2,944 research outputs found

    La protesta política: una propuesta para su estudio

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    El presente documento tiene la intención de desarrollar un marco teórico sustentable, desde la psicología social, para explicar la protesta política, lo que implica conocer los significados, las conductas y los motivos que tienen y llevan a los ciudadanos a participar (como parte de grupos u organizaciones sociales) en este tipo de movilizaciones. Asimismo, se considerará la influencia que tienen los medios de comunicación; la estructura legal en la cual se sustentan los partidos en el poder, y las coyunturas políticas para la construcción de las creencias compartidas.El presente documento tiene la intención de desarrollar un marco teórico sustentable, desde la psicología social, para explicar la protesta política, lo que implica conocer los significados, las conductas y los motivos que tienen y llevan a los ciudadanos a participar (como parte de grupos u organizaciones sociales) en este tipo de movilizaciones. Asimismo, se considerará la influencia que tienen los medios de comunicación; la estructura legal en la cual se sustentan los partidos en el poder, y las coyunturas políticas para la construcción de las creencias compartidas

    Between Diagnostics and Therapeutics. Regarding the Configuration of Insecurity as a Problem in the Communications Media in Argentina

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    En este artículo se presentan algunos de los nudos problemáticos a los que hemos arribado a partir del análisis de una multiplicidad de discursos mediáticos que, incluso desde su heterogeneidad, van conformando y dando espesor a un objeto, el cual a través de un complejo juego de luces y sombras emerge como problema, se instituye en tanto experiencia, delimitando, de esta manera, lo que es posible (y en consecuencia lo que no) pensar, decir y hacer en torno a la (in)seguridad. Puntualmente, abordamos los diferentes elementos que aparecen en torno a la (in)seguridad a partir del análisis de artículos publicados durante 2007, 2008 y 2009 en los tres medios gráficos de mayor circulación de la Argentina (Clarín, Página 12, La Nación), intentando rastrear tensiones, continuidades y discontinuidades en estas producciones de sentido.This work presents some of the problematic knots that have been reached starting from the analysis of a multiplicity of mediatic discourses that, even seen from the viewpoint of heterogeneity, are shaping and giving bulk to an object that, through a complex interplay of light and shadow, emerges as a problem, is instituted in experience, delimiting, in this way, what it is possible (and consequently, what it is not possible) to think, say and do about (in)security. Specifically, we approach the different elements that appear around (in)security based on the analysis of articles published in 2007, 2008 and 2009 in the three graphic media with the greatest circulation in Argentina (Clarín, Página 12, La Nación), attempting to trace tensions, continuities and discontinuities in these productions of meaning.Fil: Rodriguez, Gabriela. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Instituto de Investigaciones "gino Germani"; ArgentinaFil: Seghezzo, Gabriela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Instituto de Investigaciones "Gino Germani"; Argentin

    El príncipe nuevo y la democracia. La Vida de Castruccio Castraccani de Nicolás Maquiavelo y sus implicancias para el concepto de gobierno popular

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    Este artículo toma como objeto de análisis una biografía que Nicolás Maquiavelo dedicó a un condotiero de la ciudad Lucca que tiene por nombre La vita de Castruccio Castracani. A partir de allí se aborda el sentido de Castracani como exemplum del príncipe nuevo y sus virtudes para explorar  hasta qué punto sus argumentos habilitan una lectura diferente de la relación entre el liderazgo personal y la democracia. Tomando como eje un texto de Maquiavelo generalmente ignorado por la crítica teórico política especializada, proponemos recuperar el concepto de gobierno popular. Esta noción no sólo habilita una alternativa a la dicotomía entre democracia liberal y populismo sino también opera como una forma política democrática legitimada en la novedad encarnada en una figura personal, siempre dentro de la matriz republicana maquiaveliana.This paper's object of analysis is a biography dedicated by Machiavelli to a condottieri of the city of Lucca, a book with the title La vita de Castruccio Castracani. Based on this work, the main objective of the paper is to study Castracani as an exemplum of the new prince and its virtù, and also to explore the possibility of making a different lecture of the relationship between personal leadership and democracy. Thus, out of this work of Machiavelli, generally ignored by specialists, we suggest to retrieve the concept of popular government. This notion is not only an alternative to the traditional dicotomy between liberal democracy and populism, but it also acts as form for a democracy that is legitimized in the novelty incarnated by a personal figure, always in the republican matrix of Machiavelli.Fil: Rodriguez, Gabriela. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Instituto de Investigaciones "gino Germani"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Examining the perceptions of trust between principals and teachers in elementary schools with high student academic achievement

