6 research outputs found

    Efeito de diferentes fontes de carboidratos não-fibrosos sobre o pH ruminal e digestibilidade in vitro de forragens tropicais

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    O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os carboidratos não-fibrosos (CNF) em dietas à base de cana-de-açúcar sobre o pH ruminal e digestibilidade da forragem, e descrever as curvas de degradação dos CNF. O estudo foi composto de dois ensaios. No primeiro, três novilhos canulados no rúmen, com peso vivo de 350 ± 15 kg (Média ± DP), foram alocados em um quadrado latino (QL) 3×3, e alimentados com dietas contendo: milho moído (MM, tamanho de partículas 0,9 mm), laminado a vapor (MLV) ou polpa cítrica peletizada (PCP). Cada período tinha 14 d, sendo os primeiros 12 para adaptação e o 13º para a medição seriada do pH e o 14º para a coleta de líquido ruminal e incubação in vitro para digestibilidade da MS e FDN (DIVMS e DIVFDN) de feno de bermudagrass (Feno) e silagens de milho (SM) e cana (SC). No segundo ensaio, coletou-se fluido ruminal de um touro canulado, alimentado com silagem de milho e concentrado padrão, para digestão in vitro dos CNF em vários tempos. Esses resultados foram utilizados para ajustar as curvas de degradação dos CNF e calcular o tempo de colonização, frações alimentares e taxa de degradação. Os resultados do primeiro ensaio foram analisados em um QL 3×3. O modelo dos parâmetros de digestibilidade incluiu efeito fixo de forragem (Alimento), dieta com CNF (Dieta) e interação (Alimento × Dieta), e efeito aleatório de animal e período. O modelo para pH incluiu efeito fixo de Dieta, Tempo como medida repetida, animal e período como aleatórios. Foi considerada a probabilidade significativa de ≤ 5% (α = 0,05). As curvas de degradação dos CNF foram ajustadas pelo PROC NLIN do SAS, e parâmetros de equação comparados por intervalo de confiança. Houve interação Dieta × Tempo no pH ruminal (P = 0,04), onde o MLV diminuiu o pH comparado com PCP e MM apenas no tempo 6 h. Não houve interação Alimento×Dieta (P > 0,05) para nenhum parâmetro de digestibilidade. Houve efeito de Alimento sobre a DIVMS e DIVFDN, após 30 e 48 h de incubação (P < 0,01). A SM teve a maior DIVMS, seguido por SC e Feno, após 30 e 48 h de incubação. A SM teve a maior DIVFDN após 30 h, comparado com SC e Feno. No entanto, para DIVFDN após 48 h, a SM teve maior média, seguida da SC e Feno. O fluido ruminal de animais alimentados com MLV diminuiu a DIVMS e DIVFDN (P < 0.05) de todas as forragens, após 48 h. Resultados do segundo ensaio mostram que PCP diminuiu o tempo de colonização, fração B e aumentou a kd comparado com os dois milhos, e MLV apresentou maior kd que o MM. Em conclusão, a dieta com MLV diminuiu o pH ruminal no tempo 6 h e, consequentemente, diminuiu a DIVFDN das forragens avaliadas. Embora PCP tenha apresentado menor tempo de