140 research outputs found

    Factors impacting vocational rehabilitation employment outcomes: An analysis of state-federal service provision

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    State-federal vocational rehabilitation (VR) programs are widely recognized for providing various services to individuals with disabilities to help them reach their goals of independence and employment. Because rehabilitation programs are required to meet federal and state goals, standards, and indicators, thorough and ongoing program evaluation is necessary to identify predictors of successful and unsuccessful employment outcomes in order to determine best practices in vocational rehabilitation service delivery. In the large southwestern state examined in this research study, there is an estimated return on investment of $9 for each dollar spent on successful VR cases. Cases closed successfully by state-federal VR programs yield independent and productive members of society that have been rehabilitated and integrated into the world of work. In many instances, the rehabilitated working taxpayer no longer requires government or public-funded benefits, such as social security benefits, temporary assistance for needy families, or housing assistance. The purpose of this research is to provide the rehabilitation counseling profession with insight regarding whether specific variables (including demographics, purchased services, extraneous income and health benefits, collective effects, and benefits counseling for individuals receiving SSI/SSDI) impact vocational outcomes. Service provision data from state fiscal year 2014 from a large southwestern state (N = 18,523 cases) was analyzed. The primary focus of this research was to identify predictor variables of vocational rehabilitation employment outcomes that are within the control of the state-federal VR agency through purchasing capabilities. Identifying predictor variables is the first step towards ultimately improving return on investment for the state-federal VR agency and improving informed consumer choice. Because purchased services are within the VR agency’s control, practical approaches from research findings can be readily adopted to allow for improved informed consumer choice during the service identification and appropriation process. This research involved an ex-post-facto, non-experimental, correlational, quantitative research design. Five research questions and related hypotheses were formulated for investigation and were tested using binary logistic regression. All research hypotheses were supported. Results yield noteworthy implications for clients, VR counselors, practitioners, researchers, educators, stakeholders, advocacy groups, and policy makers

    La indemnización civil al proyecto de vida y el principio de no discriminación e igualdad en el Perú

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    Las indemnizaciones civiles en relación al proyecto de vida abarcan criterios libres que en tal sentido afectan la aplicación de la tutela resarcitoria, que busca resarcir actos ilícitos o antijurídicos. Es así que la presente investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar si las diferentes indemnizaciones al proyecto de vida vulneran el principio de no discriminación e igualdad en el Perú. En cuanto a nuestro método aplicado radicó método exegético por el análisis de sentencias y casaciones utilizadas para la observación de la problemática. Asimismo, se utilizó la triangulación en nuestra investigación cualitativa, debido a que se usó el análisis documental, la guía de entrevista y la diferente teoría que hemos desarrollado en marco teórico para dar mayor validez a nuestra problemática. Es así como se concluyó que la falta de criterios uniformes en la indemnización civil al proyecto de vida se desarrolla de manera general, abarcando conceptualizaciones o citas tal como refiere el código civil

    New perspectives in the study of the congenital syphilis: A narrative review / Novas perspectivas no estudo da sífilis congênita: Uma revisão narrativa

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    Syphilis is still an infection of public health significance, particularly due to its impact during pregnancy and the possibility of mother-to-child transmission that may occur at any stage of pregnancy. Congenital syphilis can lead to miscarriage, stillbirth, perinatal death, premature birth, and clinical manifestations in the newborn. In prospective, the perinatal morbidity and mortality rates due to congenital syphilis are even greater than those due to HIV infection. Overall, both syphilis and congenital syphilis remain a serious public health issue mainly due to flaws both prenatal care systems and syphilis prevention and control programs. This review discusses vertical transmission of the syphilis agent the Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum, the clinical manifestations of congenital syphilis, the current guidelines for the evaluation and treatment of infants born to mothers with gestational syphilis, the global epidemiology and ongoing research efforts to better understand the pathogenetic mechanisms employed by the syphilis agent to cross the placental barrier and cause congenital infection.  Syphilis is still an infection of public health significance, particularly due to its impact during pregnancy and the possibility of mother-to-child transmission that may occur at any stage of pregnancy. Congenital syphilis can lead to miscarriage, stillbirth, perinatal death, premature birth, and clinical manifestations in the newborn. In prospective, the perinatal morbidity and mortality rates due to congenital syphilis are even greater than those due to HIV infection. Overall, both syphilis and congenital syphilis remain a serious public health issue mainly due to flaws both prenatal care systems and syphilis prevention and control programs. This review discusses vertical transmission of the syphilis agent the Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum, the clinical manifestations of congenital syphilis, the current guidelines for the evaluation and treatment of infants born to mothers with gestational syphilis, the global epidemiology and ongoing research efforts to better understand the pathogenetic mechanisms employed by the syphilis agent to cross the placental barrier and cause congenital infection. 