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship of trust between principals and teachers. The problem identified that few scholars have examined the perceptions of trust of Hispanic Teachers and Administrators to determine if there are similarities or differences, and how this is sustained to improve student achievement. The reviewed literature argues that school administrators need to carefully assess if their interactions include characteristics of building trust because it may be related to student academic achievement. This research study was quantitative and conducted in Brownsville, Texas in Cameron County. The Brownsville ISD is comprised of 37 elementary schools and a total of eight schools were chosen for this study. A criterion was developed that determined eligibility for teacher sampling. The data collection followed the guidelines and approval of The University of Texas at Brownsville (UTB) University Institutional Review Board (IRB). Both the teacher and principal survey were completed using an online survey website called Survey Monkey. The data was analyzed using an SPSS software package. The data was used to identify and examine the perceptions of principals and teachers about mutual trust through SPSS data analysis procedures. Modified versions of Wolfe’s (2010) original 39-item Mutual Trust and Job Satisfaction Survey instruments were used to examine the variables and perceptions of trust of teachers and principals. The 42-item question survey instruments were used to measure the five facets of trust between principals and teachers in elementary schools. They include benevolence, competence, honesty, openness, and reliability. There were eight schools that participated in the study and 29 principals. The surveys provided information about beliefs, perceptions and attitudes of teachers and principals with regard to trust, as well as how to develop and sustain trust. The identification of differences between the perceptions of principals and teachers regarding behaviors needed to develop trust are also included. There were three questions that guided this research. Q1: What perceptions do teachers identify a principal should display in order to develop a teacher’s trust? Q2: What perceptions do principals identify a teacher should display in order to develop a principal’s trust? Q3: What are the similarities between the perceptions of principals and teacher regarding behaviors needed to develop trust? Similar data analysis procedures were conducted for Question 1 and 2. The researcher used the SPSS program to run Descriptive Statistics to observe the frequency responses and further ran a Kruskal-Mallis test to recognize pair differences. The descriptive analysis was used to examine each facet of trust and identified the highest mean of each facet as the perceptions principals identified as teachers displaying in order to develop trust. In the final Question 3, overall the behaviors associated with building trust were found in the facets of benevolence and openness. Keywords associated with the facet of trust include supportive, showing respect, confidential conversations, and fairness. In regards to the facet of openness, the keywords associated with this facet were good communication skills and an open door policy. Communication included teachers being able to give input in campus decision making

