13 research outputs found

    Use of smartphones by older adults: characteristics and reports of students enrolled at a University of the Third Age (U3A)

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    Introduction: The increase in mobile device users aged > 60 years reflects a transformation in the information and communication technology (ICT) area. Supporting older adults in their digital literacy is a complex task. New skills for the digital age should be developed. Objective: To describe the sociodemographic characteristics of older adults on a digital literacy program, including patterns of use, reasons for learning, in addition to the difficulties and benefits reported regarding the use of technology. Methodology: A quantitative and qualitative study based on a digital literacy program within a U3A context involving professionals in the fields of gerontology and computing was conducted. Result: The program involved 317 older adults, most of whom were women (64.5%). Mean age of participants was 60-74 years (82%). Regarding characteristics, 44.2% were married, 40.7% had finished high school, 77.3% were retired, 65.1% earned ≤ 4 minimum wages, and 74.1% were not engaged in paid employment. Prior to participation, despite the high frequency of smartphone use (87.6%), 77.9% reported having a poor user experience. The most prevalent purposes for using smartphones were “Communication” (93.3%), “Strengthening affectional bonds with family and friends” (66.2%) and “Search for general information” (48.7%). The assessment of self-efficacy revealed that participants lacked competence for complex activities. Conclusion: The interest of older Brazilians in using smartphones is clear. Therefore, understanding previous competencies, as well as the obstacles faced by this group, is pivotal in aiding the process of digital inclusion.Introduction: The increase in mobile device users aged > 60 years reflects a transformation in the information and communication technology (ICT) area. Supporting older adults in their digital literacy is a complex task. New skills for the digital age should be developed. Objective: To describe the sociodemographic characteristics of older adults on a digital literacy program, including patterns of use, reasons for learning, in addition to the difficulties and benefits reported regarding the use of technology. Methodology: A quantitative and qualitative study based on a digital literacy program within a U3A context involving professionals in the fields of gerontology and computing was conducted. Result: The program involved 317 older adults, most of whom were women (64.5%). Mean age of participants was 60-74 years (82%). Regarding characteristics, 44.2% were married, 40.7% had finished high school, 77.3% were retired, 65.1% earned ≤ 4 minimum wages, and 74.1% were not engaged in paid employment. Prior to participation, despite the high frequency of smartphone use (87.6%), 77.9% reported having a poor user experience. The most prevalent purposes for using smartphones were “Communication” (93.3%), “Strengthening affectional bonds with family and friends” (66.2%) and “Search for general information” (48.7%). The assessment of self-efficacy revealed that participants lacked competence for complex activities. Conclusion: The interest of older Brazilians in using smartphones is clear. Therefore, understanding previous competencies, as well as the obstacles faced by this group, is pivotal in aiding the process of digital inclusion


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    O uso de sistemas computacionais para cuidados com a saúde deidosos é cada vez mais comum. No campo da educação, no entanto,as investigações enfocam mais em questões técnicas de desenvolvimento ou em adaptação de tecnologias, e não no processo deensino-aprendizagem e aplicabilidade do uso de dispositivos móveis.Este trabalho buscou estimular, monitorar e avaliar o uso dessesdispositivos no ambiente natural por idosos participantes de cursosde alfabetização e letramento digital. Também buscou promover novasmetodologias para práticas de alfabetização e letramento digital paraidosos. Foi realizado um estudo de viabilidade explorando o uso deum sistema denominado ESPIM, como um novo recurso pedagógicoem cursos como este. O ESPIM permite a profissionais de diferentesáreas construírem programas de intervenção para realizar coletas dedados de forma remota com suas populações de interesse. Essapopulação responde a perguntas programadas pelos profissionaisusando um aplicativo móvel. As perguntas planejadas podem serquestões abertas, de múltipla escolha, de escolha única, solicitaçãodo envio de mídias como áudio, vídeo ou imagens. Neste estudoqualitativo, por duas semanas consecutivas, os participantes receberam alertas e instruções, por meio desse aplicativo, para realizaratividades práticas em casa sobre o conteúdo aprendido em salade aula. Os resultados obtidos descrevem um comportamentopositivo dos participantes em termos de engajamento na execuçãodas atividades de casa, e também descrevem feedbacks sobre oaplicativo, tais como facilidades e dificuldades, autonomia no usoe adesão ao recurso tecnológico como forma de apoio a cursoscomo o supracitado