colonização e maior taxa de degradação da fração B, não afetou negativamente o pH do rúmen nem a digestibilidade da fibra das forragens.The present study aimed to evaluate non-fiber carbohydrates (NFC) in sugarcane-based diets on rumen pH, and forage digestibility, and to describe NFC degradation curves. The study consisted of two trials. For the first trial, three rumen cannulated steers, BW of 350 ± 15 kg (mean ± SE), were assigned in a 3×3 Latin Square (LS) design. They were fed diets containing finely-ground (0.9 mm average particle size) corn (GC), steam-rolled corn (SRC), or pelleted citrus pulp (PCP). Each period had 14 d, with the first 12 for adaptation. The 13th d was for serial measurement of rumen pH, and the14th for rumen fluid collection and in vitro incubation for DM and NDF digestibility (IVDMD and IVNDFD) of bermudagrass hay (Hay), corn (CS), and sugarcane (SS) silages. In the second trial, rumen fluid of a cannulated bull, fed corn silage and a regular concentrate, was collected for in vitro digestion of NFC for multiple time points. The incubation results were used to adjust the NFC degradation curves, and calculate lag-time, feed fractions, and degradation rate. Data from first trial was analyzed in a 3×3 LS. The model for the digestibility parameters included fixed effects of forage (Feed), diets with NFC (Diet), and their interaction (Feed × Diet), and random effect of animal and period. The model for rumen pH included fixed effect of diet, time as repeated measures, animal and period as random effects. The significance was considered at probability ≤ 5% (α = 0.05). The NFC degradation curves were adjusted using the PROC NLIN procedure from SAS, and equation parameters compared using confidence intervals. There was a Diet × Time interaction on rumen pH (P = 0.04), where SRC decreased pH compared to PCP and GC diets at the time 6 h, only. There was no Feed × Diet interaction effect (P > 0.05) for any digestibility parameter. There was a Feed effect on both IVDMD and IVNDFD, either after 30 or 48 h incubation (P < 0.01). The CS had the greatest IVDMD, followed by SS and Hay, after 30 and 48 h of incubation. The CS had the greatest IVNDFD after 30 h, compared to SS and Hay. However, for IVNDFD after 48 h, CS presented the greatest mean, followed by SS and Hay. The rumen fluid from animals fed SRC decreased both IVDMD and IVNDFD (P < 0.05) of all roughages after 48 h. Results from the second trial showed that the PCP had lower Lag Time, B fraction and greater kd compared to both corn sources, and SRC had greater kd than GC. In conclusion, the SRC diet decreased rumen pH 6 h after feeding and, consequently, decreased fiber digestibility of the tropical forage sources evaluated. Although the PCP had lower lag time, and faster rate of degradation of B fraction, it did not negatively affect rumen pH or fiber digestibility of forage

