187 research outputs found

    IOPT Petri Net State Space Generation Algorithm with Maximal-Step Execution Semantics

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    This paper presents an algorithm to efficiently generate the state-space of systems specified using the IOPT Petri-net modeling formalism. IOPT nets are a non-autonomous Petri-net class, based on Place-Transition nets with an extended set of features designed to allow the rapid prototyping and synthesis of system controllers through an existing hardware-software co-design framework. To obtain coherent and deterministic operation, IOPT nets use a maximal-step execution semantics where, in a single execution step, all enabled transitions will fire simultaneously. This fact increases the resulting state-space complexity and can cause an arc "explosion" effect. Real-world applications, with several million states, will reach a higher order of magnitude number of arcs, leading to the need for high performance state-space generator algorithms. The proposed algorithm applies a compilation approach to read a PNML file containing one IOPT model and automatically generate an optimized C program to calculate the corresponding state-space

    MRI laxity assessment

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    Knee laxity, by definition, is a dynamic and multifactorial condition. MRI evaluation, due to its known capacity in achieving high soft tissue contrast (e.g., meniscus, synovia, ligaments, cartilage) and multiplanar joint assessment without ionizing radiation, has contributed to its popularity in the last decades. However, “traditional�? MRI studies provide static evaluation, thus requiring careful correlation to clinical findings, particularly when dealing with functional ligament stability. This work aims to describe the most important features of current MRI studies when dealing with anterior cruciate ligaments injuries, while also presenting the evolving possibilities of dynamic and objective MRI assessment of knee instability.(undefined

    Topônimo de escolas: Criação lexical de sinais das escolas da zona urbana da cidade de araguatins / School toponym: Lexical creation of signs of schools in the urban area of araguatins city

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    O presente artigo tem por finalidade estudo do léxico de topônimos das línguas de Sinais, com a perspectiva de analisar e verificar a aproximação do português sendo oral/ auditiva com a libras visual/ gestual, pois ambas ocupam o mesmo espaço. A pesquisa deu-se pela curiosidade de descobrir que motivação os surdos de Araguatins- TO têm para identificar as escolas. Assim, com a pesquisa percebemos que ao longo dos tempos eles ainda utilizam o mesmo método para identificar certos ambientes que é por empréstimo semântico da língua portuguesa.

    Topônimo de escolas: criação lexical de sinais das escolas da zona urbana da cidade de Araguatins / School toponym: lexical creation of signs of schools in the urban area of Araguatins city

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    O presente artigo tem por finalidade estudo do léxico de topônimos das línguas de Sinais, com a perspectiva de analisar e verificar a aproximação do português sendo oral/ auditiva com a libras visual/ gestual, pois ambas ocupam o mesmo espaço. A pesquisa deu-se pela curiosidade de descobrir que motivação os surdos de Araguatins- TO têm para identificar as escolas. Assim, com a pesquisa percebemos que ao longo dos tempos eles ainda utilizam o mesmo método para identificar certos ambientes que é por empréstimo semântico da língua portuguesa

    Análise experimental do desempenho de envidraçados com películas de controlo solar

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    Trabalho apresentado em Construção 2018, 21-23 novembro 2018, Porto, PortugalA utilização do vidro na construção tem tido uma expressão cada vez mais significativa, resultando em rácios de envidraçado na fachada muito elevados, especialmente em edifícios não residenciais. Esta tendência deve-se às boas características estéticas e óticas do vidro que permitem a entrada de luz natural e visão para o exterior, podendo contribuir para poupanças de energia com iluminação e conforto visual. No entanto, os ganhos solares pelos envidraçados, especialmente em climas com verões quentes e prolongados, contribuem de forma muito significativa para as cargas térmicas de arrefecimento e podem originar problemas de encadeamento, perturbando a produtividade dos utilizadores. A película de controlo solar, desenvolvida para aplicação em envidraçados na indústria da construção civil, tem como objetivo principal reduzir as cargas térmicas de um espaço interior, impedindo a passagem de radiação em todo o espectro de radiação solar ou em certos comprimentos de onda específicos. Com o objetivo de avaliar a eficiência térmica e lumínica de películas de controlo solar, foi realizada uma campanha experimental no período de verão e no período de inverno em dois gabinetes semelhantes localizados em Lisboa. Um deles, considerado como gabinete de referência, não tem película aplicada no envidraçado e o outro tem aplicada uma película no envidraçado. Os resultados observados mostram que a película melhora o desempenho térmico e lumínico do ambiente interior durante o período de verão no gabinete em que está aplicada, o qual registou uma diminuição dos valores de temperatura interior comparativamente ao gabinete de referência, o que pode conduzir a uma diminuição do consumo de energia com arrefecimento. Durante o período de inverno, o gabinete com película de controlo solar apresentou valores de temperatura e de iluminação natural inferiores aos valores observados no gabinete de referência, diminuindo as condições de conforto no ambiente interior.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo estabelecer os efeitos da educação sobre os rendimentos dos trabalhadores ocupados, segundo o gênero, e sua evolução no Paraná, a partir dos microdados da PNAD 2005 e 2015. Para isso, foram efetuadas a mensuração dos determinantes salariais mincerianos e a tradicional decomposição de Oaxaca-Blinder. A decomposição contrafactual salarial constatou a elevação do hiato salarial entre homens e mulheres no Paraná, ao contrário da situação nacional, e a redução da discriminação de gênero e das diferenças salariais explicadas pelas características das trabalhadoras. A educação é a causa mais importante das diferenças salariais na perspectiva dos fatores produtivos e dos postos de trabalho, que favorece a mulher trabalhadora, muito embora esse legado positivo tenha sido reduzido no período