    Recursos Tecnológicos e Engajamento Parental: estratégias comportamentais para realização de atividades de estimulação com filhos com Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo

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    Behavioral interventions have documented promising teaching outcomes for students with autism. Across the family's involvement in the intervention, it is possible to ensure the generalization learning. The general objective was to evaluate the parents' behavior as applicators of teaching activities (condition A), based on Behavior Analysis, as well as their children’s performance (condition B) in their homes and, the specific objective was to evaluate the use of digital resources as mediators of behavioral intervention. Three families were selected (F1, F2, F3) who applied the activities with manual and computerized records. Computerized recording was performed using the ESPIM (Experience Sampling and Programmed Intervention Method) system, which allows remote interventions to be carried out in natural environments. Parents showed different levels of engagement, Family 1 applied tasks 164 times during 21 days, Family 2 applied 100 times and Family 3 applied 175 times. The children's performances were also diversified: Family 1 child had 89 hits out of 164 opportunities; Family 2 had 49 out of 100 and Family 3 had 142 correct responses out of 175. Families applied and registered more activities (n=387) in the manuscript compared to the computerized record (n=52). However, the three families preferred to use the ESPIM for registration. Parents reported about the possibility of carrying out activities at home, as long as they have the help of a professional.Intervenções comportamentais têm documentado resultados promissores de ensino para pessoas com autismo. A partir do envolvimento da família cria-se condições de ensino para garantir a generalização da aprendizagem. O objetivo geral foi avaliar o comportamento dos pais como aplicadores das atividades de ensino (condição A), delineadas na Análise do Comportamento, assim como o progresso de seus filhos (condição B) em suas residências e; o objetivo específico foi avaliar o uso de recursos digitais como mediadores da intervenção comportamental. Foram selecionadas três famílias (F1, F2, F3) que aplicaram as atividades com registro manual e informatizado. O registro informatizado foi realizado no sistema ESPIM (Experience Sampling and Programmed Intervention Method), que permite realizar intervenções à distância em ambientes naturais. Os pais apresentaram diferentes níveis de engajamento: Família 1 aplicou as tarefas 164 vezes em 21 dias, Família 2, 100 vezes e Família 3 aplicou 175. O desempenho das crianças também foi diversificado: para a criança da Família 1, de 164 oportunidades, teve 89 acertos, criança da Família 2, de 100 obteve 49 e criança da Família 3, de 175 oportunidades dadas pela família, obteve 142 acertos. As famílias aplicaram e registraram mais atividades (n=387) no manuscrito, em relação ao registro informatizado (n=52). Contudo, as três famílias preferiram o aplicativo para registro informatizado, em relação ao manuscrito, além de relatarem sobre a possibilidade de realizar as atividades em casa, desde que tenham o auxílio de um profissional especialista, na condução da intervenção comportamental

    A utilização de serviços web providos por SOA em geradores de aplicação desenvolvidos com linguagens de padrões