    Exploring motivational effects of a mathematics serious game

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    Abstract: This dissertation examines the motivational effects of a mathematics serious game called the Number Navigation Game (NNG) amongst upper elementary school students in Finland and Mexico. The aims of the studies concern the NNG’s impact on motivation as measured through the expectancy-value framework, with special emphasis on the development of students’ situational interest during gameplay and individual interest toward mathematics. The role of factors such as game experience and the voluntary vs. compulsory nature of different play contexts is also explored. As this research was undertaken in the context of a larger project (CUMA) investigating the game’s effectiveness in enhancing mathematical skills, some attention is also paid to the game’s impact on mathematical learning outcomes. The results of three original empirical studies in which the game was implemented at the upper primary school level are reported. Study I presents the results of a large-scale experiment carried out in Finland amongst fourth-to sixth-grade students. The students were randomly assigned by class to either an experimental or control group. The experimental group (n= 642) played the NNG as part of their regular mathematics class for a ten-week period, while the control group (n= 526) continued with traditional textbook-based learning. The students completed various mathematical tests and questionnaires on their motivation and game experiences both before and after the intervention. The results revealed the game had a positive effect on learning outcomes, but that there was a slight decrease in the motivation expectancy values of the experimental group. Game experiences were mostly negative, which indicates room for improvements in game design. There was some variation in these experiences by gender, specifically regarding students’ feelings of competence and challenge, but in any case, game experiences did not play a role in either learning outcomes or motivation expectancy values. Study II concentrated on a subsample of participants from the first study, namely n= 212 fifth-grade students who, although they served as a control group for Study I, later played the NNG for a six-week period. These students’ individual interest toward mathematics was measured before and after playing the game, while their situational interest toward the game was measured on-task throughout five sessions. The results indicate that prior interest toward mathematics predicts initial situational interest. Growth curve mixture model analyses revealed a three-class model of situational interest trajectories, showing that the students’ interest develops differently throughout the intervention. The results indicated that the game was able to trigger and maintain the interest of most (73.9%) although not all participants. Some students’ interest was never triggered by the game (26.1%).In cases in which interest was triggered but not maintained by the game (15.9%),this had a negative impact on students ´ individual interest toward mathematics. At the moment it seems the game is beneficial to students who already have an interest toward the subject matter. In Study III, fifth-grade students from Mexico were randomly sorted by class into one of two play context groups: the voluntary group (n= 579) or the school group (n= 482). The school group played the NNG as part of their regular mathematics lessons. Students in the volunteer group received a copy of the game and were instructed that they could play in their free time if they so desired. Pre-and post-tests and questionnaires were completed before and after the intervention. The aim was to find out the effects of play context on game experiences, game performance, learning outcomes, and motivation expectancy values, and to explore to what extent students would play voluntarily, and how those who chose to play differed from those who did not by gender, pre-test mathematical skills, and motivation expectancy values. The results revealed that students in the voluntary group who played had higher prior mathematics interest and advanced mathematical skills than students in the voluntary group who did not play; interest toward digital games did not play any role in terms of whether students in the voluntary group played or not. While some students in the voluntary group did not play the game, their interest toward mathematics did not decrease after the intervention. Voluntary play had a positive effect on advanced mathematical skills compared to students from the school group. As for game performance, students in the school group played for longer, completed more in-game mathematical tasks, and had more enjoyable game experiences than students in the volunteer group did. Playing the NNG had a positive effect on mathematical skills regardless of play context. Motivation expectancy values remained mostly unchanged regardless of play context. The results from the three studies provide further evidence that motivation, as measured through the expectancy-value framework, is largely stable, and that serious games are not particularly successful in increasing student motivation toward a subject. Improvements in game design could result in improvements in experiences when playing the NNG, although it seems that game experiences do not play a role in either motivation or learning outcomes. The context in which a serious game is implemented, or the amount of freedom students have in playing does not seem to make a difference to motivational gains, either. The game is, however, able to trigger and maintain the situational interest of most students, although it seems that students who have a high prior interest toward mathematics are the ones who benefit. On the other hand, the game mechanism is successful at enhancing students’ mathematical skills. In this sense, serious games offer many possibilities as additional tools for teaching, but it is important that games be carefully selected for their proven learning outcomes rather than because they are assumed to be motivating for all students.Tiivistelmä: Väitöskirjassa tutkittiin matematiikkaan kohdistuvan Number Navigation Game -oppimispelin (NNG), vaikutusta suomalaisten ja meksikolaisten yläkouluoppilaidenmotivaatioon. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli analysoida Number Navigation Game -pelinmotivaatiovaikutuksia expectancy–values –teorian näkökulmasta painottaen erityisesti oppilaiden tilannekohtaisen kiinnostuksen kehitystä pelaamisen aikana ja heidän henkilökohtaista kiinnostustaan matematiikkaan kohtaan. Lisäksi tutkittiin pelikokemuksen ja pelikontekstiin liittyvien tekijöiden, kuten pelaamisen vapaaehtoisuuden tai pakollisuuden, vaikutusta motivaatioon. Tutkimus on osa laajaa oppimispelien vaikutusta matematiikan oppimiseen selvittävää CUMA-tutkimusprojektia, joten tutkimuksessa otettiin huomioon myös Number Navigation Game -pelin vaikutus matematiikan oppimistuloksiin. Tutkimus koostuu kolmesta osatutkimuksesta, joihin osallistui alakoulun ylempien luokkien oppilaita. Ensimmäinen osatutkimus toteutettiin Suomessa neljännellä, viidennellä ja kuudennella luokalla. Koeryhmä (n= 642) pelasi Number Navigation Game -peliäosana matematiikan tuntejaan kymmenviikkoisen jakson ajan, kun taas kontrolliryhmä (n= 526) jatkoi tavallista opetussuunnitelman mukaista ja oppikirjaan tukeutuvaa opiskelua. Aineisto kerättiin motivaatiota ja pelikokemusta kartoittavilla kyselyillä ja matemaattisilla testeillä ennen pelikokeilua ja sen jälkeen. Tulokset osoittivat, että pelillä oli positiivinen vaikutus oppimistuloksiin, mutta koeryhmän motivaatio laski hieman. Pelikokemukset olivat suurimmaksi osaksi negatiivisia, mikä on osoitus tarpeesta kehittää Number Navigation Game -pelin pelillisiä ominaisuuksia. Näissä kokemuksissa oli jonkin verran hajontaa sukupuolen mukaan, erityisesti liittyen oppilaiden mielipiteisiin kompetenssin ja haasteellisuuden kokemuksista, mutta kaiken kaikkiaan pelikokemukset eivät olleet yhteydessä oppimistuloksiin eikä motivaatioon. Toinen osatutkimus keskittyi ensimmäisen osatutkimuksen kontrolliryhmän osallistujien osa-otokseen eli viidesluokkalaisiin (n= 212), jotka myöhemmin pelasivat Number Navigation Game- peliä kuusiviikkoisen jakson ajan. Oppilaiden henkilökohtaistakiinnostusta matematiikkaa kohtaan mitattiin ennen pelin pelaamista ja sen jälkeen. Lisäksi heidän tilannekohtaista kiinnostustaan peliä kohtaan mitattiin tehtävän aikana viidellä peilikerralla. Tulokset osoittivat, että aiempi henkilökohtainen kiinnostus matematiikkaa kohtaan ennustaa alkutilanteen tilannekohtaista kiinnostusta. Tilastollinen Growth mixture -analyysi paljasti kolmiluokkaisen tilannekohtaisen kiinnostuksen kehityskaaren mallin, joka osoitti, että oppilaiden tilannekohtainen kiinnostus kehittyi eri tavoin intervention aikana. Tulokset osoittivat, että peli pystyy herättämäänja pitämään yllä tilannekohtaisen kiinnostuksen suurimmalla osalla osallistujista, joskaan ei kaikilla. Joidenkin oppilaiden tilannekohtainen kiinnostus ei koskaan herännyt peliä pelatessa. Niille oppilaille, joissa peli herätti kiinnostuksen, mutta ei pitänyt sitä yllä, pelillä oli negatiivinen vaikutus henkilökohtaiseenkiinnostukseen matematiikkaa kohtaan. Tulosten valossa vaikuttaa siltä, että peli on hyödyllinen oppilaille, jotka ovat jo kiinnostuneita matematiikasta. Kolmannessa tutkimuksessa meksikolaiset viidesluokkalaiset jaettiin kahteen pelaamisryhmään: vapaaehtoiseen ryhmään(n= 579) tai kouluryhmään(n= 482). Kouluryhmä pelasi NNG-peliä osana tavallisia matematiikan opintojaan. Vapaaehtoisessa ryhmässä oppilaat saivat kopion pelistä ja heille kerrottiin, että he voivat pelata peliä vapaa-ajallaan, josniin tahtovat. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää pelikontekstin vaikutukset pelikokemuksiin, pelisuoriutumiseen sekä matematiikan oppimiseen ja motivaatioon. Lisäksi selvitettiin kuinka paljon oppilaat pelaisivat vapaaehtoisesti, ja kuinka he, jotka päättivät pelata, erosivat sukupuolen, koetta edeltävien matemaattisten taitojen ja motivaation osalta heistä, jotka eivät pelanneet. Tulokset osoittivat, että aiempi matemaattinen kiinnostus ja edistyneet matemaattiset taidot vaikuttavat oppilaiden halukkuuteen pelata vapaaehtoisesti, kun taas kiinnostus digitaalisia pelejä kohtaan ei vaikutanut halukkuuteen pelata. Vapaaehtoisesti pelaamatta jättäminen ei kuitenkaan vaikuta kiinnostukseen matematiikkaa kohtaan. Oppilaat, jotka pelasivat vapaaehtoisesti, kehittyivät vaativissa matemaattisissa taidoissa koulussa pelannutta ryhmää enemmän. Kouluryhmän oppilaat pelasivat pidempään, suorittivat enemmän pelinsisäisiä matemaattisia tehtäviä ja nauttivat kokemuksestaan enemmän kuin oppilaat vapaaehtoisryhmässä. Number Navigation Game -pelinpelaamisella on positiivinen vaikutus matemaattisiin taitoihin riippumatta pelikontekstista. Motivaatio pysyy suurimmaksi osaksi muuttumattomana pelikontekstista riippumatta. Osatutkimustentulokset tarjoavat lisätodisteita siitä, että motivaatio on suurimmaksi osaksi vakaata ja että oppimispelit eivät auta oppilaiden motivaation parantamisessa oppiainetta kohtaan. Pelin jatkokehittelyllä voidaan parantaa Number Navigation Game-peliin liittyviä pelikokemuksia. Toisaalta näyttää siltä, että pelikokemukset eivät vaikuta motivaatioon eivätkä oppimistuloksiin. Konteksti, jossa oppimispeliä pelataan tai vapauden määrä, joka oppilailla on pelatessa, ei näytä myöskään vaikuttavan motivaation vahvistumiseen. Toisaalta pelimekaniikka onnistuu parantamaan oppilaiden aritmetiikan taitoja. Se onnistuu myös herättämään ja pitämään yllä kiinnostuksen valtaosalla oppilaista. Tässä mielessä oppimispelit tarjoavat monia mahdollisuuksia opetuksen lisätyökaluina. On kuitenkin tärkeää ,että pelit valitaan huolellisesti niiden todistettujen oppimisvaikutusten perusteella sen sijaan, että niiden avulla pyrittäisiin ratkaisemaan motivaatio-ongelmia

