3,280 research outputs found

    Wages and Immigrant Occupational Composition in Sweden

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    This paper examines the relationship between immigrant occupational composition and wages in Sweden. Effects of changes in proportion of immigrant workers in different occupations on the wage levels of both natives and immigrants are estimated. Our results suggest that increases in immigrant density have only small effects on wages and that the negative relationship between wages and the proportion of immigrant workers in an occupation, observed in data, is almost entirely accounted for by measured and unmeasured worker skills. These results suggest that wage differences across occupations with different densities of immigrants are mainly due to quality sorting and to a lesser extent due to the existence of discrimination.immigrants, refugees, occupational composition, quality sorting, wages

    The Seesaw Principle in International Tax Policy

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    The standard analysis of the optimal international tax policy of a small country typically assumes that the country either imports or exports capital, but does not do both. This paper considers the situation in which a small country both exports and imports capital and can alter its tax on one or the other, but not both. In each case, a 'seesaw' relationship is identified, in which the optimal tax on the income from capital exports (imports) is inversely related to the given tax rate on income from capital imports (exports). The standard results for optimal taxation of capital exports and imports are shown to be special cases of the more general seesaw principle.

    An analysis of the antecedents of successful progress toward graduation by student athletes at Iowa State University

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    The publicity surrounding the low graduation rate of some collegiate student athletes has resulted in a number of studies attempting to discover significant predictors of student athlete graduation. Previous studies have relied upon relationships developed from zero-order correlation and multiple regression on a single dependent variable; either a dichotomously scored variable reflecting whether or not the student athlete graduated or cumulative grade point average (GPA). Too often, by the time the independent variables have manifested themselves, it was too late for the student athlete to successfully complete the academic requirements for graduation;This study hypothesized that (1) academic success consisted of two dependent variables: cumulative GPA and total college credits earned, (2) three variable groups could predict academic success, and (3) individual variables within the three groups found to be significant could be used to develop a causal model of academic success tested by path analysis. The three independent variable groups were pre-college variables, collegiate athletic success, and collegiate academic variables. Canonical analysis was used to study the effect of the variable groups on each of the dependent variables both individually and combined;Results indicated each of the variable groups was a significant predictor of student athlete academic success. Contrary to what would be expected based upon the established social theories of locus of control or attributional theory, athletic success as measured by amount of athletic grant-in-aid, conference standing of the team or athletic letters earned was a significant and negative predictor of academic success. The team graduation rate over a 6-year period was found to be a significant predictor of academic success of current team members. Each of the dependent variables was found to have different independent variables acting upon them, challenging the assumption that graduation is a unitary concept. The proposed causal model was not fully supported. Finally, this study suggests further research is needed to describe latent factors of academic success and graduation in order to understand student athlete and general student body attrition

    The effect of fastener pitch in long structural joints

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    One of the many variables affecting the behavior of structural connections is the spacing of the fasteners parallel to the direction of the applied load. This spacing is commonly called the pitch

    Tectonics and volcanism of Eastern Aphrodite Terra: No subduction, no spreading

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    Eastern Aphrodite Terra is approximately equal in size to the western North American Cordillera, from Mexico to Alaska. Its size and unique landforms make it an important area for understanding the tectonics of Venus, yet models for its formation are diametrically opposed. This region is part of the Equatorial Highlands, which was proposed as a region of lithospheric thinning, isostatic uplift, and attendant volcanism. Eastern Aphrodite Terra is dominated by circular structures within which deformation and volcanism are intimately related. These structures are marked by radial and concentric fractures, and volcanic flows that emanate from a central vent, as well as from concentric fracture sets. Cross-cutting relations between flows and concentric fracture sets indicate that outer concentric fracture sets are younger than inner fracture sets. The circular structures are joined by regional northeast- to east-trending fractures that dominantly postdate formation of the circular structures. We propose that the circular structures 'grow' outward with time. Although these structures probably represent addition of crust to the lithosphere, they do not represent significant lithospheric spreading or convergence, and the region does not mark the boundary between two distinct tectonic plates. This region is not easily explained by analogy with either terrestrial midocean rifts or subduction zones. It is perhaps best explained by upwelling of magma diapirs that blister the surface, but do not cause significant lithospheric spreading. Further study of the structural and volcanic evolution of this region using Magellan altimetry and SAR data should lead to better understanding of the tectonic evolution of this region