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    System reuse is a Software Engineering technique that proposes the construction of software systems from existing artifacts. One way to develop systems reusing code and project in a specific domain is using application generators. These generators automate part of the development process, reduce costs, allow the increase of the development team productivity, enhance systems quality and minimize error insertion arising from the implementation phase. The GawCRe (Web based Application Generator to the Rehabilitation Clinic domain) was developed using the software product lines technique based in the SiGCli (Rehabilitation Clinics Management System) pattern language. This generator went through some maintenance in order to allow the MySQL RDBMS usage, as well as to carry out version control of the generated applications and increase its domain to others related to it. Currently, there is interest in the usage of Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) to support the construction of software applications that use services available in a network, as the Web. These services are an implementation of well-defined business functionality that can be used by clients of different applications. The reutilization of available services in the construction of new Web systems is increasing, reducing the rework and facilitating the maintenance of these systems. This master's thesis presents an approach to modify application generators in a way that its domain is increased by the use of Web Services provided by Service Oriented Architecture. This architecture eases systems' adaptation, making them dynamic, as their services can be swapped in runtime. This allows future maintenances to be eased, because modifications in the services are reflected in the applications without user intervention. The GAwCRe undergone for maintenance to support the use of Web Services provided by a SOA, thereby, broadening its domain. A case study was conducted using the GAwCRe and some Web Services attempt to evaluate the combined use of SOA and Application Generators.Financiadora de Estudos e ProjetosO reúso de sistemas é uma técnica da Engenharia de Software que propõe a construção de sistemas de software a partir de artefatos já existentes. Uma das formas de desenvolver sistemas reutilizando código, projeto, em um domínio específico, é por meio de geradores de aplicação. Eles automatizam parte do processo de desenvolvimento, reduzem custos, possibilitam o aumento de produtividade da equipe de desenvolvimento, melhoram a qualidade dos sistemas e minimizam a inserção de erros provenientes da fase de implementação. O GAwCRe - Gerador de Aplicações baseadas na Web para o Domínio de Gestão de Clínicas de Reabilitação - foi desenvolvido com a técnica de linhas de produtos de software e com base na linguagem de padrões SiGCli (Sistema de Gestão de Clínicas de Reabilitação). Esse gerador passou por algumas manutenções para possibilitar a utilização do SGBD MySQL, bem como realizar controle de versões das aplicações geradas e ter seu domínio ampliado para domínios conexos ao seu. Atualmente, há o interesse em utilizar arquiteturas orientadas a serviços (SOA) para apoiar a construção de aplicações de software que utilizam serviços disponíveis em uma rede como a Web. Esses serviços são implementações de uma funcionalidade de negócios bem definida, que pode ser utilizada por clientes de diferentes aplicações. É cada vez mais constante a reutilização de serviços já disponíveis para a construção de novos sistemas Web, reduzindo retrabalho e facilitando a manutenção desses sistemas. Esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta uma abordagem para modificar geradores de aplicação, de modo que seu domínio seja ampliado com a utilização de serviços Web providos por uma arquitetura orientada a serviços. Essa arquitetura facilita a adaptação de sistemas, fazendo com que esses se tornem dinâmicos, uma vez que os seus serviços podem ser substituídos em tempo de execução. Também permite que futuras manutenções sejam facilitadas, pois as modificações, feitas nos serviços, são refletidas nas aplicações sem a intervenção do usuário. O GAwCRe passou por manutenções para que pudesse apoiar o uso dos serviços Web providos por uma SOA e, assim, ampliar o seu domínio. Um estudo de caso foi realizado utilizando o GAwCRe e alguns serviços Web buscando avaliar o uso conjunto de SOA e Geradores de Aplicação

    FrAMC-i: Um framework de apoio à produção de conteúdo multimídia complementar interativo

