78 research outputs found

    Estruturação, modelagem e implementação de banco de dados geoespaciais para o cadastro ambiental rural

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Geociências, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências Aplicadas, 2017.A crescente produção de dados geoespaciais em formatos digitais e consequentemente o aumento da demanda por dados/informações espaciais, em termos quantitativos e qualitativos, requer dos órgãos públicos e privados a organização de uma estrutura que permita aos usuários o fácil conhecimento das informações já produzidas, o registro de novas informações e a disponibilização delas. A proposta deste trabalho é desenvolver uma ferramenta que auxilie o governo do Distrito Federal na organização das informações geoespaciais referente ao Cadastro Ambiental Rural – CAR, a partir da elaboração da modelagem de dados geoespaciais para uma melhor compreensão e organização dos dados disponibilizados pelo Sistema de Cadastro Ambiental Rural – SICAR. Por conseguinte, a estruturação do banco de dados passará, necessariamente, pelas etapas de desenvolvimento de modelo lógico e implementação física dos dados relacionados ao CAR e, por fim, serão propostos procedimentos que facilitem a gestão dos dados geoespaciais relacionados ao tema CAR. Para tanto, a modelagem proposta explicita as regras aplicadas aos dados oriundos dos cadastros ambientais rurais e que podem ser aplicadas e aprimoradas com o propósito de desenvolver novas ferramentas de gestão de informações relacionadas ao tema CAR.The increasing of geospatial data production in digital formats and consequently the increasing of the demand for spatial data / information in quantitative and qualitative terms requires from the public and private agencies to organize a structure that allows the users to easily know the information already produced and the registration of the new informations and the availability of them. The aim of this project is to develop a tool to aid the Distrito Federal government in the organization of geospatial information related to the Rural Environmental Registry - CAR, based on the elaboration of geospatial data modeling that allows a better understanding and organization of the data provided by the Environmental Cadastre System - SICAR. Therefore, the structuring of the data bank will necessarily go through the stages of development of a logical model and physical implementation of the data related to the CAR. Finally, there will be proposed that will help the management of the geospatial data related to the CAR. So, this modeling method exposes these rules applied from the data of the rural environmental registers and it can be used and improved for the purpose of developing new information management tools related to the CAR theme

    Server Placement with Shared Backups for Disaster-Resilient Clouds

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    A key strategy to build disaster-resilient clouds is to employ backups of virtual machines in a geo-distributed infrastructure. Today, the continuous and acknowledged replication of virtual machines in different servers is a service provided by different hypervisors. This strategy guarantees that the virtual machines will have no loss of disk and memory content if a disaster occurs, at a cost of strict bandwidth and latency requirements. Considering this kind of service, in this work, we propose an optimization problem to place servers in a wide area network. The goal is to guarantee that backup machines do not fail at the same time as their primary counterparts. In addition, by using virtualization, we also aim to reduce the amount of backup servers required. The optimal results, achieved in real topologies, reduce the number of backup servers by at least 40%. Moreover, this work highlights several characteristics of the backup service according to the employed network, such as the fulfillment of latency requirements.Comment: Computer Networks 201

    “Um lugar sem preocupações”: cidade, ditadura e memória em São José dos Campos – SP (1970-1980)

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)Partindo das questões em torno de como a cidade se moldou e dos interesses dos grupos sociais por essa urbanização e memória do processo, esta pesquisa tem como foco a cidade de São José dos Campos, localizada no interior do estado de São Paulo. Logo, na segunda metade do XX temáticas como cidades médias, urbanização, industrialização e desigualdades urbanas serão presentes ao longo da pesquisa. Nesses processos que envolviam os sujeitos que a ocupavam e que nela tinham sua morada, emprego e todo um modo de vida, esta pesquisa busca compreender como se criou uma memória de bem-estar social na cidade e a centralidade da discussão do tripé história-memória-cidade. Para tal pesquisa, uma gama de fontes como documentos oficiais, propagandas e, com maior relevância, fotografias são essenciais. O diálogo com outras áreas, como a Geografia, Arquitetura e Urbanismo e as Ciências Sociais será de grande importância para a análise, junto da própria História, dos sujeitos e do meio em que estavam inseridos. Diversos autores como David Harvey, Heloísa Faria Cruz, E.P. Thompson e outro atrelados à pesquisa de viés social serão fundamentais para a realização desta pesquisa

    Análise do Sistema de Gerenciamento dos Resíduos de Serviços de Saúde do Hospital Regional de Itacoatiara-AM

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    O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o sistema de gerenciamento de resíduos de serviços de saúde – RSS do Hospital Regional José Mendes, Itacoatiara-AM. Foram realizadas a caracterização do estabelecimento, a composição gravimétrica de RSS e a verificação da eficácia do sistema de gerenciamento através de observação direta in loco, registro das informações e análise de documentos internos. Foram identificados os pontos do sistema que não atendiam a legislação pertinente, a estimativa da quantidade de embalagem para acondicionamento de resíduos, dias de maior geração, a proporção de acordo com sua classificação, a relação com os leitos ocupados e problemas de infraestrutura no abrigo externo. Logo, apesar das dificuldades encontradas, este possui uma baixa taxa de geração de resíduos por leito ocupado quando comparado com a literatura, no entanto, a quantidade de resíduos infectantes está próxima de outros valores encontrados por outros autores, corroborando a tendência da alta periculosidade de RSS