    Economic analysis of sexual precocity and pregnancy diagnosis in Nelore and Angus x Nelore cows

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    Entre as raças bovinas utilizadas comercialmente para produção de carne no Brasil, a Nelore e o cruzamento Nelore x Angus são de destaque pela adaptação que possuem às condições tropicais. No entanto, é comum que as fêmeas da raça Nelore produzam o primeiro bezerro entre os 44 a 48 meses de idade, fato que reduz a vida útil das matrizes no sistema de produção. Pesquisas desenvolvidas no Laboratório de Nutrição e Reprodução Animal (LNRA) da Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (ESALQ/USP) e no Laboratório de Fisiologia e Endocrinologia Molecular (LFEM) da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia na (FMVZ/USP), mostram que esta realidade pode ser eventualmente alterada por meio do desenvolvimento de novas técnicas que visam precocidade em alguns eventos da vida produtiva das fêmeas bovinas, como a puberdade e o diagnóstico da gestação. Objetiva-se com a presente pesquisa determinar o efeito na viabilidade econômica de unidades produtivas comerciais dedicadas à produção de bezerros de: i) reduzir o tempo ao qual as fêmeas Nelore e Nelore x Angus chegam à puberdade, oferecendo dois ritmos de crescimento (500 e 1000 g dia-1) em duas fases de crescimento (dos três aos sete meses de idade e dos sete meses de idade até a puberdade); e ii) realizar o diagnóstico da gestação de forma convencional pela ultrassonografia transretal ou de forma precoce a través da quantificação de genes ISGs em células mononucleares do sangue periférico ou utilizando ultrassom com Doppler colorido. Após realizar análise de investimento por período de 16 anos (803 semanas), foram calculados os indicadores econômicos Valor Presente Líquido (VPL), Taxa Interna de Retorno (TIR) e o tempo de recuperação do capital (payback). O VPL foi utilizado para determinar a viabilidade econômica dos sistemas, por meio de regressões múltiplas. Em tais regressões, a variável dependente foi o VPL e o conjunto de variáveis explicativas foram a genética, a nutrição, o tipo de diagnóstico da gestação e os níveis de preços relativos de insumos e produtos. O fato de algumas variáveis explicativas serem qualitativas justificou o uso de variáveis do tipo dummy (0 ou 1). De acordo com os resultados obtidos, realizar o diagnóstico da gestação uma semana antes do tempo normalmente utilizado, elevaria o VPL do empreendimento em, aproximadamente, R2,7milho~es.ApoˊsconfinamentodasnovilhasNeloreeNelorexAngusfoiobservadonoscenaˊriosondefoioferecidoAltoGMDnasduasfasesdoconfinamentomelhordesempenhoecono^mico.Noentanto,entreosdoisgruposgeneˊticos,asnovilhasNelorexAngusapresentarammaiorVPL.Finalmente,foirealizadoumlevantamentodohistoˊricodeprec\cospagoserecebidospeloprodutorruralnosuˊltimos10anos.Estaanaˊlisepermitiuobservarquesa~oosprec\cosdosinsumososquemaisinfluenciamaviabilidadedossistemas.AmongthebovinebreedscommerciallyusedformeatproductioninBrazil,theNeloreandNelorexAnguscrossesareprominentfortheadaptationthatareusefultotropicalconditions.However,itiscommonforNelorefemalestoproducethefirstcalfbetween44and48monthsofage,toreducetheusefullifeofthematricesintheproductionsystem.(LNRA)oftheLuizdeQueirozCollegeofAgriculture(ESALQ/USP)andnotLaboratoryofPhysiologyandMolecularEndocrinology(LFEM)oftheFacultyofVeterinaryMedicineandAnimalScienceat(FMVZ/USP)),showthatthisrealitycanbealteredbyMeansofdevelopingnewtechniquesaimedatprecocityinsomeeventsoflifeproducedbyfemales,suchaspubertyanddiagnosisofgestation.TheobjectiveofthisstudyistoinvestigatetheeffectoftheNeloreandNelorexAngusfemalesontheeconomicviabilityofvegetableproductionunitsdedicatedtotheproductionofcalves.Growth(500and1000gday1)intwogrowthstages(fromthreetosevenmonthsofageandtwomonthsofageuntilpuberty);Andii)performthediagnosisofpregnancyinaconventionalmannerbytransrectalultrasonographyorearlybyquantifyingISGgenesinperipheralbloodmononuclearcellsorusingcolorDopplerultrasound.Aftertheinvestmentanalysisforaperiodof16years(803weeks),thecalculationsofeconomicindicatorsNetPresentValue(NPV),InternalRateofReturn(IRR)andpaybacktime.TheNPVwasusedtodeterminetheeconomicalviabilityofthesystems,throughmultipleregressions.Insuchregressions,adependentvariablefortheNPVandthesetofexplanatoryvariablesforagenetics,anutrition,atypeofpregnancydiagnosisandthepricelevelsofinputsandproducts.Thefactthatsomeexplanatoryvariablesarequalitativejustifiedfortheuseofdummyvariables(0or1).Accordingtotheresultsobtained,carryoutthediagnosisofgestationaweekbeforethetimeused,raisetheNPVventuresinaboutR 2,7 milhões. Após confinamento das novilhas Nelore e Nelore x Angus foi observado nos cenários onde foi oferecido Alto GMD nas duas fases do confinamento melhor desempenho econômico. No entanto, entre os dois grupos genéticos, as novilhas Nelore x Angus apresentaram maior VPL. Finalmente, foi realizado um levantamento do histórico de preços pagos e recebidos pelo produtor rural nos últimos 10 anos. Esta análise permitiu observar que são os preços dos insumos os que mais influenciam a viabilidade dos sistemas.Among the bovine breeds commercially used for meat production in Brazil, the Nelore and Nelore x Angus crosses are prominent for the adaptation that are useful to tropical conditions. However, it is common for Nelore females to produce the first calf between 44 and 48 months of age, to reduce the useful life of the matrices in the production system. (LNRA) of the Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture (ESALQ / USP) and not Laboratory of Physiology and Molecular Endocrinology (LFEM) of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science at (FMVZ / USP)), show that this reality can be altered by Means of developing new techniques aimed at precocity in some events of life produced by females, such as puberty and diagnosis of gestation. The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of the Nelore and Nelore x Angus females on the economic viability of vegetable production units dedicated to the production of calves. Growth (500 and 1000 g day-1) in two growth stages (from three to seven months of age and two months of age until puberty); And ii) perform the diagnosis of pregnancy in a conventional manner by transrectal ultrasonography or early by quantifying ISG genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells or using color Doppler ultrasound. After the investment analysis for a period of 16 years (803 weeks), the calculations of economic indicators Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and payback time. The NPV was used to determine the economical viability of the systems, through multiple regressions. In such regressions, a dependent variable for the NPV and the set of explanatory variables for a genetics, a nutrition, a type of pregnancy diagnosis and the price levels of inputs and products. The fact that some explanatory variables are qualitative justified for the use of dummy variables (0 or 1). According to the results obtained, carry out the diagnosis of gestation a week before the time used, raise the NPV ventures in about R 2.7 million. After confinement of the Nelore and Nelore news x Observations on the scenarios in which the High GMD in the two phases of the confinement was carried out better economic performance. However, between the two genetic groups, such as Nelore x Angus heifers presented higher NPV. Finally, a survey of the price history paid and received by the rural producer in the last 10 years was carried out. This analysis showed that it is the input prices that most influence the systems viability