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    The television is the medium of information and entertainment most utilized by Brazilians. Despite its great reach, this vehicle, which should be an instrument to promote social inclusion, often causes the opposite effect. The manner some television programs are produced, in particular movies and series, combined with the lack of prior knowledge about certain subjects and contexts, trigger some viewers not to appreciate or enjoy enough of the programming, which may lead to a possible dissatisfaction in the audience. Cultural and educational matters may also accentuate the viewer's discontentment during a television session. New technologies such as the Interactive Digital TV (IDTV) allow the enrichment of television media with additional contents that may provide greater fruition of the narratives. This PhD project benefits from the flexibility and interactivity offered by the IDTV to propose a solution of accessibility based on the offer of additional specific contents, here denominated interactive Additional Multimedia Content (AMC-i). The AMC-i are extra information associated with the television media that may be offered to the main program considering different aspects, such as whether the offer: is synchronous or asynchronous, on demand or compulsory, with or without pausing the original program, by combining one or more media formats, among others. Through case studies, groups of spectators with distinct profiles, in different scenarios and interacting with varying kinds of media, were observed and had their interaction difficulties and experiences evaluated. This thesis proposes and presents the FrAMC-i, a framework consisting of a set of guidelines that support the production of AMC-i and emerged from the experience acquired during the observation of spectators in the studies. In addition to the guidelines, the FrAMC-i also provides tools for the enrichment of the media with AMC-i and a mobile application that enables the interaction with such contents by usage of a second screen. The framework was submitted to assessment by sixteen graduate students in Computer Science in the role of designers. These evaluators used the FrAMC-i artifacts to enrich media, given a provided fictional scenario. The results suggest a positive evaluation considering the utility, adherence to the proposed design solutions and usability of the artifacts supplied by the framework for the different stages of the production of the AMC-i.Financiadora de Estudos e ProjetosA televisão é o meio de informação e entretenimento mais utilizado pelos brasileiros. Apesar do grande alcance, esse veículo, que deveria ser um meio para promover a inclusão social, por diversas vezes causa o efeito oposto. A forma como alguns programas televisivos são elaborados, em particular filmes e seriados, somada à falta de conhecimento prévio sobre determinados assuntos e contextos, fazem com que alguns espectadores não apreciem ou não desfrutem o bastante da programação, o que pode conduzi-los a uma possível insatisfação na audiência. Questões culturais e educacionais também podem acentuar a insatisfação do espectador durante uma sessão televisiva. Novas tecnologias, como a TV Digital Interativa (TVDi), permitem o enriquecimento de mídias televisivas com conteúdos adicionais que podem proporcionar uma melhor fruição das narrativas. Este projeto de doutorado aproveitou as vantagens da flexibilidade e interatividade oferecidas pela TVDi para propor uma solução de acessibilidade baseada na oferta de conteúdos adicionais específicos, aqui denominados de Conteúdo Multimídia Complementar interativo (CMCi). Os CMCis são informações extras associadas às mídias televisivas que podem ser oferecidas ao programa principal considerando diferentes aspectos, tais como, se a oferta será síncrona ou assíncrona, sob demanda ou compulsória, com ou sem pausa da mídia original, combinando um ou mais formatos de mídia complementar, entre outros. Por meio de estudos de caso, grupos de espectadores com diferentes perfis, em diferentes cenários e interagindo com diferentes gêneros de mídias, foram observados e tiveram as suas dificuldades e experiências de interação avaliadas. Esta tese propõe e apresenta o FrAMC-i, um framework composto por um conjunto de diretrizes que apoiam a produção de CMCi e que emergiu da experiência adquirida durante a observação dos espectadores nos estudos. Além das diretrizes, o FrAMC-i também disponibiliza ferramentas para o enriquecimento das mídias com CMCi e um aplicativo móvel que possibilita a interação com tais conteúdos utilizando uma segunda tela. Uma avaliação do framework foi realizada por 16 estudantes de pósgraduação em Ciência da Computação no papel de designers. Esses avaliadores utilizaram os artefatos do FrAMC-i para enriquecer mídias atendendo a um cenário fictício fornecido. Os resultados sugerem uma avaliação positiva considerando a utilidade, adesão às soluções de design propostas e usabilidade dos artefatos disponibilizados pelo framework para as diferentes etapas de produção do CMCi

    A Hybrid Evaluation of Emotional Responses to Interactive Systems

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    ABSTRACTWith the use of sensors to monitor the physical processes that correlateto particular behaviors and sensations, technological advancementsand resources supplied by neuroscience began to provide thecapacity to interact with the study of the brain directly. This allowsus to experiment with as many sensory channels as feasible whilestill applying computational solutions. Brain-Computer Interfaces(BCI) can infer information about a user’s state and intentions byobserving his/her physiology, behavior in the work environment,and authority relationship. Using this data, it is possible to determinethe efficacy of the computer tools used to respond to theemotions evoked by the user when interacting with the solutionand adjust the tool’s goals. In this work, to analyze these interactions,we adopted a hybrid approach using user responses via thedigital SAM questionnaire and data collected using electrocardiogramand electroencephalogram sensors to check for any changesin the participants’ mood during their interaction with an End-UserDevelopment interface for authoring of serious games. The resultsof this round of evaluation were positive, demonstrating not onlythe good use of the tools but also motivating us to continue developingimprovements and conducting new tests on the prototypecreated to collect the physiological data

    Promoting Social Connection and Deepen Relations in Older People: Design of Media Parcels towards facilitating Time-based Media Sharing

