457 research outputs found

    El regional y el global: la articulación de la diversidad de funciones de la enseñanza superior

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    Tras la celebración de la Conferencia Mundial sobre la Educación Superior promovida por la Unesco en 1998, la reciente evolución del sector en todo el mundo suscita serias preocupaciones. Sobre todo en el mundo occidental, la globalización económica ha dado lugar a una enorme presión por parte de los inversores financieros que buscan la forma de internacionalizar sus capitales a través de la educación. Estamos presenciando la pérdida de caracterización de la universidad, con lo que la cultura de la paz corre enormes riesgos, ya que, para ser efectiva, debería basarse en el reconocimiento y respeto mutuos de los distintos valores que congregan a la sociedad humana. Principalmente, a través del cumplimiento de la directriz de pertinencia de la conferencia CMES -no ignorada solemnemente por casualidad debido a la subordinación de este nivel de la enseñanza a la financiación de la economía global- este reconocimiento y respecto mutuos podrían emplear la universidad como un poderoso instrumento que define una agenda política apremiante para las fuerzas comprometidas con la paz

    Institutional and political challenges of accreditation at the international level

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    This contribution is a strong plea for approaches in quality assessment and accreditation, which honour diversity and promote innovation and creativity in higher education. For many reasons, accreditation has become an important issue for higher education, which has occurred during a period in which there has been a major shift in values. Higher education, always considered primarily a public good, is increasingly being transformed into a predominantly private good; a commodity that could be subject to trade rules. Basic questions should be answered before any action is taken in this field. Accreditation for what purpose and for which qualities? Who will be the gatekeepers of the system and what will be their criteria? The implications of the concepts of quality and of accreditation, and the methods adopted in this field, will produce consequences not only at economic and financial levels but also in terms of the cultural, social and political life of institutions and nations. In 1998, during the World Conference on Higher Education (WCHE, UNESCO, Paris), a consensus was reached and the idea of evaluation was accepted, based on the general acceptance that quality in higher education is multidimensional. The WCHE favoured a system in which quality and relevance should go hand in hand. Since then, accreditation, a method already used for a long time in some countries, in particular the United States, was added more prominently to the international agenda. The concept of quality is crucial here. Aproposal of the WCHE, requesting institutions of higher education to define or redefine their missions together with society, could serve to help create the necessary conditions for appropriate evaluations, by comparing what the institutions actually achieve with what the society as a whole expects from them. Standards could be defined through this mechanism instead of using models that do not relate to the cultural environment of institutions or the specific needs of society. These standards should guarantee appropriate quality, while at the same time enhancing diversity, innovation and creativity.Peer Reviewe

    Paulo Freire, au-delà de l’alphabétisation des adultes, l’émancipation

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    Pédagogue brésilien, Paulo Freire est aussi un humaniste reconnu internationalement. S’il est connu pour son action d’alphabétisation et sa lutte contre l’illettrisme dans son pays, sa conception de l’éducation ne se réduit pas à cela. Non seulement elle sert la libération des opprimés mais elle révolutionne l’éducation des adultes et l’enseignement supérieur. Par ailleurs, Paulo Freire lutte contre une « culture du silence » et sa pensée soutient ceux qui considèrent qu’il y a actuellement un retour au « diffusionisme » ethnocentré occidental, en tant que processus subtil d’aliénation. Sa vision contribue aussi au renforcement du concept d’éducation comme bien public : un droit universel et un instrument de libération et non un service commercial ou au bénéfice d’une pensée unique.A Brazilian pedagogue, Paulo Freire was also an internationally recognized humanist. Although he is known for his literacy work and his fight against illiteracy in his country, his conception of education was not limited to that. Not only does it serve the liberation of the oppressed, it also revolutionizes adult and higher education. Moreover, Paulo Freire fought against a “culture of silence” and his thought can be of service to those who consider that there is currently a return to Western ethnocentric “diffusionism” as a subtle process of alienation. His vision also contributes to reinforcing the concept of education as a public good: a universal right and an instrument of liberation, not a commercial service or something that serves a single system of thought.Paulo Freire, pedagogo brasileño, es también un humanista reconocido internacionalmente. Aunque sea célebre por sus actividades de alfabetización y la lucha contra el analfabetismo en su país, sus ideas sobre educación no se limitan a estas. No solo sirve como forma de liberación de los oprimidos, sino que revoluciona la educación en adultos y la enseñanza superior. Además, Paulo Freire lucha contra la “cultura del silencio” y el difusionismo etnocéntrico occidental como procesos sutiles de alienación. Reconsidera el concepto de educación como bien público: un derecho universal y un instrumento de liberación, y no un servicio mercantil o a disposición del pensamiento único

