33 research outputs found

    Urban revival in the polish specialist literature

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    The aim of this article is to review and assess the Polish specialist literature on urban revival, i.e. all the actions undertaken to revitalise and restructure urban areas. The discussion of this issue was based on classification of the specialist literature on urban revival into four thematic groups: socio-demographic, spatial-functional, economic and cultural

    CSR&COVID19 – How do they work together? Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility transformation during a pandemic crisis. Towards smart development

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    Nowadays, enterprises that are looking to achieve market success and maximise profits must not only offer good products or provide superior quality services, but also pay close attention to the environment in which they operate. One of the manifestations of concern for the broadly understood environment (society, environment) is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). For a good number of years, we have been observing changes in CSR trends, but the situation today demands that organisations update the existing lines of action and meet a whole new level of challenges. This article aims to present the results of case studies of company activities in CSR, as well as a social perception of CSR activities. It also seeks to draw attention to the transformation of ideas during the socio-economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic. In order to reach the objective of the study, we used the Computer Assisted (Aided) Web Interviews (CAWI) method. This choice was dictated by the pandemic situation in the country. The research shows that there is a noticeable transformation of the focus of socially responsible activities from a global to a local approach centred around smart development. The study also concludes that the society expects that activities under this approach will be continued in the future. The outcomes also indicate that the pandemic situation has necessitated the introduction of entirely new solutions (among others, remote working) that were not previously perceived as feasible but now have a chance to develop furtherNowadays, enterprises that are looking to achieve market success andmaximise profits must not only offer good products or provide superior qualityservices, but also pay close attention to the environment in which they operate. Oneof the manifestations of concern for the broadly understood environment (society,environment) is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). For a good number ofyears, we have been observing changes in CSR trends, but the situation todaydemands that organisations update the existing lines of action and meet a wholenew level of challenges. This article aims to present the results of case studies ofcompany activities in CSR, as well as a social perception of CSR activities. It alsoseeks to draw attention to the transformation of ideas during the socio-economiccrisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic. In order to reach the objective of thestudy, we used the Computer Assisted (Aided) Web Interviews (CAWI) method.This choice was dictated by the pandemic situation in the country. The researchshows that there is a noticeable transformation of the focus of socially responsibleactivities from a global to a local approach centred around smart development.The study also concludes that the society expects that activities under thisapproach will be continued in the future. The outcomes also indicate that thepandemic situation has necessitated the introduction of entirely new solutions(among others, remote working) that were not previously perceived as feasiblebut now have a chance to develop further

    Koncepcja rewitalizacji i zagospodarowania obszaru starej rzeźni miejskiej w Toruniu

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    Celem niniejszego opracowania jest zwrócenie uwagi na szeroko rozumiane procesy naprawcze - rewitalizacyjne, jako szansę na ponowne wykorzystanie zdegradowanych terenów miejskich, w tym poprzemysłowych. Zagadnienie to omówiono na przykładzie obszaru starej rzeźni miejskiej w Toruniu, przedstawiając autorską koncepcję jej zagospodarowania i rewitalizacji. Koncepcja ta powstała na bazie wnikliwej analizy terenu starej rzeźni i przeprowadzonych badań ankietowych, w których respondenci określali sposoby i funkcje restrukturyzowanej przestrzeni

    Evaluation of revitalisation projects in Poland using the Maslin Multi-Dimensional Matrix. Heading towards green & social revitalisation

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    One of the greatest challenges currently facing cities is the evaluation of the revitalisation process, i.e., verifying whether and to what extent it has been successful. This assessment is important as it will determine the extent to which the revitalisation needs of a place have been met. The aim of this article is to present the results of the evaluation of a post-revitalisation space made by its users and to determine the usefulness of the Maslin Multi-Dimensional Matrix (MMDM) method used. This is the first attempt, not previously reported in the literature, to use the MMDM for evaluating revitalisation. According to research, projects of an integration and environmental character and those improving security were the most appreciated and at the same time had the best revitalising effect on the Bydgoskie Przedmieście district in Toruń, Poland. The lowest ratings were given to infrastructural projects or those dedicated to narrow social groups (alternative arts). The MMDM method should be considered an appropriate tool for evaluating revitalisation

    Wybrane aspekty zielonego budownictwa w Polsce w kontekście systemów certyfikacji budynków ekologicznych

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    Celem pracy jest wyjaśnienie specyfiki i ocena zielonego budownictwa w Polsce w kontekście procesu certyfikacji budownictwa ekologicznego. Ponadto w opracowaniu podjęto próbę określenia czynników tak społecznych, jak i ekonomicznych, które przyczynią się do rozwoju tego typu budownictwa w Polsce. W pracy również omówiono zróżnicowanie przestrzenne w skali województw lokalizacji budynków posiadających certyfikat budownictwa ekologicznego, a także wskazano strukturę zielonego budownictwa w Polsce. W celu realizacji zamierzonych zadań badawczych posłużono się głównie danymi z Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Budownictwa Ekologicznego. W pracy wykazano wzrost liczby wydanych certyfikatów budownictwa ekologiczne, co świadczy o rozwoju tego typu budownictwa. Stwierdzono też znaczne zróżnicowanie przestrzenne zielonego budownictwa w skali kraju. Wykazano również, że zdecydowana większość budynków, które otrzymały certyfikat budownictwa ekologicznego jest zlokalizowana w dużych miastach w Polsce