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    Background Being socially connected is related to well-being, and one way of avoiding social isolation is to deepen existing relationships. Even though existing relationships can be reinforced by regular and meaningful communication, state-of-the-art communication technologies alone do not increase the quality of social connections. Thus, there is a need for the involvement of a trained human facilitator in a network of older adults, preferably for a short period, to promote the deepening of their relationships. Objective This study aimed to evaluate the hypothesis that a human-facilitated, media-sharing social networking system can improve social connection in a small group of older people, who are more vulnerable to social isolation than most, and deepen their relationships over a period of a few weeks. Methods We conducted the design and evaluation of Media Parcels, a novel human-facilitated social networking system. Media Parcels is based on the metaphor of a facilitator collecting and delivering parcels in the physical mail. Extending the metaphor, the system supports a facilitator in designing time-based, dialogue requesting parcels from participants that bring out their memories and feelings, in collecting the parcels, wrapping them in annotations that communicate the corresponding requests, and delivering the wrapped parcel to a target person. Qualitative evaluation was carried out in 2 trials with a group of 3 people each, one with family members (children and father; aged 55, 56, and 82 years old) and the other with a group of friends (aged 72, 72, and 74 years old), over 2 weeks. In each trial, data were collected in 3 interviews (pre-, mid-, and posttrial) and via system logging. Results Collected data indicate positive social effects for deepening and developing relationships. The parcel metaphor was easily understood and the computational system was readily adopted. Preferences with regard to media production or consumption varied among participants. In the family group, children preferred receiving media parcels (because of their sentimental value) to producing them, whereas the father enjoyed both. In the friendship group, preferences varied: one enjoyed both producing and receiving, while the other two preferred one over the other. In general, participants reported a preference for the production of items of a certain type depending on the associated content. Apart from having a strong engagement with the system, participants reported feeling closer to each other than usual. Conclusions For both groups, Media Parcels was effective in promoting media sharing and social connections, resulting in deepening of existing relationships. Its design informs researchers who are attempting to promote social connection in older adults.</p

    Interaction with a Problem Solving Multi Video Lecture: Observing Students from Distance and Traditional Learning Courses

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    The recording of lectures has become common as a way to produce video-based instructional material. Even though the material is often produced using more than one video source - the instructor and the slide, for instance - the result is usually a single video stream. We built a system prototype that allows the recording of several video streams associated with a lecture, including the instructor, projected slides, and information presented by the instructor via a computer (software or other videos, for instance). The several video streams, orchestrated using contextual and control information, are used to produce an interactive multi video object. The interactive nature of our novel multi video object offers students several alternatives for watching the lecture. When the multi video is used by students of traditional and distance learning courses, is opportune to investigate if there are differences in how students watch and interact with the multi video. We captured a problem solving lecture in the theme of Database Design our system. The resulting interactive multivideo object was offered to two groups of students as extra learning material, in preparation for exams. One of the groups attended a traditional, classroom-based course, and the other group attended a distance learning course. In this paper we first give a brief overview of our system, and then we present observations of how both groups of students interacted with the multi video multimedia learning object. We could observe, for instance, that students from the traditional course used the alternative views allowed by multi video more than students from the distance learning course, while students from the distance learning course spent more time watching and interacted more with the interactive multi video

    Interaction with a Problem Solving Multi Video Lecture: Observing Students from Distance and Traditional Learning Courses

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    The recording of lectures has become common as a way to produce video-based instructional material. Even though the material is often produced using more than one video source - the instructor and the slide, for instance - the result is usually a single video stream. We built a system prototype that allows the recording of several video streams associated with a lecture, including the instructor, projected slides, and information presented by the instructor via a computer (software or other videos, for instance). The several video streams, orchestrated using contextual and control information, are used to produce an interactive multi video object. The interactive nature of our novel multi video object offers students several alternatives for watching the lecture. When the multi video is used by students of traditional and distance learning courses, is opportune to investigate if there are differences in how students watch and interact with the multi video. We captured a problem solving lecture in the theme of Database Design our system. The resulting interactive multivideo object was offered to two groups of students as extra learning material, in preparation for exams. One of the groups attended a traditional, classroom-based course, and the other group attended a distance learning course. In this paper we first give a brief overview of our system, and then we present observations of how both groups of students interacted with the multi video multimedia learning object. We could observe, for instance, that students from the traditional course used the alternative views allowed by multi video more than students from the distance learning course, while students from the distance learning course spent more time watching and interacted more with the interactive multi video