    Functionalisation of Ti6Al4V and hydroxyapatite surfaces with combined peptides based on KKLPDA and EEEEEEEE peptides

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    Surface modifications are usually performed on titanium alloys to improve osteo-integration and surface bioactivity. Modifications such as alkaline and acid etching, or coating with bioactive materials such as hydroxyapatite, have previously been demonstrated. The aim of this work is to develop a peptide with combined titanium oxide and hydroxyapatite binders in order to achieve a biomimetic hydroxyapatite coating on titanium surfaces. The technology would also be applicable for the functionalisation of titanium and hydroxyapatite surfaces for selective protein adsorption, conjugation of antimicrobial peptides, and adsorption of specialised drugs for drug delivery. In this work, functionalisation of Ti6Al4V and hydroxyapatite surfaces was achieved using combined titanium-hydroxyapatite (Ti-Hap) peptides based on titanium binder (RKLPDA) and hydroxyapatite binder (EEEEEEEE) peptides. Homogeneous peptide coatings on Ti6Al4V surfaces were obtained after surface chemical treatments with a 30 wt % aqueous solution of H2O2 for 24 and 48 hours. The treated titanium surfaces presented an average roughness of Sa=197 nm (24 h) and Sa=128 nm (48 h); an untreated mirror polished sample exhibited an Sa of 13 nm. The advancing water contact angle of the titanium oxide layer after 1 hour of exposure to 30 wt % aqueous solution of H2O2 was around 65°, decreasing gradually with time until it reached 35° after a 48 hour exposure, suggesting that the surface hydrophilicity increased over etching time. The presence of a lysine (L) amino acid in the sequence of the titanium binder resulted in fluorescence intensity roughly 16 % higher compared with the arginine (R) amino acid analogue and therefore the lysine containing titanium binder was used in this work. The Ti-Hap peptide KKLPDAEEEEEEEE (Ti-Hap1) was not adsorbed by the treated Ti6Al4V surfaces and therefore was modified. The modifications involved the inclusion of a glycine spacer between the binding terminals (Ti-Hap2) and the addition of a second titanium binder (KKLPDA) (Ti-Hap3 and Ti-Hap4). The Ti-Hap peptide aptamer which exhibited the strongest intensity after the titanium dip coating was KKLPDAKKLPDAEEEEEEEE (Ti-Hap4). On the other hand, hydroxyapatite surfaces, exhibiting an average roughness of Sa=1.42 µm, showed a higher fluorescence for all peptides compared with titanium surfaces

    Identidad Social y Protesta Política en la Transición Democrática Mexicana

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    Se realizó un estudio para analizar la influencia del componente de la identidad social en las acciones de protesta política en el marco del desafuero del alcalde de la Ciudad de México. De los elementos que componen la identidad social sólo la estructura de la situación intergrupal y la identificación grupal resultaron ser variables con capacidad predictiva, así se evidencia que la pertenencia a organizaciones, el grado de inclusión en la identificación y la valoración política no impactan en la decisión de participar en acciones de protesta