    Uwagi do założeń ustawy o rewitalizacji – wybrane aspekty

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    The purpose of this article is to evaluate and formulate comments on the draft Guidelines Revitalization Act draft. The debate on the project of the act has been continued for many years. The real need for regeneration processes based on clearly defined formal legal norms has become a contribution to the resumption of legislative work and the transfer of the Act Guidelines for public consultation by the Department of Policy Planning of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development. An important fact that needs to be stressed is that revitalization is one of the priorities of the European Union actions and the ongoing new 2014–2020 programme perspective assumes support for urban renewal of EU funds. The development of a clear framework for the revitalization process thus seems to be necessary and critical for the further transformation of functional Polish cities.  Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ocena i sformułowanie uwag do projektu Założeń ustawy o rewitalizacji. Tocząca się od wielu lat dyskusja nad projektem ustawy oraz realna potrzeba prowadzenia procesów rewitalizacji w oparciu o jasno wyznaczone normy formalno-prawne stały się przyczynkiem do wznowienia prac legislacyjnych oraz przekazania Założeń ustawy do konsultacji społecznych przez Departament Polityki Przestrzennej Ministerstwa Infrastruktury i Rozwoju. Istotny jest fakt, że rewitalizacja to jedno z priorytetowych obszarów wskazanych przez Unię Europejską, a trwająca nowa perspektywa programowa 2014–2020 zakłada ponowne wsparcie odnowy miast środkami unijnymi. Opracowanie klarownych ram procesu rewitalizacji wydaje się tym samym potrzebne i newralgiczne dla dalszych przeobrażeń funkcjonalnych polskich miast. &nbsp

    Events as a factor shaping the image of a tourist city

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze events regarded as elements of the urban image connected with cultural tourism. To achieve this objective, a questionnaire was given to tourists (250 respondents) who visited Toruń during the summer season (June) of 2016. The study established the spatial resonance of the events, demonstrated by the permanent addresses of the tourists who declared that they had heard of particular events. Then the features of the events were assessed in order to check whether those shown to have the greatest reach have a specific profile. The events were ranked according to a multiple-feature point based scale, which confirmed that combination of such elements as high uniqueness of the event, its cohesion with the image of the place, well-established position, broad accessibility and resonance more than local make it possible to achieve optimum marketing effects with regard to the spatial scope of promotional actions. The collected results can be treated as guidelines on the effectiveness of the past actions as well as on the best direction for optimizing such actions in the future

    Zagadnienie ładu przestrzennego i jego percepcja

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    Artykuł prezentuje problematykę dotyczącą ładu przestrzennego toruńskiej starówki, analizowanego przez pryzmat opinii mieszkańców miasta. Przedmiotowe zagadnienie zostało odniesione do kwestii nowego urbanizmu, będąc jego integralnym składnikiem. Ład przestrzenny, jako istotny element wpływający na funkcjonowanie miasta, postrzegany jest różnie przez poszczególne grupy wiekowe, które jednak zgodnie twierdzą, że odgrywa on ważną rolę w mieście, ponieważ buduje jego klimat i jest gwarantem dobrej jakości życia. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że Stare Miasto w Toruniu jest enklawą ładu przestrzennego i w ten sposób postrzegane jest przez mieszkańców – użytkowników przestrzeni. Zespół Staromiejski w Toruniu jest przykładem realizacji idei nowego urbanizmu, która łączy kompleksowo uwarunkowania przestrzenne z oczekiwaniami mieszkańców


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    The aim of the paper is the general characterization of the process of the revitalization in Polish cities in the context of the EU cohesion policy on the example of Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodship. The research has been conducted on the basis of data derived from the official websites of the Regional Operational Program of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship 2007-2013 and data obtained from the website of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development where all projects co-financed from the UE have been currently upgraded and monitored. From database, which contained more than six thousand projects implemented under the Cohesion Policy in Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodship, 222 projects related to the revitalization have been analyzed. In the paper we have demonstrated that the cohesion policy realized by the EU, has significantly affected the process of the revitalization in Polish cities. This impact can be considered in two ways. On the one hand, the cohesion policy caused the necessity of long-term and integrated planning of all actions required for the activation of problem areas in a city. On the other hand, it initiated instruments by which Polish cities had a real opportunity to start the thorough revitalization

    Tourist potential of a city - a case study of Toruń (Poland)

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    The presented research aims at analysing and evaluating the subjective reception of the tourist potential of a city by its users – residents and tourists, as well as indicating the qualities (places or symbols) through which it is perceived. This is intended as an assessment of the actions taken in the scope of promoting tourism in the city. The research method related to applying the PAPI method was based on the assumption—present in literature on the subject—that assessing the tourist potential from the perspective of recipients’ impressions may be an alternative to the currently prevalent methods. The research has shown that a positive reception of tourist potential has to translate into its high rating as compared to other places. It is also important to have a coherent image of a place (through the identification of the main symbols) and indicate its universal nature (it may attract a broad range of recipients). These assessments allow for checking the propriety of the direction in which local policies are led; however, it is pivotal that the opinions expressed by residents be in line with the views of tourists and visitors