17 research outputs found

    Carcinoma vesical em cadela

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    A case of squamous cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder in the bitch, is reported in this paper. About two months ago, the animal showed signs of hematuria, taking during this time antibiotics drugs. The diagnosis of tumor was made mainly by the clinical findings showing the urine with some anormal cells; an “ irritative tipe” of the blood picture and a tumoral mass by the pneumocystography, into the urinary bladder wall. The radiological technique and the surgery as well as the histopathology were studied about this subject.O artigo apresenta resumo em inglês

    Depression among women living in the outskirts of São Paulo, Southeastern Brasil

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the meaning of depression in women diagnosed with the disorder, and the context of care given by the psychiatrists who follow them up. METHODS: Qualitative study performed in Embu, outskirt of São Paulo, between August 2002 and January 2003. Etnographic observation and in-depth interview were carried out with 16 women diagnosed with depression in primary care, and four psychiatrists. After exhaustive reading, data were grouped into categories and assessed. The assessment of outcomes was based on the concept of culture. RESULTS: Women interviewed are well aware of the disorder, and accept treatment based on medication. For psychiatrists, depression is a term understood by the common sense. All women interviewed identified the onset of the disease from a past event such as: death of a son, violent episodes connected with drug traffic, unemployment, and partners' aggressiveness. Violence was common in the every day life of the interviewed women both inside and outside their homes. CONCLUSIONS: For these women, depression is a way to express their feelings, such as unhappiness in a context of poverty and violence. Psychiatrists go beyond their clinical functions and play an important role on reorganizing the daily life of these women.OBJETIVO: Analisar o significado da depressão para mulheres diagnosticadas com o transtorno e o contexto do atendimento realizado pelos psiquiatras que as acompanham. MÉTODOS: Estudo qualitativo realizado no município de Embu, na Grande São Paulo, entre agosto de 2002 e janeiro de 2003. Foram realizadas observação etnográfica e entrevistas em profundidade com 16 mulheres diagnosticadas com depressão, pacientes de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde, e quatro psiquiatras. Após a leitura exaustiva, os dados foram agrupados em categorias e analisados. A interpretação dos resultados baseou-se no conceito de cultura. RESULTADOS: As entrevistadas tinham ampla noção do transtorno, aceitando o tratamento com medicação. Para os psiquiatras, a depressão é um termo assimilado pelo senso-comum. Todas as entrevistadas identificaram a origem da doença em eventos passados, como: morte de filho, episódios violentos ligados ao tráfico de drogas, desemprego e agressividade do companheiro. A violência era comum no cotidiano das entrevistadas, tanto fora como dentro de casa. CONCLUSÕES: Para essas mulheres, a depressão era uma forma de expressar sentimentos, como a infelicidade num contexto de pobreza e violência. Os psiquiatras extrapolam as suas funções clínicas e têm um papel na reorganização do cotidiano dessas mulheres.Universidade Católica de Santos Programa de Mestrado em Saúde ColetivaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de PsiquiatriaUNIFESP, Depto. de PsiquiatriaSciEL

    Abdominal obesity, dynapenia and dynapenic-abdominal obesity as factors associated with falls

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    Objective: To investigate whether abdominal obesity, dynapenia and dynapenic-abdominal obesity are associated to the prevalence of single or recurrent falls in older adults. Methods: We analyzed data from 1,046 community-dwelling participants of the SABE Study (Saude, Bem-estar e Envelhecimento/Health, Well-Being and Ageing). Participants were classified as non-dynapenic/non-abdominal obese, abdominal obese only, dynapenic only, and dynapenic-abdominal obese based on waist circumference (>102 cm for men and >88 cm for women) and handgrip strength (<26 kg for men and <16 kg for women). Multinomial logistic regression models were ran to determine associations between dynapenia/obesity/dynapenic-abdominal obesity and single/recurring falls, taking non-fallers as reference. Results: Abdominal obesity (RRR = 1.90 95% CI: 1.02-3.55), dynapenia (RRR = 1.80 95% CI: 1.02-3.19), and dynapenic-abdominal obesity (RRR = 2.06 95% CI: 1.04-4.10) were associated with a single fall. A stronger association for dynapenic-abdominal obesity compared to the other two conditions alone was found. Dynapenia was the unique condition associated with recurrent falls (RRR = 2.33, 95% CI: 1.13-4.81). Conclusion: The present findings have important implications for the identification of older adults with a greater chance of falls and can help in the development of rehabilitation strategies. Therefore, abdominal obese, dynapenic, and dynapenic abdominal obese individuals should be target groups for the management of falls and their consequences.236497505COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPSem informação2009/53778-3; 2015/18291-

    Food value chains for nutrition

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    Despite global goals to decrease malnutrition, there remain many challenges in providing access to a nutritious diet for all. Food value chains for nutrition have been the focus of a number of reviews but evidence of their impacts remains limited. Using a systems perspective to look at markets and the role of the private sector in nutrition includes not only the complex relations between multiple actors and trade-offs between often competing objectives, but also the supporting environment in terms of infrastructure (e.g. roads, energy) and the guiding laws and social norms.PRIFPRI2; CRP4DGO; CPA; MTID; PHND; A4NHCGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH

    Predictive Controller Based on Paraconsistent Annotated Logic for Synchronous Generator Excitation Control

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    This study presents a new Model Predictive Controller (MPC), built with algorithms based on Paraconsistent Annotated Logic (PAL), with application examples in the excitation control of a synchronous generator. PAL is a non-classical evidential and propositional logic that is associated with a Hasse lattice, and which presents the property of accepting the contradiction in its foundations. In this research, the algorithm was constructed with a version of the PAL that works with two information signals in the degrees of evidence format and, therefore, is called Paraconsistent Annotated Logic with annotation of two values (PAL2v). For the validation of the algorithmic structure, the computational tool MATLAB® Release 2012b, The MathWorks, Inc., Natick, MA, United States was used. Simulations were performed which compared the results obtained with PPC-PAL2v to those obtained in essays with the AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulator) controls in conjunction with the PSS (Power System Stabilizer) and the conventional MPC of fixed weights. The comparative results showed the PPC-PAL2v to display superior performance in the action of the excitation control of the synchronous generator, with a great efficiency in response to small signals

    Prevalência e fatores associados à infecção pelo Mycobacterium tuberculosis entre agentes comunitários de saúde no Brasil, usando-se a prova tuberculínica

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    Resumo Este artigo tem por objetivo determinar a prevalência e os fatores associados à infecção latente pelo Mycobacterium tuberculosis entre agentes comunitários de saúde (ACS), usando dois pontos de corte da prova tuberculínica 5mm e 10mm. Trata-se de estudo transversal, com dados coletados sobre sexo, idade, cicatriz de BCG, prova tuberculínica (PT) anterior, tempo que trabalha na profissão de ACS, atuar em unidade básica de saúde (UBS), ter tido contato intradomiciliar com tuberculose (TB), usar álcool, ser fumante e apresentar comorbidades. Para controle de variáveis de confusão e estimativa da medida de efeito (OR), foi empregada a regressão logística. Aplicou-se PT, com leitura após 48-72 horas. As prevalências foram de 57,88% e 37,3%, respectivamente, para 5mm e 10mm. Manteve-se associada à positividade para o ponto de corte de 10mm a condição de trabalhar em UBS com Programa de Controle de Tuberculose (PCT) implementado e já ter tido contato intradomiciliar com TB. Já para o ponto de corte de 5mm, trabalhar em UBS com PCT e implementado. São necessárias ações de conscientização nos municípios e fortalecimento das ações de educação permanente sobre a temática

    Internação domiciliar: o perfil dos pacientes assistidos pelo Programa HU em Casa Home care: profile of patients attended by a home care program

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    Internação domiciliar é uma modalidade de atendimento à saúde que está se transformando em uma alternativa importante para minimizar alguns dos principais problemas inerentes aos sistemas de saúde vigentes, especialmente os da rede pública. O objetivo do estudo foi descrever o perfil sociodemográfico e clínico da população assistida pelo Programa de Internação Domiciliar (PID) HU em Casa do Hospital Universitário Clemente de Faria da Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros. O estudo foi descritivo e retrospectivo por meio da análise de prontuários, realizada de maio de 2005 a maio de 2008. Foram analisados 137 pacientes, sendo 75 do gênero feminino (54,7%) e 62 do masculino (45,3%). O grupo de 61 a 80 anos foi mais prevalente (37,2%) e 73% dos pacientes residiam em bairros periféricos do município de Montes Claros-MG. Dos agravos mais comuns na primeira internação, a pneumonia foi prevalente, 22 casos (16,1%). A maioria dos pacientes foi encaminhada ao PID pela clinica médica (84,7%), com intervalo de maior prevalência de duas a três internações (42,4%). Do total de pacientes, 120 (87,6%) permaneceram internados por 16 a 30 dias e 51,8% não necessitaram passar novamente pelo PID para uma segunda internação. Com relação à resolutividade clínica, 130 (94,9%) tiveram alta clínica, no PID, na primeira internação. O PID mostrou-se ser um programa de alta resolutividade, atendendo mais ao público idoso feminino, de baixa renda e com períodos de internação relativamente curtos.<br>The home care is a modality of health care which is becoming an important alternative to minimize some of mainly relevant problems of world health, especially the public health network. This paper aimed to describe the socio-demographic and clinical population assisted by the Home Care Program HU em Casa, of the University Hospital Clemente de Faria, Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros. It is a descriptive and retrospective study analyzing medical records from May 2005 to May 2008. Of the 137 analyzed patients, 75 were females (54.7%) and 62 males (45.3%). Concerning age, the 61-80 year group was the most prevalent (37.2%) and 73% lived and was attended in the peripheral districts of Montes Claros city. Among the most important diseases in the first admission, the most prevalent was pneumonia (22 cases, 16.1%). Most patients were referred to the HU em Casa Home Care Program for the medical clinic (84.7%) with a range of higher prevalence of 2 to 3 admissions (42.4%). Of the total patients, 120 (87.6%) stayed in hospital for 16 to 30 days. Referring to resolutivity, 130 (94.9%) patients were discharged to the program on the first admission. The PID proved to be a high-solving program, attended mainly elderly women with low income and with periods of relatively short hospitalization