    Tissue adhesives in digestive surgery

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    BACKGROUND: Despite refinements in the field of gastrointestinal surgery, anastomotic leakage still remains a serious problem associated with substantial morbidity and mortality and is the fearest life threatening complication in digestive surgery. To prevent or reduce these complications, a diversity of line reinforcement techniques have been investigated and several adjunctive measures have been developed. AIM: To review the data associated with the application of adhesives in digestive surgery procedures. METHOD: Review of papers available at Medline/Pubmed database using the follow headings: adhesive, gastrointestinal tract, surgical anastomosis, fistula. It was chosen recent articles on the subject which showed adhesives as strategy to reduce morbidity and mortality related to digestive surgery. CONCLUSION: Tissue adhesives appears to be safe in the clinical setting and are been used with increasing frequency in a variety of surgical field for its unique hemostatic and adhesive abilities, gaining increasing acceptance among surgeons. Studies suggest that surgical adhesive can be useful to reinforce and improve intestinal anastomotic healing, increase anastomotic bursting pressures and tensile strength. The potentially harmful tissue effects of the preparations might compromise the use of these substances. Because of the heterogeneity and lack of high level evidence, new studies have to be performed.INTRODUÇÃO: Apesar dos refinamentos em cirurgia gastrointestinal, vazamentos anastomóticos persistem como grave problema, associados à morbidade e mortalidade elevadas e constituem a complicação mais temida. Na tentativa de prevenir e reduzir estas complicações, diversidade de técnicas de reforço anastomótico tem sido investigada e diversas medidas auxiliares têm sido desenvolvidas. OBJETIVO: Revisar os dados associados a aplicação de adesivos em cirurgia digestiva. MÉTODO: Revisão bibliográfica de artigos disponíveis no Medline/Pubmed utilizando-se os descritores: adesivo, trato gastrointestinal, anastomose cirúrgica e fístula. Foram selecionados os artigos mais atualizados sobre o assunto os quais utilizaram adesivos como estratégia para reduzir a morbidade e mortalidade relacionada à cirurgia digestiva. CONCLUSÃO: Adesivos teciduais parecem seguros na prática clínica e têm sido utilizados com crescente frequência em várias especialidades cirúrgicas em decorrência de suas propriedades hemostáticas e selante, ganhando cada vez maior aceitação por parte dos cirurgiões. Estudos sugerem que adesivos cirúrgicos podem reforçar e melhorar a cicatrização de anastomoses intestinais, elevando a pressão de ruptura e aumentando a força tênsil. Os potenciais efeitos deletérios teciduais destas substâncias podem limitar sua utilização. Em decorrência da heterogeneidade dos estudos e falta de evidência forte, novas pesquisas deverão ser desenvolvidas

    A Decision Making: Implant or Endodontic Treatment? A Case Report

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    The present report describes the successful treatment of a tooth with an endo-perio lesion and an extensive area of bone resorption. The possibility of extraction and dental implant was discussed with the patient. Chemomechanical preparation was performed, and canals were filled with bioceramic cement and gutta-percha cones. After 12 months, clinical and radiographic evaluations showed remarkable remineralization. The decision to perform the endodontic treatment or implant was based on scientific evidence and correct clinical assessment

    Thermal Comfort in Swine: Basic Concepts for Better Production

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    Com o crescimento do mercado consumidor, diversos países vêm desenvolvendo tecnologias de gestão mais eficientes e sustentáveis para reduzir os efeitos nocivos do estresse térmico na produção de suínos, fato ainda mais importante em países com climas tropicais como o Brasil. O suíno produzido no Brasil é um animal que, de diferentes formas, foi importado de outros países relativamente frios. Portanto, eles foram geneticamente adaptados ao clima tropical. Assim, devido aos efeitos nocivos das altas temperaturas, melhorar o ambiente de produção é a forma mais eficiente de mitigar o estresse térmico. Esta revisão tem como objetivo abordar as principais complicações que o estresse térmico pode causar aos suínos e identificar abordagens de manejo adequadas para reduzir a suscetibilidade a curto prazo ao desconforto. Tais informações buscam incentivar práticas de manejo sadio voltadas para o conforto térmico dos animais e consequente ganho de eficiência produtiva

