1,005 research outputs found

    Karolina Gnatowski: Some Kind of Duty

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    Exhibit catalog for Karolina Gnatowski: Some Kind of Duty, January 17-March 31, 2019https://via.library.depaul.edu/museum-publications/1018/thumbnail.jp

    Exploring the health and wellbeing of lesbian, bisexual, queer and same sex attracted women living in the Illawarra and Shoalhaven regions

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    The Labrys Project is a partnership initiative between ACON and Women’s Health – Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District (ISLHD) carried out between 2014 and 2015. While lesbian, bisexual and queer (LBQ) women’s health research is increasing in Australia, epidemiological data around key issues affecting LBQ women’s health is inconsistent. The Labrys Project extended objectives from the Sydney Women and Sexual Health Survey (SWASH) to provide a snapshot of LBQ women’s health and wellbeing in the Illawarra and Shoalhaven regions of NSW, in order to provide a regional and rural perspective to LBQ women’s health and to inform local services and strategies. Between October 2014 and March 2015, 107 LBQ women completed the Illawarra Shoalhaven Women’s Health and Wellbeing Survey; in addition, two focus groups were held in Warilla and Nowra involving 7 LBQ women.ACON; Women’s Health – Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health Distric

    Imposto de Renda da Pessoa Física: a tributação sobre os proventos de aposentadoria destinados a residentes e domiciliados no exterior

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Jurídicas. Direito.O presente trabalho tem por objetivo verificar se, à luz da Constituição Federal, do Código Tributário Nacional e do Regulamento do Imposto de Renda, os proventos de aposentadoria remetidos a residentes ou domiciliados no exterior podem ser considerados rendimentos do trabalho para fins de tributação exclusiva na fonte à alíquota de 25%, nos termos do artigo 685, II, “a”, do Regulamento do Imposto de Renda de 1999.This study aims to verify whether retirement earnings sent to people that live abroad can be considered as being labor income for the deducted at source taxation purpose at the 25% rate, in accordance with article 685, II, “a” of the Income Tax Regulation of 1999, based on a analysis of the Federal Constitution, the National Taxation Code and the Income Tax Regulation


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    Este trabalho tem como princípio norteador a ideia de que as múltiplas denominações relativas ao conceito de normalidade vão sendo tecidas nas relações históricas ao longo do desenvolvimento das sociedades. Faremos o relato de uma experiência que objetivou ampliar o conhecimento dos professores sobre o fenômeno da medicalização da educação que consiste em patologizar e prescrever remédios para os desafios escolares. A ação foi desenvolvida com um grupo de 18 docentes que atuavam na educação básica nas Salas de Recursos Multifuncionais de um município da grande Natal. O recurso utilizado foi a roda de conversa para discutir, participativamente, o tema. No desenvolvimento da experiência utilizamo-nos de algumas referências teóricas da Psicologia Histórico-Cultural a fim de organizar a discussão e sistematização dos conhecimentos. O trabalho desenvolvido evidenciou a necessidade de investirmos em processos de formação permanente, posto que a patologização dos transtornos e das deficiências faz com que a discussão sobre os desafios dessa ordem, que acontecem na escola, distanciem-se do campo educacional e aproximem-se dos discursos médicos. Palavras-chaves: Medicalização da educação; Psicologia Histórico-Cultural; Formação docente

    Psychometric sensitivity analyses can identify bias related to measurement properties in trials that use patient-reported outcome measures : a secondary analysis of a clinical trial using the disabilities of the arm, shoulder and hand questionnaire

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    Objectives Demonstrate psychometric sensitivity analyses for testing the stability of study findings to assumptions made about patient-reported outcome measures. Study Design and Setting We performed secondary analyses of Disability of Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (DASH) data collected within the Prevention of Shoulder Problems clinical trial, which compared upper limb function scores in women who had undergone breast cancer surgery, randomized to either an exercise program or usual care. We repeated the principal trial analyses after grouping DASH items into subscales suggested by factorial analyses in this dataset and applied item response theory to account for unequal item weighting. We checked for measurement invariance by participant age and response shift bias using established techniques. Results Our analyses suggested that the DASH measured two constructs: motor function and sensory symptoms. The majority of the six-month difference in DASH score was driven by motor function. With item response theory scoring, we found differences in both constructs at 12 months (P = 0.019 and P = 0.007), but in neither construct at 6 months, contrary to the original trial results. We found no differential item function by age or between baseline and 12-month measurements. Conclusions Psychometric sensitivity analyses aid in the interpretation of the Prevention of Shoulder Problems trial’s results

    The Role of Electric Vehicle Charging Technologies in the Decarbonisation of the Energy Grid