    Biological efficiency evaluation of increasing doses of fertilizers on marandu and mombaça pasture prairies during summer and autumn in a calf rearing system

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    No Brasil, os sistemas de produção em ruminantes são principalmente a base do fornecimento de forragens cultivadas em grandes, medianas ou pequenas extensões do território nacional. A maior parte destas pastagens estão em um avançado estado de degradação por causa de um mal aproveitamento das vantagens que oferecem as gramíneas utilizadas nestes sistemas de produção. Um dos motivos pelos quais muitos estes sistemas ainda não são sustentáveis, é o mal uso ou não uso de suplementos no solo, levando o esgotamento de recursos em el solo muy importantes para o bom desenvolvimento de uma gramínea como o é o nitrogênio e o potássio. Como consequência disto, o desempenho animal, fator crítico nos sistemas de produção pecuário são baixos e o rendimento econômico faz que a empresa produtora de carne e leite bovino não seja rentável. Objetiva-se com este estudo avaliar o efeito a eficiência biológica de doses crescentes de adubação em pastagens de capim-marandu e capimmombaça durante os períodos de verão e outono com 3 tratamentos, e duas repetições. Foram 3 as doses de adubação avaliadas: 1) 50 kg N/ha + 50 kg K2O/ha; 2) 300 kg N/ha + 300 kg K2O/ha e 3) 600 kg N/ha + 600 kg K2O/ha, sobre os seguintes parâmetros: 1) massa de forragem produzida em cada um dos tratamentos no pré-pastejo; 2) Composição morfológica; 3) taxa de lotação; 4) frequência de pastejo; 5) composição químico-bromatológica. Foram utilizados 6 piquetes, cada um de 2 ha (3 de variedade Marandu e 3 de variedade Mombaça), nos quais foram coletadas as informações do trabalho de campo. Adicionalmente, dois piquetes com as mesmas dimensões, cada um, com uma das variedades de capim estudadas foram usados como área de reserva. Todos os piquetes foram divididos em 6 partes iguais e contaram com uma área de lazer de 15x30 metros. 181 novilhas foram utilizadas como agentes desfoliadores em ciclos de pastejo de 5 dias de ocupação e 25 de descanso para o campi-marandu e 7 dias de ocupação e 35 de descanso para o campi-mombaça. No período da seca foi testado o desempenho de 103 novilhas entre prenhes e vazias suplementadas com dietas a base de cana-de açúcar e 4 fontes de proteína (farelo de soja, farelo de soja + uréia, uréia e uréia de liberação lenta). A taxa de lotação tive um efeito linear positivo às doses de N e KCl avaliadas. A qualidade do capim foi pouco influenciada pelos tratamentos. Todos os suplementos usados na época da seca permitiram manter o peso médio e obter um ganho de peso adicional. O uso de adubos nitrogendos e potássicos permite aumentar a eficiência do uso da terra permitindo disponibilizar áreas dedicadas à pecuária para outro tipo de atividades no agronegócio.In Brazil the ruminant production systems are mainly based on the offer of pastures cultivated in large, medium or small areas of the country. Most of the prairies in these production systems are in an advanced state of degradation due to misuse of the gramineae advantages making them unsustainable. The misuse or non-use of soil supplements leads to the depletion of resources such as nitrogen and potassium highly important for the proper development of grass. As a consequence the animal performance, a critical factor in livestock production systems is low, causing a negative impact on economic efficiency of the meat and milk production enterprise making it not profitable. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect and biological efficiency of increasing doses of fertilizers on Marandu and Mombaça pasture prairies during summer and autumn periods with three treatments in two repetitions. With three fertilizer doses evaluated: 1) 50 Kg of N/ha + 50 Kg of K2O/ha; 2) 300 Kg of N/ha + 300 Kg of K2O/ha and 3) 600 Kg of N/ha + 600 Kg of K2O/ha; on the following parameters: 1) mass of forage produced in each of the treatments on the pre-grazing, 2) morphological composition, 3) livestock rate, 4) frequency of grazing, 5) chemical and bromatological composition. 6 paddocks were used, each one of 2 ha (3 with Marandu variety and 3 Mombaça variety) were field work information was collected. Additionally, two fields with the same dimensions mentioned above, each one with the grass varieties tested were used as a reserve area. All paddocks were divided into 6 equal parts and counted with a rest area of 15 x 30 meters. 181 heifers were used to consume the accumulated pasture in grazing cycles, 5 days of occupation and 25 days off in Marandu pasture prairies and 7 days of occupation and 35 days off for Mombaça pasture prairies. In the drought period the performance of 103 pregnant heifers both pregnant and non-pregnant was evaluated, they were fed with diets supplemented with sugar cane and 4 protein sources (soybean meal; soybean meal+ urea; urea; and slow release urea).Lifestock rate had a positive linear effect on increasing doses of the N and KCl evaluated.. Pasture quality was poorly influenced by the treatments. All supplements used in the dry season allowed maintaining weight and additional weight gain. The use of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers allowed the increase of efficiency of soil and to use areas dedicated to livestock to other activities in the agribusiness

    Effect of different sources of non-fiber carbohydrate on ruminal pH and in vitro digestibility of tropical forage

