1,275 research outputs found

    Comparison of Measured Creatinine Clearance and Clearances Estimated by Cockcroft-Gault and MDRD Formulas in Patients with a Single Kidney

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    There are doubts about whether the values obtained from the Cockroft-Gault (ClCG) and Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (GFRMDRD) formulas are comparable to the more traditional formula used to obtain the creatinine clearance from a 24-hour urine collection (ClCrm), particularly in patients with only one kidney. The present study aimed to compare these formulas in individuals with one remaining kidney after previous nephrectomy (Nx) and to verify which estimated formula correlates more closely with ClCrm. Thirty-six patients who had undergone Nx had their renal filtration analyzed with ClCG, GFRMDRD and by ClCrm. The average time after Nx was 11.6 ± 9.0 years, and the average age at the time of the study was 50.7 ± 10.6 years old (X ± SD). The results of three clearances were 81.1 ± 35.6 mL·min·m2 for ClCrm, 70.4 ± 24.0 mL·min·m2 for ClCrCG, and 71.2 ± 19.2 mL·min·m2 for GFRMDRD (with ClCrm > ClCrCG and GFRMDRD; P < .001). No difference was found between the ClCrCG and GFRMDRD values (P = .72). The data demonstrated that both estimate formulas were strongly correlated with ClCrm, although ClCrCG was more closely associated with ClCrm than GFRMDRD (ClCrCG with r2 : 0.64 and GFRMDRD with r2 : 0.34; P < .001). In conclusion, for people with only one kidney remaining after NX, our data showed that glomerular filtration rate estimation by ClCrCG is more related to the values obtained with the traditional clearance measurement based on a 24-hour urine collection test

    “Screening” precoce quanto à tolerância ao frio no melhoramento de cana-de-açúcar

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of early screening in the selection of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) families for cold tolerance in a controlled environment. Fourteen sugarcane families were evaluated for leaf damage and chlorophyll content, in a controlled environment and in the field, after cold stress. The variance components and genotypic values of the families were estimated via REML/BLUP, as well as the genetic correlations between variables and environments. The heritabilities in the narrow sense and for family averages showed values above 0.23 and 0.76, respectively, and a genetic coefficient of variation above 13%, which confirmis the existence of variability and enables selection in both environments. The genetic correlations ranged from 0.59 to 0.88 and were significant for all combinations of variables and environments. The average coincidence index for the families between environments was 60% for the selected group and 85% for the unselected group. The early screening in the first stages of selection is efficient in breeding for cold tolerance in sugarcane families.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência do screening precoce na seleção de famílias de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.) quanto à tolerância ao frio em ambiente controlado. Avaliaram-se 14 famílias de cana-de-açúcar quanto ao dano foliar e ao teor de clorofila, em ambiente controlado e em campo, após estresse por frio. Estimaram-se os componentes de variância e os valores genotípicos das famílias via REML/BLUP, bem como as correlações genéticas entre variáveis e ambientes. As herdabilidades no sentido restrito e para médias de famílias apresentaram valores superiores a 0,23 e 0,76, respectivamente, com coeficiente de variação genético superior a 13%, o que confirma existência de variabilidade e torna possível a seleção em ambos os ambientes. As correlações genéticas variaram de 0,59 a 0,88 e foram significativas para todas as combinações de variáveis e ambientes. O índice de coincidência médio para as famílias entre ambientes foi de 60% para o grupo selecionado e de 85% para o grupo não selecionado. O “screening” precoce, nas primeiras fases de seleção, é eficiente no melhoramento genético para tolerância ao frio em famílias de cana-de-açúcar

    Indicadores de especialização produtiva agropecuária para caracterização de municípios do estado de São Paulo (Brasil)