    Processo civil empresarial

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    Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à Lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.Localização na estante: 347.7:347.91/.95(81) P963cCoordenado por: Marco Aurélio Bellizze Oliveira, Marco Antonio Rodrigues e Thiago Dias Delfino Cabral


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    The objective of this study was to evaluate price seasonality of the Brazilian Yerba mate exported to the Uruguayan market, serving as a basis for decision-making to the producers. For this purpose, we collected data on Brazilian yerba mate exports to Uruguay, available in the ALICE-WEB System, which, after deflation, were used to determine the Seasonal Index for different periods between 1997 and 2018 The results showed that the market for yerba mate does not present regular historical cycles, the prices of the Brazilian product in the Uruguayan market suffer constant  falls and increases. Nevertheless, it is possible to observe a long-term trend of increasing the real price of the product at an average rate of 0.33% per month. It is possible to conclude that the price of Brazilian yerba mate in the Uruguayan market was in the ascendancy until the beginning of 2015, when the Uruguayan Justice instituted an investigation to investigate the presence of cadmium and lead at levels above the allowed ones in the Brazilian product. At the end of the study period, there was a slight tendency  to recover prices, however, only new studies will be able to verify if the price of Brazilian yerba on the Uruguayan market will reach levels similar to those registered before the judicial embargo.Keywords: international trade; seasonality; competitiveness

    Potencial de deriva da mistura de 2,4-D com glyphosate

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    The application of the mixture of glyphosate with 2,4-d took on great importance with high adoption of no-tillage system in the early 90s, and with the constant reports of weed biotypes resistant to glyphosate. However, studies on the drift of this mixture are still scarce. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential drift of these herbicides, with or without the adjuvant, applied in wind tunnel. The experimental design was completely randomized considered, arranged in a factorial design 5 x 3, with four replications, and five tails and three collection distances (5, 10 and 15 meters). The spray tested were: glyphosate, 2,4-D, 2,4-D+glyphosate, glyphosate+2,4-D+adjuvant, and a control in which water was applied. The collection points were installed at 5, 10 and 15 meters and in this points each 20 cm of height in relation of tunnel ground until 1,0 m of height. The application of the products took place in a wind tunnel with 20 m length and cross-sectional 4 m2 with speed wind of 2.0 m s-1,. The mean values obtained in the samples were subjected to analysis of variance, and their means were compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. It was observed that herbicide application associated produces more drift than when applied alone mainly to 5 and 10 meters of distance to sprayer boom. The drift of each herbicide applied alone did not differ. When added to the adjuvant mixture glyphosate plus 2,4-D, there was a 23% reduction in drift at 5 m and 6 m to 10%.A aplicação da mistura dos herbicidas glyphosate com 2,4-D passou a ter grande importância com a adoção do sistema de semeadura direta, no início dos anos 90, e com os constantes relatos de biótipos de plantas daninhas resistentes ao herbicida glyphosate. No entanto, estudos referentes à deriva desta mistura ainda são escassos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de deriva dos herbicidas glyphosate e 2,4-D, associados ou não a adjuvante, pulverizados em túnel de vento. O delineamento experimental considerado foi inteiramente ao acaso, arranjados em um esquema fatorial 5 x 3, com quatro repetições, sendo cinco caldas e três distâncias de coleta (5, 10 e 15 metros). As caldas testadas foram: glyphosate, 2,4-D, 2,4-D+glyphosate e 2,4-D+glyphosate+adjuvante, além de uma testemunha na qual foi pulverizada água. A aplicação dos produtos ocorreu em um túnel com 20 m de comprimento e secção transversal de 4 m2, com velocidade do vento de 2,0 m.s-1. Os pontos de coleta foram instalados a 5, 10 e 15 m de distância da barra de pulverização e nestes pontos a cada 20 cm de altura em relação ao piso do túnel até 1,0 m de altura.  Os valores médios obtidos nas coletas foram submetidos à análise de variância, e suas médias foram comparadas pelo teste Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. Observou-se que a aplicação dos herbicidas associados produz mais deriva do que quando aplicados de forma isolada, principalmente a 5 e a 10 metros de distância da barra de pulverização. A deriva de cada herbicida aplicado isoladamente não apresentou diferenças estatísticas. Quando se adicionou adjuvante a calda associada houve uma redução de 23% na deriva a 5 m e 6% a 10 m