    Progression of age-related periodontitis: Literature review

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    Antecedentes: La periodontitis actualmente es definida como una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica multifactorial asociada a la desregulación de la biopelícula con el huésped susceptible, lo que puede llegar a generar daños en el tejido periodontal debido a una respuesta inmunitaria inapropiada, caracterizadas por una inflamación neutrofílica con la posterior destrucción proteolítica del tejido conectivo. Objetivo: realizar una revisión de la literatura que vincule la progresión de periodontitis asociada a la edad y determinar si a mayor edad existe mayor prevalencia de periodontitis. Materiales y Métodos : Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica sistemática en 5 bases de datos científicas: PubMed, Cochrane, Scielo, Science Direct, EBSCO de 45 artículos publicados en inglés y español en los últimos 5 años (2018-2022). Resultados: La evidencia sugiere que pacientes de edad avanzada (60 años en adelante) son más propensos a desarrollar periodontitis debido a una respuesta inmunitaria deficiente que le impide tener una respuesta inflamatoria correcta ante diversos factores, además se postula la exposición prolongada al factor etiológico. Conclusiones: La evidencia reporta que los pacientes a mayor edad presentan mayor prevalencia de periodontitis debido a que en el envejecimiento disminuye la respuesta inmunológica, la cual es la encargada de proteger al cuerpo ante diferentes factores. Finalmente, a medida que los pacientes envejecen, el estado nutricional se ve alterado por ende el proceso digestivo y la absorción de nutrientes de los alimentos, las cuales interactúan con otros factores de riesgo bien definidos para aumentar la susceptibilidad a la enfermedad periodontal.Background: Periodontitis is currently defined as a multifactorial chronic inflammatory disease associated with deregulation of the biofilm with the susceptible host, which can lead to damage the periodontal tissue due to an inappropriate immune response, characterized by a neutrophilic inflammation with subsequent destruction of proteolytic connective tissue. Objective: To carry out a literature review that links the progression of periodontitis associated with age, in addition to determining if at an older age there is higher prevalence of periodontitis. Methodology: A systematic bibliographic search was carried out in 5 scientific databases: PubMed, Cochrane, Scielo, Science Direct, EBSCO of 45 articles published in English and Spanish in the last 5 years (2018-2022). Results: Evidence suggests that elderly patients (60 years and older) are more likely to develop periodontitis due to a deficient immune response that keep them off from having a correct inflammatory response to various factors, there is also postulated a prolonged exposure to the etiological factor. Conclusions: Evidence reports that older patients have a higher prevalence of periodontitis because aging decreases immune response, which is responsible for protecting the body against different factors. Finally, as patient’s age, nutritional status is altered thereby the digestive process and nutrient absorption from food, which interact with other well-defined risk factors to increase susceptibility to periodontal disease.0000-0002-7843-967


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    Nos proponemos con el presente trabajo identificar, dentro de las estructuras organizativas de las universidades nacionales argentinas, las seis partes básicas de la organización que plantean Henry Mintzberg y James Brian Quinn en su libro El proceso estratégico (1993: 371), abocándonos en especial a abordar el análisis del caso de la Universidad Nacional de Luján. Allí podremos describir las partes componentes de esta organización, tal cual se las plantea en la mencionada obra y se las describe parcialmente en La estructuración de las organizaciones de Henry Mintzberg (1984: 43), centrándonos en el análisis de perspectivas particulares que involucran a los distintos claustros integrantes del gobierno universitario. Avanzaremos también en estudiar y caracterizar los distintos mecanismos de coordinación que podemos observar en esta institución de educación superior, buscando las interrelaciones existentes entre estos y las partes claves de la organización. A partir de estas relaciones, trataremos de inferir como las mismas determinan una configuración estructural concreta. Además abriremos, en este proceso, la discusión sobre los parámetros fundamentales y los factores situacionales que afectan el diseño organizacional, como también la opinión y aportes de otros autores en la materia. Como propósito final del presente trabajo esperamos avanzar en el diagnóstico de las relaciones que sirven de base al gobierno y la gestión universitaria como herramienta para un mayor conocimiento de las relaciones interclaustros, base del cogobierno, y el diseño de nuevas estructuras organizacionales