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    The general hypothesis of this research was that agricultural production presents itself unevenly in the territory with significant differences in productivity and financial income in terms of products. The objective of this work was to allow a more comprehensive knowledge of the characteristics of specialization and concentration of agricultural production based on sets of agricultural products weighted by their occupied area. The information from 621 São Paulo municipalities with agricultural production constituted a random vector, called financial contribution per hectare, formed by production variables and the total productive area of the municipalities. Using three indicators, they analyzed the municipal productive concentration. The degree of productive concentration per set of products demonstrated that the highest productive concentration was accompanied by greater profitability per hectare. The strong dilemma between diversification to dilute market risks and specialization to increase production efficiency was seen in all product sets. Keywords: diversification, productivity, specializationA hipótese geral desta pesquisa foi que a produção agropecuária se apresenta de forma desigual no território com expressivas diferenças de produtividade e rendimento financeiro em conjunto de produtos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi permitir um conhecimento mais abrangente das características de especialização e concentração da produção agropecuária, com base em conjuntos de produtos agropecuários ponderado pela sua área ocupada. As informações de 621 municípios paulistas com produção agropecuária constituíram um vetor aleatório, denominado de contribuição financeira por hectare, formado por variáveis de produção e área produtiva total dos municípios. Por meio de três indicadores analisaram a concentração produtiva municipal. O grau de concentração produtiva por conjunto de produtos demonstrou que a maior concentração produtiva foi acompanhada por maior rentabilidade por hectare. O forte dilema entre diversificação para diluir os riscos de mercado e a especialização para aumentar a eficiência produtiva foi verificado em todos os conjuntos de produtos. Palavras-chaves: diversificação, produtividade, especializaçãoA hipótese geral desta pesquisa foi que a produção agropecuária se apresenta de forma desigual no território com expressivas diferenças de produtividade e rendimento financeiro em conjunto de produtos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi permitir um conhecimento mais abrangente das características de especialização e concentração da produção agropecuária, com base em conjuntos de produtos agropecuários ponderado pela sua área ocupada. As informações de 621 municípios paulistas com produção agropecuária constituíram um vetor aleatório, denominado de contribuição financeira por hectare, formado por variáveis de produção e área produtiva total dos municípios. Por meio de três indicadores analisaram a concentração produtiva municipal. O grau de concentração produtiva por conjunto de produtos demonstrou que a maior concentração produtiva foi acompanhada por maior rentabilidade por hectare. O forte dilema entre diversificação para diluir os riscos de mercado e a especialização para aumentar a eficiência produtiva foi verificado em todos os conjuntos de produtos. Palavras-chaves: diversificação, produtividade, especializaçã

    Efeitos do bilinguismo sobre a L1: evidências em julgamentos de aceitabilidade e no processamento online de bilíngues em imersão na L2 ou não

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    Vários estudos recentes apresentam evidências de que o bilinguismo tem efeitos sobre as representações da primeira língua de bilíngues que se encontram imersos no ambiente de sua L2, ou que se encontram em inversão de dominância linguística. Neste artigo, tratamos da questão de serem ou não as influências do bilinguismo sobre a primeira língua limitadas aos bilíngues com esse perfil. Serão discutidos resultados de três experimentos através dos quais foram elicitadas evidências de potenciais influências do bilinguismo sobre a primeira língua tanto de residentes de longo período no ambiente da L2 quanto de bilíngues que se encontravam imersos no ambiente de sua língua dominante

    As doenças emergentes e reemergentes e seus determinantes / Emerging and reemerging diseases and their determinants

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     Introdução: Nos últimos anos, tem-se observado a ocorrência de novas doenças, bem como o aparecimento de doenças tidas como erradicadas. Essas ocorrências, as chamadas doenças emergentes e reemergentes. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo baseado em uma revisão de literatura detalhada. Resultados e Discussões: As doenças emergentes são as que surgem com impacto significativo sobre o ser humano, devido a sua gravidade em acometer órgãos e seus sistemas principais e potencialidade de deixar sequelas limitadoras ou até mesmo morte.  As doenças reemergentes indicam mudança no comportamento epidemiológico de doenças já conhecidas, que haviam sido controladas, mas que voltaram a apresentar ameaça a saúde humana. Conclusão: Para gerenciar as endemias e epidemias, todos os esforços devem ser acordados, com a finalidade de evitar sua propagação, com educação continuadas as populações em relação aos métodos preventivos aliado a vigilância epidemiológica.

    Inflammatory Complication of Diverticular Disease

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    Diverticular disease is the most common morphological abnormality of the colon. It is increasing in prevalence proportionally to progressive aging and modern alimentary diet. The majority of the diverticular disease affects the sigmoid colon and the segmental inflammatory process can have different outcomes, from self-limited, low-grade inflammation to severe cases evolving to complications such as abscess, fistulas to different organs, free perforation and peritonitis, sepsis, intestinal obstruction, and hemorrhage. In this chapter, we will focus on a few of these complications—focal low-grade inflammation, intra-abdominal abscess, and fistulas

    a study from ecological theory and social network analysis perspective

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    The objective of the present study was to analyze and compare the setter's decision-making (DM) in the offensive construction of the side-out (attack from the reception) in high-level men's volleyball. The sample consisted of the analysis of 132 games of the Brazilian men's volleyball Super-League 2021/2022, with 22 games for each team. The results showed that the eigenvector values were higher for setting to position 3, central attacker next to the setter, simple block, and obtaining the attack point. In addition, the setter's DM was similar between teams, suggesting that the game strategies aim to provide subsidies for the setter to make the decisions according to the game context in a flexible way and generate benefits for the attackers about the number of blockers, being that under ideal conditions and due to the lifter's correct choices in distribution, central blockers avoid anticipating the setting, and this fact allows the conditions of a single block or double-broken blocks in most cases. As a practical application, setting for the central attacker in position 3 becomes an interesting option for point acquisition and is capable of influencing the number of blockers, as well as the optimal blocking condition. Another application would be for the central attacker to position themselves close to the setter, a strategy that would enable the use of the "pipe" attack in other areas of the court with lower defensive blocking power.9E1A-F9DD-3EB8 | Filipe Manuel ClementeN/

