635 research outputs found

    The impact of mortality from external causes on human development in the Brazilian borderland

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    This article estimates the impact of mortality from external causes on the human development index (HDI) along the Brazilian borderland from 2000 to 2005. Data obtained from Brazilian government agencies were combined using the methodology defined by the United Nations Development Program, revealing the HDI according to actual conditions. Subsequently, deaths from external causes were excluded in order to estimate their impact on the index, recalculating life expectancy using the technique of competing causes. HDI showed a gradual increase from North to South, with the most developed regions concentrated in the South, consistent with studies using other sets of economic indicators. By excluding mortality from external causes, the highest gains appeared in regions where the HDI (under actual conditions) were lower, and the magnitude of gains declined towards the South

    Fragilidade financeira externa é os limites da política cambial no real

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    This article assesses the impacts of Brazil's exchan e- based stabilization plan (Plano Real) on Sexternal financial fragility and discuss exchange policy to Overcome the Br vulnerability. In order to the country's es alternative azil's external do so, we have developed an index for this external financial fragility, which is applied to a time series of foreign sector variables from 1992 to 1997. The evidences show that Brazilian external financial fragility has grown during the first three years and half after the Real Plan, particularly in 1996 and 1997. Using this evidence, the paper questions the effectiveness the of government's adjustment strategy for the industrial sector, based on four pillars: price stabilization, capital trade and liberalization and exchange appreciation. we Finally, conclude that the scope for changes in currently exchange policy is too small: the government is prisoner of a self-inflicted “exchange trap”.Este artigo avalia os impactos do plano de estabilização brasileiro (Plano Real) sobre a fragilidade financeira externa do país e discute as propostas de mudanças na política cambial com vistas à superação do quadro de vulnerabilidade externa. Para tanto, é desenvolvido um índice de fragilidade financeira externa, que é aplicado a uma série de dados relativos a variáveis do setor externo no período de 1992 a 1997. As evidências mostram que a fragilidade financeira externa no Brasil cresceu bastante durante os primeiros três anos e meio do Plano Real, em particular em 1996 e 1997. Com base nesta evidência, o texto questiona a eficácia da estratégia de reestruturação produtiva do governo para o setor industrial, baseada no tripé estabilização, abertura comercial e de capitais e apreciação cambial. Por fim, conclui-se que o raio de manobra para alteração da política cambial em vigor é bastante estreito, estando o governo prisioneiro da “armadilha do câmbio”, que ele mesmo criou

    Conventional currency crises models, speculative attack and the reform of the international monetary system : a Fost-Keynesian approach

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    This paper develops a critical view of the conventional currency crises models from a Post Keynesian perspective. Besides, it also presents a Post Keynesian proposal to reform the international monetary system, based on Keynes’s ideas and Davidson’s works.Indisponível


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    SUMMARY: Nitroxynil 34% is an anthelmintic of the family of phenolic substitutes that is used for the control ofSUMMARY: Nitroxynil 34% is an anthelmintic of the family of phenolic substitutes that is used for the control o


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    Objetivou-se por meio deste relato a ocorrência de fístula abomaso-umbilical em bezerro Girolando, descrevendo a sintomatologia clínica e tratamento instituído. Um bezerro com quatro meses de idade e 80 kg, apresentou histórico de onfaloflebite e lesão eritematosa com edemaciação umbilical. À inspeção física, verificou-se gotejamento de secreção esbranquiçada com aspecto leitoso e presença de orifício na região umbilical. Verificou-se pela palpação digital a presença de tecido pregueado semelhante mucosa abomasal. Por meio desses achados, sugeriu-se o diagnóstico de fístula abomaso-umbilical e procedeu-se a correção cirúrgica da lesão fistulante. Após 15 dias do tratamento instituído, o animal recebeu alta médica. Dessa forma, pôde-se concluir que, apesar de rara, essa patologia foi de fácil diagnóstico clínico e a terapia foi capaz promover a completa recuperação do animal

    Influência da densidade populacional na sobrevivência de rã-touro (Rana catesbeiana Shaw, 1802) em criação intensiva

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    At the Experimental Frog-culture Facility of the Instituto de Pesca, Pindamonhangaba 25º 55'55" S and $%º 27'22" W), São Paulo State, Brazil, in the form of an experiment, it was determined the crowd density which propitiates the best survival rate in intensive culture conditions, from January, 13th, through April, 5, 1984. The densities 5th, 25, 45 and 65 frogs per m2 were studied. The best survival rate was observed in treatment with 5 frogs per m2 (P<0.01).No Ranário Experimental, situado na Estação Experimental de Piscicultura do Instituto de Pesca, em Pindamonhangaba (22º 55'55" S e 45º 27'22" W), estado de São Paulo, Brasil, procurou-se determinar a densidade populacional ideal para a melhor sobrevivência de rã-touro, em cultivo intensivo, no período de 13/01 a 05/04/84. Foram estudadas as densidades 5, 25, 45 e 65 rãs/m2. Os resultados permitiram inferir que a melhor sobrevivência foi propiciada para a densidade de 5 rãs/m2

    Spatial analysis of leprosy incidence and associated socioeconomic factors

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify clusters of the major occurrences of leprosy and their associated socioeconomic and demographic factors. METHODS: Cases of leprosy that occurred between 1998 and 2007 in Sao Jose do Rio Preto (southeastern Brazil) were geocodified and the incidence rates were calculated by census tract. A socioeconomic classification score was obtained using principal component analysis of socioeconomic variables. Thematic maps to visualize the spatial distribution of the incidence of leprosy with respect to socioeconomic levels and demographic density were constructed using geostatistics. RESULTS: While the incidence rate for the entire city was 10.4 cases per 100,000 inhabitants annually between 1998 and 2007, the incidence rates of individual census tracts were heterogeneous, with values that ranged from 0 to 26.9 cases per 100,000 inhabitants per year. Areas with a high leprosy incidence were associated with lower socioeconomic levels. There were identified clusters of leprosy cases, however there was no association between disease incidence and demographic density. There was a disparity between the places where the majority of ill people lived and the location of healthcare services. CONCLUSIONS: The spatial analysis techniques utilized identified the poorer neighborhoods of the city as the areas with the highest risk for the disease. These data show that health departments must prioritize politico-administrative policies to minimize the effects of social inequality and improve the standards of living, hygiene, and education of the population in order to reduce the incidence of leprosy

    Behaviour of the foramen ovale flow in fetuses with intrauterine growth restriction

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    Foramen ovale (FO) flow may be altered in IUGR. .is study was designed to test this hypothesis. Methods. Forty pregnant women (24–38 weeks) were divided into 3 groups: group I (IUGR), group II (adequate growth and maternal hypertension), and group III (normal controls). Impedance across the FO was assessed by the FO pulsatility index (FOPI): (systolic velocity − presystolic velocity)/mean velocity. Statistical analysis utilized ANOVA, Tukey test, and ROC curves. Results. Mean FOPI in IUGR fetuses (n=15) was 3.70 ± 0.99 (3.15–4.26); in the group II (n=12), it was 2.84 ± 0.69 (2.40–3.28), and in the group III (n=13), it was 2.77 ± 0.44 (2.50–3.04) (p=0.004). FOPI and UtA RI were correlated (r= 0.375, p= 0.017), as well as FOPI and UA RI (r= 0.356, p= 0.024) and, inversely, FOPI and MCA RI (r= −0.359, p= 0.023). Conclusions. .e FO flow pulsatility index is increased in fetuses with IUGR, probably as a result of impaired left ventricular diastolic functio