    Evaluation of the rational use of agricultural space for better human occupation

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    Changes in microclimates in urbanized areas are due to direct human interference, such as the replacement of wooded areas by paving and construction in inadequate locations. For the study of environments, climatic variables interpreted in isolation have little informative content because its exist in set. Considering the expansion of urban areas over the rural environment, the characterization of anthropized environments has been an important tool for feeding urban projects that, in order to be sustainable, have used comfort indexes in your evaluations. Another resource currently used are decision support systems, such as those that use fuzzy logic, as they assist in the observation of conflicting situations such as those involving environmental issues. Thus, in this research, the human discomfort index (HDI) was used to assess 6 different microclimates and to verify the degree of interference of rural anthropization in human thermal comfort and with the observed information build a mathematical model based on fuzzy logic, relating climatic variables and microenvironments, in which the response variable were levels of human well-being. In the end, it was possible to conclude that the urbanization process in rural areas influences the microclimate and quality of the environments, reflecting human thermal comfort. In addition, the Fuzzy model constructed estimated the observed scenarios in a coherent manner, serving to assist in the management of agricultural environments and decision making

    Yield parameters and water productivity of tropical and overseeded winter forages

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    Intensive pasture exploitation with tropical forages is one of the most efficient forms ruminant production. However, the results depends on the knowledge about these forages and the experience in its management. The objective of this work was to evaluate water productivity (WP) and yield parameters of Megathyrsus maximum cv. Mombaça “Guinea grass” and Cynodon spp. “Bermuda grass”, in single culture and overseeded with oats + ryegrass in autumn/winter period. Irrigation management was done considering a depletion factor of 0.3 (70% of the humidity the field capacity). The experimental design was a randomized complete block design with four replications, in which the forages are the treatments with evaluation at the time of the cycles. For all evaluated parameters, the best results were obtained with the Guinea grass in exclusive cultivation. The TFP (Total Forage Productivity) of Guinea grass was superior to Bermuda grass (59.3 and 30.2 Mg ha-1, respectively), in accordance with its average LAI (Leaf area index) values of 4.8 and 2.5, respectively. The most efficient use of water occurred for Guinea grass in exclusive cultivation, and the intercropped crops did not present increases in the WP. In the autumn/winter period, the accumulated TFP of the exclusive crop of Guinea grass was higher than the other crops. However, the SDM of Bermuda grass was higher than the other crops. In winter, the highest LAI occurred in Guinea grass in exclusive cultivation, followed by the overseeded Guinea grass, 4.8 and 4.5, respectively. Consortia did not increase forage yield during the winter. The consortiums did not increase forage yield during the winter

    Reuse of treated domestic sewage for biquinho pepper cultivation

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    This study aimed to evaluate the reuse of treated domestic sewage in biquinho pepper (Capsicum chinense L.) cultivation under different irrigation regimes. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, in a randomised block design with a 3 x 4 factorial scheme, with four replications. Forty-eight pepper plants were subjected to three treated domestic sewage concentrations (0, 50, and 100%) and four irrigation depths (75, 100, 125, and 150% of the crop evapotranspiration - ETc). Data for ETc estimation were obtained from an automatic meteorological station, which was installed in the greenhouse. The results showed that irrigation depths corresponding to 125 and 150% of the ETc at a concentration of 100% treated domestic sewage resulted in higher plants. Moreover, longer fruits were obtained when plants were subjected to 100% ETc at 100% treated domestic sewage. The studied irrigation depths influenced pepper fruit total weight and yield. No treated domestic sewage concentrations significantly influenced the variables analysed. Treated domestic sewage reuse can constitute an alternative for quality water saving and for chemical fertilisation of biquinho pepper crop. Highlights: The growing of beak pepper with domestic sewage treated can bring benefits in terms of providing nutrients to the crops; Adequate levels of water replacement with domestic sewage treated may promote good crop development. The use of treated domestic sewage can be an alternative to reduce the use of better quality water and chemical fertilization in the growing of beak pepper. Reduction of environmental impact may be possible with the replacement of chemical fertilizer by domestic sewage treated in the growing of beak pepper.This study aimed to evaluate the reuse of treated domestic sewage in biquinho pepper (Capsicum chinense L.) cultivation under different irrigation regimes. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, in a randomised block design with a 3 x 4 factorial scheme, with four replications. Forty-eight pepper plants were subjected to three treated domestic sewage concentrations (0, 50, and 100%) and four irrigation depths (75, 100, 125, and 150% of the crop evapotranspiration - ETc). Data for ETc estimation were obtained from an automatic meteorological station, which was installed in the greenhouse. The results showed that irrigation depths corresponding to 125 and 150% of the ETc at a concentration of 100% treated domestic sewage resulted in higher plants. Moreover, longer fruits were obtained when plants were subjected to 100% ETc at 100% treated domestic sewage. The studied irrigation depths influenced pepper fruit total weight and yield. No treated domestic sewage concentrations significantly influenced the variables analysed. Treated domestic sewage reuse can constitute an alternative for quality water saving and for chemical fertilisation of biquinho pepper crop. Highlights: The growing of beak pepper with domestic sewage treated can bring benefits in terms of providing nutrients to the crops; Adequate levels of water replacement with domestic sewage treated may promote good crop development. The use of treated domestic sewage can be an alternative to reduce the use of better quality water and chemical fertilization in the growing of beak pepper. Reduction of environmental impact may be possible with the replacement of chemical fertilizer by domestic sewage treated in the growing of beak pepper