    How leader nurse communicates in a hospital: an analysis of discursive practices

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    Objective: To understand how nurses realize the communication in the exercise of leadership. Method: Qualitative, exploratory, descriptive and cross-sectional study. Were interviewed 13 clinical nurses from a hospital. Data collection occurred through interview, using semi-structured roadmap. To organize and analyze the data, we used the theoretical-methodological framework of the analysis of discursive practices. The study received a favorable opinion by the ethics and Research Committee (Opinion nº 476.254). Results: The use of communication in the nurse’s leadership is important in driving the team, but presented a one-way perspective, keeping the leader/ subordinate relationship. Conclusion: The communication is configured predominantly as a hierarchical process, unidirectional, little open to dialog and focused on to order maintenance in the hospital, reproducing the assumptions of classical management and guided by the technical and social division of the profession

    Remodeling of gingival contour in the rehabilitation with fixed partial dentures – case report / Remodelação do contorno gengival em reabilitação com prótese parcial fixa – relato de caso

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    One of the most challenging aspects in rehabilitations is the correct manipulation of gingival tissues, aiming to achieve a natural contour, with interdental papillae and emergence profile, compatible with a natural tooth. The rehabilitation is impaired when there is loss of the interproximal papilla. To solve this problem, it is possible to use the gingival conditioning technique, which comprises relining the provisional crown with acrylic resin, applying gradual pressure, leading to formation of a gingival papilla. This paper presents a case of esthetic and functional recovery in a fixed partial denture by remodeling of the gingival contour by the gradual pressure technique, by gradual relining of the provisional crown. It is concluded that this gingival conditioning technique is simple, easy to accomplish and very effective for esthetic-functional reestablishment in rehabilitations with fixed partial dentures, provided the patient maintains correct hygiene and plaque control. 

    Orthognathic surgery and fat injection for corrective liposculpture: a systematic review

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    Introduction: Orthognathic Surgery (OS) aims to correct deformities of the bones of the maxilla and mandible. In this scenario, fat grafting is a powerful tool for corrections and also for facial aesthetic improvement together or after OS. The benefits of fat grafting during orthognathic surgery; to maximize aesthetic results, minimize swelling and optimize wound healing. Objective: To analyze the main clinical studies on the benefits and risks of facial fat grafting in orthognathic surgery, to know the current state of the art. Methods: It followed a systematic literature review model on the main clinical findings of orthognathic surgery and fat grafting, according to the rules of PRISMA. The research was carried out from July to September 2022 and developed based on Google Scholar, Scopus, PubMed, Ovid, Scielo, and Cochrane Library, using scientific articles from 1986 to 2022. The quality of the studies was based on the GRADE instrument and the risk of bias was analyzed according to the Cochrane instrument. Results: 123 studies were analyzed, with only 32 medium and high-quality studies selected, according to GRADE rules, and with risks of bias that do not compromise scientific development, based on the Cochrane instrument. Studies have shown that OS aims to establish harmonious facial esthetics, excellent functional occlusion, and improved airway conditions. As an important adjunct to OS, fat grafting is becoming more and more common due to its antiinflammatory role and effects on facial swelling. High patient satisfaction with the results. Postoperative swelling resolved at week 12 in the fat graft group and persistent edema. The edema decrease over time, with almost complete resolution within 1 year, improvement in facial morphology, function, quality, and skin texture in most of their patients. The use of assisted lipo transfers containing mesenchymal stem cells derived from adipose tissue, enables improvement in skin quality, smoothing of wrinkles, pore size, and attenuation of pigmentation and resolution of scars. Furthermore, enrichment of the lipoaspirate with stem cells derived from adipose tissue increases graft retention. Conclusion: Most of the studies analyzed in this review study showed that fat grafting in orthognathic surgery is a safe and effective tool to improve wound healing, improve aesthetic results, present an anti-inflammatory effect and reduce edema

    Copaiba Oil-Resin Treatment Is Neuroprotective and Reduces Neutrophil Recruitment and Microglia Activation after Motor Cortex Excitotoxic Injury

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    The oil-resin of Copaifera reticulata Ducke is used in the Brazilian folk medicine as an anti-inflammatory and healing agent. However, there are no investigations on the possible anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective roles of copaiba oil-resin (COR) after neural disorders. We have investigated the anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects of COR following an acute damage to the motor cortex of adult rats. Animals were injected with the neurotoxin N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) (n = 10) and treated with a single dose of COR (400 mg/kg, i.p.) soon after surgery (Group 1) or with two daily doses (200 mg/kg, i.p.) during 3 days (Group 2) alter injury. Control animals were treated with vehicle only. COR treatment induced tissue preservation and decreased the recruitment of neutrophils and microglial activation in the injury site compared to vehicle animals. The results suggest that COR treatment induces neuroprotection by modulating inflammatory response following an acute damage to the central nervous system