    Heparanase 1 Upregulation Promotes Tumor Progression and Is a Predictor of Low Survival for Oral Cancer

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    Background: Oral cavity cancer is still an important public health problem throughout the world. Oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCCs) can be quite aggressive and metastatic, with a low survival rate and poor prognosis. However, this is usually related to the clinical stage and histological grade, and molecular prognostic markers for clinical practice are yet to be defined. Heparanase (HPSE1) is an endoglycosidase associated with extracellular matrix remodeling, and although involved in several malignancies, the clinical implications of HPSE1 expression in OSCCs are still unknown.Methods: We sought to investigate HPSE1 expression in a series of primary OSCCs and further explore whether its overexpression plays a relevant role in OSCC tumorigenesis. mRNA and protein expression analyses were performed in OSCC tissue samples and cell lines. A loss-of-function strategy using shRNA and a gain-of-function strategy using an ORF vector targeting HPSE1 were employed to investigate the endogenous modulation of HPSE1 and its effects on proliferation, apoptosis, adhesion, epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), angiogenesis, migration, and invasion of oral cancer in vitro.Results: We demonstrated that HPSE1 is frequently upregulated in OSCC samples and cell lines and is an unfavorable prognostic indicator of disease-specific survival when combined with advanced pT stages. Moreover, abrogation of HPSE1 in OSCC cells significantly promoted apoptosis and inhibited proliferation, migration, invasion, and epithelial-mesenchymal transition by significantly decreasing the expression of N-cadherin and vimentin. Furthermore, a conditioned medium of HPSE1-downregulated cells resulted in reduced vascular endothelial growth.Conclusion: Our results confirm the overexpression of HPSE1 in OSCCs, suggest that HPSE1 expression correlates with disease progression as it is associated with several important biological processes for oral tumorigenesis, and can be managed as a prognostic marker for patients with OSCC.Peer reviewe

    Antitumor effect and toxicity of free rhodium (II) citrate and rhodium (II) citrate-loaded maghemite nanoparticles in mice bearing breast cancer

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    Background: Magnetic fluids containing superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles represent an attractive platform as nanocarriers in chemotherapy. Recently, we developed a formulation of maghemite nanoparticles coated with rhodium (II) citrate, which resulted in in vitro cytotoxicity enhanced up to 4.6 times when compared to free rhodium (II) citrate formulation on breast carcinoma cells. In this work, we evaluate the antitumor activity and toxicity induced by these formulations in Balb/c mice bearing orthotopic 4T1 breast carcinoma. Methods: Mice were evaluated with regard to the treatments’ toxicity through analyses of hemogram, serum levels of alanine aminotransferase, iron, and creatinine; DNA fragmentation and cell cycle of bone marrow cells; and liver, kidney and lung histology. In addition, the antitumor activity of rhodium (II) citrate and maghemite nanoparticles coated with rhodium (II) citrate was verified by tumor volume reduction, histology and immunohistochemistry. Results: Regarding the treatments’ toxicity, no experimental groups had alterations in levels of serum ALT or creatinine, and this suggestion was corroborated by the histopathologic examination of liver and kidney of mice. Moreover, DNA fragmentation frequency of bone marrow cells was lower than 15% in all experimental groups. On the other hand, the complexes rhodium (II) citrate-functionalized maghemite and free rhodium (II) citrate led to a marked growth inhibition of tumor and decrease in CD31 and Ki-67 staining. Conclusions: In summary, we demonstrated that both rhodium (II) citrate and maghemite nanoparticles coated with rhodium (II) citrate formulations exhibited antitumor effects against 4T1 metastatic breast cancer cell line following intratumoral administration. This antitumor effect was followed by inhibition of both cell proliferation and microvascularization and by tumor tissue injury characterized as necrosis and fibrosis. Remarkably, this is the first published report demonstrating the therapeutic efficacy of maghemite nanoparticles coated with rhodium (II) citrate. This treatment prolonged the survival period of treated mice without inducing apparent systemic toxicity, which strengthens its use for future breast cancer therapeutic applications