    Implementación Sistema de Seguimiento de Actividades de Vinculación con el Medio para la Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello

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    Tesis Ingeniería en Computación e InformáticaResumen El presente documento tiene como objetivo exponer la forma en que se ha desarrollado el proyecto Vinculación con el Medio, desde la definición, etapa de transformación y ejecución en el desarrollo. El proyecto mencionado anteriormente se ha desarrollado en dos fases, la primera corresponde al levantamiento de requerimientos, definición de alcance, método de trabajo y prototipo de solución, esta primera etapa fue realizada por un alumno de la carrera de la facultad de Ingeniería. La segunda etapa de este proyecto, corresponde a la revalidación del alcance, pantallas para el diseño final de la aplicación. Además en esta etapa, se planteará la metodología de trabajo a utilizar y gestión a desarrollar durante la ejecución del mismo. Desarrollar la solución planteada en la primera fase, permite a los alumnos encargados, demostrar sus habilidades y competencias obtenidas durante sus estudios en la Universidad, además de potenciar con su experiencia laboral con la que cuentan ambos participantes

    Diseño e implementación  de un syllabus  basado  en contenidos  y en el aprendizaje  significativo  para la enseñanza  de inglés en segundo el  ciclo

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    El trabajo de grado presenta el diseño e implementación de un syllabus basado en contenidos y en el aprendizaje significativo para la enseñanza del inglés, integrado con las asignaturas de Geografía, Democracia, Historia, Biología y Matemáticas en el I.E.D Marco Tulio Fernández, segundo ciclo.Degree work presents the design and implementation of a content-based and meaningful learning for teaching English, integrated with the subjects of Geography, Democracy, History, Biology and Mathematics at the I.E.D Marco Tulio Fernández, second cycle syllabus

    Serotypes and Stx2 subtyping of Shiga toxin producing Escherichia coli isolates from cattle carcasses and feces

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    ArticuloShiga toxin E. coli (STEC) is an important pathogen responsible for foodborne illness, this have been related with epidemic outbreaks in the past, mainly because of consumption of bovine meat. The objective of this study was identify the serotypes and Stx2 subtypes and associate them with their possible epidemiology. There were analyzed a total of 65 isolates from the collection of the Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia of the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, from carcasses and feces of bovines at three different Municipal slaughterhouses. The identification of Stx2 gene by PCR at final point, sequencing and analyzed with the help of BLAST software. There were found O157:H7, O70:H16, O91:H10, O112ac:H2, O128ac:H26 serotypes, which have been reported to be present at infectious outbreaks previously by foodborne worldwide; 63.07% (41/65) of the Escherichia coli strains got amplified for Stx2 and after BLAS analysis it was confirmed its presence and a hypothetic protein. The presence of this serotypes in combination with different subtype’s, Stx2a, Stx2c, Stx2d, in carcasses and feces of bovine in must be considered as a potential risk for diseases an important problem of the public health

    La resistencia antimicrobiana en Escherichia coli aislada de canales y heces bovinas de rastros en el centro de México

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    ARTICULOEscherichia coli es importante en la microbiota intestinal de los animales y los humanos. Su presencia en los alimentos es un indicador de una posible contaminación fecal. Algunas cepas pueden causar enfermedades, lo cual se deben principalmente al consumo de agua y/o alimento contaminado. Como aportación al panorama epidemiológico en México, el objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la resistencia a compuestos antimicrobianos y el carácter genético de cepas de E. coli presente en las canales y heces de bovinos sacrificados en rastros. Este trabajo se llevó a cabo con 32 cepas aisladas de muestras colectadas de bovinos en tres rastros municipales del centro de México. Se analizó el perfil de resistencia y la relación genética entre los diferentes aislados mediante genotipificación con la enzima XbaI y la técnica PFGE. Se construyó un dendrograma utilizando el coeficiente de similitud de Dice con una tolerancia del 1.5 %. El 75 % Rev Mex Cienc Pecu 2020;11(4):991-1003 992 (24/32) de los aislados presentaron resistencia a algún antibiótico. El 84.3 % (27/32) de ellos tenían un perfil intermedio y el 12.5 % (4/32) eran sensibles a todos los antibióticos. El 28.1 % (9/32) fueron resistentes a múltiples fármacos (MDR). Se identificaron 27 pulsotipos en el PFGE. En el dendrograma se formaron siete racimos con dos o más aislados (A-F e I) y dos integrados de una cepa (G y H). Los resultados demuestran la diversidad de resistencia antimicrobiana entre las cepas de E. coli presentes en las canales y heces bovinas en México. Estas cepas son un claro factor de riesgo y un problema de salud pública

    Characterizing HIV Transmission Networks Across the United States

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    Background. Clinically, human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) pol sequences are used to evaluate for drug resistance. These data can also be used to evaluate transmission networks and help describe factors associated with transmission risk