    Three-dimensional technology facilitates surgical performance of novice laparoscopy surgeons: a quantitative assessment on a porcine kidney model

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    Objective To determine whether the use of 3-dimensional (3D) imaging translates into a better surgical performance of naïve urologic laparoscopic surgeons during pyeloplasty (PY) and partial nephrectomy (PN) procedures. Materials and Methods Eighteen surgeons without any previous laparoscopic experience were randomly assigned to perform PY and PN in a porcine model using initially 2-dimensional (2D) and 3D laparoscopy. A surgical performance score was rated by an "expert" tutor through a modified 5-item global rating scale contemplating operative field view, bimanual dexterity, efficiency, tissue handling, and autonomy. Overall surgical time, complications, subjective perception of participating surgeons, and inconveniences related to the 3D vision were recorded. Results No difference in terms if operative time was found between 2D or 3D laparoscopy for both the PY (P =.51) and the PN (P =.28) procedures. A better rate in terms of surgical performance score was noted by the tutors when the study participants were using 3D vs 2D, for both PY (3.6 [0.8] vs 3.0 [0.4]; P =.034) and PN (3.6 [0.51] vs 3.15 [0.63]; P =.001). No complications occurred in any of the procedures. Most (77.2%) of the participating na??ve laparoscopic surgeons had the perception that 3D laparoscopy was overall easier than 2D. Headache (18.1%), nausea (18.1%), and visual disturbance (18.1%) were the most common issues reported by the surgeons during 3D procedures. Conclusion Despite the absence of translation in a shorter operative time, the use of 3D technology seems to facilitate the surgical performance of naive surgeons during laparoscopic kidney procedures on a porcine model

    Alpha Cluster Structure in16O

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    The main purpose of the present work is the investigation of the α-cluster phenomenon in 16 O. The 12 C( 6 Li,d) 16 O reaction was measured at a bombarding energy of 25.5 MeV employing the Sao Paulo Pelletron-Enge-Spectrograph facility and the nuclear emulsion detection technique. Resonant states around 4α threshold were measured and an energy resolution of 15 keV allows to define states previously unresolved. The angular distributions of the absolute cross sections were determined in a range of 4-40 degree in the center of mass system. The upper limit for the resonance widths was obtained, indicating that the α cluster structure information in this region should be revised

    Checklist of the dipterofauna (Insecta) from Roraima, Brazil, with special reference to the Brazilian Ecological Station of Maracá

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    Roraima is a Brazilian state located in the northern portion of the Amazon basin, with few studies regarding its biodiversity. The Ecological Station of Maracá (Brazil, state of Roraima) harbors the third largest Brazilian pluvial island and is composed of a transitional landscape of savanna and Amazon rainforest components. Despite its ecological importance and strategic localization, few studies covered the dipterofauna of this locality. An updated checklist addressing 41 families of true flies (Diptera) occurring in Roraima is presented based on the literature and the specimens collected during a field expedition that occurred in 2015. This checklist brings several improvements such as new records of 165 taxa to the state of Roraima, 29 taxa to Brazil, and 259 morphotypes, mostly likely representing undescribed species