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    Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) has been identified as a key technology to help reduce carbon emissions from the transport and energy sectors. However, the benefits of this technology are best achieved when multiple variables are considered in the process of charging and discharging an electric vehicle. These variables include vehicle behaviour, building energy demand, renewable energy generation, and grid carbon intensity. It is expected that the transition to electric mobility will add pressure to the energy grid. Using the batteries of electric vehicles as energy storage to send energy back to the grid during high-demand, carbon-intensive periods will help to reduce the impact of introducing electric vehicles and minimise carbon emissions of the system. In this paper, the authors present a method and propose a V2G control scheme integrating one year of historical vehicle and energy datasets, aiming towards carbon emissions reduction through increased local consumption of renewable energy, offset of vehicle charging demand to low carbon intensity periods, and offset of local building demand from peak and carbon-intensive periods through storage in the vehicle battery. The study included assessment of strategic location and the number of chargers to support a fleet of five vehicles to make the transition to electric mobility and integrate vehicle-to-grid without impacting current service provision. The authors found that the proposed V2G scheme helped to reduce the average carbon intensity per kilowatt (gCO2/kWh) in simulation scenarios, despite the increased energy demand from electric vehicles charging. For instance, in one of the tested scenarios V2G reduced the average carbon intensity per kilowatt from 223.8 gCO2/kWh with unmanaged charging to 218.9 gCO2/kWh using V2G

    A influência da musicoterapia nos parâmetros hemodinâmicos de pacientes comatosos / The influence of music therapy on the hemodynamic parameters of comatose patients

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    1 INTRODUÇÃOA musicoterapia tem se destacado entre pesquisas por seus efeitos benéficos, sendo inserida cada vez mais como recurso terapêutico, sem contra-indicações, largamente favorecedora ao grupo de pacientes comatosos, afim de aumentar a capacidade do paciente captar estímulos sensoriais e melhorar o quadro clínico, além de reduzir a pressão arterial (PA), frequência cardíaca (FC), aliviar as dores e diminuir o estresse.2 OBJETIVO Analisar a influência da musicoterapia nos parâmetros hemodinâmicos de pacientes comatosos. 3 MÉTODOTrata-se de um estudo experimental com abordagem quantitativa/qualitativa. A amostra foi de dois pacientes, P1 e P2, do sexo masculino, com tempo de lesão de 3 meses, sendo P1 de 18 anos e P2 de 16 anos, ambos em coma por traumatismo crânio encefálico (TCE) internados na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva do Hospital Regional do Baixo Amazonas (HRBA).  O projeto foi aprovado pelo comitê de ética e pesquisa tendo como número 288.328, Campus XXII - Tapajós e permissão do (HRBA). Os familiares assinaram o Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido concordando com a participação do seu ente na pesquisa. Os instrumentos de avaliação foram: Ficha de anamnese sensorial para verificar o perfil musical do paciente de acordo com informações fornecidas pelos responsáveis; Ficha de Monitorização hemodinâmica para conferir a FC, PA, frequência respiratória (FR) e saturação de oxigêncio (Sp02) monitorizados antes, durante e após a realização da técnica. 4 RESULTADOSHouve uma diminuição nos valores da FC em ambos os pacientes, mas com relevância estatística (p<0.05, de acordo com o teste de Wilcoxon) apenas em P1 e uma estabilização na PA sistólica em ambos, porém somente P2 obteve valor relevante. Ocorreu redução no duplo produto em ambos com relevância estatística. Em relação a FR, houve redução dos valores após o atendimento, porém somente P2 teve relevância estatística. A SPO2 em ambos os pacientes apresentou valores aumentados após as 10 sessões, e estes valores foram considerados estatisticamente significantes. 5 CONCLUSÃOConclui-se que a musicoterapia se mostrou eficaz na melhora dos parâmetros hemodinâmicos de pacientes comatosos, vítimas de TCE

    Anticipated regret to increase uptake of colorectal cancer screening (ARTICS):a randomised controlled trial

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    Objective. Screening is key to early detection of colorectal cancer. Our aim was to determine whether a simple anticipated regret (AR) intervention could increase colorectal cancer screening uptake. Methods. We conducted a randomised controlled trial of a simple, questionnaire-based AR intervention, delivered alongside existing pre-notification letters. 60,000 adults aged 50-74 from the Scottish National Screening programme were randomised to: 1) no questionnaire (control), 2) Health Locus of Control questionnaire (HLOC) or 3) HLOC plus anticipated regret questionnaire (AR). Primary outcome was guaiac Faecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT) return. Secondary outcomes included intention to return test kit and perceived disgust (ICK). Results. 59,366 people were analysed as allocated (Intentionto- treat (ITT)); there were no overall differences between treatment groups on FOBT uptake (control: 57.3%, HLOC: 56.9%, AR: 57.4%). 13,645 (34.2%) people returned questionnaires. Analysis of the secondary questionnaire measures showed that AR had an indirect effect on FOBT uptake via intention, whilst ICK had a direct effect on FOBT uptake over and above intention. The effect of AR on FOBT uptake was also moderated by intention strength: for less than strong intenders only, uptake was 4.2% higher in the AR (84.6%) versus the HLOC group (80.4%) (95% CI for difference (2.0, 6.5)). Conclusion. The findings show that psychological concepts including anticipated regret and perceived disgust (ICK) are important factors in determining FOBT uptake. However, there was no simple effect of the AR intervention in the ITT. We conclude that exposure to AR in those with low intentions may be required to increase FOBT uptake. Current controlled trials: www.controlledtrials. com number: ISRCTN74986452