero de 1925, permite pensar el papel estratégico de la crítica literaria de circulación periódica, en el momento en que coinciden diversos esfuerzos por refundar una literatura nacional, con el surgimiento de un público lector ampliado y un mercado editorial que alienta expectativas crecientes en los nuevos sectores implicados en la circulación de bienes culturales. Los artículos exponen la perspectiva de Payró sobre la literatura nacional en la segunda década del siglo XX. Una tendencia empresarial define la cultura como capital administrable y propone acumular bienes simbólicos, trabajarlos para mejorar su calidad y fomentar su distribución. El punto de vista es moderno, con un sentido que le permite participar de las transformaciones en la circulación de la cultura, a las que habían comenzado a integrarse los nuevos sectores medios de los que Payró provenía. Se trata de una propuesta estéticamente conservadora (por su distancia respecto de los experimentos vanguardistas) e ilustrada: proyecta la formación de un público y sus escritores.Centro de Estudios de Teoría y Crítica Literari