    River basin websites

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    Presented at the 2002 USCID/EWRI conference, Energy, climate, environment and water - issues and opportunities for irrigation and drainage on July 9-12 in San Luis Obispo, California.Includes bibliographical references.The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation), StoneFly Technology (StoneFly), Utah State University (USU), and several Utah water user groups are working to create "virtual" river basins on the Internet. Websites with accurate real-time representations of the Sevier, San Rafael, and Duchesne river basins are being developed. These river basin websites, coupled with low-cost automatic remote-control on all major structures, allow for nearly instantaneous decision-making. The ability to see what is happening throughout a river basin and to react promptly to changing hydrologic and weather conditions is dramatically improving the way rivers and irrigation canals are operated. Additionally, these websites are important elements in building trust and encouraging collaboration between the various stakeholders

    Notas sobre a posição do corpo no II excurso de "Dialética do esclarecimento", de Horkheimer e Adorno

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    Notas sobre a posição do corpo no II excurso de "Dialética do esclarecimento", de Horkheimer e Adorno RESUMO: No presente trabalho propomos pensar a questão do corpo no Excurso II de "Dialética do esclarecimento" – livro chave de Max Horkheimer e Theodor Adorno, da Escola de Frankfurt – intitulado "Juliette ou Esclarecimento e Moral". Nesse sentido, dirigimos nossa atenção essencialmente para as considerações que Horkheimer e Adorno fazem do pensamento nietzscheano e dos personagens instigantes trazidos da obra do Marquês de Sade. Estes, somados a Kant, representam a triangulação tecida pelos frankfurtianos nesse excurso. À luz do que apontam esses pensadores, podemos ler o cenário do Esclarecimento como produtor incessante de sofrimento, cujo protagonista é sempre o corpo, suas pulsões, desejos e paixões. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Horkheimer e Adorno; Dialética do Esclarecimento; Corpo e sofrimento. Notes on the place of body in the second excursus of “Dialectic of enlightenment”, by Horkheimer and Adorno ABSTRACT: In this paper we propose to think about the body in the second excursus of "Dialectic of enlightenment", the main book written by Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno. In this sense we pay attention on their considerations on Nietzsche and on the characters of Marquis of Sade. Both and Kant arte the triangle constructed by Horkheimer and Adorno in the second excursus. On the light of what is pointed out by those thinkers, we can read Enlightenment as a producer of pain, whose protagonist is always the body, its impulse, desires and passions. KEYWORDS: Horkheimer and Adorno; Dialectic of Enlightenment; Body and pain

    Scripting in High-Performance Computing

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    This thesis describes how the use of more than one type of programming languages can be useful in high-performance computing. Scripting languages like Python and Perl are used for control and computational steering, while compiled languages as C and Fortran are used for the numerically intensive tasks. How to efficiently call compiled code from scripting languages is discussed in detail, and numerous examples show how this can be done. The examples show that a combination of e.g. Python and Fortran is an option very much worth considering for numerical applications. The combination can result in applications with both run-time efficiency and flexible computational steering options. There are even good chances that development time for such applications compare very favorably with more traditional numerical applications

    USCID fifth international conference

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    Presented at the fifth international conference on irrigation and drainage, Irrigation and drainage for food, energy and the environment on November 3-6, 2009 in Salt Lake City, Utah.Includes bibliographical references.For the last 20 years, the Bureau of Reclamation (Provo Area Office) has been working with irrigators throughout the Intermountain West to develop, install, and test solar-powered DIY (do-it-yourself) gate actuators and other water monitoring and control devices. To date, over 100 control devices have been installed in Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Oregon, Colorado, and New Mexico. Demonstration units have also been sent to Kansas, Mexico, and China. Reclamation has also worked with several manufacturers and vendors in the development of 24-VDC commercial gate actuators. Additionally, manufacturers have started marketing a wide variety of complete automated solar-powered gate units

    Ute Self-Determination in Setting Tribal Resource Development Policy

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    The Ute Indian Tribe of northeastern Utah has large land holdings rich in water and energy resources. Revenues from these sources have created capital that can potentially be used by the Tribe to further develop its resources and expand its agricultural and business enterprises. Realities, however, complicate this simple scenario in that the Tribal goals are broader than pure economic gain and that increased incomes may mean sacrifices in terms of these other goals. The Tribe faces the problem of how best to develop its water resources in a way that best meets its multiplicity of needs. The research team worked with the Utes to articulate their resources development goals, to operationalize those goals through the identification of measureable indicators, to identify promising development policies, to predict what those policies would achieve through changing the indicators, and to set before the Utes the trade offs among the goals. The procedures used in working with the Indians are described. The results were used to construct and use a linear programming model to identify Ute-specific development policies with their impacts and the trade offs among them. The model provides a framework that the Tribe can use to assess the alternatives for developing its water resources
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