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    The present study aimed to evaluate non-fiber carbohydrates (NFC) in sugarcane-based diets on rumen pH, and forage digestibility, and to describe NFC degradation curves. The study consisted of two trials. For the first trial, three rumen cannulated steers, BW of 350 ± 15 kg (mean ± SE), were assigned in a 3×3 Latin Square (LS) design. They were fed diets containing finely-ground (0.9 mm average particle size) corn (GC), steam-rolled corn (SRC), or pelleted citrus pulp (PCP). Each period had 14 d, with the first 12 for adaptation. The 13 d was for serial measurement of rumen pH, and the14 for rumen fluid collection and in vitro incubation for DM and NDF digestibility (IVDMD and IVNDFD) of bermudagrass hay (Hay), corn (CS), and sugarcane (SS) silages. In the second trial, rumen fluid of a cannulated bull, fed corn silage and a regular concentrate, was collected for in vitro digestion of NFC for multiple time points. The incubation results were used to adjust the NFC degradation curves, and calculate lag-time, feed fractions, and degradation rate. Data from first trial was analyzed in a 3×3 LS. The model for the digestibility parameters included fixed effects of forage (Feed), diets with NFC (Diet), and their interaction (Feed × Diet), and random effect of animal and period. The model for rumen pH included fixed effect of diet, time as repeated measures, animal and period as random effects. The significance was considered at probability ≤ 5% (α = 0.05). The NFC degradation curves were adjusted using the PROC NLIN procedure from SAS, and equation parameters compared using confidence intervals. There was a Diet × Time interaction on rumen pH (P = 0.04), where SRC decreased pH compared to PCP and GC diets at the time 6 h, only. There was no Feed × Diet interaction effect (P > 0.05) for any digestibility parameter. There was a Feed effect on both IVDMD and IVNDFD, either after 30 or 48 h incubation (P < 0.01). The CS had the greatest IVDMD, followed by SS and Hay, after 30 and 48 h of incubation. The CS had the greatest IVNDFD after 30 h, compared to SS and Hay. However, for IVNDFD after 48 h, CS presented the greatest mean, followed by SS and Hay. The rumen fluid from animals fed SRC decreased both IVDMD and IVNDFD (P < 0.05) of all roughages after 48 h. Results from the second trial showed that the PCP had lower Lag Time, B fraction and greater k compared to both corn sources, and SRC had greater k than GC. In conclusion, the SRC diet decreased rumen pH 6 h after feeding and, consequently, decreased fiber digestibility of the tropical forage sources evaluated. Although the PCP had lower lag time, and faster rate of degradation of B fraction, it did not negatively affect rumen pH or fiber digestibility of forage

    Cardiovascular Efficacy and Safety of Bococizumab in High-Risk Patients

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    Bococizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody that inhibits proprotein convertase subtilisin- kexin type 9 (PCSK9) and reduces levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. We sought to evaluate the efficacy of bococizumab in patients at high cardiovascular risk. METHODS In two parallel, multinational trials with different entry criteria for LDL cholesterol levels, we randomly assigned the 27,438 patients in the combined trials to receive bococizumab (at a dose of 150 mg) subcutaneously every 2 weeks or placebo. The primary end point was nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, hospitalization for unstable angina requiring urgent revascularization, or cardiovascular death; 93% of the patients were receiving statin therapy at baseline. The trials were stopped early after the sponsor elected to discontinue the development of bococizumab owing in part to the development of high rates of antidrug antibodies, as seen in data from other studies in the program. The median follow-up was 10 months. RESULTS At 14 weeks, patients in the combined trials had a mean change from baseline in LDL cholesterol levels of -56.0% in the bococizumab group and +2.9% in the placebo group, for a between-group difference of -59.0 percentage points (P<0.001) and a median reduction from baseline of 64.2% (P<0.001). In the lower-risk, shorter-duration trial (in which the patients had a baseline LDL cholesterol level of ≥70 mg per deciliter [1.8 mmol per liter] and the median follow-up was 7 months), major cardiovascular events occurred in 173 patients each in the bococizumab group and the placebo group (hazard ratio, 0.99; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.80 to 1.22; P = 0.94). In the higher-risk, longer-duration trial (in which the patients had a baseline LDL cholesterol level of ≥100 mg per deciliter [2.6 mmol per liter] and the median follow-up was 12 months), major cardiovascular events occurred in 179 and 224 patients, respectively (hazard ratio, 0.79; 95% CI, 0.65 to 0.97; P = 0.02). The hazard ratio for the primary end point in the combined trials was 0.88 (95% CI, 0.76 to 1.02; P = 0.08). Injection-site reactions were more common in the bococizumab group than in the placebo group (10.4% vs. 1.3%, P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS In two randomized trials comparing the PCSK9 inhibitor bococizumab with placebo, bococizumab had no benefit with respect to major adverse cardiovascular events in the trial involving lower-risk patients but did have a significant benefit in the trial involving higher-risk patients

    Cardiovascular Efficacy and Safety of Bococizumab in High-Risk Patients

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